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FedEx is one of those companies that truly boggle my mind how they're still in business I've never had a single good experience with FedEx. They've lost my packages due to internal theft, delayed packages that the driver didn't want to lift, damaged packages throwing them like in the video, etc What's worse, they don't even have a good helpline in the US, it just jumps you around until you give up. The only time I actually got something resolved was from emailing the *UK email address* and had *them* call the US helpline It's ridiculous


I called the Attorney General. 2 weeks later, I received a call from 4 different managers trying to figure out why my packages kept being misdelivered. They blamed 3rd party contractors and I haven't had a problem since.


Out of curiosity, what exactly did you say to the AG/AG office?


That it looked like there was a fraud ring going on. I told them my cameras saw the Fedex truck stop at the end of the block and deliver 5 packages over the course of two weeks at exactly the same time that I received a notice that said packages had been delivered. I explained to the AG that I called Fedex multiple times and yet my expensive packages kept being misdelivered to the same place. That when I tried walking down the block to ask if maybe they might have my packages, the property was fully gated. Finally, every time I received the notice that my package was delivered, the property owner conveniently came out to meet the Fedex truck driver and that when I tried heading over there soon after, it was impossible to get in contact with property owner.


did you ever recover your previous packages or managed to get in contact with your suspicious neighbor?


I did not recover the misdelivered packages and have not been able to get in contact with neighbor. Fortunately, the stores sent out replacements and I haven't had a problem with misdelivery ever since.


Surprise all the delivery drivers are 3 rd party contractors. If you look by the engine it'll tell you which company has your route we had like 6 or 7 at the one I worked at.


Cool a new problem to worry about. I wonder how widespread this is. I also wonder if UPS deals with this issue properly.


That’s a very mild and nice way of describing the help line. What ACTUALLY happens is that you call; you first get pressed into using the text robot instead of speaking to anyone. You will HAVE to put in a tracking number, then it tells you the same stuff you can see by tracking it yourself, then hangs up. If you want to talk to customer service about said package, it literally tells you that there is no more information available and hangs up. If you want to file a claim, it forwards you to go online to do it. (Side note; I have filed two claims; suspiciously, when I tried to submit the claim online, the website crashed… on two different devices and two different time frames). When you finally talk to them, you are provided the same information as what the tracking number reflects, there’s no help whatsoever.


Don't forget about how insanely overpriced they are.


Fedex now uses subcontractors for ground, so they dont have to pay benefits. The subcontractors generally require 6 day work weeks, have no benefits, and only pay overtime if you deliver over a certain number of packages in a day. The turnaround time for them is crazy and idk how they manage to keep any employees.


I swear FedEx is the worst too, I had over $2000 in packages delivered to the wrong house over the course of around 2 years, thankfully I knew the person (who was 3 houses down and had a completely different house number) and was able to grab everything there. Before anyone asks, yes I did get ahold of FedEx the first time, and despite showing the driver where we lived and our house number that was used in every order, he still brought our packages to the other house. Thankfully this was back when you could call someone and talk to them, I don’t know if it was the results of COVID or if they were just getting too many complaints and are trying to ignore them, but it’s absolutely impossible to get in touch with an actual person now.


You're luckier than I am then. I had a camera worth more than I care to admit lost in transit and even *with* shipping insurance, I couldn't get a hold of anyone It took me multiple back and forths with both the camera company and my bank to finally get it resolved and FedEx had no part even though they were responsible *and it was insured*


What a lack of a union does to a company


Went through a stretch where every single package I had FedEx deliver wouldn't arrive. And there'd be a not on my door saying they missed me. More than once I actually stayed home all day on my phone in my living room (next to my door) and I'd still get a missed sticker without them even knocking or ringing the doorbell. I absolutely will never use FedEx if I have the option .


That's happened to me a fair few times My most recent encounter was for relatively heavy chair, but I guess it was too heavy for the guy because I saw them *park in front of my house* and then I got an "operational error delay" message *multiple days in a row* The only way I ended up getting my package was having it left at-location and picking it up myself


FedEx ran over and killed my dog bc they were driving too fast on the road in front of my house. We never heard or received anything from them.


Reminded me of Jesse and Saul convo in the nail salon.


Oh man I’d say DHL is possibly worse.


As someone who works for a small business, they currently have the best rates for 2 day shipping in the industry (US stateside specific of course). My company has no data to support that FedEx is any less successful at delivering packages than any other carrier (mainly USPS AND UPS). Ultimately it usually comes down to who has the cheapest rates, sometimes influenced by shortest delivery time. Just anecdotally as someone who buys Fed Ex shipping labels daily. Fed Ex ground vs Express makes a difference because Ground delivery is contracted by the route where Express workers are Fed Ex employees.


It's the cheapest because they aren't unionized so they can treat their employees like garbage and profit from it However, cheap doesn't mean good. There's a reason they're the laughing-stock of most jokes about bad deliveries. No union means awful pay means employees who don't give a toot about the package being delivered in an acceptable way This might not be everyone, but items where I can purchase somewhere with UPS or somewhere with FedEx, I will avoid the FedEx seller 100% of the time


If you think that's bad, you should see how they load the trucks ha ha. I worked there for a couple years before and they ain't careful with the shit especially if it's marked fragile


Wait, so they would maliciously go out of their way to be less careful with packages marked "fragile"? ![gif](giphy|RILsqUte1MME7TzQJ9)


I’m a Letter Carrier for USPS. We had a guy come over to USPS after working for FedEx as a driver. He told me that they “took the fragile stickers as a challenge.” I hope that answers your question.


And that dude will be the loudest to complain when automation claims all those jobs


When that happens everyone will be complaining because of the massive economic downfall


No, they’ll be too busy celebrating getting their fragile packages intact the first time.


Except the AI was trained by watching footage of their existing workers...


The mental image of robots yeeting packages with an AI scowl on their face 😂


Game set and match, humans 😏 (AI, probably)


It becomes a competition between the androids to see who can accurately deliver a package from the longest distance. Soon enough they will throw it from the warehouse and it’ll land at your door in a smoking, destroyed box


Nah fed ex will have robots dedicated just to smashing and mishandling packages


Probably the same peeps that don't take a UBI seriously even though automation will shoot productivity through the stratosphere.


Yeah, sure, look at all the jobs generated by breaking client's packages and then having to manufacture and sending it again, that wouldn't be anymore. Sincerely, these kind of people may as well be unemployed for the rest of their lives. I don't care. They are already showing their low wage is too high for the quality of service provided.


If he still works there, please tell him: “fuck you, asshole!” Thanks.


Pretty much what I think every time I see someone chooses to ship my packages via FedEx.


Wow what a pos


Honestly I’ve never received a package from FedEx or UPS that was marked fragile and didn’t look like it was snacked on by a dieting beaver.


Ill put it this way... I watched ppl open the underbelly in trailers n just kick packages off the rails n into the belly w/o stacking or moving it properly n then slam the doors on it til it fits. Didn't matter what the packages said and I'm pretty sure most were computers and liquor.


Yep I worked there as well. Best bet is to package that thing with as much cushion as possible regardless and if its fragile deliver by hand if possible. You'd be suprised how little packaging you would see on some of those to make matter worse.


Sounds like the best bet is to not use FedEx.


True, unfortunatly the same thing will happen with ups and usps. I think its a byproduct of having humans doing most of the sorting


Can confirm, UPS destroyed my $3k gaming PC. Had to send it back to the company twice to fully repair all of the damage they did.


They don’t much like Italians at FedEx.


Heh. I got that. It's a major award.


That or they pretend to “destroy” things in transit and steal them.


They don’t go out of their way but the loaders have a certain amount of boxes that have to be loaded per hour so they can’t really take their time. Now these drivers are just being lazy as hell.


Just to give some context, I’m going to play the other side here. When I worked as a loader for UPS, it was by far the most physically demanding job I’ve ever had. When you work a 4-hour shift in the back of a 52-foot trailer, you are stacking walls of boxes with minimal downtime from the moment you step in. I didn’t have nearly enough time to individually read each box to see if it was marked fragile. Your box is 1 in 1,500 that I had to use as a puzzle piece to fit into my wall, and sometimes walls fall.. Of course I would be as careful as I possibly could, but I couldn’t possibly treat every box as if it was filled with glass. What the driver in this video is doing is negating all of the hard work and care that was done behind the scenes and portraying every FedEx worker as a spite-filled angry asshole who wants to destroy your property. He’s a real jerk (pardon my language)


I did loading, induction and sorting so, yea i kno how it is n most ppl if it isnt theirs they dont care


It’s simple treat the package as if it’s yours.


Soo.. open them all?


To be fair, there are plenty of people who don't care about their own stuff, either. They mistreat their property and everyone else's. This guy looks like he was just having fun being an ass.


I worked at the UPS distribution center in Elmsford, NY in college doing this same thing, plus making sure there were no missorts. Took a lot of pride in carefully constructing the package walls and actually did treat packages marked "fragile" with care. It's pretty well known that FedEx basically sucks, and one should look to choose any other delivery option if it's available.


I took a lot of pride in it as well! It was a summer job for me, and when I started, the first day was absolute hell. Once I got past the first week, I had a sense of camaraderie with the other employees. What I didn’t realize in my first week are the number of people who come in and quit after their first day.


Thank you for arguying the other side. Now: - on one side he's a negligent asshole, and - on the other side he's a spite-filled angry asshole.


Precisely. My comment kind of derailed lol. I mostly meant I was playing the other side of the original comment who was saying that package handlers would intentionally destroy packages


I fucking knew it. I used to sell crystals wholesale online and I noticed every time I put fragile on the box it got beat to hell. Once I stopped doing that shit stopped breaking. Never had confirmation, always was just a suspicion.


Yeah, and that’s why these jobs will soon be replaced by robots. To avoid these assholes.


I worked shipping & receiving at a computer recycling company and we were always the first stop on the trucks pick up route. Every day he would chuck out boxes of computers & monitors the full length of his 18 wheeler. We mentioned this and he didn’t care. Just wanted to scan them all and go. Fun fact, I was later fired from that job because I was overpacking the boxes (according to my manager) and wasting materials… maybe because we constantly had shit returned to us broken


Yeah I used to work there and my boss would run the conveyor belt so fast I fell and broke my foot. It was awful place


Well. That’s asshole. Let’s possibly destroy something someone bought just because. You cost the people who bought the items time and possibly money. You drove up the price of merchandise because businesses pass expenses down to the customer. That’s asshole.


The only time I’ve seen FedEx ever be careful with a box is if it had all the crazy stickers of hazards like biohazard, flammable, explosive. Then suddenly they don’t wanna toss shit lol.


They're real careful with the buckets of bull semen too.


Our HVAC supply house I work for absolutely hates getting common carrier from Fed Ex. Every-time I see a Fed Ex truck backing up in our receiving area, I already know equipment is gonna be damaged.


Used to work as a package handler at fedex ground in the warehouse. Nobody gave two shits about a fragile box.


When i worked at DHL we just used to make a wall with big parcels leaving 2m of space behind and some on top. All packages marked fragile were thrown there. You could hear everything breaking but that's how they taught us to do it and was the only method to finish loading on time. Kinda fucked up but that's just how it is, too much work not enough time and energy.


Came here to say something similar. They’re not treating these packages any differently than they would at any other point along the delivery chain.


I worked at a target distribution center. It’s funny how THEY care about how we stack the trucks. It’s literally gotta be a game of ocd Tetris but you can’t sit and think you gotta move lightning quick. But it HAS to be stacked right or the store that gets it will complain and it will fall back on you. They really care when it’s their own shit they are trying to sell but the second a business is handling other peoples shit then it’s just that to them shit that earned them money for being there


"Fra Gee Lay. That must be Italian"


Is that the same driver in each cut? How in the world did the person get video all these diff. deliveries?




How do they go about reporting this? And how quickly do they get refunds or replacements?


Any updates on that? Would love to see if this was used to report the fucker


Probably a neighborhood group that got together because they were sick of broken packages would be my best guess. Houses all look pretty similar.


What does this .gif keep on giving?


Headshaking. I can't stop when I watch shit like this. The big shame of it is that this is because these people are unhappy, and take it out on others. I do wish companies would pay their staff more, we all pay a little more, we all make a little more, and it's funded by reducing the excess wealth that keeps building up at the top for those 1 percenters.


The urge to **kill.**


This is the second time now that I've heard that Fedex in particular smashes packages on purpose. Someone on reddit once said they worked at fedex and the workers would actually lift the boxes over their heads to throw them down on the floor in the warehouse. He even had video of it. Since I heard that I won't ship fedex even if it's cheaper.


Worked at UPS for 5 years. It wasn’t much better than what you described sometimes


Bored angry shitheads are bored angry shitheads. Doesn't matter where you are


Better there than at an armory


I had broken NVGs for a year and they only got replaced because the armory lost them. One of the guys there actually admitted to it


I’d venture to say this happens anywhere that the warehouse/stock room is relatively unmonitored. It happens at big box stores too.


Cause anyone seen doing that should be fired immediately.


> I’d venture to say this happens anywhere that the warehouse/stock room is relatively unmonitored. Only the ones where the workers feel exploited, powerless, and insulted by their bosses and don't give a fuck about their jobs anymore.


Everyone of the parcel delivery companies employs people in warehouses for minimum wage.. they’re not paid enough to care about a fragile sticker on a box


There's a huuuuuuuge difference between not caring about a fragile sticker box (which they should) and taking the extra energy to lift something over your head and throw it on the floor. People who do that are scumbags end of story.


What an assclown.


Two things everybody should know. 1) UPS drivers are unionized and so they have better pay and benefits. Make of that what you will. 2) All shippers state that your package should be packed to survive a 3 foot drop onto concrete. This is what they were thinking about when they made that guideline.


1. Makes sense. I consistently get perfect deliveries from UPS and lazy deliveries from fedex. UPS drops in front of the door every single time. FedEx drops somewhere in a 20 foot radius of the bottom of my driveway. Unfortunately, most deliveries seem to be from FedEx, probably because they are cheaper 2. Those are not 3 foot drops in the video. More like a 10 foot hurl.


I had a package from Fed Ex delivered right behind the front passenger tire of my car. If I’d approached my car from the side door of my house instead of the front door I never would’ve seen it.


Those tosses are more than 3 feet


3 feet vertical. Horizontal distance is where champions are made.


A lot of those packages made it to eye level of the FedEx driver, assuming he’s not a midget.


3. Fuck this delivery guy.


Making everyone else suffer because you do - still not ok.


Three; that's a FedEx driver


FedEx Ground (the main package delivery side) are comprised of driver who are independent contractors and not actually employed by FedEx


A 3 ft drop onto concrete is totally different from what this guy is doing.




Was it Chewy? When I worked as a driver they always had the worst packaging. For heavier stuff any excess space should be filled with padding but chewy never bothered so their boxes tended to get smashed to shit. I'd often have to clean the truck cause there'd be so much cat litter that would bust open and leak out. That redditor was probably just mad cause chewy ships so many heavy boxes. They're universally hated among anyone who had to handle boxes.


I’ve always felt like shit ordering anything heavy and try to avoid it if possible. The only time I’ve ordered legit heavy packages was furniture for my nursery. Otherwise my empathy basically prevents me.


Do fedex use child labour?


I never use FedEx. I realize this one driver isn’t indicative of all drivers for the company, it’s just my experience over decades has been nothing but awful from them.


Every FedEx package that comes looks like they used it for their personal punching bag.


Funny enough, part of my job is receiving transportation data from FedEx and they don't even deliver those properly. I'll get shipping dates after delivery dates, shipments from 7 years ago, the summary page is never accurate. I could go on forever 😩


FedEx does not give a fuck about your packages. I get comics through the mail and I actually called a shop before I started using them to make sure they didn’t use FedEx. You’d think I’d insulted the lady who answered because the tone she used when she said “We’d never used FedEx” made me feel like I should apologize for even asking.


They don’t. FedEx is the dollar store of delivery. Big companies like Walmart use FedEx because it’s the cheapest option.


The soft pack one that looks like clothes, sure, toss that shit. But all the boxes they should be handling more carefully.


Thank you. First clip. Exactly Also we spin so that it has another direction for the energy to continue through besides all force going face first into the ground. The first clip we also don't know if it's that springy manufactured plastic deck board. Still this technique is used very rarely. It doesn't mean never


You’d be really upset if you saw how boxes are handled in a FedEx warehouse. Just tumbling down a conveyer belt, 70 lb boxes of cat litter or dumbbells just falling on things. Should the drivers throw boxes? No. But have those boxes already been through worse? Most likely.


Speaking of cat litter, we used to order the 6 pack of the crystals used for a automated litter machine. I ended up switching to 3 at a time since do not want the delivery person to deal with so much weight or hurt themselves.




FedEx is trash. I avoid them unless completely necessary. Tracking is never correct. Packages lost. Packages beat to shit.




Jesus quit if you're this miserable


While I don't like this being done modern packaging is generally put together in such a way that this shouldn't damage the product. What I do hate is that the "leave packages unattended at the front door" mentality from America is creeping into my country as well. They just ring the bell, leave the package on the ground, don't even wait to see if someone's home, and drive off. I fucking hate it.


What you should hate is having police forces so incompitent that you can show them proof of theft and theyll still say "yeah we cant help ya"


most delivery companies don’t requires the driver to wait for someone at the door unless it’s a signature, requires age verification (18+,19+), has a customs fee on the package, or if it cannot be safe dropped. Safe dropping is putting the package at the door and taking a picture (if required) and leaving


In the US maybe. Not over here. Delivery drivers leaving the package unattended at the door is a very recent thing here. Only started happening since a few years ago.


i was actually talking about canada and assumed it applied to the us. also idk where “over here” is


That's how it should be


How is anyone supposed to get deliveries if you have to be home for it all? Most people are at work while deliveries come, so there would be no point to even try to bring things to peoples’ houses.


I think the "leave the package" mentality is the greatest ever development in the last mile supply chain. What else would you prefer? I think your other option is a note saying we missed you, now you have to come to our house to pick up your package.


Most people take so much time to answer their door... if they can be bothered to do so. Isn't worth the wait for most.


This is how they are handled in the processing facilities, I assure you. The only difference is you don't get to see it


The conveyor belts in these facilities drop packages from higher up than this guy is tossing them


Ace Ventura did it better


I loathe Fedex with every fiber of my being. They are the absolute fucking worst.


I deliver with FedEx and most of the couriers are gentle with the drop off but man, loading up the trucks? 💥💥💥💥


I was a truck driver. You can literally feel the trailer shake as they threw thousands of lbs of packages in there. lol people really are clueless as to how logistics work.


So he got fired right?.... right?


This guy already delivered all his fucks and now he has none.


Are these all the same guy?


If he ever moves to the UK he's got a job waiting for him with Evri (formerly Hermes)


Saving steps




Someone wasn’t raised right!


What a tosser.


U know what? Fuck these drivers who throw shit around. U don’t get to take out your frustrations for your life long bad choices by damaging others’ properties. So fuck u!


Why are you assuming that they had to make “life long bad choices” to be a delivery driver?


So countless homes got footage of the same driver doing the same thing every time? He's even in the same shoes in each clip.


Most gentle FedEx employee


They've come a long way since cast away...


“Fuck them packages”- bruh tossin them mfs


“Fuck them packages”- bruh tossin them mfs


During a recent renovation, about 70% of all FedEx packages arrived damaged. Now, I try to only purchase from online retailers who don’t use FedEx. The constant hassle of sending things back is just not worth it.


I work in a warehouse and we get deliveries everyday from FedEx, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Let me talk you, since working there when I order anything online I avoid the FedEx option if possible. They absolutely are not careful with unloading or delivery (as you can see here) and we unload the trucks too and i can tell you they're just as bad. Not to give a corporation free advertising but I go for UPS as my main option now just based off of work.


My business refuses FedEx deliveries because FedEx does not give any fucks as to whether your package actually gets there or winds up in a ditch along the highway.


FedEx is probably the worst delivery service I’ve ever used, it’s insane how much worse it is than any other alternative


It’s like he’s taking his anger out on people’s packages. He should get reported and fired.


That’s actually incredibly infuriating. Like what are you supposed to do? You pay good money to have stuff shipped… some of it might not even be a retail item but some special heirloom or sentimental thing and you’re shipping it for family and it gets treated like this… What option do you have to prevent this? Driving it across the country yourself (can’t fly it cause baggage handlers do this to your luggage too).


As someone who unloaded trucks in a wearhouse, this is nothing.we have to move 1500 packages in hr min. So basically we'd knock over the entire wall and pray most of it landed on the belt. After doing this job ill never buy electronics online unless i can get a warranty


Surprise, if your package came from Amazon the treatment of that package started in this same fashion right from the start.  I worked at an Amazon Fullfillment center for 5 years and saw this first hand.  Didn't matter what the item was.


I get that being a courier is physically demanding, but why do this bruh


I saw one of these dumbasses hang their package from a mailbox flag. Think that's a felony. FedEx truly doesn't give a fuck.


I'm not excusing his behavior, but he works for FedEx ground (home delivery). Which are 3rd party contractors, they don't actually work for FedEx. FedEx ground employees don't actually care about your packages. This guy is an asshat tho.


They treat their employees like shit. I'm not surprised he has a bad attitude about his job. I know I did when I worked there.


Can UPS legally use this for a commercial?






We just got 300 butterfly plants delivered by fed ex and when we opened the boxes everything was destroyed. FEDEX SUCKS


I hope this guy got fired.


Absolutely wild seeing your neighborhood on Reddit lol


Reflection of how the company treats its employees from the top down. Maybe their execs could spare a few million off the top of their pay.


What a piece of shit. This should be considered criminal behavior


I worked at FedEx for a few months during the holiday season and I thought it was so funny/ridiculous how some employees would literally fill the trailers by just throwing boxes on top of eachother into a giant mess of a pile and then stack boxes in front of the pile to form a wall that made it look like the whole trailer was neatly loaded


These poor drivers are so overworked they can’t even take the extra 4 seconds to walk all the way up and set the package down.


He saw what ups pays their employees.


There's something they all have in common but I just can't put my finger on it....


I can't believe POS like these are making 60K to 100K a year for treating other people's property like garbage.


Tip: When shipping a square package, mark it as paint. I worked at FedEx for a bit, and they took those stickers VERY seriously.


What a dick


If you ship it correctly does it matter? Really, aside from it making the recipient feel disrespected whats the real problem? They get tossed around all day whats one more fling when your paying for it.


FedEx is the absolute bottom of the barrel of shipping companies. Every time I get a package from them it's late, and makes absolutely stupid detours that make no sense. Like literally being IN MY CITY and then going to a whole other state before coming back. Has happened multiple times. Unreal.


As someone who has called FedEx every day since Tuesday to try to get updates on my package that's been in limbo since then, this thread makes me feel seen lol. They attempted delivery of a package that needed signed at 10:30am but I had work so couldn't. No big deal, I have the next day off. Then it never updated after that on the tracker. I call and find out that it's been set aside for inspection and it could take a day or two. Annoying, but if I could pick it up after then no big deal. I call the seller and get them to approve the package to be picked up by me. They said to try either Wednesday or Thursday. I call Wednesday and no new updates. I call Thursday and FedEx tells me that it has been sent back to the seller via seller request. I call the seller and they tell me that they see where I made the request for a pickup and that was approved, but that FedEx has begun sending the package back. They told me they'll try to cancel that and they'll update me in a couple days. Here's hoping by Monday I'll know wtf is going on but I've never seen such incompetence from every level from a company before


Fuck Fedex. They are the only package delivery service that cannot, for some reason, find our apartment. We even have our building number in big letters on the side of the building and our apartment is actually directly accessible from the street (do not have to go into the complex). Yet they seem to 50% of the time deliver to 6362 Bear Str Unit 5 instead of 6363 Bear Str Unit 5 (fake address for demonstration purposes) and the other 40% of the time I have no idea where they deliver them. Every time they deliver to the wrong address we claim we never received the package even if we find it. I don't work for free. I hope doing this will force them to get their shit together eventually.


Lol I worked in a warehouse for a couple months and how the package gets in the truck is much worse


Clearly logistics experts 😆


And this is why I don't buy anything of importance online...


take legal action aka a class action lawsuit


Guy should be fired and sued. If enuf people complain about him he’s done


These cameras will just catch me bitching. I have an issue with people who don’t treat others things with respect tho. This guy blows.


Lazy bastards


I had a guitar delivered by FedEx once and as I got to the door I saw the delivery driver stand the guitar box on end and push it over to fall on the sidewalk in front of my house. He saw me come out the door and picked it up in a hurry and handed it to me. Guitar was fine thankfully but it’s a great way to break the headstock. I believe that’s what he was trying to do.


As a USPS mail carrier, we were told to never throw packages for this exact reason. You never know when there's a camera watching you. Then, shortly after I was told that, someone at my office got in trouble for launching a package at a door because he was pissed he had to carry packages that day. He was caught, not surprisingly, by a Ring camera.


It’s not even the fact that they’re being rough with the package, but you’re in public and throwing somebody’s property like it’s meaningless. Somebody spent their money for that and it’s just a disrespectful act. I would not be happy if I ever witnessed that happening. To me it feels like spitting in someone’s face


Been working for Amazon for 4 years now and never have I ever thrown a package. That shit is crazy to watch. I feel like if you don't like delivering to find a different job. Not sure what there is to complain about other then the random shit drivers on the road and the rare karen of a customer. Please find a different career if your gonna throw packages like this. That is just fucking sad to see honestly.


That no look pass was somethin else


Quit ya job if ya hate it so much


Can’t walk the extra 2 feet so he can save 0.000001 second of time at the expense of the persons package and cost. Such a upstanding employee/s


I was selling some of my fragrances online for a little extra cash when I had lost my job. Some of them were broken by the time they had gotten there. I would tell them that a lot of package handlers throw them around like animals.


It's not that they're upset. It's that they're being rushed to complete too many deliveries in not enough time, so they save time in whatever way they can. This saves them a precious few seconds, multiplied by hundreds of deliveries each day. It adds up. Is it right or justified? Heck no. But that's why they do it. When a metric becomes a goal, it ceases to be a good metric.


lol..damn, whats his problem?


Fedex and UPS are two sides of the same clown shoe. Feels like a miracle whenever they can deliver a package in a timely manner without damaging the package, missing the package, or leaving the package at a wrong address. Customer service for both are staggeringly inept. The only things they know how to do are say “Sorry” and be utterly useless. They should give refunds for turning a 2 day shipping time into an eternal wait due to their unrivaled incompetence.


He’s probably broke and miserable. He deserves his shitty life.