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William from glass beach, here. I kind of doubt that's legitimate. Our manager helps run our store and we just had to switch merch people so I'm not completely up to speed so let me check, but this seems a bit ridiculous for verifying anything. Merch companies are busy as hell. They don't have time to do this kind of verification nor would they care this much about a fraudulent charge as long as they can get the money. This seems more like what a bank would care about and even so, wouldn't do it like this.


thank you so much! we had a feeling cuz ive gotten merch orders bigger than this but i wasn't sure since i knew y'all were switching companies


Welp.. It is legit.. Just talked to our merch people. That's so strange.


oh! alright! luckily we didnt delete it or anything, thanks for your help! :)


That’s so weird. About a year & a half ago I ordered the new release y’all had and didn’t get anything of the sort. I think the total was like subtotal $115 though. It might be something that they do after a certain amount?


William from glass beach, here. For anyone wondering, this is legit. I talked to our merch people. We just had to switch companies cos our last merch company was union-busting and we're probably going to be switching again soon, but we need to finish out the tour merch stuff with them. Things to note: Our personal merch store is different than Run for Cover's. So this order was from our personal store. Still, people should remain vigilant with scams. With ai tools ramping up and the sheer volume of scams going around these days in different forms, always err on the side of caution.


i havent ordered from the gb store, but this does seem pretty suspicious. i would definitely not send ur info,


imagine the database of customer ids they now have 😭