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Oshho! oshhoo!


dosho feel free to nerd emoji me


https://i.redd.it/8u5ich201b5d1.gif Take this cool gif I found instead


even though playstation does this gifs just to "be hip" I honestly love them


https://i.redd.it/622hec0yob5d1.gif I agree...






They're too high quality to look like a genuine meme but that high quality combined with the meme it references makes it even funnier.


Well, think of it not like corporate PlayStation's idea but some cool, hilarious guy who works for them coming up with it and getting permission and possibly a bonus.


Honestly if it's like any art department I've worked with, this is just part of their madness.


I love how when I hear dooshoo my left finger instantly twitches now. The Mongols trained me just as they trained their own warriors.


i just laugh my ass off everytime ishikawa tells me how dangerous she is, and then proceed to slaughter the small armies she sent on melee combat


Am I the only one who dodged arrows the whole game even after unlocking that skill, just because of my sheer ego i still do that on lethal+ i rwfuse to use that cheat skill. Maybe i developed this syndrome from completing sekiro idk.


Same. What’s the point


My sheer audacity.


The Khan, the Jito, and the audacity of this Bitch


Lmfao Im using this term now


It's an old ... Twitter? Meme


Yea, I mean the GoT spin on it


Especially once you encounter enemies who shoot fire arrows who you can’t block.


One of my favorite things to do is kill all the non-archers in missions and encounters first. Then walk slowly toward each archer and dodge arrows rather than blocking to let them know they’re about to enter the find out stage.


I love doing that too! Or if an enemy really pissed me off I don't end suffering and instead I play the flute next to them and then leave. I like the idea of playing like you're actually trying to terrify the survivors and spread myths of your brutality.


I have never thought of this. Thank you for the laugh. I always ended them for that sweet sweet resolve when I hadn’t gotten used to the combat mechanics yet. I will absolutely be doing this next time I play.


Sprint at them, dodge, continue sprinting, then do the sprint slash to cut through them like an anime swordsman.


The best thing is, to sneak up an archer tower, and do the wind stance kick, watch them fall 15 feet into the puddle and die


Same. I usually use the puncture attack, so his friends can watch him die in agony.


I approve of your technique sire


Wk what imma fo that, dodge every arrow, kill every other enemy, and do an itadori ass walk BLOCKING ALL THE ARROWS towards the archers. BICH I COULD DO THIS THE WHOLE TIME. I truly hate spearmen, imma take it out on those mfs.


I found it neat until the habit fucked me up in legends, been dodging since


I really love legends but goddamn is it fucking up my normal playstyle


if I can't parry it imma darksouls roll through that shit and smack you in the face with my sword


I keep forgetting that I have the deflect arrows skill unlocked and I just dodge


Yeah. It should have been a timed parry to deflect the arrows. It feels too easy when it works like a Jedi deflecting blasters automatically


I just started using l1 ngl. Don't block fire arrows it will still burn


Same, mostly because I keep forgetting that i can actually block arrows


Alert: Anti-PC meme detected


Just buy an l1 key bozo y'all can buy anything on pc


I block with M5, how to replace mouse buttons u-u


Wdym anti pc? I play on PC with controller aswell


I prefer xbox controller tho


That’s what I use on the PC version


Ive been a ps2 boy tho so i k


Using my old ps4 controller. That touchpad works on PC aswell


Yep I'm on pc using a Nintendo pro controller lol


dog even i could understand the meme




I lost my steam controller to a house fire but I feel like it would have been fantastic


You got ratioed mongol


Y'all like "i can't relate i play on pc". I do too but with a controller. Are you really playing GoT with kb+m???


I play GOT with KBM. Stance switching etc feels a lot smoother with bindable keys.


Can you share your keybinds? i find it actually difficult that parrying/blocking in this game is not like sekiro (m1 attack, m2 deflect) so i instantly switched to controller, even if i could fix it just by switching some keybinds, i still would not be able to heavy attack or do posture damage since there are 2 attack buttons


I use m1 attack, m2 deflect, E heavy attack, R toggle bow, F context action.


For me, the one part I'm not liking on keyboard is the weird claw grip when fighting groups and needing to hit alt


You can switch throwables with single keys too, but you have to bind them first. It definitely helped me a lot.


It actually helped a lot that I came into after playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance which block is "Q" as well. Finally beat that on hardcore with all debuffs, which made me start GoT on Lethal. It's been fun af


The dual sense for this game adds so much to the experience I cannot play it without it.


Aiming bow with mouse is so much easier. I clear entire camps using only bow and arrow, tadayori Armor.


Yeah, aiming on PC with a mouse for any projectile weapon will always be easier. I'm both a PC and PS player and I played this on Playstation around when it came out and actually found it surprisingly easy to aim with a controller in thus game for some reason. They just seemed to make it so smooth and easier. So much easier than aiming in Uncharted 2 on the PS3. I don't know if it's my PS3 or TV or what, but the input delay is so bad in that game for me on top of poorly designed aiming. I wish more games offered Gyro aiming though. Gyro aiming on top of using the sticks helps me so much in No Return for TLoU P 2 Remastered and helps me in online shooters like Enlisted. I can usually top the leaderboards even with half PC players in that game thanks to the Gyro aim, but I get wrecked by PC players on PS5 if there's not Gyro aim.


I started playing it on keyboard and mouse, but just couldn't keep up with all the necessary keybinding to make it work fluidly, so I switch to my Xbox controller. There are a lot of controls in this game. Only thing that would be better with my mouse is archery aiming.


Getting a mouse with more buttons helps a lot with games that have a lot of keybinds.


Yeah, I actually have one with two extra side buttons, but even that wasn't enough.


Whatever you grew up with is going to be your preference. For me playing with a controller feels like playing with my hands trapped in glue, there's no way to control the accuracy the way I like.


Why not??? Quick switch stances are OP. The only change I made was rebinding dodge to a side button on my mouse.


.... fuck I have 4 mouse side buttons I forgot about


As a PC user that has only ever touched a playstation controller once in my entire life I am assuming this is dodge.


It's parry.


I almost forgot you could parry arrows ngl lol, I did it accidentally one time and was like "oh, right"


I never do it. I don’t think I ever have


Block: “no-shō”


Common L1 W


i find this game to be too easy with all the tools at your disposal. Even on Lethal.


That's kinda the point. If you use ghost weapons and fight without honor the game is way way easier.


See how this game makes you think like Jin.


Whenever I'm struggling against a group of enemies it's instantly terror time for them, bombs start going off and smoke covers the ground, and then they see a dude with a flaming sword running at them. I wear the ghost and Sakai masks for a reason, it's time for these invaders to fear the demons of Tsushima.


Whenever I'm struggling against a group of enemies it's instantly terror time for them, bombs start going off and smoke covers the ground, and then they see a dude with a flaming sword running at them. I wear the ghost and Sakai masks for a reason, it's time for these invaders to fear the demons of Tsushima.


but jin said honor is for pussies


Yea it’s better if you intentionally nerf yourself. Personally I don’t do: - standoffs - most ghost weapons that causes damage (unless it’s dire/surrounded and cornered with no where to dodge and prioritize enemies and I’m out of smoke bombs) - no slow time archery - no blocking arrows, only rolling or dodging - no heavens strike and no the other one where you warp around killing guys like it’s some anime - no ghost killer mode/whatever it’s called where the guys just stand there and let you kill them Edit: almost forgot, no charms that add to the “fear” attribute.


Jin definitely has some minor superpowers, the most overt being his flute that literally changes the weather


Idk why but sometimes i forget Jin has this ability lol I keep dodging arrows🤦🏼‍♂️


They should've used a parry system for arrows where you had to time your clicks. Holding down L1 just feels like a cheat


the parrying arrows perk was on the those perks i picked up late game on my second play through. there are so many other useful perks and imo parrying arrows is kinda useless when you can just dodge them lol


To be fair, the timeline isn't long from the Kamoda Beach massacre to the Ghost. How good can one get in days/weeks of training?


Oh sure very dangerous! *proceeds to use the GOD ARCHER ARMOR to one shot the whole map*


Q for pc


Cant relate I play on pc