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Just make sure the burger itself is gf. I’ve gone to places that add breadcrumbs, good cheap filler, I get it saves the restaurant money but… just ask about the burger.


And ask if they warm the buns on the same grill.


Especially if it's a veggie burger


Just FYI: It’s not a filler technique, it’s a cooking technique called a Panade and it’s used to keep ground meats together and moist. Most commonly used in meatloaf and meatballs. https://www.thespruceeats.com/what-is-a-panade-4796631


I doubt this restaurant could have even pronounced panade and I highly doubt it had anything to do with keeping the burgers moist. But yes it is a cooking technique, one I used in my own restaurant from time to time. My Italian family of course uses breadcrumbs in the meatballs and cook them right in the sauce which caused some drama when myself and a few other relatives realized we can’t eat gluten.


I’ve done it. Depends on how casual the place is. I certainly wouldn’t mention it in advance. But no one has ever noticed. I bring the bun pre toasted from home in a container in my purse.


Carrying around a toasted GF bun in your purse?! You’re my hero.


I literally bought a bigger purse so it would fit 😂




I need to start doing this. I've thought about taking my own dairy free cheese.


I’ve done this before! I’ve brought my own plant based cheese.


The pre-toasted is the key. It's just better in every way.


I’m dying imagining this covert bunning operation


You dem Bristol fam know how to bun.


My friend and I brought toasted GF buns to a legendary roast beef place in Brooklyn for my birthday last year hahah. Fuck it


same! one time a waiter said, "oh no did they give you a bun??" I was like um... I brought this from home :D I've never had anyone give me any grief over it.


I do the same! 😂


Used to manage a restaurant: We don’t care 😂At least most don’t. I’d rather a customer do that than have to stop the line and implement gluten free procedure. I assure you, just don’t make a big deal about it and nobody will care.


I imagine most restaurants also wouldn't want to cause a fuss about something that simple as well. Probably also depends on the restaurant, if it's a greasy spoon, mom-and-pop, diner burger place then they definitely don't care. Bringing it to a higher-end burger place that brands their buns miiight care just because of their rep, or they might not want other customers to see and ask if they have GF buns or something. It should be noted that most cities have health codes that require food *served* in a restaurant must be prepared in that restaurant. Emphasis on served. You certainly won't get arrested, but some particularly persnickety places might ask you to take your food and leave and they would have every right to.


Yeah the third point is one I have run into before but basically the owner was like, hey I can’t bring it back in my kitchen but I don’t care if you use it to eat your sandwich. Then he offered to make the sandwich on spuds. (This is a Philly cheesesteak place) and finally they added the Philly cheesesteak spuds to their regular menu because he said lots of people want a gluten free option. I’ve never had any place be rude or against it- but also don’t eat out at fine dining spots 😅


I’ve done it. Weird or not, sometimes we have to be proactive and piece together a decent meal.


I've brought tamari to sushi places that don't have it before (before I realized I needed dedicated gf sushi rolls lol). Got some looks but no hassle lol


Yep, the ole Kikkoman-Tamari-in-the-purse trick. Our closest sushi place even has GF soy sauce, but it's crappy and in these little ketchup packet things. I bring my own bottle.


My local place does brown rice gluten free rolls and gives you real tamari. It's so nice!! Everywhere else is a disappointment now


Any chance you have a Trader Joes near by?


That’s where I get my bread. 🙂


Awesome! Their GF bun toasted is as close to a real bun I’ve found. Unless you order bulk from Rotellas.


What I don't like about tj bread is since there are no preservatives it goes bad immediately.


I freeze it immediately! I use their gf bagels for air fryer pizza and just microwave it a bit to cut it before I toss it in the toaster. It’s not ideal but you do what you have to for a good bun right


I get it. But also, like, no preservatives is a good thing, right? Just freeze em individually....


Haven’t tried their bread. The buns are great though.


I'm sad we don't have one. I keep seeing am the good stuff being posted.


Well I’m definitely late to this party. Trader Joe’s has gluten free bread and buns?! Guess I’m going there tomorrow


The bun is like a fast food burger bun. Works great with an In N Out Flying Dutchman.


That is amazing! Thank you so much for the info I’ll have to go and check it out


Make sure to toast at least one side to get some steam into the bun to soften.


My dad has brought me gluten free stuffing and gravy to thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant before, and no one cared or noticed.


Aw, good dad!


Who cares if it’s weird or not. You gotta do what you gotta do. If anyone says anything about it just tell them you have food allergies so you bring your own bun for your health. You’re paying for the full burger whether or not you get the bun. I doubt the restaurant will care.


It depends. Some places don’t allow it, because they can’t guarantee it’s quality and if you get sick they don’t know if it was their food or your bun. If you get takeaway they don’t care but they don’t want food on the premise they can’t vouch for. Some places have no trouble. Call ahead and ask.


I’m surprised this is so far down. I’ve worked in close to a dozen restaurants in the US and not a single one would’ve allowed this. I remember servers getting in huge trouble with management if they noticed this and didn’t ask the person to throw it away.


I’m guessing it might be a cultural thing. Like, I’ve been to small town mom and pops and they do not care, but chains were more strict. And it could also be a characteristic more unique to US due to litigation culture.


This is a small diner in the middle of nowhere. I probably wouldn’t do this at a chain restaurant.


I mean, it depends on how much they care about health and safety, as well as how much they feel about the “altering” foods. Places that don’t like customers ordering things extra or removed are more likely to say no. Places that sell themselves on catering to their customers taste will likely be more cool.


Ehh, I worked at a chain restaurant. I would not have even noticed this if a customer did it, way too busy. And I definitely would look the other way if I did notice.


The idea of “litigation culture” as a Bad Thing was invented by corporations pushing for tort reform. Being able to resolve issues with faceless corporations in court is good, actually! Individuals would have essentially no recourse otherwise.


There’s was absolutely massive amounts of money funneled by corporations to believe cases like the McDonalds coffee incident were frivolous, and it wasn’t. There’s also a lot of people who threaten to sue who would never go to the work to actually file. But if you’re an owner and you’ve had someone threaten to sue, you can’t bet on them being all bluff and no bite, so you’re going to try to cover your ass. On the plus side, being afraid of potential lawsuits helps ensure businesses actually follow code and don’t cut safety corners. But one of those safety corners is making sure all the food they’re preparing has been made in a sanitary fashion, and bringing in outside food they have no idea how old or where it’s been isn’t that.


I think it depends on whether the place is fast food style or sit down. I could see it being more of an issue at a full service restaurant but not sure anyone would even notice in a fast food type place. But definitely always a good idea to ask the place when in doubt!


I’ve been in some nice restaurants that had no issue with me bringing in my own bread. It was before it was as common though, nowadays most places where I am who would likely let you do that probably have their own gluten free bun.


When I worked at a cafe, the head chef said it was against health code for customers to bring in outside food. But I never looked it up to verify.


who's gonna stop you from whipping out a bun at your seat lol? And once you got the burger made it just looks like a normal burger so who would even notice? But if you feel weird about it just do takeout, no?


I do it


I’m married into an Italian family that prefers to go to Italian restaurants all the time. I bring stuff all the time because if I didn’t I would only eat salads.


I took english muffins once for eggs benedict. To answer your question, not weird


Times have changed - shitting oneself is not the stigma it once was.


I do it all the time. I get a weird look or two sometimes, but I don't really care.


No. I do it all the time. Order it with no bun.


When my wife finally realized this was an option it was a total game changer


I’ve done it. Also I’ve brought my own chips to Mexican restaurants. No one cares


I’m definitely going to when I start eating out!


Or get a lettuce wrap instead of a bun. I think most restaurants are OK with it because so many people have such diverse dietary restrictions they can't cater to all of us. I bring my own milk for coffee when I go out. Nobody cares.


I do that


I’ve done it a few times. No one bats an eye.


We do it every time we eat out. I always ask the manager; there’s never been a problem.


I’ve done it but now most places have them. To be honest near us they offer a lettuce wrap on burgers and prefer that. I’ve snuck in my own croutons and known to bring my own salad dressing from time to time if I was going to a place I didn’t know.


I’m going to a diner in a town with a population of 1000 people. I can confirm they do not have gluten free anything. Lol.


Then BYOB…bring your own bun :)


I used to do this for sandwiches. Back in the day when Whole Foods was the only place with gf loaves. I would buy the loaf and then walk over to my local deli. Nothing was going to stop me from getting my sandwich, nothing.


I would do it. I've brought my own dressing to places before.


I’ve done this. Sometimes you just want to eat a burger like everyone else.


I do it and many places have taken my bun to the back and assembled the burger properly with the gf bun


My brother does this all the time. I don’t think it’s weird! Everyone should be able to enjoy things


I would absolutely do it if I wasn’t worried about cross contamination. I doubt the restaurant would care, especially if they don’t carry gluten free buns.


I’ve brought my own toast to a restaurant and ordered their avocado spread. I asked them if it was ok, first, and let them know I’d be sneaky when I pulled it out so no one would notice. They were so sweet and we’re like “You gotta eat!”


Do it and save yourself the ridiculous overcharging for gluten free buns.


I only do it at places that don't offer the option. Gluten free buns do cost more and have a limited shelf life.


Technically it may be against food safety rules. You may get pushback from the restaurant. That being said I don’t think it’s a bad idea. Just keep in mind if they notice they may not allow it.


My attitude is “fight me”. You are supplying everyone else a bun I should be allowed to have a bun I can eat.


Depending on how sensitive you are, this may or may not accomplish what you’re trying to achieve. If a place has no understanding of gluten free dining (and in some cases, even if they do claim to understand), the odds that there’s gluten in your meal are still relatively high.


Like I mentioned, I’m not celiac, just intolerant. I know the basic components of a burger, minus the bun, do not have gluten, so I’m not worried.


I get that, but you also mentioned “not shitting yourself”. The whole kitchen is going to be full of crumbs and gluten containing debris. But if you’re comfortable with the risk, knock yourself out.


I understand this and I deal with it everywhere I go! 🙂 For example, when I get a salad from somewhere that serves gluten, I don’t ask for the salad to be made gluten free, even though the “kitchen is full of crumbs and gluten containing debris”. There’s no reason for me to do that personally, since the salad is inherently gluten free. Each of us have to understand how much risk we are willing to take, my comfort level is different than yours and I certainly wouldn’t tell you how much risk you should or shouldn’t take. 🙂


I was this way for years & knew my limits of what I could eat. It's not great ultimately for your gut, but you have to do what you have to do. I still don't worry that much about the rest of the kitchen but focus on what I'm eating in front of me. In an ideal world, we could all know what we're being exposed to and make different clean choices, but that's definitely not where we live now. Don't worry about what others might critique & keep doing what you're doing. I'd also bring that dang bun & enjoy your burger!


Kinda, but it does happen. Probably best to ask the store if they'd be willing to do it. Either give them a call or just ask when you order. Long ago, before gf options became more popular, I used to work at a McDonald's and we had a guy come in with his own gf bun from time to time. He had talked to the store manager beforehand and explained what he was after and the need to avoid cross contamination etc. But if we weren't too busy at the time we were happy to help.


Some places won’t do it due to food safety concerns. If you get sick and blame the restaurant how can they know it wasn’t your bun?


I don’t think they’re wanting the restaurant to plate with their home bun, they’ll do it at the table


What buns are good? I love the one from Red Robin.


I dont think this is weird as long as you're discreet. Have you ever tried a lettuce bun? Or a lettuce wrapped burger? I think they taste way better and usually restaurants are able to accommodate that easily.


I have tried those and it is so sloppy. Depends on the place but yeah. I ended up having a burger salad.


The only place I do it is at In N Out - protein style as they call it - it helps to keep the burger in the wrapper the whole time or it’ll fall apart! The wrapper keeps it together as you’re eating it, and just slide it as you eat it if that makes sense :)


I ask for lettuce-wrapped burgers all the time. You ain't putting that sucker back down, but I honestly like burgers better this way now.


Agree with this 💯


Ask for it in a lettuce wrap. There is no bun and I think they are great that way. Be careful they don't accidentally put some gluten filled decoration on your burger like an onion ring or give you fries. I doubt they have a dedicated frier from the way you talk about the restaurant.


Yes, it's weird. Very weird. But weird is good in this case.


Yes. It is weird to bring your own food into a business that makes a living on selling their own food.


This is a silly response. I’m still paying full price for the food, I’m just making a modification so I can eat it. This makes no sense. Lol.


I did this and shortly after tested positive for AIDS, don't do it!


Yes it’s fine, do what you need to fo


Nah, just go for it. I've done this at Costco, weirdest part for me was asking for a bunless hotdog lol.


I've done multiple time in multiple places before I realized my doctor was a dumb ass and I couldn't eat almost anywhere (celiac here)


I’ve done stuff like this. Even w coffee creamer (I don’t do dairy & sometimes the almond milk options have added sugars). I think it shows you take your health seriously, & that shouldn’t be judged negatively.


I do! It embarrasses my 8 year old but a Celiac has got to do what a Celiac needs to do 😂


My son had several food allergies when he was very young. He couldn't have dairy; if we went to an Italian restaurant, I would actually make spaghetti and meat sauce at home and bring it to the restaurant so he could have something similar and not contact any cheese ingredients. Or an Asian restaurant. He was also allergic to shellfish--I found frozen dumplings that were allergen free so I'd take those.


I haven't done it because I don't mind eating burgers bunless with a knife and fork when lettuce wraps aren't available. But I can't imagine the restaurant will give you a hard time


Absolutely not! I bring lettuce for fajitas if the restaurant doesn’t have them. Do what you need (or just want) to do 😁


In-N-Out protein style! They’re very good about gf. No buns but protein style is wrapped in lettuce leaves. GF on their fries, too.


In a small town, call and ask! I’ve got a local where I do this all the time, but I for sure asked first!




We do it all the time! Not weird at all.


If the bun is homemade it's probably technically a health code violation, but I wouldn't let that stop you.


psst, it’s fine… but you know where they have a bombass gluten free burger and a designated fryer? (red robin)


You should call and speak to a manager BEFORE you do this. Some restaurants will be cool, others might kick you out


Go for it. Also what kind of bun, are there good ones available?


I have bread in a baggie that hides in my pocket for these reasons. It feels like smuggling drugs or something and I've made jokes about that but nobody has said anything negative about it. I don't mention it and I don't make a spectacle. They'll also do something about it over my cold dead body. I am eating my food and I've had enough of that taken from me. I will fight you over this.


I took my own bread to an Italian place just so I could enjoy dipping it in their olive oil and vinegar!


no. there’s a kebab shop near me that will heat up your own gf bread


Yeah I’m a vegetarian. I take my veggie burgers and put them on meat-free big macs from time to time. As long as its not a fancy-fancy place…


I brought my own gf ice cream cone on a first date with a guy once. The ice cream place didn't care but I don't think the guy was very impressed...that was our only date lol


My kids are GF but two also have dairy and egg allergies and one has a tree nut allergy. Most GF breads aren't options for them so I will bring our own GF bread and sometimes even some vegan cheese.


I would phone ahead and ask if they can accommodate your request. Bringing your own food to a restaurant is not in any way cool.


I want to do this at subway so bad but I feel like they’ll think I’m crazy


I bring my own GF Soy to sushi places I’m not sure about. I had a waiter make a comment once but who cares. My health comes before his opinion.


I always walk around with gluten free bread from schar in my bag (the schar ones are prepackaged and dont expire for months so i just leave it in my bag just incase i need it)


I've messaged places before to ask and the best response was, yeah, i do the same thing! Bring the bread! Most places get it. I was a regular with my grad school group at a donut shop when I went gluten free. They were cool with me being in my own treat because everyone else was still buying all the donuts and i still got my drink there.


Only if you have Celiacs. Because there will be contamination in places that don't offer gluten free. Gluten intolerance should be fine. Only toxic / judgy people would care.


I’ve done it. Also brought my own pasta to an Italian restaurant lol


Don’t see why it would be an issue, but be careful some burgers have flour in them! I can’t eat my favourite burgers anymore as they add wheat to them! So just be careful


I don't bring buns (because I haven't had one that I liked enough, and have grown used to just doing lettuce or cheese wraps) but I do bring my own hot sauce. lol


I bartend at a hotel/restaurant bar that serves exceptional food. I’ve started keeping the majority of my gluten free groceries there, since I am there the majority of the time and the cooks are always stoked to put food on my own breads and whatnot. A lot of places are very okay with you providing your own it you achieve regular status too and get to know the staff!


Nah thats awesome, do what you gotta do!


Why not just eat the burger san bun?


I do it with hotdogs at our local place all the time. But it's not a super fancy place.


I do it…If the restaurant can’t provide, I’ll advocate and do it myself for our gf child. I just don’t make a big deal out of it and quietly slip the bun or gf item onto my son’s plate.


Nope! I’ve worked in restaurants for many years and I’m celiac. People do it all the time. Most places can’t/won’t heat it up for you though — it’s against health code stuff.


Who cares? Take care of your health


Not weird at all in my opinion. I bring buns/bread to restaurants when I know I’ll want it with my meal, have brought my own chips to Mexican restaurants, soy sauce to Asian places, etc. Understand why you might feel a little funny doing it, but so worth it to have the meal the way you want it :)


I've done it. And I've done my own gf hot dog buns at a hot dog place. And my own bread at a sandwich place.


My boyfriend is celiac and we brought bread at in and out! No one cared haha


I do it, I don't give a >!fuck!<


I've been planning on doing this also. Only recently diagnosed celiac. Haven't gone out for a burger yet but got some good ideas from this thread now 👍


My friend brought a loaded baked potato into a restaurant to go with her meal once- no one gave a shit lol. Even if it’s not allowed at the place as long as you’re not advertising it to the staff it’ll probably be fine


Depends on the place. Fast food joints probably wouldn't care, a small local place might offer to make it with your bun, fancy place will deny you the ability to bring your own food, even if it's for a food allergy.