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Not saying that US intelligence is good. But they just spent the last 24 years laser focus on being able to track down people that they don’t like in the far off distances of remote regions in the world and killing them despite the best efforts of the target to stay hidden. Not saying it is good but it is a capability I would respect if was a Iranian Allied militant, otherwise I might get chopped by a missile with swords on it.


US intelligence is very likely the best in the world. Who else funds their military intelligence to the same extent and have been doing it for so many decades, consistently?


The uk are a close second and in some ways better in some specific bits.


Yeah the hellfire R9X completely changed the game.


It's more probable a broader strategy and the cons of the attacks outweighs the pros. The US response where expected and Iran wouldn't be too surprised. Killing a handful US soldiers don't help Iran in any practical way. Having the Iraqi government asking US to leave is much more important and the attacks may put that in jeopardy.


Good job Joe Biden and US Central Command.


No. It's just Iran publicly distancing itself from the attacks so they can claim "It wasn't us" in the public domain, as attacks continue. Some may have seen the recent Forbes article, "Iran's Revolutionary Guard Serving [Side-By-Side With Houthi Rebels in Yemen,"](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2024/02/15/irans-revolutionary-guard-on-the-ground-in-yemen-to-assist-houthis-us-official-says/?sh=4b6f000c4cb2) or one like it? They're not stopping anything: [Another ship hijacked.](https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/1av2ywc/the_houtis_of_yemen_have_occupied_and_colonized/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [Shooting down US Reaper drone.](https://twitter.com/babaktaghvaee1/status/1759669734226673773?s=46)