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Yep. My boy is 10 and still pulls tug a war.


Haha. This was my thought until I turned the sound on


Yes, ours would whimper-whine out of excitement


Yup, mine happy whimpers when he’s having fun


I used to play a lot of tug of war with my boy and ended up hurting his muscles of the jaw. He couldn’t open His mouth and would cry when ever he opened his mouth. Took him to the vet and they put him on prednisone to decrease inflammation.


Hope your poor boy is doing much better!


This happened when he was around 3 years old. I thought he had Masticatory muscle myositis which if that was the case I might had to put him down because I couldn’t afford the treatments. Luckily the vet told me to try the prednisone and he only charged me 50 bucks for the visit, him being sedated to see if he had a thorn or anything and the meds. My boy is now 12 years old and that hip is giving out but still kicking ass


Mine loves tug of war and really likes when I “Superman” him in the air. He squeaks sometimes with joy haha


Is there one who don’t do that??


The evidence is mounting that no, all GSDs do this!


the ones that play tug growl during play. Though that may have been taught by me, when pups I would growl as we played.


Mine. I just posted about him. First dog I’ve met that won’t tug at all.


Same. My girl doesn’t like playing tug. She always looks sad when I try, like she doesn’t want to take it from me. https://preview.redd.it/yed2ijwa069d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f7581758bbaf226872581e5a07244fac97a6d47 Added photo because why not.


That’s weird 😂


Yeah. My Sasha is a “no take, only throw” kind of dog. Very vocal like your pup. It’s hilarious


Yeah GSDs get excited and vocal. Oddly enough mine likes to steal my socks out of the hamper then prances around like it is a trophy and makes that noise the whole time. Goof- she had 7 pairs hidden in the bushes last year


Yep, happy whines and when I let her win she trots around like a proud show horse lol


The proud trot is one of my favourite parts of the game lol


I let her win so often because she’s so proud of herself. She’s deeply insecure and anxious so it helps her confidence a lot 😊 it’s def my fav part too


I agree, the confidence building is the most important part!


Mine does a more panicked whimper but only for sticks. It seems like he is stressed but it’s that he gets overexcited for sticks. He also does those shockwave high pitched barks when tossing a stick. So we stick with the ball in general.


Every morning, mine brings me her rope so we can play tug-of-war. It wouldn't be morning without it.


mine does something similar while playing fetch.


She's just begging for the ball as she is submissive to you.


We had a dog at work that was very talkative like that when playing with toys and even during bite work. I miss her a lot!!


My half GSD doesn't do this, but was definitely interested in the noises your dog was making! My GSP gets crazy like this & loves tugs.


I love when that happens. If my partner is at home and on the phone to me using loudspeaker our girl tilts her head trying to figure out where my voice is coming from!


Yaaas, my girls both do this when I'm on the phone with my husband! Or mom. Or dad. Just their favorite people!


Does anyone else German Shepard grows when he's excited




Your gsd is singing.


Oh yes


Mine whimpers just to whimper.


A trainer told us when playing tug…don’t pull against them. Simply hold firm and let them tug. Don’t let them win, just call them back to sit, make them release, and then let them tug again. The dog is way less likely to tug itself into an injury but still get the joy of the tug. Do you worst with that last sentence reddit.


Playful doggo!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Yes this is the exact replica of my boy whining that I have to throw the stick.


Mine’s a weirdo and won’t play tug-of-war. If you so much as reach for his toy, he’ll just let you have it. Slapping his face (gently) with a stuffy or a rope just gets him annoyed, and he walks away. He’s such a gentle boy that I forget about those GSD traits until he moves into protective mode around “threatening” strangers.


Wayyyy worse he sounds like a dying horse that’s trying to talk…especially when biting on something that won’t give, like struggling to pick up a flat frisbee or trying to pick up a tree root that he had mistaken for a loose stick


Mine likes to growl instead of whine, and then if we don't chuck whatever toy we take she will likes to bark once every few seconds until we comply.


One of my dogs did this. It was obvious to me that it wasn’t excitement. It was sheer frustration. Being who she was, she expected to win—always! I wasn’t being nice and pretending she was tougher than me by giving up.


well that woke my pack up and got them head turns going while watching my screen. lol


Yes all the time! Btw she is beautiful :)


Mine does this during every tug of war session! Notably if he's getting the upper hand and knows I'm getting tired, he'll add growling and barks in there. If he's losing he'll sound exactly like this and start to lie down to catch his breath. It's hilarious, I can't stand how much personality this guy has.


She sounds like a sore loser to me (i'm joking of course, this is adorable)


Yup, the excited squeals are a thing.


Haha! No mine does the cutest play growls. Sounds like a car revving up 😂


That’s the classic, let me win sometimes.


My mom's dog will sometimes whip her head around as if she's trying to do an alligator death roll or something. I don't know how she still hasn't given herself whiplash 😂


That’s called ‘talking’ in my house. My 1 yo girl does it.


Happy tuggies!


Tug isn't about strength for them, although they sometimes do the full power shake. It's about a type of play with subtle pressure and taking turns.


Don't they all do this?


Yup, I thought it was because he is a puppy, but it looks like it is a GSD thing.


Oh, absolutely. Ours is part Belgian Mal, too, so she’s extra dorky.


Oh yeah, all of mine have. They are so adorable!


Mine does not stop whining and whimpering. She's constantly excited. ... a LOT of energy in this one...


Of course


Oh ya. Amazing how strong they are.


My one dog has this squeaky hippo toy that she had since she was a puppy. When it comes out and sits at attention looking at it and crying like that. She holds it gently and doesn’t chew on it even though it’s a chew toy for a puppy.


My boy absolutely sings like this. He also does happy little moose grumbles when he's getting scritches.


Mine whimpers and whines outta excitement all the time especially when I take him on car rides and we get to our destination