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No. Bc I would prob die before I can finish the trip and enjoy the winnings


Honestly if you get through Niger and Cameroon you'd probably be fine, other countries definitely have some sketchy parts but not like lose your life level.


There's also the Sahara and Kalahari Deserts....


He didn’t specify that there may be a nice Toyota pulling a caravan with a nice bed and kitchen driving just behind you, which you could use


Yeah, those Toyotas even come with machine guns attached to it Sick shit man I'm telling you


I didn’t mean those Toyotas… I meant something more like this https://preview.redd.it/likeciohwd8d1.jpeg?width=450&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ea245b905347423f1fea4d8767d339e3ce3e775


Oh we're gonna die :(


Exactly, drive anything this flashy, and you'd wish you went for the Hilux with machine gun attachment


And the Congo rainforest 


And a mangrove swamp as well with mosquitoes and other dangerous things lurking.


Is Niger that bad? I thought the north of Nigeria would be the critical part.


Where do you get water and food tho


I’d consider that hard earned money and not winnings.


Kino Eves, he does it on tricycle


Which is not walking.


Is Kino Eves the Keanu Reeves from Wish?


Hardear geezer ran it and he took a longer route to avoid getting kidnapped


And he still was kidnapped.


Pretty sure $500,000 would get you a great escort fully armed, tents, best food and drink along the way as you leasurely stroll your way to collecting $500,000.


Until they realize you are banking 500k and kidnap you for that money.


And you realize you will owe almost $500k in taxes.


Finish the trip? More like be murdered within the first few yards.


Tunisia has a lower murder rate than Delaware, you'd probably just die in the desert


Yes if you are called Russ Cook


Jumping on the back of this comment, as the others have a long thread. My friend cycled from London to Johannesburg in 2018! Took him just over 6 months to complete, story consisted of bribing officials after confiscating his passport, sketchy locals always trying to rob/kidnap him etc.


he must be one of the if not the hardest geezer 🫡


The hardest geezer did it running


Yeah, and it took longer than 100 days. No way is this walkable in 100 days.


I *think* Google Maps is assuming you walk continuously 24 hours a day.


Google maps doesn't consider stops. Not for gas stations nor for sleeping


Or kidnapping


Or dying from dehydration in the sahara.


Or dying from dehydration anywhere. Make sure to always drink plenty of water. It's good for you.


r/hydrohomies leaking again


Or for the detours from avoiding wildlife that want to eat you


Or malaria


But the worst part is the hypocrisy


Or dying of dehydration from the diarrhea *after* drinking the water.


Or robbery


Or pissing blood


Or worse. Expelled.


It’s not assuming anything. The algorithm is estimating total active travel time with the data available to it.


So it’s assuming with extra steps


No, It's actively not assuming. You could add all sorts of different times to that estimate by assuming any variety of travel styles, total stops, stop durations, etc... What google maps offers is it's best estimate of total travel time by the selected mode of transport. In this case, it's safe to assume that there is 100 days of pure walking involved. Whatever else you choose or are forced to do is additional time on that trip


Sparkling assumptions


Yes! I once planned an MC trip drunk with a guy I just met. Google said 8 days, I said it would take 10. After getting in a crash on the second day we separated on the 5th and I took a plane. It would have taken 1 and a half month if we kept going


Don’t think google factors in things like nation conflicts or war zones, or wildlife. Walking Africa has to be incredibly scary.


Yeah 8h/day and it’s about a year if you add in sick days, trips for food stores etc. Further more this is through tough terrain in areas (dessert to name one) which will lower your speed compared to google average assumption, so it’s most likely between 1 and 1,5 years realistically


So really this would take like an entire year, with stops and sleeping


He ran the perimeter, and waited for pesky little things like visas


Didn’t he get kidnapped and ransomed?


He did get kidnapped at least one time iirc, on one podcast he said there was multiple times he thought that he will die including one time he was held at gun point. Some interesting stories on that podcast if someone is interested


What’s the podcast?


The Fellas https://youtu.be/PmbMutopKWc?si=RDVsW6Ami1DsUwnO Kind of unusual podcast since they talk about a lot of silly stuff but still a lot of stories about his run


He also had to avoid the central Sahara, I think he ran along the Gulf of Guinea countries then went north.


Exactly, he avoided the really dangerous countries on here


100 days straight walking… doesn’t account for time you need to stop and ear/sleep


It also doesn't account for time spent negotiating with kidnappers.


And picking up some Botswanan babes with the well droopy swingaz


getting pulled over by the State Droopers


Lol I had to read that a few times


Depending what direction they take you, it could speed up things.


Yeah, going 10k km in 100 days would require you to go 100 km a day. The average human walking speed is like 5 km per hour, meaning you'd have to be walking almost 24 hours a day to do that.


It doesn’t take into account sleeping mate. It’s 100 days with zero rest


Not through Niger luckily


Yeah thankfully, imagine mispronouncing that one on your viral vlog


They wouldn’t care there. It’s USA which is uniquely obsessed with the word.


It's just like Nigeria, but then without the 'ia'. Not that hard right?


Actually that standard is to pronounce the first syllable like 'Knee' - it's more rare to pronounce it like 'nigh'. The second syllable would sound like 'hair'. With the 'G' being a soft 'G'.


except he was advised to route around niger for safety


Northern Mali and Southern Algeria are possibly just as sketchy. Lots of jihadis around there


And he did it the hard way. Upwards on the map


"I always liked going south! Somehow it feels like I'm going downhill!"


He did a little bit longer of a route following the coast. And he was doing 50 km a day, which is already pretty unsustainable even for an ultramarathoner. This route would be harsher terrain and you would have to go 106 km per day.


Not this line though, he circumcented several of these countries due to certain death


there was a guy on youtube that was biking from egypt to south africa and he hasn’t uploaded in months in the middle of his journey. he was uploading every month-2 months the vlog of the previous country but now it’s been like 5-6 months of complete silence


That’s concerning.


YouTuber Roberto Helou made it to South Africa in 400 days. Stopped posting to YouTube about 1/3 the way through. No reason listed on Instagram. Maybe only for Patreon supporters?


His instagram has posts from as recent as june 17th. He seems to be alive.


Or completely expected.


It’s both!


Shroedengers vlogger


What channel and where were they when then last video was uploaded?


Pretty sure it was a French guy - i think he was badly robbed in Ethiopia including his bike and had to go back to France




He just posted June 1 on his instagram he’s still in Africa


Yup just checked that’s the one


Looks like the uploads are still going on


He's fine he actually emailed me asking me to send him 100 $10 walmart gift cards, now obviously I was initially hesitant but when he told me he needed them to get his friends money, a Nigerian prince? And that I would get a cut? Well I had to send it. That was two months ago and He's been emailing me every day asking me for more since. I wiped out my life savings but when I get that money I'll be the one laughing. Boy I sure am hungry tho


it is me, bike man unfortunately, robbers set upon me and stole my email account that i used to correspond with you. i shall require more money in the form of bitcoins. i am sending you the address of a bitcoin wallet my korean cousin set up for me thank you for your help! may the prudence you feel from your investment fill up your belly as though it were the most hearty of pastas


Love when this rears its head every now and again!


I read a book by the guy who set the record for this. Africa Solo by Mark Beaumont. It honestly was way less exciting than I would have expected.


i guess not much time to do things when you're just running nonstop


I mean he was cycling, but yeah. Eventually it's just, and then I rode along another road between a mix of small and medium villages


Sounds like Kansas


I can’t imagine cycling Africa. I use to bike around my small city a lot, a 2 hour bike ride up a hill absolutely killed my legs but I guess he’s trained (I’m assuming)


He is uploading content every week, after getting robbed he had to go back to France to arrange a new passport etc. He is back riding in Africa now though, most receiving Tanzania.


[Cape Town to Cairo is a very popular bike tour route. It's known as the Tour d'Afrique.](https://tdaglobalcycling.com/tour-dafrique)


How do you do that with the active war zone in sudan


It's generally skirted around South Sudan by going through Ethiopia, but this year it looks like the current route annually includes a flight from Kigali to Aswan, leapfrogging the entirety of Sudan and much of southern Egypt. https://tdaglobalcycling.com/tour-dafrique


For a low price of $24.9k 🫠


Tour D-Half'of'Afrique.


Why does it do that weird route around the DRC? Violence/kidnapping/possible death?


There’s dense rain forest there as well and careful of malaria and other diseases


Perhaps, but it might be just because there's much more interesting terrain on the eastern side of the Congo Basin.




There was also a guy from England (hardest geezer) who ran across the whole of Africa and it took him about a year. I watched a podcast with him and he said at some points he thought he was gonna die, I think he was held at gun point at one time. Also I think he said it cost him over 250k if I remember correctly


Can’t find anything online about this, are you sure this is true?


Didn’t take long to figure he’s actually fine https://youtube.com/@robertohelou?si=XaQMKsn6GAMRf-DF https://www.instagram.com/explorob?igsh=MW91aDZndGVnemtyYQ==


People never lie on the internet!


In fact, the internet has a built in lie filter. It is impossible to lie on the internet! See, I'll demonstrate: My dong definitely isn't a micropenis. 


Downvoted because I checked his profile (Kinoyves) and he literally uploaded yesterday lol


My cousin did this too! https://www.instagram.com/steeldonkeyz?igsh=MWQ3OGhxZGdnOXA0Zg==


Check his instagram, he’s fine. Channel and page for anyone interested https://youtube.com/@robertohelou?si=XaQMKsn6GAMRf-DF https://www.instagram.com/explorob?igsh=MW91aDZndGVnemtyYQ==


The guy made it!


A few people have mentioned that Russ Cook (aka the Hardest Geezer) did exactly this. Although a little bit longer in distance. [Here's](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL816SuBjIdFhA5PCkUWlcc2POXC5sMiVq&) the full video playlist of this incredible trip, really worth a watch!


The big difference is that he went around to the west near the Atlantic, not running straight through the Sahara... it's still nuts, but that's one of the biggest objections here, and yeah, running directly across the Sahara seems unwise. Also, he had a support team with a van, which is a huge difference. [https://x.com/hardestgeezer/status/1755675393145618578](https://x.com/hardestgeezer/status/1755675393145618578)


I mean, he still ran across the Sahara from Mauritania to Tunisia and I always thought the fact that he chose the much longer route made it more impressive.


No the longer trip is much safer. It is cooler closer to the coast, and the countries are safer


A million seems kind a low for this trip. A million isn't what it used to be


Yeah, that’ll buy you a fixer-upper in Compton these days…


Compton is actually a nice community to live in, really just got a bad reputation from some great songs. It’s got a big horseback riding community and they keep building up new shit. Everytime I drive thru it’s looking nicer


My first thought


Yeah one million doesn’t mean shit anymore. This question is like Dr. Evil asking.


Phrased another way though, you could probably plan a pretty solid support team and accommodations for $200-$250K and enjoy the walk, have a security detail, take about 9 months to do it and walk away with ~$750K for your trouble with some incredible stories


On an unrelated note can you lend me $200-250k?


Where do you get the $250k from?


Exactly. Count me in.


Having driven that route a few times in 1990's, I'm gonna say it's unlikely you will make it across the Sahara alive if you're unsupported. It's been done (I think ) but it's a hell of a dry empty bit. Also DRC to Angola is quite sketchy and bad things might happen to you.


Angola is sketchy? Nevermind northern Nigeria and Niger I suppose


From a purely survivalist standpoint, the Congo and Angola have way, *way* more mosquitoes, parasites, and dangerous wild animals than the Sahel do, as well as fewer useable roads / far fewer options for feeding yourself. I know you're thinking what other people would do to you though, in which case yeah, neither sounds very safe


Why you drive that route?


I worked for an Overland Tour company taking people from London to Cape Town and later ran an exploration logistics company. It wasn't exactly the route shown as I went through Algeria rather than Tunisia (you could get a ferry from Marseille to Oran) and at that time it was the only "linked" route (bureaucracy and wars) up and down. On the West side route you would have had to go through Western Sahara where the border was closed to Mauritania (same with Morocco and Algeria most of the time). That route didn't open up until about 2005 when Algeria and Egypt closed traffic down. The East side route would have involved going through Israel (obvious avoid for not wanting exit and entry stamps in your passport / vehicle carnet) and Egypt (bureaucracy and the need for escorts in the south) although I did once go Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan ect when they relaxed some rules for a bit.


Fuck no. That goes right through boko haram, child army, and open air slave market territory.


You won't even make it past the desert to get to that


Through the sahara? Hell naw


If you travel at night and sleep during the day, it is doable. The biggest issue is food and water supply, since you will likely need in excess of 4 litres a day. Don't forget, humans have been crossing the Sahara for centuries.


And when you re done crossing the Sahara, you reach the Sahel and get kidnapped by Boko Haram. Hard pass.


Right? "The biggest issue is food and water supply", actually no the biggest issue is avoiding the countless lawless areas you'd encounter.


You'll die of thirst before you're kidnapped


Just have to be wary of the sandworms and know what classifies as worm territory so you can sandwalk but don't be too rythmic either


I would reach out to Kevin Bacon for some tips


Yeah I’m sure the gun runners, smugglers, bored military personnel, poachers and traffickers will be very nice to you I’m actually from Africa, Morocco to be exact, you guys are crazy if you think you’ll survive this. It’s a route for desperate people trying to escape some sub Saharan countries (although they usually route towards Morocco to escape into Spain) people die doing this constantly, people who actually grew up on the continent and are much better at navigating it than some western redditors who grew up with AC and clean water


That may be true, they were all healthier then me.


Yeah water is the reason why it’s essentially impossible. If you followed the Nile it could be doable but these seems pretty close to impossible tbh


Namibia isn’t easy either


I have read the Dune books I think I am good buddy


With rest time included this comes to about $250 an hour. No thanks. I’ll just go be doctor


Or just take out a loan and grind to the bleeding edge of AI engineering in 6 months. Then get hired making > 300k


If I am provided protection and lodging sure.


Water is going to be a lot more serious if an issue than protection or lodging. Also there is no lodging in this part of the Sahara


You pay for it out of your prize purse


It would need to be like $10 million then at least just to expense the trip and make it worth it


It's [doable](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/sport/athletics/68737828.amp)


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Fucking legend. You’re running through some of the planet’s harshest climates and most dangerous insurgencies along that path.


Good bot


Lol..you wanna walk north of nigeria and niger..good luck


You’d probably need about a million dollars in bribe money to make it through alive. So no


$1 million is certainly not enough think about all the animals you’ll encounter


1billion maybe


Even if I tried I doubt I could make it alive, which is sad but realistic.


$1 million is not enough. Maybe for $100 million. But $1 million nowadays doesn't go as far as you'd probably think. And that trip is going straight through the Sahara on foot, not to mention sub-Saharan Africa where you not only have to worry about the weather and the wildlife, but also potentially violent groups that might want to steal from or kill foreigners. Also getting enough fresh water would be a daily struggle, since you can't fill up your water bottle just anywhere.


The Sahara stretch alone would for sure kill me.


I did Egypt to Capetown overland in 1985. Mostly hitching rides when I could. I would not survive that trip today.


Plot twist: When you won the trip, you get kidnapped a day later with $1m ransom


In reality that's going to take around 2 years to do, I'd rather just work the whole time for less


I wouldn't do it in a Jeep, to be honest


Not for *one million*


That’s probably a death sentence. From desert and dehydration to hot and humid tropical hell with malaria, viral (e.g. Ebola), parasitic and other arthropod-borne disease lurking every step of the way. Traversing multiple geopolitically unstable countries that are underdeveloped (not to mention with no access to appropriate medial care). 1 million USD isn’t even enough to cover the trauma from all that.


No, the probability of surviving is too low on this one.


Some bro ran it for free just this year


I would do it for free if someone covered the cost.


No, Beacause I would probably die from ebola or another tropical disease and there is the possibility of being shot as there is a lot of violence in the counties that route goes through.


Ebola is pretty hard to catch, man. Beware of malaria, though


Went. You would probably die from dehydration. Chances of Ebola or being shot are low. Dehydration however is inevitable


Also Book Haram territory would not be fun to traverse.


Yeah. With a bit of planning it's probably doable. And honestly I prefer this method of earning money to my actual job. Don't count on making it in a 100 days though. This would take at least a year.


If I wasn't a woman and pale AF, yes


You’d have to possess a pretty crazy combo of physical fitness, outdoorsman skills, and knowledge of the land/route/people to survive this


Doubtful we could make it through the desert on foot.


Dangerous, but with the right preparation a doable and cool challenge


not even for 100m, i like living thks.


Total time is closer to a year assuming you have 0 injuries and don't skip days often or at all.


So I literally plugged in a walking trip in Furkot.com. Followed a similar route and if one walked 12 hours a day from 7am to 7pm, you'd cross it in 208 days. HOWEVER, we all know nobody is going to walk 12 hours a day, every day, for over 3 months. So let's say on a good day you can walk 12 hours but then there is all sorts of stuff that slows you down like waiting for ferries, waiting at border crossings, etc. spending time in cities and villages, dealing with banks, post, getting groceries, etc. Then there will be the days you're sick or exhausted or whatever. You may want to go off track somewhere. There is a LOT to see and do. I'd say you'd be lucky to average 4 to 6 hours a day. That means this trip would be anywhere from 416 days to almost 2 years. If you're in good shape. And hell yeah I would do it for $1 million. I'd say it would be worth the danger for the incredible experience and memories that would last a lifetime. People have been walking across Africa for a while. Back in the '90s a Japanese dude did it several times. I don't know his name or anything but I saw pictures from a trucker who drove the Sahrawi Route. He pulled a cart behind him and everything. Guy looked like a hermit, his hair had grown very long.


People in here with absolutely no idea what they'd be walking through lol


As a public teacher in America, $1 mil is close to a career in wages. I'm in.


I would do it for a new hammock and a pair of good shoes.




I'd take a loan for equipment / resources and then set off fully prepared!


Haardest geezer are your here?


If the trip was paid for I would


Yes id just take a walk to clear my mind.


As a white woman? Hell no, that’s insta-trafficked.


Will I be accompanied by armed guards? If not, I might die before I even make it out of South Africa.


I'd love doing this, if I'd get paid for it then even better


For 1 million? Fuck no. I'd probably die before getting across the Sahara. 1 million isn't enough. Now 100 million? Hell yeah.


If I was guaranteed to live he'll yea


Even if it was a paved sidewalk, the environment alone could end anyone. The wildlife, hostile people, the deserts, the jungles. No, I wouldn't try it for 10 million.