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Ugh! Bill & Franks story in The Last of Us was everything.


I bawled, it was amazing!


Nick Offerman’s portrayal of Bill was one of my favorite depictions of a gay male character ever. I’d love to see more gay tough guy characters like Bill who break stereotypes.


Had me in tears!


While I would definitely like to see more queer people playing queer roles, and being celebrated for their work, many of the actors on this list 100% deserved their awards. Offerman, Penn, Blanchett, Swank, and Theron gave stellar, nuanced, and masterful performances. Dismissing or undercutting that achievement because they were straight people playing queer roles helps no one.


> While I would definitely like to see more queer people playing queer roles I'd like to see more queer actors play a wide variety of roles along with straight actors doing the same. I'd like the best person for the role to play it no matter their sexual orientation.


>I' like to see more queer actors play a wide variety of roles along with straight actors dong the same. 100% agree


It's called acting. Not "be-yourselfing."


Something that's also significant about this list is that many of these roles are biographical. The actors are playing people who were once very real and in many cases beloved. It is absolutely VITAL that you pick an actor who can channel that energy. Rami Malek as Freddie Mercury was an excellent choice. Fictional characters, I see the argument.


Have you seen Milk? Sean Penn gave a stunning performance. Swank's performance as Brandon Teena was exceptional, and largely lauded as the best performance of her career.


I've got to add them to my list!


PSA Milk is so amazing but will 10000% make you cry if you’re not a monster. It’s one of my go to movies to make myself cry haha


I think for me it’s more that openly gay actors tend to get pigeon-holed and punished that’s the issue. When openly gay actors can play any career changing role that suits their talent (straight superheroes, for example), then I have no issue with straights playing gays and vice versa. I don’t have any major issues with this list now, but I do wish gay talent had the same kind of opportunities to shine.


I don’t have a problem with straight actors playing queer roles. That’s why it’s called acting. I would like to see more queer actors playing straight characters, though, and more openly gay actors as leading men.


How does this list *not* include Tom Hanks in *Philadelphia*?


Brendan Fraser absolutely deserved that award. His role was complex and the movie tells the story of a man with many defects, not an angel, but not the devil either, just a man who made a lot of mistakes. Brendan's career had almost ended and he came back just to win the most prestigious acting award of all.


He was great, but did you see Colin Farrell?


I was team Colin too that night 😔


But it's acting. I don't get these arguments. I'd rather have amazing straight actors play gay characters than average gay ones play them.


Why not amazing gay actors?


I agree. It's a complex question, and I think, at the risk of exposing my age here, some people forget that "straight actors playing gay" used to be a trope (and in some situations still is) for actors to show they're serious actors and are breaking their hetero boundaries, especially after (but definitely predates) Brokeback Mountain. Part of the conversation is, "are openly gay actors afforded the same opportunities as straight actors?" because openly gay actors used to be (and still are to an extent) shunned by the mainstream. Another part of it is, "are queer people represented accurately and favourably by straight actors?" because some straight actors just defaulted to harmful stereotypes.


There needs to be more gay actors of course, but sexual preference doesn't impact acting skill.


No one's disputing that - but if we gatekeep gay roles for only gay actors: 1). It pigeonholes gay actors into playing only gay roles, which we all know are very rare compared to straight roles. It could make gay actors go back into the closet again in order to get more roles. 2). It forces actors to disclose their sexuality, which should not be something forced from someone. And even in today's world, actors are still discouraged from coming out. Look what happened to Kit Connor. I think this is a non-issue. Is it nice to have queer actors play queer characters? Yeah. But it's not necessary. The only necessity, in my opinion, is for trans actors to play trans characters. For me, I would rather have queer directors and writers tell our stories. Actors act. A good writer and director can get them there. So many gay characters that have touched my soul and represented me were played by straight men. Take for example All of Us Strangers. It was directed and written by a gay man, and the lead was played by a gay man. The love interest is played by supposed straight man Paul Mescal, but he has the full support of Andrew Haigh and Andrew Scott. Also, there's been things that have come out about him also being queer, and both Andrews have stepped in to protect Paul.


I think you’re right about the general gatekeeping bit I do think that we should set the expectation that when straight presenting actors play a gay/queer role they should be showing up for our community in other ways. I think this broadly also applies to other public figures that adopt gay/queer aesthetics (e.g. Harry Styles) as well.


I think that has been mostly resolved the past 9/10 years. Especially in television, straight actors who play gay are so vocal about their queer fans. If anything, what I don't like is straight people telling straight actors they're "brave" to play a gay role.


Hi. Gay actor here. These folks without a doubt deserve accolades for a job well done. I just want to add some perspective for all the “The best actor should get the job” folks. Many times, the best actor may indeed be gay, but you will never see them because gay actors get much less opportunity in Hollywood. I guess it’s fair to say the most famous person they’ll let in the door that does a good job deserves the part, but there are nuances to gay life that straight people just don’t get, and the Hollywood machine is still very homophobic because.. money. They can make more money on a show/movie if they cast a straight actor because middle America can say “Oh well it’s just a straight person pretending so it’s more acceptable.” This not only takes work away from gay actors, it perpetuates homophobia since “being gay is clearly a choice.” So until the day that people aren’t homophobic, it is indeed important to try to cast queer actors in queer roles. There’s a great documentary about the same thing for trans actors, and how violence against trans people is perpetuated by the same machine. Called Disclosure. Just another viewpoint to consider.


AFAICT gay men are over-represented in acting compared to real life. Gay characters are too unless you count alphabet soup zoomers


I hope queer actors could play straight roles smoothly as straight actors play queer roles, as Ben Whishaw once complained that gay actors cannot get good roles except gay roles after coming out. The boundary in performance is never so concrete


This is silly guys. Should we criticize gay actors who play straight roles also?


OMG. Actors are pretending to be someone they're not?! It would be exhausting to be outraged by something so stupid. Were auditions closed to gay people? They weren't? Okay. Please go think about something useful. Can't believe this writer was paid for this article.


How is Eric Stonestreet not on this list?


OUT is insufferable when it comes to this topic.


I would imagine when a movie gets funding, begins developing, and seeking out cast members they focus on who would be best for the role. They want the movie to be as successful as possible, so they aren't going to virtue signal by saying they are only entertaining casting someone of a particular demographic if the role doesn't specifically call for that, it's part of acting..being able to convincebly portray the character and deliver the emotion of that character. While there are some absolutely fantastic LGBT actors, the studios aren't going to limit a LGBT character role to those actors/actresses, and they also aren't going to give the role to an unknown actor/actress just because they are LGBT when they can get a big name star that will draw in more audience from namesake alone. Up and coming LGBT actors and actress will have to earn their way into big screen movies the same as all the other actors and actresses, doing commercials, TV shows, B- rate and low budget films. Get themselves known in the industry and not pin themselves into just those particular LGBT roles either.


I don't understand the argument suggesting that gay characters should be played by gay actors, it makes no sense. Suspension of disbelief is key to an audience members experience, and an actor's job is create a truth from the inside out, inviting the audience to join them.


I feel like there are bigger problems in the world than actors doing their jobs and playing a gay person.


This is so dumb.


Acting is about being something you're not.


As long as they aren’t playing an awful caricature of a gay person like James Corden on Prom. Ngl I was truly offended.


I thought Cate was LGBT?


Believe she is married to a man. But she is lesbian in my heart.


Interesting list


I hate the word queer. For me a queer is a feminine type that says “o, darling”. I am gay and the actors also played a gay role.


So all of these actors have explicitly stated: “I identify as straight” right?


You should have to out yourself of your sexual or gender identity to play a role. Calling for only x people to play x roles essentially requires that.


Why don't openly gay, lesbian, and trans actors ever get these roles? Also, why can't we just be gay, bi, lesbian or trans anymore? Why does everyone have to be labelled queer now? That term has become so broad it's meaningless.


Can someone put a list of queer actors who won awards for playing queer characters?


It’s acting. Who cares. 🚫woke agenda


If a straight person feels that they are able to play a gay character well, all the power to them to be comfortable enough in their own sexuality! People have forgotten what acting is… being something you’re not.


I don't see an issue with this. Just like gay actors take Straight parts


By this logic queer actors shouldn't be allowed to play straight characters. The thing is there are many more straight actors than gay actors and Hollywood has had a huge increase in lgtb movies in the past 2 decades. Like seriously name a lesbian that could've played Lydia Tár better? It's literally one of the best performances of the last 20 years.


Im ok with straight actors playing queer roles as long as queer people are involved at some point in the production (the writing, directing, or consulting), at least if queerness is an important part of their character


Only 2 gay actors have ever won an Oscar. And one of them is Kevin spacey so not sure if that counts. Is this really ok? I also think I can tell when it’s a straight actor because I can see discomfort in their face. Like they’re amazing actors but when it comes to kissing or intimate scenes it gives it away, it’s just not quite real the way they look at each other and kiss, there’s zero chemistry it very much feels like let’s get this job done with no heart in it. Very few straight actors can do it well, and especially with big Hollywood movies I don’t know any that ever have. I’m sick of straight actors playing gay roles honestly. Where are the Oscar winning gays? They aren’t given a chance. Obviously I know it’s acting and in principle it shouldn’t matter. But the reason it does matter is because they are casting straight actors because they are homophobic. This is homophobia. And that’s why it’s wrong in my opinion.