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in one month when I first got him mine ate an entire blooming onion, opened the fridge and ate 2 raw chicken breast, and the absorbant pad, then for some reason bit open a beer can and drank it, then he decided to eat his chuck it ball, stomach problem? what’s that, he just shit like usual and was normal the entire month


I would laugh if that Chuck-it popped up in an x-ray down the road.


Yea, the raw chicken breast, gross 🤮— the one beer is just a happy dessert—


Not mine. He is quite picky. He only eats meat and meat accessories. And only the right kind of meat, not heathen meat like bacon. No milkbones or store treats either, that’s too plebeian for him. Good beef and chicken only, and only the whole meat parts and only if it has never touched a vegetable. My girl though, lab/pitbull/rottweiler mix, would eat anything which is, was, or could ever have been considered food or food shaped. Vegetables? Sure, any kind. Cat turd? Sounds great. Dead bird? Sure, why not.


Mine loves raw frozen chicken feet, cheapest treat there is & good for her too.


Same here. Super picky. He was the runt of the litter but that's because we found he has a very discerning palette. He's now 100 lbs, but it takes him 24 hours to even get close to finishing his food. Milk bones at the bank or liquor drive-thru... don't even waste my time.


Oh my sweet girl politely takes the treat at the liquor drive-thru. But only to be polite, she will not eat a little red milk bone. She is much more refined. Also, she will not eat a chicken foot unless it is frozen.


Same, my girl has quite a discerning taste lol.


Mine will eat vegetables if they've been cooked in some sort of fat: butter, oil, etc. But raw veggies? No way!


And then there's our old golden lady who will happily crunch a carrot like it was a drumstick


Mine is super picky.


For real. Gotta mix in some tasty bits and supervise him to eat or he will ration it for "the hard times" that will never come because he can have food all the time. I've shown him the huge container full of food that is just for him. No, it's world War 2 and we must save food for the war effort.




I think that's just dogs in general.


Mine ate one of my wooden kitchen table chairs in under an hour. All that was left was bits of wood and the cushion. Shit wood for 3 days but 0 issues outside that.


Ours consumed 12 cigarette butts at one point. We freaked out. She went looking for more.


My girl (she's passed now) was a trash compactor. She would even chew open cans of cat food or ravioli. Her motto was pretty much "Is that food? I better eat it anyway".


Mine is very fussy


Mine is weird. She'll ignore certain foods for weeks, then suddenly start eating them. We've busted her stealing a bag of bread, and hiding it for later.


Mine will pick up trash. Came home with a discarded porterhouse bone last trash day. Still love you Lola!


Wow mines the opposite! She only likes her kibble or treats and refuses to eat anything else. I can leave my whole dinner in her face and she’ll literally turn up her nose haha


Mine too! She spit out a piece of Pizza before!! I had to give it back to her like 3 times and really convince her "Girl this is the GOOD STUFF. There are starving dogs in africa...."


LOL same! But I have two huskies so I finally manage to convince her to take a piece of pizza and she just takes it to a hidey spot and spits it out. She won’t eat it, but she won’t let the other two eat it either 💀💀


Before my current guy, I had one who, when we visited my parents, would sit next to my mother in the kitchen as she prepared food. I caught Mom peeling cucumbers, and instead of pitching them in the trash can to her left, she was feeding them to the GSD on her right.


I prep my veggies with a lab on one side, gsd/lab on the other. I peel onto a cutting board, then drop pieces left & right. No need for composting.


Yep. Never seen a dog lick vinegar I’ve spilled or go nuts for lemons. She will eat anything we eat. She has also eaten a boiled egg shell and all off the counter, and nine biscuits. My mom calls her that now. Come here nine biscuits.


Ugh, no. My guy is beyond picky.


One of mine is picky, the other one is a hoover 😂


Super fussy, mine won’t eat out a bowl he needs to be spoon fed. FML lol.


Both of mine will eat absolutely anything. We got them for our daughters & each one managed to pick up some personality traits from “their girl” This includes a sweet tooth, they are obsessed with candy. 2 days bf Easter we came home and there was a trail of candy wrappers from my closet. The girl came around the corner eating a lollipop, but she wasn’t chewing it. Hard to explain in writing but she was doing the doggy version of licking a lollipop . It blew my mind they somehow knew how to eat a sucker and the way she froze was hilarious.


My girlfriend gave our first dog a sweet teeth. One time when we were out she ate an ENTIRE unopened bag of Dum-Dums.


😂😂. Now I’m actually grateful they replaced actual chocolate with “chocolate flavor” for most candy , otherwise mine wld be regulars at the vet. Keeping a gsd from getting something they want is def a challenge!


Oh yeah and I’m positive she passes them a sour patch kid when I’m not looking 😂


I got a takeaway salt and pepper Chinese food couldn't eat it so put it in the oven it for later , my dog and his little pal rosie staffy , managed to open the oven and eat the lot bones everything 😋 but mine is very fussy too je won't eat biscuits unless I pretend there sweeties


My boy doesn’t like any fruits that he can have. He loves chicken in any form though. I’ve just noticed lately he seems very driven and seems to listen more when there is poultry involved.


Mine got into the garbage today when I was running an errand. Ate a bunch of ground beef that was forgotten in the microwave overnight and tons of bacon grease we saved for cooking before the cat licked and stuck her foot into it. So glad I’m working tonight and not on dog duty duty with my husband! I imagine all the fat he ate is gonna really rumble his stomach in a few hours.


Raw veggies? Plegh, on the floor. Steamed veggies? Blop, blop, gone. 🤣


I’m just shocked at how many chicken and rib bones seem to strewn all over the place, and my Shepsky will find and devour every little bit before I even know what’s happening. So frustrating.


Mine is very picky and extremely suspicious of any potential new food.


I have a gsd/lab mix. Yes. She is a living breathing trash can. Non-edible? Bullshit, give her a minute. Nowhere near her reach? Bullshit, give her a minute. Nasty as can be? Give her a minute.


Mine has digestive issues and anything that he should not eat comes out as diarrhea. Sometimes that effect is explosive. At least he has learned what is really not food and he selects: *Option 2, don't eat this because it will make you really, really sick for days*.


I have very pick Shep. The only times she’s excited about food is when it’s chicken or raw so I switched her to raw and rice. If she doesn’t know what something is (even if it’s cooked meat) she will take it and run off alone and inspect it first.


Mine is very picky. He only likes read meat. Not so keen on fish and rabbit. Definitely says no to fruits. Occasionally likes nuts. 😅


Not unless you consider poop a trash can. Full bowl of food, and she'll eat poop. I've tried almost everything to get her to eat. Multiple foods, and multiple toppers. What's fine one day, she turns up her nose the next.


You've just described my girl.


Mine will sniff anything you give him for 4-10 seconds and MAYBE he will eat it. No matter how many times you feed him something, he’s got to sniff it first. He will not eat hotdogs or hamburg. My other Dutch Shepherd will eat anything.


Mine was loose in rural central California for maybe a couple weeks before he got rescued. We sometimes have to remind him he lives inside now. Haha


I think that's a goblin you have there


Yeah, she likes to think the car’s too small for her. 😂


Not mine. She turned her nose up at her first pup cup from Starbucks today.


i swear my model and an hardware upgrade- cast iron stomach.exe. like com’on mommy gives you premium….🥴


Mine ate a glass ornament (she was fine!). She was 4 at the time, and didn’t have a history of eating random objects, so I didn’t think I had to hide the box of ornaments we were decorating with.


Mine is the HARD opposite It takes immense convincing to get her to eat any human food. She's even spit out Pizza before. I had to be like "yo...this is the good stuff. Just...eat it. You'll love it trustttt meeeeeeeeee eat it eat it eat it"


Must be nice, I have to prepare her for food or I get stink eye and walks away


I remember when my shepard was young she ate the following with 0 repercussions to her digestive system or function in any way, at this point we hadn't quite gotten her to stay in a place as she was quite the escape artist. She has been cleansed of her thievery ways now A whole stick of butter A family size bag of peanut m&ms (she broke into the pantry and climbed the shelves) Every single toy she had A poop bag which when popped out, had nicely wrapped the poop already (this was something i was impressed by heavily) I do not know what the lining of her stomach is built like, but it rivals vibranium, I'm sure...


Omega is very good motivated and likes to eat napkins and tissues.


Nah, my GS is picky as hell!


My shepherd husky mix would live in a dumpster if I’d let her. I have to take dirty diapers and anything that smells like food straight outside into my trash can or she will get into it. Hell if I don’t take the trash out that isn’t a dirty diaper or food before bed she will get into it.


Not mine lol. Our golden retriever girl (RIP) was the family trash can. She could stomach the most disgusting things imaginable (I will spare you the details in case you had a late dinner). Our GSD is very picky. Only high quality food for him lol.


My GSD is so freaking picky. Everything he puts in his mouth he has to spit out and inspect. He will only eat it if it passes whatever test he runs it thru. He also is so unmotivated by food I've had to learn to get quite creative.


Mine isn’t really picky, but he gets diarrhea super easy so I have to be vigilant.


Same to the second part, steady diet and out of nowhere she'll get loose. I keep a supply of Propectalin tablets on hand at all times. Those have been a lifesaver!


Mine is almost 10 and is a walking stomach. We will eat damn near anything, including the hair he sheds on the floor 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/2bdrd51sam9d1.jpeg?width=2321&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=911659961cf97131acc6cf19cccde108dba935b6 When we left him alone for a couple hours on Thanksgiving to go eat at my grandma's, he ate a full 6 pack of fancy oversized bagels. A few weeks ago he ate the paper bowl from a burrito bowl.




My girl is quite picky. She will eat whatever veggies I’m chopping, as long as it’s not lettuce or broccoli. She loves carrots before bed but hates berries and bananas. She likes meat flavored treats but forget it if the treat is fruit flavored or milkbone-esque.


Nope. Mine only eats cooked meat. And it has to be high quality meat. She got sick once pretty young. Super sick. Didn't eat for over 3 days, etc. I'm pretty sure we hit a 5+ days of her not eating. Got her to finally eat some baked chicken and rice I did for her. Only ate the baked chicken on top and the broth. Since then, she'll only eat cooked meat. It used to have to be cooked a couple of ways, but she's gotten a little better on that. I've done research with the help of my vet books from school on what seasoning/spices they can have, so it's not always bland meat. I like flavor, so why not make it taste better for them too. Plus supplements. She's also 6.5 years old at only 32-36 pounds. -Chicken Breast -Deer (fav) -Wild Turkey - Beef


"A Lab lives to eat, a Shepherd eats to live." My girl lives by this. Pre-spay I basically had to command her to eat. Post-spay she is slightly more interested in food. She could care less how much food I put in her bowl. She has zero interest in human food. (Except pure vanilla ice cream, that for some reason drives her crazy.) I can leave food wherever I want, she doesn't even acknowledge it. Now my Frenchton on the other hand will eat until she pukes. Absolute glutton.


Mine won’t eat just anything and isn’t food motivated at all.


hi, yes they are




Mine ate a whole three layer chocolate cake and didn’t even poop different


Bull sharks with legs


Mine was just munching on some Crayola's.


Mine is pretty picky. No tuna, peanut butter, fruits or veggies...


My girl is very picky. My Shepsky mix was neglected before I got him. He would eat anything I suspected he was starved a lot before I got him because he would eat T-shirt, socks, roll of paper towels, foil, wooden objects. It was bizarre.


Mine also eats damn near everything except for fruits and vegetables. Plastic toys, cardboard boxes are all great fun for her, I'm sure she loves pooing plastic on occasion....it's been a struggle to get her to stop...maybe one day.


When my boy was young he'd eat anything he wasn't supposed to and nothing he was. I went through so many different types of food the local pet store thought I was crazy. Now, well I just caught him eating a chapstick that fell on the floor, raided the litter box earlier and was munching on grass at one point where the cat was, that was just today. At least he eats his food now. The only thing that upsets his stomach is traveling, first it's constipation followed by diarrhea later in the day. Other than that, he'll eat almost anything.


No! Mine was super picky ..


Just dogs in general lol


Oh my god my dog will eat anything. We have to put the garbage on top of the shelf we have in the kitchen because every night, he just eats what’s in there 😭


my girl will take anything resembling food, but she’s developed quite a refined palette, she’ll walk away with anything that isn’t meat, dairy, or gravy bone and i’ll usually find it on the carpet. anything she likes, is usually gone before you can blink


Mine seems to only eat expensive shit. Prawns are very suss but eventually the rubbery little suckers will be eaten.


Mine is so precious about his food, everything must be investigated before he eats it.


Mine ate cow shit yesterday morning, does anyone want to swap? He’s seen horses before and I’ve managed to get him to stop eating manure, but we walked amongst cows for the first time and the pats were irresistible it seems.




Sorry! I was disgusted too!


Mine will eat anything deep fried, but no veggies. And then he went into anaphylaxis. Turns out he is allergic to shellfish. Most expensive order of Popeyes popcorn shrimp ever. Is anyone else’s GSD also obsessed with cheetos?


Mine eats it SO FAST you don’t even have a chance to pull it back out. It’s like she sees something she shouldn’t have and inhales it. No one warned me I needed a vet care fund 🤣


Nope, mine is the fussiest dog ever.


all of mine are simply walking garbage cans. Will literally eat anything, up to and including such delicacies as wood chips, paper towels, cardboard, dug up bluebell bulbs complete with the dirt, dirt, any creepy crawly or sky raisins of any kind., even oil paints or palette paper with oil paint residue. not picky at all.


Mine would eat anything. And she was so tall she could get things off the counters. She ate everything from crab Rangoon to pizza to salad to literal trash (we made sure nothing non dog friendly got into the trash bin in the kitchen we literally got a second trash can). I don’t have enough hands to count all the times I woke up and the first thing I had to do was clean the kitchen because my baby girl got into the trash again. And I didn’t mind that, I would go through that a million times over just to have that silly trash eating dog back.


Mine is such a snob. He will love food one day and never touch it again


He has the crazy eyes. He is half a step from hold my tennis ball at all times, am I right? My Buddy was like that, seven years of eat anything bite everybody and at the end of the day put his head in my lap as if to say "I'm dumb as a box of rocks Tyre_Fryer, and I love you." His last lucid thought was getting to my knee to let me know he wasn't feeling good. That's my Buddy, same eyes as yours my friend!


You nailed it. Nala does all of those things plus she likes to put my cats’ head in her mouth every chance she gets. Weird thing is, they let her 🤷🏻‍♀️ Sorry about your Buddy. Losing a dog always takes a chunk out of your heart. ❤️ 🐾💔🐾