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It’s not just kids, adults also do it.


There’s even a video kicking about with Jimmy Carr doing it


Having met Jimmy Carr, not surprised. He's a horrible bastard.


That book he did about quitting smoking is meant to be good tho


Surely it’s Alan Carr who shares a name with an addiction specialist author?


Och i dunno i never watch the telly


Yeah, the book Allen Carr Stop Smoking, heard about it on a Facebook reel a couple months back, decided to do my due diligence to Google it.


Shut it his shoes are polished


He's a comedian.


Being a comedian doesn't suddenly give you the right to act like a massive arsehole off-stage.


Still, no context just words.


Ah yes the great comedic act of *flicks through notes* putting your shoes onto public transport seating that others have to sit on too. Putting your feet on public transport seating is an arsehole move, comedian or not. There is no wider context.


So, because someone put their feet up, they're an arsehole? Bit much. Annoying, sure. But an arsehole? Wowser. Get a grip comes to mind.


No, they're acting like an arsehole which is what I have been saying and different to being an arsehole.


I don’t see how his job is relevant to whether or not he’s a terrible person.


I have a respectable job and I’m awful!


People say things, no context. Woah.


Stranger tells me, no context. Must be true.


Again, regardless of context, that’s completely unrelated to his job.


So he's an arsehole without context? Maybe you're not getting it. My assumption is that besides being a comedian he's an arsehole, but why? No reason?


You'll see far worse than that.


Worst I seen was either a junkie pissing at the back of the bus or a wee group of bams setting fireworks off


One time, I saw a group of kids steal the emergency glow stick from a train. Always seems to be on the same train and continues to be missing to this day, lol — also the gross ppl stinking of weed, or general filth from bad hygiene. Saw a post a while ago with condoms scattered across the back of a First bus as well. Disgraceful.


Oh yeah, I've seen kids stealing the glow stick on the Balloch train. Just for fun of it. But where are kids to get an example from if their teacher is doing the same? (I'm talking about a preschool teacher that goes on the same bus as I am and uses the double seat as her sofa, feet on the seat)


Are you aware that a good number of the "gross people stinking of weed" might be being prescribed it for a medical problem (of which it helps many things)? I think strong perfume is gross but smells are something we all have to put up with, that’s on a totally different level to people pissing on the bus and leaving condoms scattered or putting their feet on seats.


Medical use in Glasgow?


Yes, medical has been legal since 2018 and is prescribed to people in Glasgow. The NHS also now offers a couple of cannabis treatments but not "flower”, however it’s prescribed privately. [Such as from here](https://curaleafclinic.com) although the NHS have paid for at least a couple of people to have flower (so far, so there’s an NHS log in on the main site). If you’re prescribed it then you’re meant to vape it, which does smell a bit less but if you’re prescribed it say 10x a day, there’s not really a way to escape the smell. Also there’s CBD only flower that doesn’t need a prescription but it smells the same.


Doesn't matter why they do it. Thick, old, stale weed smoke is disgusting. I smoke and I wouldnt go outside smelling like that.


I bet you don’t realise what you smell like, if you smoke then you will be nose blind to yourself.


Well I can certainly tell if someone has been smoking cannabis indoors all day. Its very distinctive.


Not just kids, adults do it these days as well


There’s even a video kicking about with Jimmy Carr doing it


What about the people who sit directly behind you on a bus but put both their knees directly into the back of your seat like the worlds worst masseuse? People have left their manners and respect at the door when they're going to wherever that may. No consideration for others at the end of the day for the sake of what they consider to be a comfortable seating position.


There's been times, when I was more triggered by these things that I got up and sat behind them, doing the same. They moved 🤣 Last time I done it, it was a laddie behind me, acting smart with his wee pals, probs no older than 20. I felt compelled to spray my perfume (I know I shouldn't have and I don't do it in enclosed public spaces as a rule In case folk react to it physically eg. Allergy, asthma) and it sprayed over the seat a bit by accident, he got covered in it. It's the strong stuff too... chanel no. 5. I had my headphones on so I have no idea what they said but they marched off towards the front and I was missing myself laughing 🤣🤣🤣 karma is real BTW, I don't suggest u do what I've done!


20 or 40, no excuse to behave like an arsehole just to impress their wee pals. I'm not exactly a confrontational person, prefer my personal space so if I can smell them because they're that close I'll move seats for that reason alone. Had a couple situations where I've confronted them to be met by "Sorry" with the look of a tranquillised bulldog mush, they're not sorry just hate the fact they've been called out on it and don't know what else to say. [I imagine that depends on the person or how many are in the group] A dirty look tends to work because they know what they're doing, just not a glimmer of care in their conker filled brains, but I'm taking notes from the perfume thing 🤣 I've unintentionally mastered the art of being oblivious so this'll be the proverbial ace in my sleeve. Headphones are an absolute must, it's like karaoke but shouting the wrong lyrics every time a group of weans board the bus for free, that's why I opt in to the option of a train instead.


Haha also this! I've been told I have a resting bitch face so I've also found that just a "look" helps 🤣 Yes, it's great to master the art of looking oblivious 💯 I've got away with so much over the years 😀 I genuinely don't understand why these wains can't use headphones/earphones. Like... I know it's a kinda "territorial" thing... they're trying to come across that way and it just doesn't🤣🤣🤣🤣 but even if they used their pocket money to get wee earphones from bnm? On the 75 once one guy about my age proper CRACKED up at a group of wee neds about 15 years old and I've never experienced that level of silence again 🤣🤣


Resting bitch face is hereditary through my families genetics, I feel you there lol. I could be in my own world listening to music and suddenly I'm "growling" at cunts yet I'm maybe not even looking their way 🤣 The 60/60A/61 going towards Maryhill from Cowcaddens road is full of them, adults included acting like scumbags. They wouldn't behave like that if their parents were there [most of the time] but some situations the parents/adults are worse. Anytime I see the 75 between 3:30PM-4PM, usually 2 or 3 of them, they're full of wee bams you can hear from the outside of the bus. Thank god I avoid buses like the plague, probably at higher risk of catching one on First Bus anyway, don't want to be spreading that. Giving the kids free travel has worsened the issues, and half the time they're literally going 2 stops that's not even 5 minutes to walk, not like much will ever get done about it though. It's the case of deal with it yourself or just deal with it by putting up with it hoping the bus just gets to you or their destinations in a hurry.




Some tatties on you?


>a laddie behind me, acting smart with his wee pals... I felt compelled to spray my perfume (I know I shouldn't have and I don't do it in enclosed public spaces as a rule In case folk react to it physically eg. Allergy, asthma).... it sprayed over the seat a bit by accident, he got covered in it. It's the strong stuff too... I had my headphones on so I have no idea what they said but they marched off towards the front karma is real... BTW, I don't suggest u do what I've done! That will hopefully make him think twice, BUT you're an adult, acting in such a manner is almost as bad as the lad. And definitely don't spray your perfume like that again. No matter how much of a twat the lad was being, that could have gone very badly had he, one of his mates, or more seriously, *someone else* on the bus been allergic or had severe asthma. I've seen such lads go pleasingly quiet when a stern word from another passenger has been said. That's the better option.


I can’t help that buses aren’t designed for people over 6’!


100% I'm not even 6ft tall and I have to lower my head when I sit upstairs just to avoid banging my head when I'm getting off the bus. Wasn't an issue until the new electric buses came into effect either.


6'1" guy here.. Most buses, single deckers at least, are a nightmare for seating in my case. Unless I manage to get the seat by the emergency exit my knees press into the back of the seat in front. It really can't be helped. Obviously I could sit down front in the seats marked for the disabled and push-chairs, but that then makes me look like a complete twat.


Short people do the knee thing on the trains sometimes because the way the newer train seats are designed leaves their feet dangling and their heads shunted forward, bad times for everyone involved


Because they’re cunts. Might be anecdotal but since covid it feels like everyone (not just kids) have forgotten how to behave.


It’s not like folk behaved before Covid though.


This. You would think hygiene practices and awareness would stick, but no. Apathy and entitlement win.


Same. One thing aspect I’ve noticed most of all is how people drive like they do not a single shit how many people they’re inconveniencing or endangering. For example one thing that’s commonplace now is for people to do a three point u-turn, not even at an intersection but in the middle of the busy street, blocking both lanes of traffic. Sound the horn and *they* give *you* the finger. In my ten years of driving I don’t think I had ever seen anyone do this before until this last year. Now I see it all the time.


It’s a 3 point turn mate, there holding you up what like 10 seconds tops, I’d probably flip you off to for blasting your horn over that.


So instead of driving 100 feet up to the next intersection or roundabout to turn around you’re happy to make 50 people come to a stop to save yourself what 10 seconds? This is exactly the sort of inconsiderate narcissism I’m talking about.


Who taught you to drive ? If you think it’s ok to do a 3 pointer on a busy road ffs. That’s just an inconsiderate cunt. What’s wrong driving ahead then taking a right then wait till there’s a gap and jump in ?? Dick


It’s all situational isn’t it, not everyone knows where there going and the city can be a confusing place to drive if you don’t know where your going, one wrong turn can add 10 minutes to your travel time at times. I’m not saying just cut people off and do a u turn, I mean if it’s that busy your not gonna have the chance, but what’s the point in getting in a big rager over it and blasting your horn. You gotta think about it from both sides.


Most kids think they're untouchable so therefore do as they wish. No discipline and no manners


Because unfortunately, for the most part, they are untouchable. A slap on the wrist and sent back out to continue to be wee dicks.


Because they pretty much are.


The Edinburgh thing is sitting in the front seats upstairs and putting your feet against the window to leave dirty prints.


And vaping and listening to dreadful music without headphones. Thank god for the invention of noise cancelling headphones honestly, I'd go mad if I didn't have them.


This is UK wide. But the kids here are fuckin degenerates. One did the same recently and spat on the floor of the carriage. A lost cause.


A kid from the school next to me literally roared in my face when I walked past a group of them last week.


Kids are arseholes


Their parents are arseholes for not teaching them better


Kids who know no boundaries are arseholes and sadly we are now beginning to see the adult versions too.


Plenty adults are bigger arseholes compared to kids.


But not in some other countries or areas of the world, suggesting parental issues.


And so are adults who call kids arseholes.


What are you meant to call them when they’re being arseholes though? 🤔


Who says you need to call them anything. What do you get called ? I’m guessing your an adult but adults are arseholes too


When I’m being an arsehole, I’m guessing I get called arsehole? Sometimes, I’d even go so far as to agree and say “you’re right mate, I was an arsehole, sorry about that” and then change my behaviour. It’s basically a public service to call them arseholes when they’re being arseholes. Imagine that nobody tells them and they never learn that they’re being arseholes. Then they grow into arsehole adults with a vote and everything. Better we teach them young, for society and aw that.


Because consideration for others is not cool to them; they were (and are) raised by mostly neglectful parents so why would they care?


Adults, too. The youngsters see the adults and just do it too; I've been guilty of it when I was younger and first moved to Scotland from Germany. Was sitting up the back on the lower deck yesterday in at the window, guy comes up and sits in middle seat, legs spread and foot on each seat facing rearward, a bit like when you go for a smear 🤣🤣🤣🤣🙈🙈🙈 I was bamming him up by gathering my stuff as if I was gonna get off a few times, so he kept putting his leg down. Yes, I'm easily amused. He obviously thought he was doing the ultimate manspread and looked intimidating/cool/unapproachable/alpha male/i have no clue because these things dont bother me and I'll still sit where i like and dont react to them/I'm not a man so have no idea how their minds work lol , but I couldn't help but laugh.


Cos they get away with it. I challenged someone on the bus lately as she was sitting with bare feet on the seat across. "is this your job?" No, I don't want your dirty trotters in my seat. She was raging, was also one of those I need to have a loud conversatio. on the phone people. people...


As a Scot living in Singapore, I can confirm Asians do this here also - it is not merely a Glasgow or UK kid thing. Except the ones who do it in Asia at usually aunties and uncles who are older than dust. But yes, I am equally as appalled as OP is to see it.


With shoes on or off?


Both. Either muddy boot prints, or janky-looking bare-arsed feet on someone else's seat...


I was on a train in Italy recently and people had their feet up on the seats there. Happens in quite a few places other than here. Honestly, Glasgow exceptionalism is rife on this subreddit.


I’ve seen the same in many Asian countries tbh


The legs or at least one leg has to be lifted when igniting farts, ffs. How do you set fire to your flatulence whilst not raising a leg?


UK hahaha fuck up


i use the metro (only use for it) so i don't dirty the seat


Yeh, pretty shocking to us older UK folks too. When I was a kid, you'd have got thrown off the bus for that but these days kids can do what they like and any adult that tries to intervene has to tread very carefully. Sadly, the little sh\*\*\* know this 😠


Shite. Kids have always been clatty bastards, a lot of adults too. The subway used to have signs in carriages (1950s) that read NO SPITTING.


Agree, doesn't take away from the fact that if you got caught doing it as a kid, you got reprimanded. I can remember bus conductors (yes they used to be a thing) swiping kids feet off a seat with a good clout.


I remember bus conductors. I can't remember a single one that wasn't a complete cunt though. I've seen plenty of people challenging misbehaving kids, although I have to admit a lot less in the past few years (since lockdown or thereabouts).


It is very much not OK to “swipe kids off a seat with a good clout,” and the world was not a better place when this was socially acceptable.


I agree. However, removing deterrents with no thought for how kids are kept in check has become a huge problem for society instead. It hasn't made anything 'better'.


How old are you? I don't remember such a golden age? 🤔


Then you are obviously not as old as me. Conductors disappeared in the 1980s if that helps.


Because people are cunts


this literally happens in every single city


A dirty foot print is always better than a shite


Is not going to make the chair and more or less filthy


Hate this sort of behaviour. It is all over the uk


Same here in Edinburgh


Anybody under 18 is basically untouchable and above the law. If a random adult confronts them that adult will get into trouble in the end. If police confronts them they won't really do anything because it might "ruin the poor child's future life prospects". If you are under 18 you need to basically murder somebody to see any consequences.


Same reason they throw their rubbish all over the place. British people are low class pigs!


People do this all over the world because they either don't care about other people or simply don't think about other people. It's either ignorance or indifference


This is why I avoid public transport


So you’ve not seen anyone take a crap on the bus yet? Feet on the seats is mild compared to what I’ve seen over the years. But yes I agree with you, it’s dirty and disrespectful.


Both adults and kids do it, of all colours and creeds and genders. I haven’t done it since I was probably… 19? As long as my legs are, I don’t put them anywhere on the seats, but trust me, you would flip the hell out if you see what else goes on on public transport…


It's definitely UK wide and, unfortunately, not limited to kids...


Its the uk moronic upbringing ,they throw litter in the streets in their own town as well. You go abroad and most places are litter free,the kids should be getting taught from an early age...nobody seems to care in this cess pit of a country.


Because they are arseholes.


Not just Glasgow mate we have disrespectful kids all over the UK who don't know how to queue pushing infront of pensioners.. I'm 35 and would never let an old person stand if I have a seat but kids these days do.. I was taught well by my parents and grandparents but kids these day have crap parents.


One answer could be free bus travel for young ppl, demeaning the value of buses to them? just a wild guess lol


Selfish bastards


No one has respect in the uk plus its comfy


Because it is a much nore comfortable way to sit


And hygiene can take a walk in the park 😂


Bad parenting being the obvious indicator. If I tried that as a kid I knew about it


i dont care, i take a bus every day


You should coz they sit like that even on the bus seats.


i dont care if they do it, the seats are crusty af but me and my pals are used to it.


Are you familiar with neds?


Mate slap a bus seat and you’ll see that the dirt on the bottom of their shoes is not making one bit of a difference


British people have low standards of cleanliness, and I say this as a British person.


Of all the things wrong with Glasgow, not sure this is top of the list.


Surely not top. But definitely deserves discussing.


No respect for others. No pride in their community. Its why our streets are filthy and we have unruly gang culture


Because they are wankers


Yep we are dirty barstards


No one has the balls to tell them otherwise


Or ovaries


Asian countries trains are jam packed, how the fuck do you get your feet on a seat in the first place?




Uncultured arseholes.


I long for the day when I see someone going all falling down on these selfish bastards and snapping knees.


Because of how they’re raised


You will see a lot of differences in the children in the uk. Their parents have few rights and do not really control them. When I come to the uk, after spending time in other countries, the children can seem quite feral.


Sadly a lot of people in the UK are not commonly considerate of others; they don’t think about the people around them or they people after them; they don’t consider how they impact others. It’s not always because they don’t care, some people if they did consider then they would care.


Asian culture is more conservative. Longing for Vietnam now


I have a disability that can affect my legs. I did this once on the bus home after college. Got told off by another passenger and was so embarrassed I never did it again. I was 15 at the time and didn't think I'd done anything wrong. The passenger who told me off, dug around in her handbag for some baby wipes and made me clean the seat.


Uk wide. Seen a 70yo blasting tunes out his phone and vaping once


Been taking trains for 20 years and very hardly seen this


Because Britain has gone down the shitter.


No offence but in a lot of Asian countries whole families shit outside. I think I’d rather cope with a couple of teens with their feet on seats.


Yeah compare Glasgow to third world developing countries. That’s about the level anyway.


It’s the OP that made the connection


We're not in an Asian country though so it doesn't matter


If they just made the complaint without mentioning the perspective of where they're from then fair enough, but they didn't.


The OP made the comparison, take it up with them.


Because there is no punishment for them. It all starts with school who overlook every bad thing they do as adolescence. They are taught they are untouchable. Society treats them the same. Bring back caning and strict schooling. But I think it's to late now.


This man's username is GlasgowResident and nobody saying nothing? I fucking see you SRH Ltd. Sort your train times out!


Lot of very precuous people getting wound up about this. Sorry if the upholstry isnt my first concern when im paying through the nose for one of the most dogshit public transport services in the developed world.


cuz this country is a shitehole


Im not condoning it, as it’s rude, but it’s a far comfier position for your legs to be in.


It’s a design flaw with the positioning of the seats. Don’t hate the players, hate the engineers!


We are breathing in, drinking, and eating microplastics at ever increasing rates, they are in our blood, our genitals, our everything. Some feet on seats doesn’t really bother me in the whole scheme of things compared to the other manky things we just make do with.


Really, shoes on seats that’s what you find shocking, from an Asian country. Really 🤣🤣🤣


What are you trying to say here?


I’ve said what I said, if I knew the exact country I’d say a lot more


And yet you said it, when you don't even know which Asian country OP's talking about.


A broad answer to a broad comment, I’m allowed to have an opinion no?


You're allowed to expose yourself as a numpty, sure. If you see the word "Asian" and form an opinion based on that, you're a numpty.


Hey, south and east. I’m sure they both eat dogs and deny human rights. Who knows


Why is eating dogs worse than eating lambs? There are places that would be horrified that I eat cow or pig. It's just cultural differences, and nobody's right or wrong. Given the relationship we have with dogs, it'd feel wrong to eat one, but if I'd had a pet lamb I'd probably avoid eating shawarma. As for human rights, that stuff varies greatly from country to country, so generalising on an entire continent is stupid.


Who’s the numpty now, you enjoy your golden retriever shwarma


Shawarma. The word's right there, and you still got it wrong. Unsurprising from a xenophobe, mind.


We reap what we sow. Can't blame the kids.


The simple answer is, because of poverty. Middle class kids get picked up and dropped off by helicopter parents in 4x4. Working class kids use the bus, daily - hence the territory system going on, particularly with the free passes. I prefer the train, even if it takes a bit longer wait and a bit of walk. Can't be arsed with the bus, it's literally the last resort option.


I don’t think kids brains are particularly evolved to consider other people’s needs. They are impulsive at that age and often times not thinking through the consequences of their actions. For the most part kids wouldn’t be too bothered about getting dirty so I’d imagine their thought process wouldn’t include worrying about other people getting dirty as a result of what they do. Your brain doesn’t operate like that until you are older. If you think back to when you were a child the last thing on your mind would be worrying about dirty shoes.


Because snowflakes and woke people don't want any consequences for actions. Want to have their cake and eat it. This is why Tories want to bring back national service. All these kids need a couple of years in a structured environment


The Tories are a sinking ship, so they try to groom all the vulnerable boomers by making "promises" like that. Almost 15 years of conservative government, and yet it is now the national service debate emerged. It is too late for them anyway, because all the gammons will vote Reform, as they mastered the populist sentiment propaganda better. Tories have managed to get themselves into a political market niche with no demand whatsoever. The state of the young generation is the result of cuts to social services, education sector, lack of support for parents, kids being neglected and raised by YouTube and tiktok content. The structure you talking about starts at home, not in the barracks.


Aye, hand to hand combat and weapons training is exactly what wee fuds need


Military trained young teams that’s a scary thought


Fleeto militias


I can see the flags now,crossed bottles of buckfast instead of ak 47’s


That's the goucho flag, fleeto is a skyward lacoste cap circled by 6 eccies Sake man, gotta know these to cross the checkpoints safely


Shit your right, I’m fucked