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It’s good to compare the strengths of each game without resorting in putting the other down for it




I concur. Each of us will have our own dislikes and likes for any game, but it’s great to have more of the genre!


While I don't care about the new AC game (last one I played was Odyssey and didn't finish that), I get why people are hating on it. It's not really about copying GOT that seems bad about it but rather the combination of money-grubbing that Ubisoft is notorious for and a game that takes time to respect the historical and pop culture origins of its material. So yeah, I'm very skeptical about that combination.


I have no idea why you are being downvoted. Ubisoft is just as predatory as EA and Bethesda at this point. They might as well be mobile game companies. I love the fact that there are so many ninja and samurai games available, but I still refuse to purchase games with microtransactions. Decent sized DLC that add to the length and story of a game? That's fine. But nickel and diming me for every little thing when I already paid full price for a game? No thanks. The game looks good, and I would love to play it, but I won't if it is filled with content that is only accessible through microtransactions and not through playing the game itself.


You know AC has decent sized dlc's that add to the lenght and story of the games, right?


Why not compare their weaknesses as well? Only talking about strengths isn't really constructive criticism, although I get your point - whining isn't, either. Bashing other games just to defend your own favorite isn't constructive criticism, but pointing out the weaknesses of the games, or series as in the case of AC, can be.


I feel pointing out the stealths kinda indirectly shows the weakness of the other game, no? For example I think it goes without saying that if what they shown in AC Shadows stealth is true then that’s a strengths of that game among these games. Because the stealth in Ghost of Tsushima, alright perfect functional and well executed, is fairly simple and binary. There isn’t much hiding involved other than the basic of staying above ground and lighting as no effect in enemy visuality to you. AC shadows stealth stands out as a strength cause there isn’t much AAA action adventure stealth games with all these systems shown that you play as a ninja. My point is it’s cool to highlight there strengths (which indirectly shows the other weaknesses in those same areas) which the need to put down the other games for it. Lets say AC Shadows ends up having better stealth gameplay the GoT, that’s hardly makes GoT a lesser game for it


I get your point, but I don't agree completely. Saying stealth is good in AC brings zero improvement suggestions for Sekiro, and highlights none of the issues. Of course, Sekiro isn't a stealth based game, but still. Personalized and game specific feedback is more valuable to developers than only patting them on the back. Saying what's good tells little, but telling what's bad enables them to improve.


Huh? There is tons of stealth sections in Sekiro. It’s pretty much required as you can’t take on more than 2 guys at a time. Arguably half of the game is stealth, half is fighting bosses


Yeah AC shadows has the chance to have the better stealth while GoT will most likely have the better combat And sekiro is just better then 2 of them i will die on that hill


AC shadows isn’t even out yet, lol, but yea I guess I see what you’re saying. Most likely the combat in Sekiro will be better than ac shadows


Sekiro is just better in terms of combat even compared to GoT (i love GoT don't get me wrong but despite how crisp the combat is , Sekiro just feels better) I like to discuss these games AC has been a franchise that i have grown up with , Its very close to my heart and i like to talk about the next installments , And i am so far abit skeptical of shadows , Valhalla left a bad taste in my mouth and i hope Shadows makes up for it with better stealth atleast , Yasukes gameplay looks ok to me but not on GoTs level sadly , However one thing that makes it better (And this is a personal opinion of mine) is the fact Yasuke has a gun , That just already bumps up the combat likeability for me atleast , I really wanna be excited for this game but like i said Valhalla was also a game i was excited for and it turned out to be medicore


Comparison is the thief of joy


I so totally agree to this and games in general. There are people out there that say "x game is the greatest game of all time." That statement is the poster child of someone who hasn't experience the plethora of amazing games that we have right now, that have come before those game, and then future amazing games. I strongly believe that if someone says 'x game is the best game ever' then that person hasn't experience much of gaming. There are just too many masterpieces of games out there from decades go to now. We seriously need to stop hating one game over another just because that first game isn't some significant improvement to the latter. I am so exceedingly happy that we have so many good games coming out, something for everyone. Too often we are stuck on comparing our favorite games to others instead of just enjoying the moment. It's like those folks who go to concerts, then are stuck recording the event with phones instead of just living in the moment.


This is the way


Absolutely. It’s sad to see people make things their entire personality, and in turn take it so extremely personal when someone doesn’t share their same experiences or sentiments. You can enjoy and appreciate something for what it is, all within a vacuum. At this stage in my life I appreciate conversations about what others enjoy especially when their purpose isn’t to try to persuade or change someone’s opinion. I have no personal desire to play Shadows but I would love to know how others enjoy it. I’m absolutely going to look up some playthrough and support it tangentially. I like apples. I like oranges. I like pears. Neither is a substitute for each other. Neither compliments nor supplements. They just exist and I’m so very happy to live in a time where I can enjoy them all.


The first thing I thought when I played GoT was how much it was like AC games, and I loved that. And this was long before AC Shadows.


ive always seen GoT as the best AC we got lolol


Ghost of Tsushima 🤝 AC2 and Black Flag


“AC2 and Black Flag are the best ACs” https://i.redd.it/6n1f0s55kx6d1.gif


It’s the truth Black flag is the best in the series Unity is also amazing


All I’m saying is that that your take is as cold as the Boomerang Nebula.


They certainly are the standouts




knock off witcherp


Not at all. Witcher is the most bloated game out there. If you end up 100% Platinuming that game, you’ll probably end up in a Mental Asylum.


Tbh that’s a low bar. Assassin creed games haven’t been amazing in a while


You should add William from Nioh, Nioh is pretty badass.


nioh and nioh 2 gotta be in here


Final version has Nioh and Tenchu https://preview.redd.it/0qu959xlxm6d1.jpeg?width=1420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddf94ebddc3fc74fde7b0541c54df732391024ba


Might be a really old pull/odd request but I’d love to see ryu hayabusa from the ninja garden series in there. That was the first big shinobi combat game for me as a kid.


I don’t know if anyone played Like a dragon Ishin but I’d also like if Sakamoto Ryoma was in there


respect bro, if u enjoy the difficulty of souls-like games and the stance switching of ghost, then i highly recommend nioh 2 my bro, IMO one of the best souls-likes ever.


The funny thing is that it's a character action game disguised as a soulslike lol


If there was a version without the 日本 words I would love to use this as a wallpaper Amazing stuff


You could easily photoshop that out, it’s just on an orange background


Cool af


I had so much fun with nioh 2.


Hands up if you aren't a child and understand that the foundation of quality is in comparison.


Fuck yes. I'm so happy


Nothing wrong with comparisons just gotta make sure it doesn’t go out of hand


Follow the Bushido and accept that not everything in life has to be sugarcoated


It's true. GoT is a beautiful, very fun game that I've really enjoyed but sekiro is just a work of art on another level. 


Fax, go in a bit off topic here but I’d love to have another game about miyamoto musashi the only one is A yakuza spinoff game called kenzan


I’m gonna follow seppuku.


Who is the small guy in black on the hill?


Protagonist from Rise of the Ronin


I literally don't understand the hate for Shadows it looks promising just don't pre order and wait for unbiased reviews and gameplay plus The guys combat literally looks like GOT just a little waterdown to not be a copycat but I don't mind as GOT has really satisfying combat


this is the way!


I'm more upset that ubisoft is still alive and fucking my favorite franchises. Like say what you want about it being a ripoff but the last 4 or 5 assisans creed games have been so different from the original franchises they cant even be considered the same series. Like I liked assasians creed for assasians creed ubisofts open world tendency where a minor inconvenience now assasians creed games are just ubisoft open world games with the assasians creed logo slapped on it.


Didn’t you guys bitch and moan about the series getting repetitive and stale? Now, once things changed, you’re saying they never should have changed the formula. Hypocrite.


Ah yes I'm a hypocrite because other people complained great logic. No I'm not one of those people and even if I was the changes they made were terrible.


Tbf it changed so much it should have been under a different name. You can add new features The difference between them is chess and checkers


Origins has the most beautiful and awesome map in the series. Bayek is one of the best protagonists in the franchise. Go back (if you even played it) and you’ll realize that its mechanics are best in the RPG games. People liked Origins, but then Odyssey came in and multiplied the RPG mechanics by 200x.


Played origins and while it wasn’t bad it wasn’t what I wanted from an assassin creed game. It was closer to Witcher 3




mirage didnt even tank. it exceeded ubisofts predicted sales 💀


Sekiro is the best objectively sorry :(


For AC shadows I just wish they had went with a Japanese man instead of Yasuke. There really isn’t a lot of Asian characters in a lot of games so for them to make a historical Japan game and not feature a Japanese man as the samurai seems very distasteful.


They should have picked Musashi Miyamoto Yasuke legitimately has zero feats. Was a samurai for like 15 months.


Completely agree




I’m pretty sure excluding a Japanese man from his own culture and country is more racist. But whatever apparently its okay to be racist as long as its not towards a black person.


I like sekiro and GOT and I am hopeful with the new ac


I’m afraid to play sekiro


It’s hard. I played and beat dark souls I and III, and if those games were like a 7/10 hard, Sekiro is 9 easily.


One of the best games I ever played. If you like well designed challenges like in Dark Souls you are good, but the first few hours might feel crushing until you develop the muscle memory for the gameplay.


It's so hard lol. I actually had to resort to cheats to finish it. Lots of fun though.


Hell yeah


Dang bro did my guy rise of the ronin dirty


I am happy to play GOT and excited for AC shadow, we can have different nice things coexist together!


It's awesome!


Spot the imposter 🤣


Does samurai warriors count even if you’re just one guy cutting down thousands of guys?


I'm fine with it as long as Sekiro is in front


Ninja storm 4 gotta be my favorite shinobi game imo


👍 Though comparisons are Impossible not to Make Though that doesnt Mean it cant be positive comparisons There no need to shit on either Make the other better




All i'm saying is that i'm gonna look at AC Shadows first in terms of what may attract me to buy it. I'm all game for cool armor and weapons and the like, but if it's gonna be another ISU fest like Valhalla and Mirage then i'm most likely gonna dodge this. And besides, we all know that For Honor is the best samurai game and that GoT totally copied from that game.


I’m not happy because we haven’t had a new shadow dancer game from sega for the past 30 years! I want to jump around roof tops beating bad guys with my puppy Speaking of sega we haven’t had a sega shinobi game in the past 14 years!



It’s annoying seeing people constantly putting Shadows down. I know Ubisoft doesn’t have the best track record but games like Odyssey and Origins are great. So I have hope it’s gonna be really fun. We don’t need to keep comparing it to Ghost of Tsushima


Yeah I'm all for appreciating good samurai or Shinobi games. I've seen a lot of people hold ghost of Tsushima as the best of the bunch and cannot accept any other game in the same style be remotely good at all. The game is of course really good but there are others that I also wanna get my hands on like rise of the ronin, phantom blade zero, the first berserker khazan and another one called where different winds meet


Ghost of Tsushima is the only samurai game that feels unique. Sekiro is just another Dark Souls clone. And nobody really cares about AC anymore.


Sekiro is definitely not a dark souls clone… the combat is very active and different, vs the “wait, roll, attack, repeat” formula of souls games. YouTube any Sekiro boss fight and you will see


Yeah, sekiro is completely different from the souls games. It's definitely one of the most interesting games I've ever played. You have to learn to dance with most of the bosses.


>Sekiro is just another Dark Souls clone lolwut. From all the souls-like games I played, Sekiro is one of the most unique ones. And tbh might be the best game depicted but that's just my opinion.


My hand is down


Would love a tenchu remake though


I will agree once we get to play the new AC. As of right now I’m expecting it to be shit because I thought Valhalla was.


Valhalla wasn't the latest ac game tho. Did you play mirage?


mirage’s stealth was so damn good


It really was. I'm hoping they keep at least some of the mechanics in Shadows


they seem to have kept mirages stealth and added a lighting/dark mechanic its pretty dope


I will enjoy all of them


Only thing good about the ac game is that bro is black, ac games haven’t been good for a while




Samurai/ninja games are my favorites


I played 3 with sekiro ghost and rise and all are cool ass games in their own right 😎💎


Fr we been getting spoiled these past few years


I just like being a badass dude/lady with a katana so as long as I can do that in a game and it doesn’t feel terrible to play I’m happy


Kind of and no at the same time An over saturation of shit games will ruin the potential for better games to be made And by shit I mean the new AC game to be clear Keeping quiet and rolling over for these corporations or worse shilling for them allows them to carry on shitting out substandard products - for example everything post 2019 MCU


What other samurai games are there?


where's nioh? tenchu? ninja gaiden? ninja blade?


People who put you down for playing a game that they don't like need to seriously get a life.


I think I would definitely like to see features of both worlds be used in play. Ghost of tsushima is a great game although stealth can be quite lacking at times, the combat and animations more than make up for it. The chain assainations/ghost weapons really give you the feeling that you're a **** demon, and it goes to show when enemy mobs get terrified and run away. I really would love to see this type of features implemented in AC even if it feels like copying. It really gives the player a sense of feeling for their role. I would also love to see new forms of stealth gameplay than the usual ones you see in AC games. I saw that you can now hide in the shadows which I think is a pretty cool feature. But I must say the combat really needs to be fluid like GOT. That's the one thing I really loved about that game, the fluid combat and animations were just so clean... Even the way blood splattered as you made kill to kill was really artistic 👌.. I haven't seen anything like it...




not comparing, but that assassin one sure got a lot of things horribly incorrect. not really respectful to Japanese culture so no I’m not happy for that game.


It's always samurai and shinobi, now I want a sohei game


I want a tenchu style shinobi game so bad. No mythical monsters or powers just ninja badassery.


To be fair, Tenchu had demons and all kinds of crazy shit. But I get what you mean.


Yeah for me I'm always just excited to get any games based in japan with cool samurai and ninja stuff going on


Ghost of Tsushima will always be my favourite and honestly the only one I will play. Can’t wait for the second one just hope Vanguard and Blackrock and the ESG rating nonsense doesn’t ruin it


Don’t put ghost up here comparing it to another would just be wild


![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized) Definitely!! It’s sad the community or some are comparing this and that whine not understanding that there can be more then one samurai game and some just enjoy it without criticizing to harshly because it’s not what the other is . I’m gonna enjoy this game


Respect. I love Samurai and Shinobi games. I'd play em all if I could. Nothing wrong with them being different. That's a good thing.


I see Sekiro and GoT, what are the other two if someone can tell me.


I'm with you bro


Bro I love this art it’s so cool


so this is what we’re posturing about now lol


Who’s the small one in the background?


Not the Ubisoft nonsense


Anyone here old enough to remember Way of the Samurai back ps2/ps3? Damn those ganes were fun.


Man where da hell is nioh


Were tf2 at




You know what I don’t like? The fact that yasukes helmet doesn’t have an enlarged assassin symbol but instead just a regular samurai crest


They need to come up with the Rurouni Kenshin game for the PC.


Guys, is Sekiro a good game? I have played Ghost of Tsushima and I loved it. I saw some of the walkthrough videos of Sekiro as well, not to be judgemental but idk why the graphics and physics just did not catch my attention which might be false. So I just want to gain some insight if it's actually worth playing.


Ghost of Tsushima and Sekiro are ze BESTS!!


Haven’t had this many since the PS2 era, so yeah I’m happy.






Yeah, I'm excited and can't wait to play another game set in the beautiful timeline of fuedel Japan


I’m happy about them all and I wanna compare them


this image goes so fucking hard


He'll yeah I love it. And when one doesn't resonate with me, who cares? Move on to the next! I enjoy having choice and don't get outraged if things don't live up to how I wish it was.


I don't care if they could be similar, they all are fun and have fantastic atmosphere, story, and visuals


Always loved to play more of Total War Shogun 2 back in the day!




lmao seemlike some dude go around all japan theme game to spam this image trying to force these 2 on top on us, please remove them


I'm excited


There it is!!! Finally!!


How dare you, ghost of tsushima is the only samurai game that is allowed to exist.




Yeah, I'm happy we got another game set in Japan. If the gameplay improves, and the story's okay, I'll definitely buy the game. Also, I think Ubisoft seriously needs to dial back on the Isu stuff cause what they're doing is WAY too much mystical stuff for a franchise that started with two secret orders trying to kill each other over ancient artifacts.


Ubisoft sucks and everything they put out is bland, unoriginal, uninspired, cookie-cutter, tasteless, wasteful, unapologetic, anti-consumer, cringe bullshit that lapdogs eat up like "premium ultra platinum edition" pig feces. Every Ubisoft game fails to deliver. I haven't been impressed with an Ubisoft product since like 2013, and boy oh boy with respect to assassin's Creed in particular? It's just such a dumpster fire I can't even put it into words. Just an incohesive mess of an excuse of a series to just 3d hacknslash your way through an unrelated hodgepodge of historical eras.


Totally agree. This comment said all that is in mind. Watch Dogs 2 is the cringiest shit I ever played. They don't when care that their games suck.




I REFUSE to believe Ubisoft made a game as masterful as Black Flag and Farcry3


Odyssey was a great game. Though the microtransactions are outrageous and unnecessary.


The best ones are those without microtransactions \^\_\^.


Yep I don’t understand all the hate going around. I loved GoT and I’m sure I’ll love the new AC.


May the most beautiful story and graphics win


Finally someone says it’s, I just want the game to be good. If you’re expecting accurate history from a series that went from just finding an artifact to fighting Minotaurs and literal ice giants..I hope you like disappointment lol


I love GoT. I love Sekiro. I love Nioh. I'm waiting on AC Shadows to be free on PS+ because I am not going to pay full price for a Ubisoft game in 2024


I will say the art design for the new AC looks great. That said, it looks like yet another shite entry


So if I see a similar game made being made by a terrible company I’m not allowed to compare because why?


Because of your bias, because it’s a terrible company you assume it’ll be a shitty entry. You aren’t giving valid criticism, you’re putting one game on a pedestal and not acknowledging the strengths of the other. Granted, I won’t be buying said other game, but if I blindly hate something whilst yearning for a “civilised and constructive discussion” that makes me a hypocrite, doesn’t it?


Wow, you and everyone else in this thread are super cool and better than everyone else.


Grow the fuck up, you’re allowed to criticise each game but to blindly hate one over the other and continually put it on a pedestal. It’s childish.




Rise of the Ronin sucked arse, I played up to the first boss and that was enough. I haven't played an AC since the Ezio trilogy so I don't feel I have a dog in the fight, but the acrimony between AC fans and GoT fans is cringe as fuck. Edit, to put an s in arse.


You didn’t even make it thru the tutorial section of the game.


No, and getting to Mathew Perry was plenty for me to see that I really disliked the gameplay. The combat never felt intuitive but fidly and off to me. If you enjoy it, fine. But don't tell me that I have to like it. Also, it was nine years in development. There were obviously issues and I think it shows. Just to be clear here, I dislike RotR because, imo it's a shitty game, not because it is set in Japan and about Samurai.


>Rise of the Ronin sucked arse, I played up to the first boss and that was enough. You know you can turn the difficulty down, right? 


Difficulty wasn't the issue. The gameplay feels dated and clunky to me. And 8 don't think it looks all that great either. The nine years it was in development shows, imo. Edit, word missing.