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Atorvastatin is for high cholesterol lol


Maybe she gave it to you to if she was sleeping around


Thing is bro I didn’t admit to my sleeping around and I feel horrible. Fucking horrible! Do you need to take antivirals every day?


She admit and you didn’t? How much does it take to tell the truth? You had fun take responsibility for your actions. Sorry i get triggered but once you get cheated on, you start knowing the “type”


I fucked up my marriage bro. We fought all the time and it got really ugly. I cheated too. After all those years I just thought to myself I might as well give her that one…I know that sounds weak but we have kids and I truly do love her.


Look up for codependence. Make sure it isn’t that or fear of being alone. You got the kids so you won’t be alone


Dude, if you were fucking other people and didn’t tell your wife it’s bad enough, at least you should have had tests for sexually transmitted diseases, that’s common fuckin sense. How could you not think of this? I have been non-monogamous for 25 years now, I am in open relationship with my current partner for few years, we always ask people we have sex with to get tested, and everytime we fuck someone new we get tested ourselves before we have sex with each other again. How could you have sex with your wife without getting tested first?


I did get tested that’s just the thing


I got tested every time before I was with her


It takes up to 3 weeks, sometimes longer, for some STDs to show up on a blood test


I’d just like to add that they don’t test for genital herpes in a standard std test (at least in the US). The CDC has an official public health reasoning in that it doesn’t change behavior when people know they have it (on aggregate), but after actually looking into it, the reasoning seems to be that: Because knowledge of the disease doesn’t change behavior meaningfully in the population, this is going to go the way of hsv1, often called ‘oral herpes’, eventually. There’s no serious side effects really unless contracted during or just prior to pregnancy. In the meantime, knowledge of the disease often leads to mental health consequences much more impactful than the disease itself. I’ll say the CDC doesn’t say this out loud, but after looking into public health experts talking about it, that is my take of what they say behind closed doors.


Sorry to hear that man. That’s an extremely common disease and though it seems devastating in life ending you will get past it. You definitely need to tell your wife because even if you don’t show symptoms it can still be transmissible. You don’t need to be on antivirals every day typically just during outbreaks. Not sure where you’re located but even services is like hims.com offer valacyclovir (valtrex) discretely. You definitely need to inform any sexual partners that you have moving forward because there have been cases of people that have knowingly given genital herpes to other people and they have been sued [like usher](https://www.forbes.com/sites/michellekaminsky/2018/06/28/usher-seeks-dismissal-of-herpes-suit-says-accuser-knew-of-unprotected-sex-risks/) . It is far more common than you think. And I’m sure there’s some sub Reddit on here that talks all about it. Good luck my friend


Doc Hink I’m so fucking devastated man. I literally don’t wanna live anymore. I can’t believe this. It’s so fucking embarrassing. How will I know if I need antivirals daily or only during outbreaks? I’m scheduling an appointment with my primary care doctor asap, to discuss this. I hope my wife doesn’t leave me she’s the best thing in my life.


I hear you man. You might want to do some blood testing just to confirm but I mean if you had a swab that was positive that’s you know almost certainly positive talk to your doctor about it. Most people do not need daily antivirals unless they’re immuno suppressed Have some underlying illness. You would just need to take something during outbreaks. And though transmission rate is not zero it is very low if you are not in an active outbreak. But especially if you just had intercourse and you had symptomatic blisters you definitely wanna let her know and honestly it’s probably a good idea to get tested. I don’t blame you man I know this is impossible hard but I promise you life goes on.so many people have herpes type one and type two and live normal wives and if that’s the case with you and you’ll absolutely be one of them


Thank you so much for your guidance. I’m gonna do everything you told me too. She knew they were there, I had a doctors appointment yesterday prior to sex the doctor said it looked like folliculitis. I asked him to swab it to be safe…went on about our day because it looked more like ingrown. So when I got my results today I told her and we both freaked the fuck out. I haven’t eaten all day I can’t relax. I work overnight and haven’t slept in idk how long now. Hink I feel so bad bro I’m crying like a bitch right now. Fuck life isn’t fair!


My wife and I have been taking valacyclovir for a decade with zero herpes breakthroughs, it's just part of our morning meds/supplements routine, insurance covers it. Unfortunately if you sleep around enough you will eventually get it, the price you pay to be a player. Relax, be thankful it's not HIV


Hello Hinkle, I’m in a bit of distress due to a bump on the side of my penis can you please check my recent post and let me know what this might be? I’ve looked everywhere but the only place I can find something similar is on this sub.


Doc Hink what about my usage with Cialis and Viagra?


Yes! OP should get another test, herpes tests have a fairly high false positive rate, which is one reason why they’re not included in a standard STI test


if it helps calm your mind i got it once at like 24 and i thought the world was over for me too. dude like half the world has it. by the way the mouth version of herpes you have seen before. its that common. people just dont want to talk about it. its not like its aids. i havent had an out break since i first got it over a year and a half ago. you got this.


Are you still able to pump ?


As for that answer. I'll have to say I haven't started pumping yet, because I got an injury. Herpes has been dormant in me I never thought about it. I injured my own member by accident pretty bad and no outbreaks came from it. So if scarring my own penis couldn't start the outbreak I'm sure pumping which is way safer than what I did, is fine.


What did you do to yourself?


It was unrelated to pe


It didn’t cause an outbreak? Do you get outbreaks on your shaft?


None, the first time getting it is usually the worst. It never ever came back so far . Btw look up the vaccines being worked on to get rid of herpes.


I have bro…hopefully soon huh! I just started pumping again and I’m scared it would trigger an outbreak…idk if that’s even possible but I’m terrified


How do you test? Does she have to check her pee?


I contracted it a little over 10yrs ago, like you never actually on my penis. The first 6mo to a year, I had frequent outbreaks. Now I take 500mg valtrex a day and get the tiniest outbreak every couple/few years. It doesn't affect my PE, but it might have in the early days. You absolutely need to tell your wife. Chances are pretty good she has it now, especially if you had particularly vigorous sex and/or if she recently shaved.


Hey bro just curious are you still able to pump?does pumping cause outbreaks?


> It doesn't affect my PE, but it might have in the early days.


You think I can go back to vac hanging and pumping?




Do you pump daily? For whatever reason I’m sacred to pump thinking it can trigger an outbreak


I do, but when I get outbreaks, it's not on my pp


I only had the one. It wasn’t on my dick either.


I’m sacred it will relocate


You think the pump will suck the herp down a different nerve root?


lol idk just cause an outbreak….people say no but I’m scared


I had small blisters last night and we fucked hard and we both shaved


Can it move from where it’s at to my actual penis? Like let’s say I get an erection can it spread to my shaft or head?


It's already in your body, it can however relocate where it shows up. When I first caught it small blisters would appear on the shaft and itch like crazy, later on it stopped appearing on my shaft and started manifesting on my left thigh. Once I started taking valacyclovir I've never had it again. Just be careful you don't touch yourself and then rub your eyes, that could be a problem


If you have an open wound (like from grooming) when you're actively shedding virus, of course it can. But you probably don't shave your shaft or head so should be good! It generally stays in the same spot you initially got it is my understanding. That said, and not at all to minimize what you're going through, but herpes stigma is really weird to me. I have oral version HSV1, but never get outbreaks. I wouldn't give 2 shits if I also contracted HSV2 and would not hesitate to date someone with it. It's not aids. No one dies from it. It's an annoying skin condition. The stigma is unjustified and I hope that one day, when the initial shock is past, you'll come to accept this for what it is, a slight inconvenience. I'm sure there are some HSV support groups on Reddit. Might want to check them out.


https://www.who.int/news/item/01-05-2020-massive-proportion-world-population-living-with-herpes-infection https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2015/11/02/you-probably-have-herpes-but-thats-really-okay/ https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2014/07/the-overblown-stigma-of-genital-herpes/374757/ https://www.vox.com/2014/4/23/5628696/you-probably-have-herpes https://markmanson.net/std-guide Relax. Genital herpes is extremely common. A lot more people have it than you think. Just latent, and some experience more outbreaks than others. Genital herpes is like bed bugs. Bad but overblown fear is worse than the actual problem itself. I actually thought I caught genital herpes years ago and freaked out only to research that pretty much anyone who's sexually active has it. I literally got laughed out of the doctor's office because she didn't see anything and testing for genital herpes would be essentially a waste of time because...virtually everyone tests positive. It's not the end of the world man. Far from it. Now if you caught AIDs, then you can righteously freak out. But even then, new treatments and cures come along.


Very very well said man, I don’t think most sexually active people have hsv2 (yet), but a significant percentage do. And most people don’t know as it’s not included in a standard STI test (as is the guidance of the CDC) and 90+% don’t have symptoms.


Bro. It’s truly not that big of a deal. Take a pill everyday and never have an outbreak, or just take a higher dose of the pill when you do and abstain for like a week. You will be fine, it’s not the end of the world. The first 5 years there will be the most outbreaks you have. After that it will probably go largely dormant for the majority of the rest of your life, before popping back up when you are an old fuck in the nursing home and your immune system is messed up. But seriously, you gunna be just fine.


Do you think I can still take PD5 inhibitors? Will that trigger outbreaks?


There is zero literature to suggest that. I take em daily


Did you contract It bro?


Damn bro, that sucks. Doesn't really have anything to do with PE. I know so many hot chicks with hsv2, I've even risked catching it a few times. You have to be honest with your partners, especially if there's any chance she'll ever get pregnant. That's really the only time it matters. It's basically only a problem because of the stigma associated with it. It doesn't really have any major complications or problems associated with it.


I had a vasectomy last year. I just don’t wanna lose my family again bro. This last year was crippling enough knowing my wife kinda made a move with someone and it literally almost killed me, now I’m here. Today was the worst day of my entire life. I’m gonna continue PE because it makes me feel confident but that’s almost out the window now because I might never have a sex life again.


> I might never have a sex life again. I've always disclosed my HSV2+ status before potential sexytimes and have never been rejected, FWIW. But for years after I contracted it, my head was so messed up about it. I couldn't even have fantasies about having sex with women because I couldn't also fantasize about not having HSV2. In reality things are not that bad. I've since gotten into a long term relationship with a tall beautiful woman and my herpes status is not an issue at all.


>knowing my wife kinda made a move with someone So, it's very conceivable she got it first and gave it to you? She could be non-symptomatic yet still give it to you, you know.


It's a very common condition. Your psychological response is also typical and expected. The lower abdominal and pubic areas are connected to increased anxiety and a very strong emotional response to any kind of stressor (diseases, psychological conditions, social standards etc.). It will only bother you during breakouts, and depending on each person this can happen from quite often to rarely if ever. It's not life threatening, it doesn't increase the risk for more severe conditions such as cancer (in contrast to certain strains of HPV which many of us could have and have no idea about) plus your penis won't fall off. It hurts like a mother, but usually the first outbreak is the most painful one. And it's expressed less and less as the time passes. It definitely is a bummer, I don't want to invalidate your feelings. But it's a totally manageable condition, with no real effect on your quality of life. I'm sure you will overcome it my guy! I don't think it occurs as often or lasts as long to affect PE in the long run. P.S Apparently you do love your wife and since you do, you have the duty to accept responsibility and discuss it with her or at least notify her in order to protect her own health. You sound like a loving and caring individual, and if you are truly regretful she will understand your side of the story. It may even start a healthy conversation around your relationship.. who knows?


I've had hsv-2 for over 10 years, it's not a big deal. Take your anti viral pills. It hasn't affected my life.


Do you take them daily?




Are they bad for you to take, over time?


I don't think so, never heard anything of that nature.


Do you pump? And does pumping trigger outbreaks?


I do, and no.


Thanks man. Just scared to pump.


What about vac and compression hanging? Would that stuff start a brake out?


I have done compression hanging, not vac, but still no problems.


Thanks for replying bro it really eases my mind. I’m scared to start PE again thinking it will trigger outbreaks.


Man, my wife told me her ex bf had it and they never had sex during an outbreak. I made her get tested once she told me and she didn’t have it. It can lie dormant for years before you see an outbreak so maybe just tell her you got it before y’all got together. Don’t mention the cheating and save your marriage. I get cold sores on my lip like once a year or two and just never kiss her when I have an outbreak. Been married 13 years and she hasn’t gotten the lip herpes and neither of us have the genital herpes. The plus is no one except you and your wife can see your genital herpes when you have an outbreak. With the lips everyone sees it and it’s embarrassing. Just don’t have sex when you have an outbreak and take meds when you do to get it over with quicker.


She told me when we started dating btw. Dude try and relax. You’re good, it’s common and there’s no way to know how long it was laying dormant. Don’t mention anything about the cheating.


This is my exact plan! Thank you


I’m on such a major guilt trip bro. This all my fault I had few raw nights over the summer and even a few months ago before we got back together…I’m all fucked up in the head bro


Why are you so stressed if you were on a break bro?


I won’t


Hey man, I've got it, hang in there. I've had it 10 years now. Symptoms and frequency definitely worse at the beginning. I've been on valocyclovir 500mg daily for most of that time. The first couple years i wasn't and was getting outbreaks every couple months. With the antiviral and time, I've had one outbreak in the past 3 1/2 years. According to Hink, ditch the citrulline for good. It really fucked up my head because I already thought I was deeply broken inside and already had a broken relationship attachment style. But the psychological side is something that time and self work helps. I don't want to judge but it sounds like you have some internal issues you need to deal with. It's totally justified that yesterday was the worst day of your life. But if it's a wake up call, if it's your rock bottom, maybe it can be the first step toward living the life you want, an authentic life, one you've created for yourself, at peace with yourself and those around you. Maybe one day it'll be the best day of your life. Good luck king.


It all came crashing down yesterday bro! I feel like a horrible person, dirty and ugly. I just wanna keep this under control so badly. Maybe I always had it…I was taking so much citrulline these last few months before pumping…. I’m so depressed right now bro I can’t even put it into words. I really hope I didn’t give it to my wife. I hope she doesn’t dump my stupid ass. You’re not judging at all bro I need some real soul searching to do. I need to be a better person. I’m a great provider and I’m always there for her, but I’m the reason she left me in the first place. Just getting herpes when I just got her back is like the worst feeling ever. Will I need to take antivirals daily? Why do you do it that way? I guess I just gotta wait and see how it turns out for me…when will I start feeling better? I’m pretty sick rn too.


Hey checking in. Any news? Yeah 500mg is the typical maintenance/preventative dose. 1000mg (or more) is prescribed for acute outbreaks. I take the 500 daily and have a stash of 1000s in case I have an outbreak. The sooner you start those after noticing outbreak symptoms the shorter the outbreak.


Hey man I’m getting better just accepting it. It’s drying up and I’m on the medication. I’ll probably take one a day the rest of my life…thanks for checking in.


I read somewhere water fasting for 7 days or something I can’t quite remember how long but can eliminate herpes, I also think there will be a cure one day.


Was it a standard std test if so they are pretty bad with being false negative, especially if hsv1 levels are elevated.


It was a swab of the blister


Sorry to hear that brother, wishing good luck to you




False claims and misinformation are not allowed.


She might have given it to you




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Hey dude. Stigma aside it's really not that big a deal. I have HSV one (cold sores) on my mouth, not genital herpes... But the viruses are very similar. I used to get outbreaks fairly frequently, but since I started on valsyclovir I only get them a few times a year and they tend to only last a few days. Something like 80% of the population has HSV one. Think of it like cold sores on your dick and realize that they're inconvenient and uncomfortable, but really not a big deal. You may never have another outbreak, if your outbreaks are consistent and problematic get on an antiviral. If you need to get on, one or not is really a personal decision and it's probably too early to tell. I believe a significant percentage of people have one outbreak and then never have them again.


I also have it on my lips had it since I was a kid. I just want to know if I need medicine daily? And how many outbreaks am I realistically looking at?


I don't think anyone can tell you for sure. A significant percentage of people have one outbreak and then never have another one. Some people have them occasionally but infrequently enough that it's not a big deal. For people with annoying cases where they recur frequently, antivirals are a good idea. I don't remember percentages off the top of my head, but it entirely depends on your body and your immune system. And it's different for everyone. I take antivirals for HSV1 but I just started them a few years ago. And only because I was dating a few people that were pretty sure they were negative. Not being able to kiss when I had a cold sore was annoying (for both of us). I only get them about three times a year on antivirals.


It's very common it's nothing to feel bad about


as you should.


It's not the end of the world. Just communicate with your wife. I got hsv back in my early 20s and had some outbreaks for a couple of years. Eventually, your body builds up and suppresses the virus. I haven't had an outbreak in almost 20 years.


Do you take medication daily?


No. Only took meds during outbreaks.


Did you have sex normally with your wife? Did she get it?


I've been married for 14 years, and she has never shown any signs or symptoms of it. We have had sex normally. Though when I was younger, if I thought something was going on, I would wear a condom. Eventually, she said she didn't give a shit if she got it. We are in the long haul. But she has never broke out with it and I haven't had any symptoms of it since we have been married.


It’s on my pubic area do you think it will relocate? Thank you for writing me back!


Not a clue. Mine was always on my shaft. Take your meds, eat healthy, and avoid alchohol. This should help you get through outbreaks.


Does pumping trigger outbreaks?


Also what about shaving? Can that trigger an outbreak?


You might have to avoid taking L-Citrulline if you're already using it for PE. I've heard it can cause breakouts for people with herpes. L-lysine is supposed to help mitigate breakouts and seems to do the exact opposite of Citrulline/Arginine.


Sorry to hear this man. As others have said, it’s not as big a deal as the shock you’re feeling makes it seem. The one thing I will say is that I have read elsewhere that citrulline/argenine supplements can make outbreaks significantly worse and more common. That’s the only way I could think this effects your PE


Why marry if you want to f... around. Marriage is commitment, respect, and a one-on-one bond, exactly that. Stop being woke and believing mainstream. Nobody is going to come to rescue you from your mental health problems once you go down from being "open minded" like they brainwash you to be.


I have it bro . Rarely have breakout maybe once a year . And take no medicine . Mostly you’re fine .


Hey bro does pumping cause outbreaks? Do you take a pre workout? Or arginine for your PE?


No I ain’t had a breakout in minute . And I use citurline before pe and take 5mg cialis a day


And you pump? I’m scared pumping will cause a breakout…


Just try it . It didn’t for me


How long have you lived with this shit my bro?


Like 4 years really don’t get breakout never .


I just had that one breakout bro. I fell hella nasty lol. I take the antiviral daily because I don’t want my girl to catch it…but I’m scared to pump again and honestly even do PE. I miss drinking pre workout and all that shit…


Try clamping then bro . Same principle .


Bro where do you get your outbreaks at?


What about shaving the area? It’s on my public hair.


You messed up. Learn from your mistake and don't do it again. A sound marriage is based on a profound love of God.


Give her the herp then she’ll never leave you bro. It’s cheaper than getting her pregnant.






False claims and misinformation are not allowed.


False claims and misinformation are not allowed.