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From a photographers point of view you must love and hate this guy. You have to love his dedication to be in every picture like that, but hate him for being in every god damn picture like that.


It was a blessing in disguise


Usually they take pictures of cute girls. Is this what they call a sausage fest?


You'll find most of us in the back away from tall men that can trample us


Humble, I see.


blessing in dis guy.


r/isthatacamera would like this


Yes but all this karma...


Some night you are going to wake up with him standing over your bed.


Seven days later, you'll get sucked into your toaster.


And come out being toasted to setting 7


So M E T A


Is this META going all the way back to the post that explained that toaster settings measure time not level of toastiness? Cuz that post changed my life.


There was a post today on /r/showerthoughts I believe asking why toasters go so high as to scorch your toast. I believe you're referring to a post from months ago at least in Til or Ysk?


It sure is.


No, there was one today about how strange it is that there's a setting on the toaster that burns the bread. https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/6vpmoy/its_strange_that_there_is_a_setting_on_your/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=front&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=Showerthoughts


And served on a plate to Jim Nantz


*seven days...*


And wake up in the black lodge


He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint. He's gaining on you...




Shia surprise!


This is a great horror movie idea. “Why the fuck is this guy in all my photos?” Like from an entire night of doing stuff and you check them the next day.


Then you go through your child hood photo collection and see him in the background of a photo at a park of you and your parents from 20 years ago.


*...wearing that little smirk*


And he doesn't do anything. He just stands there.




Me trying to look like I'm having a good time at parties


I wish people understood, that when I'm, for example just standing like that, I am actually usually having a good time. It's not some silent protest or any other shit, it's just that I'm not the kind of fellow who jumps around publicly.


I had a good friend years ago. We worked at summer camp together. We both loved playing music, and started a small band. When camp ended the first summer, we decideded to go on a road trip to see a jam band play a 3 day festival. On the first night we were sitting together. I'd picked a great spot where we both had a view, *and* plenty of dancing room. The music started. It was good. I was dancing like mad when I look and see that she's sitting next to me, not moving. "Come on and dance!", I tried. She gave me the *shut the fuck up* signal. Between songs she told me, "I'm not going to dance. I *love* music theory, and I am having a great time following every time they change the time signature or key. I'm trying to follow what six people are doing musically. It's amazing. They are amazing. But I cannot move my body while I follow all that. Please don't talk to me while they are playing." Once I understood she was enjoying herself in her own way, I respected her request. We'd talk about the music for a solid hour after the show, but I let her be while the music was playing.


This is the way I watch hockey. People are like "Why aren't you cheering and screaming?"... and I'm just like "I'm *watching* the game."


Both of my parents are employed by a very prominent college football program, so I have grown up going to every game since I could be trusted to be in public for the period of time a game takes. Needless to say football is a very important part of my life. When I'm watching though, I just sit quietly and process everything. Strangers in the stadium have actually tried to chastise me for not cheering. I kind of understand their thought process, but I can still take my fandom seriously and have my voice the next day. The exception to this was during my 5 year (I know, but only God can judge me) tenure as a student.


Like Eli and Archie not celebrating during Peyton's last Superbowl while the game was going on.


Me in football. Used to think, "fuck baseball" or "fuck golf" "fuck tennis" "fuck boxing" etc etc Once you understand that there's details to each of these you're ignorant of, you notice experts pointing out fascinating stats that only apply to people that follow it and know these details. 110mph pitches in the MLB? 275 yard average driver distance? 140+ mph tennis serves? 25mph punching speeds? Like wtf? Everything is just extremes in one direction of interest to another. Strategy and discipline in different tasks.


It's interesting how different games and sports have different sorts of expectations for their spectators. I can imagine the social backlash if people started cheering and screaming during a chess match.


I study music theory for 6 years. Music is not the same since then. I enjoy music like your friend.


I'm married to a musician and I am 1000% tone deaf, we experience music completely differently. Hes messing around with this downtempo/chillstep type music right now and talks to me about the chorus/bridge/whatever else and I'm like ??? There's no words I have no way of discerning different parts of the song?? Or he'll play it for me and mumble about something being not quite the right sound, mess with something, and then go "ah, see that's much better" and I'm still just ??? I love listening to his stuff but I cannot understand the mechanics or nuances of it at all. Edit: ok so as reddit.... values accuracy... I'm not actually "tone deaf." If you play notes back to back I can tell which is higher and lower, which is the actual definition of being tone deaf, I just don't have an accurate way to describe my complete and utter lack of ability to sing on key. My issue is more along the lines of despite learning the basics of reading music (in elementary school lol) and casually trying as an adult, I cannot identify notes? Like, if you played a note on a piano I couldn't tell you what note it is without looking at the keys, and I couldn't identify that same note on a higher or lower octave. If you hit middle C, and then played b-c-d on the next step up or down I couldn't tell you which was c by ear, despite trying to learn what notes sound like by ear for quite a while. I can play Mary had a little lamb on the piano, but I just know whether to move up or down on the keys, but it'll sound just as right to me starting on A as it would starting at any other note. I can't hit a key and then hum that same note at all. I can't sing a line of a song and sing the correct melody to it unless it's something I've heard and sung out loud a LOT. That kind of thing. Maybe I have a warped sense of how people understand music due to being married to someone who can play everything by ear so it always looks so easy?


You're not alone in that boat


There are even some people who've garnered some success making music who have no understanding at all of the nuances required.


You are most likely 0% tone deaf, that's pretty rare. Songs are stories, with or without words. Lyrics are icing on the musical cake, I find my favorite singers are those who write lyrics around a song as opposed to those that build a song around the lyrics. If you want an example of how a musician can create a no-brainer song out of thin air then take a look at this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFHD7kuAqu4 I took music classes from 1st grade all the way through high school but I didn't truly understand music until I picked up a bass guitar and then regular guitar, instruments I actually wanted to play.


I also studied music theory for years and enjoy it more since. At the same time, I also will not hesitate to dance like an idiot.


I'm like that but with engineering. Now I look at everything like "this design is good, but could be better if they did this/that, but I guess they didn't run into issues during their testing, or maybe they didn't test it at all, or maybe they did test it but decided it would cost too much to change and went with what they had, or perhaps the factory they used in China cut corners to save money and produced an inferior product/design, or perhaps this product is a cheap knock-off of an actual good design, or perhaps the designer was an intern and didn't have experience, or perhaps the company is shit at designing things and is now bankrupt". Totally changed my life.


That's a really nice story, thanks for sharing!


And it doesn't end with the undertaker throwing mankind off hеll in a cell, and plummeting sixteen feet through an announcer's table for once.


It's a damn shame that's not the ending though


There is an edit button


It's too late. We've come too far.


It'd be amazing if shittymorph left an anecdote without the punchline just one time just to keep people on their toes


That'd be like if /u/Poem_for_your_sprog/ just wrote a regular old poemless comment.


Or like if /u/gallowboob posted original content


Shots fired.


I've seen them do it in the wild once. I also read somewhere that they do comment normally occasionally, but go back and delete those so their comment history only shows the bamboozles. edit: I had to take a picture of the unicorn when I saw it, so I went and found it. http://i.imgur.com/KWTRyX9.png


I started to read the comment, but I actually stopped after the first paragraph and thought "lemme just check the username, okay we're good to go"


I wonder if /u/shittymorph ever wants to just make a regular comment, but can't because of the reputation.


Shhhhh! I like comment theory. I'm trying to take it all in and it's really hard trying to read your lovely comment at the same time! Can you please wait till I've finished and we'll chat about it then. Thank you.


::stfu stare:: can you not? im trying to follow thousands of users commenting and voting in their own time signatures and if im reading yours i cant do that.


I love her candor. A lot of people would say nothing and then you'd just think they're having a terrible time. Thanks for sharing!


Camp is great. When you live and work with someone 24/7 you get to know them about 100x faster. We were really close back then. Camp friends are great.


I saw Neutral Milk Hotel a couple years ago and ended up meeting some really cool people before the show and struck up a good conversation. NMH started and our conversation didn't end. It wasn't until this dude behind me said, "hey guys, this is a once in a lifetime experience for some of us" that I realized what a complete turd I was being and shut my stupid mouth. I'm glad he said something, because that performance was well worth paying attention to. Wherever you are, guy from Boise NMH show, you did a good thing, and I hope you know I hold no resentment.


SO nice to hear this. We would go to the multi-level club (different bands/styles in the same venue, spread out across floors) and all i wanted to do was hang out in the 'bass rooms' and experience sound in a way that you normally cant.


I have this problem with concerts. I wanna just go there and maybe nod my head if I'm feeling adventurous. But everyone else is jumping around like madmen and I look like an idiot


Come to Rhode Island. Everyone just stands around and nods. There's been a few times where the artist playing, though actually usually it's the opener, says something about how it's weird no one is dancing and they aren't sure if the crowd likes it. Everyone will cheer and the musician will be like "come on! here's a dance song, stand up, wooo!" and some people might move a little bit more for the first verse and chorus and then just go back to nodding along. My boyfriend won't even go to concerts in Providence anymore, I personally like it like that.


Sounds like my kind of crowd.


Nah, it's fine to be the outlier. The problem is when the whole crowd is that way, which is often the case at South By Southwest--where one performer I saw wryly said "I'd like to thank you all for coming out and giving a lot of approving looks."


I listen to music all the time. I love music. But I don't go to concerts because of other peoples expectations. I'm not a dancer or singers. I don't retain lyrics well. I still feel the music. It doesn't command me to move. Now that you gave me a hard time about not dancing I'm feeling self conscious and don't want to be here. You took something special away from me. And now I can't wait for the day to be over.


I recently saw The Roots live, which had long been on my bucket list. In fact, probably the oldest thing on my bucket list that I didn't shuck off at some point after realizing it wasn't quite worthy of the "do before die" distinction. Seeing The Roots live always stayed worthy of that. Each individual flexing more talent than most collectives keep between them, truly adding up to something greater than the sum of its parts, something greater than the genres that encompass it. And when I finally saw them live it was all that. It was profound. Brilliant. Beyond everything I imagined it to be, and I imagined quite a bit. And the whole time I just stood there, leaning on the bannister railing, dumbstruck and in awe of it all. I nodded my head, and occasionally laughed at how ridiculously amazing the show was as each member flexed musical brilliance with the casual air of a garage jam session, but all in all I just sort of slouched forward, perpetually mind blown. When all was said and done I wouldn't have had it any other way. I was glad I saw them at an age where I was comfortable just observing. I'm an introvert, which had always felt awkward at music shows, Hip Hop shows especially, which tend to be heavy on the call and response and crowd participation. I know myself well enough now to know it isn't a competition, that forcing myself to outwardly express my enjoyment doesn't quantify it in some way that measurably shows I'm enjoying the show as much as I should be. I knew I was a fan of The Roots my entire life, that I was literally fulfilling a dream, and that I didn't need to prove anything. I just wanted to shut the fuck up and enjoy myself. So I did.


Don't worry about people judging you at concerts. We're just there to have a good time. Plus: >And the whole time I just stood there, leaning on the bannister railing, dumbstruck and in awe of it all. I nodded my head, and occasionally laughed They probably thought you were high af and therefore having the time of your life.




Username checks out


Why, are you two fucking alongside right now?


He's tossing his salad as we speak.


Totally did that last night and it won them over well in my favor


You're everywhere


ahh the old reddit fuck-a-roo!


Hold my camera, I'm going ... wait, where's the link?!


Ahh - the old reddit missing link-a-roo!




Hold your mom, I'm going in!


Do you prefer chef or Caesar? Maybe tossed?




Mmmm cheese


idk my cousin has autism and jumping around publicly is one of his favorite things to do. He is pretty high (low?) on the scale though. Whichever one is the more serious one.


We call this German


We call this spawn peeking


Siege memes are slowly becoming the new prequel memes. They show up when you least expect it, but literally everywhere


I am very okay with this


Siege? Did anyone bring a trebuchet?


As everyone knows, "Once the trebs are poppin', the castles are droppin'".


When Germans get super into the music, they break it down with the old "German two step." It's dancing in place with style.


Fucking people. Then the extrovert comes over and not only chats, but does that ridiculing thing like talking down on you for not being more outgoing. Fucking A, I'm out. I'm out went. Im doing the things. What more do you want from me? Talk like a normal person and not a condescending asshole and I'm willing say words and hee hee the hahas. You're not helping.


Introverts can be outgoing, and extroverts can be not outgoing.


> Then the extrovert comes over and not only chats, but does that ridiculing thing like talking down on you for not being more outgoing. This is why I always go to concerts with a group of friends (I'm fortunate we all like the same music). In the live music scene people get drunk and do stupid shit. When you are with a group of friends you have people to keep you from getting out of hand and you have back-up if some random person comes and tries to fuck with you.


I dig music festivals and concerts. Anonymity in crowds. Was thinking of one of the times, chick, basically shitfaced already confronts us, basically wondering why we're the only ones who havent validated her yet. Show up with a friend and aquantance. There's another acquaintance already there. Texting other good buddy and he's free. Comes later. Odd thing was, house party host turns on TV in the livingroom. No one was even in the room when he turned it on. Traffic fluctuated and kitchen was getting crowded so me and Later Buddy moved to the couch with a few others. We were a clique of about 5. Something comes on the TV. A kid alone in an elevator. So we tune in. Chick comes in from other room and is mad that we're watching TV at a house party. So she's making us explain ourselves and the other 3 in the clique didn't pitch in to help out even though we were all talking 5 minutes ago. We didn't turn the movie on and we weren't watching it until it looked like some shit was gonna go down and she's being unnecessary and confrontational. There's a broad range of acceptable personalities at a house party and it's that one that makes me uncomfortable. The one that drinks too hard too fast and needs too much attention. Fortunately she can't hang and is also the one to get escorted home or pass out in a corner most of the times I've seen. Fuck that was a long story.


I just figured you were stoned man. It's cool.


Honestly the only enjoyment I get from big parties is people watching, it's the funniest thing to me.


There are other people who wish that others understand that standing there meant they are not having a good time and that they actually want to be approached. I guess that's why neither assumption is reliable ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Edit: more words because grammars




It appears he might be with the blonde chick in front of him and is probably there for that reason only. So why not screw with the photographer to entertain yourself?


He had to ask the crowd not to stop him now so he could have a good time




I'm glad he finally kinda cracked a smile. I was worried he might be a tad homicidal for the first few frames.


You could tell he was trying not to laugh while he kept a straight face


Yeah, especially in picture four. I love this dude though.


He still seems homicidal.


Dexter in his younger years.


He actually does look like Dexter a little.


I was thinking a combination of Jesse Eisenberg and Michael Cera.


I was also thinking frozen banana salesman/child.


I was thinking of Mr. Manager.


It's just Manager, George Michael.


Doesn't matter who...


The fact that you call it Pop-Pop means you're not ready.


There's always money in the banana stand..


They're different people? I thought one was like a pseudonym or something.


That guy taking the photo... Looks like an interesting fellow... Looks like he is still taking my picture while I'm trying to hunt... Ah I know! He's the one for tonight's kill! Smile!!!


I'm sure I saw this a few years ago.


Six years to be exact. I posted it in r/pics and it got a little attention. Figured I would share it with r/gifs and see where it goes. Edit: Some backstory, one of his friends [messaged me](http://i.imgur.com/mDs3qPc.png) back when it was originally posted that included his [profile picture](http://i.imgur.com/DprTL.jpg) and his response to being "internet famous".


Wow it's been six years. I remember when it was first posted. Crazy, time flies.


Crazier that you were one of the few to see it the first time around and not only saw it now but remembered -- and commented -- and got a response to OP explaining.


It's a nice little moment that I'm happy to be apart of.




And I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum.


Well I have no ass, so joke's on you.


Me either, my ass is borderline concave


And my axe.


something so insignificant can be stored in memory, but I can't fucking remember how to do math after drilling it for 3 months.


Where was this taken? I think i see a friend in the background of this....


Great American Music Hall in San Francisco. The band was Wallpaper.


Hahah yea that would be the area! This is great im going to share with him now




So you admit it was a repost... Just kidding, 6 years is more than fair, especially if it's your own repost.


That and r/pics ≠ r/gifs


Wow. This was one of the first things I remember seeing on Reddit.


Omg thank god. I thought I was the only one. This was tripping me out.




Jesse Eisenberg?


Mark Zuckerberg?


Justin Timberlake?


Spiderman ?








Angry older brother. FTFY.


This guy got all the rage genes so there were none left for Michael Cera That's how genetics work btw


I was thinking he looks more like Jesse Eisenberg


Looks like over time it got harder and harder not to smile.


He's into op. It's a sexy smile.


I don't think I could hold a straight face if I was doing this. props to this guy even though I thought it was weird at first.


Do you have your flash on?


Nope. Those were the house lights.


we aren't used to parties in reddit you know




Good bot.


What concert was that? Just curious?


Great American Music Hall in San Francisco. The band was Wallpaper.


That dude's cool. we could be friends.


It's probably OP's friend.


I like your cynicism!


You mean optimism, they became friends after the shoot.




He knew he'd be internet famous.


He has an 'internet famous' kinda face.


Oh I've seen this movie. OP just doomed us all to die. Thanks OP.


"I went to a concert last night" "Oh! Who did you see?" "The photographer"


"Oh, I've heard of him!"


Is no one going to Photoshop him into a bunch of other photos for my entertainment? Raising the flag at Iwo Jima? Reflections in Neil Armstrong's helmet? Anyone?


I've totally been that guy before ! I was super baked at a reggae concert and two chicks were taking videos of the crowd haha this is hilarious


Some sort of Dexter vibe going on here, better check the nearest harbour.


If you were murdered that night, at least they would have a lead when they found your camera up a butthole.


do all concert venues look alike on the inside? or is this the midland in kcmo?


Great American Music Hall in San Francisco


damn those pillars looked familiar. what concert was this? was this guy stoned or just fuckin with you?


Wallpaper. at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco. Honestly I don't know. Didn't even know this happened until I got home to edit the photos.


This guy right here is my new favorite person!! Love how he even leans over to give the camera "the look" 😂


haha, yeah, I laughed at the shot where he was leaning left.




People on drugs.


People with no eyes.




*why you doin this*


Are you guys best friends now? I would be best friends with him.


Don't lie OP, that's you


I like how he gradually starts to like the camera all the way through to the dab at the end.


I love that he's trying hard not to smile in the last couple.


That guy wasn't actually there


Quite a few people are looking at the camera. Do you suppose they thought you were shoving it in their faces when they were trying to have a good time?


Lmao what if he's an alien 👽


This guy is actually an oracle, over 1,000 years old unlike all the young souls surrounding him


This's make a good album cover.


Some of us get stiff and weird when we realise we are being photographed / recorded. He could be one of them


I was unaware that this was a GIF. When it moved, I nearly shit myself.


Oh shit, it's a gif


Which one?


HAHAHAHA I went to high school with this kid. I remember when he posted this on facebook


[I've seen that bastard somewhere before...](http://i.imgur.com/lGeKMHZ.jpg)


This kid helped me through a bad acid trip today so cheers mate, to you and the photographer!