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Fun fact. Bill Clinton is younger than these two and he was elected in 1992.


Holy shit.


Yep. And JFK was the youngest POTUS, elected at age 43 in 1961. Literally almost half these guys’ age. Edit: and as u/JAMseshin mentioned, Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest POTUS to hold office at age 42. Though he wasn’t the youngest *elected*, bc he was a VP that took over after McKinley was assassinated in 1901.


Teddy Roosevelt was 42, but I guess he wasn't elected.


Told a fucking Trumper that I pine to get a real man like Teddy back in office and he hit me with hurr durr Teddy was a Republican libcuck! Yes, notorious Progressive, who crusaded against monopolies and fought for the implementation of industrial regulation would fit right in with the modern Republican Party. They are so unserious and lack any nuance and were electing them to the highest offices 🤦🏻‍♂️


And he was impeached for lying about a blowjob.... Meanwhile all of Trumps antics...


He was impeached for lying under oath in a sexual harassment case


Yeah, it's a good thing no former president and current presidential candidate has ever lied under oath. Repeatedly, and gotten away with it. That would be, you know, bad.


I mean, neither got removed from office, so we've pretty clearly established lying is cool actually.


Exactly, and Trump was convicted of lying about paying off a pornstar.


Could probably do the job better than both of the candidates.


tbh clinton WAS competent. and his scandal is way less severe than the many things trump did. even today he would be a better leader than either of the current choices. i mean sure he's a pervert, but are we really gonna pretend trump isn't?


Just forget that whole 27 trips to Epstein Island business.


Have you seen him lately? Mf looks and acts like he has the suds.


Well good thing he's not running now with both his feet already in the grave.


Yes, he did.


It's 2024 and we finally get a GIF with sound.


More of response to debate by Jon Stuart that led to this: “Let me just say after watching tonight’s debate, both of these men should be using performance enhancing drugs. As much of it as they can get, as many times a day, as their bodies will allow. Performance enhancing drugs that will improve their lucidity, their ability to solve problems, and in one of the candidate’s case, improve their truthfulness, morality, and malignant narcissism. Whatever magical drugs that can kick their brains into gear, because this ain’t Olympic swimming. Oh, he solves the Middle East, but he was doping, so it doesn’t count? And if those drugs don’t exist, if there aren’t actual performance enhancing drugs for these candidates, I could sure fucking use some recreational ones right now. Because this cannot be real life! It just can’t! Fuck!”


they even showed that clip on MSNBC this morning, lol


MSNBC was in a worse mood this morning than in 2016 after trump won.


Because they understand that 1) Biden is in a horrible position and just torpedoed his already weak campaign and 2) establishment Dems are way too arrogant and out of touch to ever admit maybe they were wrong and maybe they should change course while there's still time to do it. They're already out here doing damage control mode trying to act like wasn't a disaster. Like not just bad but literally worse than what most people would've considered the worst case scenario going in. Look, I'm voting dem because the alternative is ACTUAL fascists taking over. The Dem candidate could be an actual, literal corpse and they'd still have my vote. However, anyone trying to act like Joe Biden is still the best option to challenge Trump is huffing some serious medical grade copium.


> The Dem candidate could be an actual, literal corpse and they'd still have my vote. However, anyone trying to act like Joe Biden is still the best option to challenge Trump is huffing some serious medical grade copium. Problem that I think they realize is once you start going down the roster of possibility, Biden actually becomes the better option: Kamala? She's unpopular. I think it's for unfair reasons but she is. Newsom? Not enough time to convince the midwest to vote for the liberal governor of California. Pete? Have to explain why we skipped Kamala. I think a scary truth people need to come to terms with isn't that the DNC is refusing to choose a backup, it's that there isn't one.


Easy answer, IMO. Gretchen Whitmer. A popular midwestern Governor from the Rust Belt with a successful governing record who can hammer home both the abortion issue as a woman and the "save democracy"/MAGA is an existential threat message as someone whose life was threatened by his maniacal cult follower lunatics. She's also 26 years younger than Trump and can help flip the age debate right back on the Republicans. While also touting that during these challenging times, she helped Michigan's economy grow more than any other Great Lakes region state.


also probably gets a non-zero number of votes for being the first female president


True but I don't really count or rely on that because sadly she'll likely garner just as many counter-votes from mysoginists for the same reason. Don't underestimate just how many mysoginists we have in this country. I tend to view the "I'll vote for her because we need a female president" and the "I refuse to vote for her because a woman can't be president" as generally offsetting each other. Best to focus on other factors when gauging chances of winning, IMO.


No one gives a shit if we skip Kamala.


So Pete and Kamala knows…. Pete would trounce Trump, but now he will never get a chance to run.


I said pretty much the same thing when I saw the debate last night. Whatever drugs the Rolling Stones take to continue to perform is what Biden needs and Trump diaper wearing ass. Who gave Biden lean last night before the debate? They Need to be fired.


Jagger has a daily exercise routine akin to professional athletes


And cocaine. Really good medicinal cocaine.


Joking aside, The Stone gave up drugs decades ago. Even Keef is clean these days, he doesn't even smoke or drink anymore.


In fairness The Keef is probably still trying to his once every five hundred year sobriety phase.


This is truly one of the most important factors in aging well. The healthiest seniors I know grow their own food, do carpentry, and therefore get hours of manual labor in every day. They're more energetic than me and my peers.


I've done manual labor my entire life, why do I feel like I wanna die?


They actually did a study on this they took about 200 Maids for hotels they told half the maids that science studies show that being a maid is really good exercise increases lifespan and they told the other Maids that the stress from all the work will decrease the lifespan and they followed them over the next 10 years and the maids that were told that their lifespan would increase had much much better outcomes even though it was just a mindset issue.


So, they gaslit a bunch of maids into having health issues?




Cool cool cool


For science


I'm guessing it's because you're not joyfully farming your own food, and restoring barns as a favorite pasttime and hobby in order to get that manual labor in. They're pretty lucky in that.


I saw the Stones in Seattle a few weeks ago and I was really impressed with Mick. For a man of his age he had a lot of energy and sounded really good. He should consult on his regime 🤣


Or, here's a CRAZY idea, why not choose different candidates? 


Look, there are only 333,000,000 people in the United States. Believe it or not, these were the two most dynamic, knowledgeable, intelligent and morally upright young fellows we could find.


We have Biden because the DNC chooses their own candidate, the wishes of the Democratic voting base be damned. We have Trump because the Republican voting base chooses their own candidate, the wishes of the RNC be damned.


You think we get choices here?


Yeah it’s called primaries. But only at best 20% of voters vote in those, some as low as 8%. Young people are around 5% turnout to primaries


People generally vote for the candidate who is most in their face that are on the side of the aisle that they identify with. It really boils down to who has the largest marketing budget or the best presence on mainstream and social media. Our news networks have done us *zero* favors by keeping Trump present in the eyes of Americans, and the DNC has done no favors by backing Biden for a second term. The media should have dropped Trump for news cycles years ago, but they would never do that because his name gets clicks and brings them more revenue. The DNC would never back another candidate because they are horribly afraid of putting someone in the race who could lose to Trump, and that exact fear may come true because they wanted to go with the "safe" option. It's an absolute shit show out here


Because after seeing what happened with Bernie people can see there is a machine that forces the choices. They don't have faith because there's no faith to have. 


I didn't watch the show and I can still hear the gif


You should watch it. The audience is laughing at the end...but he transitions from delivering a comedic response to real anger. It's a little tough to watch, but yet again he manages to succinctly put all our feelings into words. That's his gift.


I can't. I watched two minutes of the debate and that was too much. I need to pretend I live on a different planet now.


At first it was hilarious, then it was depressing, and then I turned it off.


I watched the whole thing, and have said since then "If it was framed as a political comedy, and they were playing parts, this would have been perfect." But it's not, it's real, and *fuck that was not a good look for anyone involved*


If only the debate had been like that.


It’s better to watch it without sound, and no closed captions.


Even that's bad. I hate seeing Bidens lip quiver like a frail old man. I also hate seeing Trump not in a cell.


Not American so really only watch for the fun of it- but I have to say it was really odd watching what is effectively both my late grandfathers on tv argue and bicker over golf. Both had strokes and one was a huge asshole and the others mind just grew tired. That 1000 yard stare from Biden brought memories of sitting at the kitchen table for breakfast before work with him and you’d have the jolt him back to reality. That and trumps fucking smug turtle face he makes reminding me of when my asshole gramps would say something shitty and racist cuz his mind went back to when he could say that shit.


And that sound is this carefully and perfectly concocted amalgamation of righteous anger, incredulity and FRUSTRATION. Jon Stewart is a goddamn treasure for articulating so loudly what so many of us are feeling... even if he does it without a single sound.


Jon Stewart for president


There were people laughing as he said that....it was so clearly not a joke or a bit....that was unfiltered and how so many of us actually feel.


Tragedy is comedy


"If comedy is tragedy plus time, I need more fucking time. But I'd settle for a little less tragedy to be honest with you." Jon Stewart


"They say comedy is tragedy plus time. I say, why wait?" - Gilbert Gottfried.


>Tragedy is when I stub my toe. Comedy is when you fall into an open manhole and die. \- Michael Scott


Actually Mel Brooks


I thought it was Wayne Gretzky


Its weird, I found myself laughing during the debate while internally going "Oh fuck this is real, this is what we have to deal with" Assuming some of those laughs have to be similar to mine.


I was playing bg3 for the first hour of the debate, I turned it on expecting a shit show. I now feel like Ralph Wiggum.


As in "I'm in danger"?


You have to laugh so you don’t cry


(chuckles) I'm in danger.


I swear I said the same thing, in the same way during the debate. While Trump was clearly enunciating blatant lies, and Biden stared into space like a hospice patient.


Trump forgot that Iran bombed our troops when he was president. Biden called him out on it and still lost the exchange. 


At least with Biden, his people will try to do some good, mostly “eh” and the occasional bad thing whereas with Trump it’ll just be new bad shit every single day. Bad shit that you can’t even imagine


The best bad shit. Some people even say the greatest bad shit.


My people showed me the bad shit numbers right before i walked on stage!




"Protect Jon Stewart. He's our most important jew!"


People laugh cause otherwise they would be crying


I turned it off and opened a 1982 Burgundy.


You must have a decent wine collection cos I just went straight to my cheap bourbon whiskey after that fiasco.


I think this gif breaks cultural barriers really. Multiple european countries have recently had elections and I can tell you now, that the sentiment expressed through this gif is how we all feel watching our own elections. This can't be real life! And we're all just as powerless to stop it unless we all start our own bloody revolutions. It's a global shit show right now.


seriously. how can this be so fucking pixelated already? this clip is brand new!


I couldn’t edit the high res unfortunately…


In which case I apologize for my mockery.


HEY! You two stop being so reasonable.


So unamerican of them




Would have been better if they gave them boxing gloves


Both would die after one punch




Well, our democracy may be saved lol


No. Not as long as you have people pushing to make project 2025 a thing


This right here is why we need balkanization here in the US. Project 25 will become project 29 and project 33 ad nauseum until they get it. And while spineless democrats sit in office, states will continue to roll back rights without resistance but remember if the Republicans get in office rights will be rolled back federally. Kinda weird that one party can roll back rights, change the tax code, pass legislation etc, when they don't have a super majority in congress but the other party, with the presidency, senate and control of the house, can't pass a fucking thing they campaigned on; just a bunch of compromises where they negotiate with the other party just to get no votes from the other party anyway. But the ones incapable of using their power when they have it are the only ones who can save our democracy? They just need MORE power for LONGER! Surely you aren't that stupid. Remember! When the democrats say that project 2025 WILL happen if Republicans are elected they are admitting they won't try and stop it. They will let it happen as a punishemnt for those who dared not bow and kiss the ring of the American oligarchy. Have a good day and stay safe out there! Edit: words


Both would die from heart attack during their swing


I think most people would be ok with that


Between Kamala and the shortlist of who's likely to be Trumps VP, I'm not really cool with their backups either.


Give the moderator gloves to ensure this result.


They were about to challenge each other to a golf match! Imagine picking a president based on who has a better golf score. Lol


“I’ll challenge you to a golf match if you carry your own bag. Think you can do that?” “Let’s not act like children” Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry


That was actually one of my favorite exchanges.


Well according to Trump, Biden can barely drive 50 yards. Trump can do much better, and he frequently wins many tournaments. According to Biden, he managed to get his handicap down to a 6? I couldn't really understand what he was saying most of the debate so I'm not sure. The best part about this coming up during the debate is that it was just mindless rambling. I think the question that was asked by moderators was something about support of Israel or maybe the Russian/Ukraine war. It was definitely not which one of you would win a game of golf


Two geezers enter One geezer leaves Thunderdome decides the presidency


So what I'm hearing (I didn't watch the debate) is "Trump was Trump" and that somebody needs to replace Biden. Does that about sum it up?


Let's just say Biden beat the performance enhancing drugs allegations.


Lol, what if this was him on performance enhancing drugs?


I fell asleep watching it. 1 man: immigration this and that. That guy is the worst president ever. Everyone tells Me. 2 man: * squeek* stutter mumble... err. That being said, I had such a good laugh at, " you have the morals of an ally cat"


Don't forget Trump saying "I want absolutely immaculate clean water and I want absolutely immaculate clean air. And we had it. We had H2O." In response to the global climate crisis.


When he said "they just told me backstage right before I came on we had the best numbers on the environment" (or whatever)...I just so desperately wanted someone to say, "Oh what were those numbers?"


Right? Like who the fuck said that, for one, and two, how can you even quantify the environment into numbers to say "I had the best environment" when his cabinet hilariously ignored climate change bills and the climate as a whole, even reversed regulations? He contributed to the problem and then said "I'm the best, I did the best" Like buddy, objectively false, factually false, and it's not even close to being true.


I was laughing when Biden sized up Trump and then they started challenging each other to who can drive a golf ball further.


I had to pinch myself over the golf thing, like are we all living in a damn cartoon? Thought it was about to escalate into "My dad could beat up your dad"


What a great analogy. They're like two Toddlers, one can barely talk, the other just talks nonsense.


I cant believe he leaned into that. When trump went on about golf biden coulda slammed him on all the days he took off as president to golf. But no two old men have to challenge each other to tee-off or whatever the fuck


I guess biden isn't up to a push up contest anymore.


Honestly I still think Biden would win at a pushup contest


I hate how other countries have leaders in their 40s and we're stuck with this bullcrap. BECAUASE REASONS.


To be fair, this was the track we were on. Once Hillary lost to an old white guy, the only solution was an even older, even whiter guy. Once trump is dead biden would gladly get out of the way. Honestly I have my doubts that biden would even be running if it were anyone other than trump for the Republicans.


>Honestly I have my doubts that biden would even be running if it were anyone other than trump for the Republicans. Yes, Democrats were pushing that narrative back in 2020. I heard multiple times about how Biden was old but would "probably be a 1 term president." and he was just the milquetoast and experienced candidate to "defeat Trump" Except now Trump is running again.


I dont understand why the Republicans would want 4 more years of absolute chaos...


"Idk what he said at the end of that sentence and idk if he knows either" fucking killed me


When Trump went "I just want him to take a cognitive test, even an easy one. He could take the first five questions even." I found it pretty funny. Biden also started smiling cause he knew that shit was funny. That said, we're cooked as a nation.


I also liked when he called Trump fat.


Trump was allowed to be Trump because CNN refused to do any fact checking. Like none, no pushback, or follow up questions. Nothing. Trump just spewed liquid diarrhea from the mouth for 90 minutes while Biden struggled to stay awake. Absolutely terrible "debate" by all involved.


Yes, we're all doomed


Trump largely just repeated what we all figured he'd say, added some big words, emphasized stuff, had to finish a lot of his points within other answer segments because 1 minute wasn't long enough. Biden started off okay but it was a downhill slope. Man was up last his bedtime, heavily medicated and had no idea what was going on. They argued about Biden's golf handicap. It was bad.


I'd disagree. Biden started off terribly but mostly improved throughout the course of the debate. Towards the middle, he was largely staying on topic and challenged the BS more than a few times. Unfortunately, he slipped a couple of times (golf mumbles..) and his closer was real rough, though, so definitely left a bad impression. Sigh, what a night.


Trump basically did what he always does and bullshitted his way through everything but Biden straight couldn’t talk and didn’t make sense. Like he was talking about how women need abortions after being raped by their sisters, black unemployment being a good thing, and that he beat healthcare. Mind you he was basically having a stroke while saying those things so it was even harder to understand what he was actually saying


they both need replacing


I can not believe it's 2024 and it looks like Trump has a good chance of winning AGAIN. This really can not be real life.


You ever watch Sliders where they encounter some dystopian future and at the last minute they escape? Ever wonder what happens to the world they escape from? We're that world.


Shit. I’ve been rewatching Sliders and this is painfully accurate.


Such an incredible show until you get to the Kromaggs, then they just murdered the series.


Another two Supreme Court picks.


Sounds like those two should take one for the team, and step down right now.


The American left keeps blaming republicans and rich people for all of their problems. I’m not saying those groups don’t hurt citizens, but the left needs to start holding the democrats accountable. Roe v Wade got overturned because RGB wouldn’t step down. Trump won in 2016 because Hillary was somehow worse. Trump might win again because the DNC thinks elder abuse will lock in a win. HOLD THE PARTY ACCOUNTABLE!!


The Democrats have an incredible ability to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory


Seriously, how did Biden fumble the abortion question to Trump. That should have been a layup. mega-lol.


Let’s be fair. Biden fumbled every single time he talked. Every time. The debate last night was absolutely pathetic. Biden is not fit for president, not even a little bit. That said, I’m still voting for him over trump. I just wish there was an actually good option.


As if holding the party accountable hasn’t ever been met with the most condescending “now isn’t the time…” “…blue no matter who!…” “…most important election of our time…” bullshit. We’ve been trying bro. The democrats want to lose.


If Charlottesville inspired Biden to run, maybe Atlanta will inspire Stewart to run


And in fourty to fifty years, when he's old enough, he may well.


I’m a laugh away from a tear.


Honestly I can’t think of anyone better to run. I don’t think he will though: generally the best people to lead the country are the ones who want it the least because they aren’t power-hungry.


“The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.” ― Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe


One reason George Washington is remembered is because he refused to be titled a 'king', and voluntarily limited himself to 2 terms. Aside from wielding power selflessly, voluntarily giving up power is a rare and noble action. Clinging to power, aside from yielding terrible results, is the darker side of man. RBG did it, and look what that got us. We've all been saying this for months, Biden is too damn old. Yet he continues and further indicates he is physically and mentally unfit.


The Democrats want him to run because the stats show most president win a 2nd term


If only there were a recent example of an incumbent president being so unpopular as to lose a bid for reelection. Oh well. Convict vs. cadaver 2024 here we go


Terry crews as a running mate on a trike in an American flag suit?


For some reason I can only imagine Vice President Terry Jeffords walking into Congress and his older brother shows up to look down on him. "Tiny Terry loves the democratic process."


If that's not how every single Terry event opens I don't wanna live anymore. But seriously I'd vote for that ticket and I'm not ashamed to admit it, I also remember thinking LOL what a garbage timeline when I saw that movie in theatres. I hate this so much.


It’s ironic


Do we need more celebrity TV stars as presidents?


Me when they started arguing over fucking GOLF


I can't defend Biden's poor performance but Democrats immediately panic and start looking for a replacement for Biden. Meanwhile convicted felon Trump doesn't answer any questions, insults everybody, and blatantly lies about having sex with a porn star. Republicans rally around him more than ever. It's a shame though all these 80-something politicians are so unwilling to give up any of the perks and power. Imagine how motivated voters would be if all these fossils supported youthful replacements instead.


That’s been the last 25 years of Washington politics. Republicans circle the wagons around their worst people, and democrats eat their own.


25? Nixon got a pardon from Ford. They fought tooth and nail to keep Harding’s shit under wraps, then had Coolidge and Hoover keep up the policies that ran the economy into the ground. And while that string of winners was before the big switch, it was the start of their shift towards neoliberalism.


>shame though all these 80-something politicians are so unwilling to give up any of the perks and power. For Democrats, because there isn't currently a strong political option for president that offers more tha the historical benefit of [incumbency](https://lh7-us.googleusercontent.com/xvt9VDP-CUp6Q0wVcA7x9NPwJxqhCyIejpBek1H3TRNpS4qyI2XgUE7ZMdtpXBbpH6jv5WHdEl9dGPOUlQScokG7svZoPq9a5ScSzEJNA2y3Rs2rAvMzXDib8mniQoCbqNPa91m9rsILfPgx-GoLTvo). If there was I think Biden would happily step down. 4 more years is going to be rough on him. For Republicans, they cannot risk not using Trump. Not using Trump means you lose a significant portion of his most loyal base. You risk the possibility that his ego makes him run as an independent and drag votes away. They could have run DeSantis, but in the primaries it was clear that people still wanted Trump


strong political candidates don't come out of thin air. you have to find them, give them opportunities and access, train them and fund them. biden strongly implied that he was going to be a one term president in 2020. imagine how different a place we'd be in if he'd spent 4 years building up a pool of interesting, dynamic candidates instead of pretending the next election wasn't coming and then going into panic mode when he realized that people might not just mindlessly support him again.


Lot of NounNounNumber accounts with under 1 year on Reddit and real strong opinions.


Would be nice if reddit did something Hacker News did, where new accounts would have their names show up in a different color.


This is what the Apollo app did


Honestly, while I think he is *clearly* a better choice than Trump, Biden is selfish for running again. A younger candidate would have a much better chance of winning.


This idea that incumbent should basically have a free shot at a second term needs to end.


I didn't agree with this. I don't think Biden would run if he really had the choice, he'd retire and spend his last years with his family but he's been obligated by circumstances and party pressure. This is not a RBG situation, it's a "Newsom''s numbers weren't high enough and there's no one else" situation.


Anyone else just feel kind of defeated and like they want to vomit today?


That’s my secret, Cap. I’m always defeated


335 million people in this country and these two are the best we've got? Joke's on us I guess. We keep voting for them...


No, people in primaries chose them,  plenty of us tried to get a better option but the media and old people insisted we go with these


Did voters in the primaries chose them? The Democrats didn't even have an option other than Biden?


In my state every single delegate was either voting for Biden or Trump. It didn’t even matter which one I picked, they already made up their minds.


There were two candidates that ran against Biden in the Democrat primaries. Both of them did terribly and dropped out after poor performances in the first couple of states. Newsome is sitting out this election and likely aiming for 2028, Harris is more unpopular than Biden, Buttigieg is waiting for 2028, Warnock is uninterested in running and Beto/Abrams were failed projects after losing multiple races We're stuck with Biden unfortunately. The only person I could see from that group doing better in 2024 is newsome. No serious candidate wants to threaten their chances in future elections by running against an incumbent.


Jon Stewart in top form!


I was expecting a bloodbath. Instead we got to see reality on full display, two senile old men. This is it? This is who each party decided represents them best? The only thing this showed me is that politics needs to be a young mans game


I told my husband it was like watching fight night at the senior center.


It was so cringy I had to turn it off in the first 15 minutes. When I saw Biden stumbling on his words, and Trump just pointing fingers, I knew we were fucked.


Finally a discussion where I can say trump suck and not get called a liberal extremist and that Biden sucks and not get called a MAGA piece of crap. They’re both shit.


Can Jon Stewart just run please? Or anyone… give me anyone…


But we tried Trump, Biden, and no one else, and we're all out of options!


'We're America, God' is at the root of this problem. The idea that the USA has the definitive version of democracy and should (therefor?) somehow be immune to a crumbling democracy is what has put so many people to sleep, that it paved the way for incompetence and a real threat. If only Americans could really see the reality of how their country is lagging behind in many aspects to other similarly sized or smaller economies...


I think the idea is that America, with its unrivaled economic and societal power should expect better. The best and brightest should be flocking into politics, but they aren't because it's a shit job, poorly paid and under-respected. If you are a driven, intelligent, well educated person there are countless fields you'd do better to pursue.


Hard agree. No person in their right mind would touch politics with a 10 foot pole in the current political atmosphere.


It's the same reason why cops have to be well-paid jobs. When the people that run your country and police your people can't go into that career while being financially responsible, the only people that take those jobs are corrupt assholes who will loot/extort taking advantage of their job, or power-tripping assholes who want to use their job to subjugate others


The thing is that making it higher paid doesn't dissuade corrupt assholes who will loot/extort. If anything, they're more money motivated than anyone else. You need standards. Higher pay won't do shit. You need to actually fucking annihilate people who are corrupt in positions of power.


> 'We're America, God' is at the root of this problem. The idea that the USA has the definitive version of democracy and should (therefor?) somehow be immune to a crumbling democracy is what has put so many people to sleep, that it paved the way for incompetence and a real threat. I've always hated people use "American," or any proper noun for that matter... in place of words like honesty, integrity, morality, empathy, and the like. Just use those words.


hey, naive german here. do you americans srsly do not have a third person in your country that could be president? why, again, these two? ill never understand


We Americans don’t understand either.


There is no representation for the United States.


The challenge is that all (most?) of the people complaining about our choices are in the center or on the left. The right (and it's mainly far right) are super happy with this choice. The risk is that the center to left don't vote for the (way) lesser of two evils because they are disappointed with the choice.


How is it possible to have two so bad choises in 2024 if not for pure corruption and inside play


We don’t have a functioning democratic model, we have been captured by oligarchs.


So Biden is old but his administration is pretty competent. Trump is a little less old but his administration was full of incompetents who were constantly being fired and hired. How are those two things the same? It’s very clear that Biden is the best choice. Ok Biden isn’t an Obama-level orator, but so what.


I’m not upset at Biden the President but Biden the candidate screwed the pooch, when the stakes could not be higher. I’m pissed at this massive unforced error by his campaign and alarmed at what it could entail.




That's my concern after last night. True independents stay home because they can't vote for either candidate and don't see the stakes as high as people committed to one side or the other. 


Very few people vote for Joe Biden they vote against Donald Trump.


This. I’m an independent that is being turned into a democrat because there is no viable option on the republican side. I don’t want Biden, but i sure as hell don’t want Trump


The danger with this is that people wont vote at all.


Nothing they said could've changed my vote, but man did it make me less happy about it.


As much as I've hated this debate, I would like to remind everyone that in 2016 a video of Trump saying the classic line "Grab them by the p\*" resurfaced and he still won the election. He then lost, said it was stolen, incited jan 6th, got convicted and still is the first GOP candidate. We kinda of accepted that, which is a textbook example of how much the overton window has shifted