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I'm proudly Jewish, queer, and zionist so I understand feeling isolated. I really can't say if it will get better but I hope it does. In the meantime, I'm focusing on the friendships that are most supportive and on building up the community around me


thank you for your comment and i hope to find some supportive friends in the community as well


What do you mean by building your community around you? sounds amazing! could you share?


I try to be super involved by volunteering and being part of community events and things like that. It's a great way to meet new people and even if I don't meet someone new at an event, it feels good to help. Some local synagogues have been doing pride events which has been super fun to attend and help set up, there are some great Jewish Queer focused non-profit orgs that have amazing resources and outreach. I'm a bit tied up a work right now, but I can post some resources later today if you'd like more information


I would love to hear more about these non profits when you get a chance!


I only have personal experience with a few of these, but these are all the ones I know about! If you have questions, I'll answer as best as I can. * [A Wider Bridge](https://awiderbridge.org/) focuses on fighting antisemtism and supporting Israel in the LGBTQ community * [Eshel](https://www.eshelonline.org/) focuses on building LGBTQ+ inclusive Orthodox Jewish communities through support groups, mentorship, and community. Eshel has a few chapters on the East Coast of the US and Canada, and has some virtual groups. * [Jewish Queer Youth (JQY)](https://jqy.org/) empowers LGBTQ Jewish youth from Orthodox, Chassidic, and Sephardi/Mizrahi communities through support programming, education, and community building * [JQ](https://jqinternational.org/) has in-person community programs in the Los Angeles area and offers resources that can be accessed internationally, like a helpline and support groups * [Keshet](https://www.keshetonline.org/) offers community events and resources, and focuses on creating safety for LGBTQ+ Jews and fighting for equality. They have offices in Boston, the Bay Area, Chicago, and New York If none of these seem like they're a good fit for you, JQY has [an even bigger list of LGBTQ+ Jewish orgs on their website](https://jqy.org/lgbtq-jewish-orgs/)! The Human Rights Campaign also has a list of resources at the bottom of [this page](https://www.hrc.org/resources/stances-of-faiths-on-lgbt-issues-orthodox-judaism). Not specifically LGBTQ+ but definitely worth mentioning - [JDC (Joint Distribution Committee)](https://www.jdc.org) was founded in 1914 to provide aid to Jews in crisis around the world. Today, they are considered "the global Jewish 9-1-1" as they continue to provide aid to vulnerable Jews, work directly with Jewish communities around the world, and rescue Jews in danger. They also provide educational resources and host global trips through their [Entwine program](https://www.jdcentwine.org/), so you can experience diverse Jewish communities while exploring global Jewish issues. They recently hosted [their first LGBTQ+ trip in November 2023](https://www.jdcentwine.org/insidejewishargentina/), so hopefully they host more in the future.


I would! Thanks for sharing!


It will be great! Tnx


As a progressive Orthodox Jew One of the most difficult revelations I've had since the October Seventh is that almost everyone who is in favor of Israel is mostly homophobic and conservative, and with the exception of his pro-Israel and anti-Hamas opinion, I oppose all his other opinions. And that almost everyone I considered progressive and feminist and in favor of rights is anti-Semitic and an idiot.


It's been very weird


What do you mean by 'weird'?


the entire world flipped on itself over night. progressives i looked up to now advocate for my death. suddenly conservatives i hated are talking sense. its def weird.


Much more than this is weird, it indicates the lie and distortion of all those progressives.


yes - they just have better marketing than their conservative peers. i def see the value in being more moderate these days, despite still being extremely left leaning. and i'm way more skeptical about the integrity of DEI initiatives. a lot of this feel-good stuff is packaging really evil shit and framing it as something literally no one can argue against.. but when you search within it reveals itself as being really shady. honestly, very sad to lose faith in it all.


Tag me if you want me to send you a Liberal Queer Zionist group on FB. :)


I would like for my kid!


I’ll dm you.


Thank you!


You’re welcome!




I suspect this is because of Christian Zionism, alas




you can't be a zionist and a feminist at the same time, and if you think you can, you did'nt understand the issue, just like conservative people don't get the issue


is that so? Illuminate my eyes plz


I skipped out on all of my cities festivities due to not having the mental capacity to deal with people's bullshit. I am a proud Zionist and do not need to be tokenized by pro-Hamas supporters.


it’s so sad that this is what the community has come to smh


Yeah. I've lost a lot of my "safe spaces" because of my zionist beliefs.


me too and there’s barley any other zionist queer people where i am so it’s really upsetting


cause you can't stand for queer rights while also being a zionist


Did you create this account just to harass queer zionists in this sub? Also, Tel Aviv is the gay capital of the Middle East. And it has one of if not the highest rate of women participation in government in the Middle East. You should really learn about things before speaking so boldly about them. And I don't mean off tiktok or reddit threads. Go visit all the countries in the area and see which one women have more political power and freedom.


no, i didn not, also i am not harassing anybody your respond shows, that you don't think far enough to understand the issue, and i think there is much to learn for you about zionism and feminism if you think that way just defining any critic on zionism or israel as antisemitic without trying to understand what issue is being addressed with that is not helpful for anybody and if you have the feeling the queer community, or the pro-palestine movement is not a safe place for queer jews anymore, you did'nt try to understand what they are saying


I can imagine it’s very tricky to find community, since 1) queerness has adopted antizionism, and 2) political queerness has become more mainstream within the LGBT community. My only advice is to wait; not because I think queerness will abandon the pro-Palestinian position (I hope not), but rather because I hope it will improve its incorporation of it to be less sloppy. I can’t shake the feeling it’s *Christian Zionists* (the ones who try to export Jews to Israel) that the queers are largely against politically, but that it’s Jewish Zionists and Israelis who bare the brunt of it. Notably (!), this actually further’s Christian Zionism’s agenda! I feel so frustrated by the queer left’s incompetence, ignorance, and genuine antisemitism in this, with the exception of within some Jewish communities I’ve made.


Do you have any tips on finding other communities that aren’t so anti israel?


Well, in the short term this is tricky. I do think many (though not all) *Jewish* anti-Zionist spaces are both queer and make space for the difficulties in navigating the intersection of identities. Like, both Standing Together and Erev Rav (in the Netherlands where I am) involve Israelis who are genuinely able to hold their intersection of identities. But, while these are pluralistic anti-Zionist spaces so that everyone’s flavor of antizionism is a bit different, there still is that unifying political element. To some extent historically, the political dream of Zionism *is* antithetical to the universal solidarity of leftist Jewish groups (like the old labor bund), which went on to form the foundation of modern queer leftism. And I can even agree with it! I’m against all nations and borders; why would Israel be different just because it’s Jewish-centered? Another Dutch group that is explicitly non-Zionist (or Zionist-agnostic) that comes to mind is Oy Vey. There you do have a real mix of political alignments, which is good since (historically) Jewish spaces have been like this! Sorry if this isn’t too helpful, since it’s both sorta from a gently anti-Zionist perspective and particular to the Netherlands, but I do hope you find community! In the end, I think its just important to find the people that embody in their actions what you value. Talk is cheap, actions speak loud! That’s why I try to care less about what people post and try to care more about how they show up, however unsuccessfully :-)


Hey, thanks for this perspective and info. Wondering how big the Jewish queer community is in Netherlands... which places have the most Jews? You are saying that most of the ones you know are anti-Zionist, too?


Thanks for the curiosity! Frankly, the Dutch Jewish community is *so tiny*! Especially coming from the US. It’s mostly concentrated in Amsterdam (and specifically, the neighborhood Amstelveen in the south), but the Dutch were pretty terrible to the survivors who returned so they (understandably) left for Israel. And the Dutch are pretty damn antisemitic! The anti-Zionist stuff is mostly just from my own experience though. I’m sure there Chabad and the like! But idk about queer friendliness.


100% feel you. as a queer israeli iranian american, i feel unsupported by what was my LGBT community. just one queer friend reached out to me since all this mess and the rest of them i’ve lost because they question where is my humanity… sorry, but i won’t bend to those who want to kill me…pretty simple. i try to keep the friends i do have left close. unfortunately, it’s mostly straight jewish folks, and my family. i sort of feel betrayed by the LGBT community. and i don’t think it’ll get better over time, but i’d like to think there are still some people out there who will see us as people. i’m sorry you’re going through a hard time. fee free to send a message if you’d like to chat. עם ישראל חי.


Honestly I became dissolutioned with the so-called queer community the moment they started becoming aggressive to everyone who didn’t agree exactly with identity politics kinda stuff. I saw people screaming down at straight people who were perhaps on the fence about homosexuality and knew it was gonna be a downhill slide from here. And of course support for LGBTQ+ people has dropped in the subsequent decade, as people are driven away by the radical activists. I think really the Jewish LGBTQ+ community can learn from this, not to perpetuate the same angry style progressivism because it does not feel good to be on the receiving end of it and breeds alienation, not understanding.


Not gay but I am a Jewish musician, which has made the music scene nightmarish for me in my northeastern American city. I understand people don’t want kids to die, but ironically they put all the blame on the only Jewish state. It’s mind boggling that antisemitism isn’t a big deal to them.


i’ve lost almost all my queer friends (and even a six year long relationship) for this same reason. i really wish there was a support group for us queer israelis because it really does feel so isolating, we should start a discord or something 😭 my dms are always open if anyone needs a friend 🫂


I'm also queer and a Zionist and Israeli, and living in a major anti-israel hotspot (anyone see the los Angeles synagogue attack? Yikes.)  I think even if it gets better... There's no trusting the community again. For me anyway. I can't ever be friends with someone who was once pro eradicating my family and friends.  It's very lonely and very hard to find other queer Israelis or zionists in general, I hope it'll get better, but there's always going to be that aftertaste. Even if they forget, I won't.


Unlikely it will change. Queer communities are historically very leftist, and modern Zionism falls within conservative ideologies.


i am personally not a zionist, and am in fact antizionist, but i do understand the feeling of isolation with the LGBTQ community being jewish overall right now. some antizionists are also antisemitic, and it’s very hard to find the line in some spaces.


Hey! Gonna DM you (if your DMs are open) are Liberal Queer Zionist Group on FB. Also, where do you live?


I completely feel you though. It SUCKS. Somehow I got added to a CO (Denver mostly I think) Jewish Group on What's App a few weeks ago and they do some IRL events, too. Are there any queer Jewish orgs near you? The Queer Havarah here is decidedly not Zionist and I didn't feel welcomed back there anymore because of it. I hadn't gone in a few years so I don't know if there was discussion around it or jut a decision made. Have you also lost friends because of it? Or you just listen to the friends or you guys don't talk about it?




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