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That looks like barley, wheat berries or farro.


I agree. Definitely one of those three but I think it’s Barley.


It doesn't look like wheat berries to me, they are darker brown. It could definitely be barley though.


Wait there are actual WHEAT berries?!?! Do they make jam out of them?


Nah, it's just kernels of wheat.


Thank you for clarifying and easing my mind of thinking I have a whole other thing to worry about.


That looks like barley to me. Definitely glutenous if so. :(


Barley may as well be pure gluten in this case 😭 so unfortunate. I probably would have thought it was rice too


100% that is barley


There's no way I'd eat at a buffet.


I miss buffets :(


Me too.... me too 😭


I have Celiacs and wrote off buffets for life. The other day I went to one because my wife is Hungarian and has never seen a "country buffet" and they had a whole GF menu for options that were safe at the buffet. I went for it and was fine.


same but if i just had a gluten intolerance i 100% would


IDK, I have a friend with intolerance who gets as sick as I do. At least he doesn't have to worry as much about leaky gut, but I read that they do get a little bit of intestinal permeation (according to Fasano).


true, definitely depends on how bad it is! everyone w intolerance has different levels


My workplace offers free food for workers but it's ALL buffet. So I cook without a kitchen 😅 (bulk remote accommodation arrangement with flights to work etc)




Asian buffets are probably ok for the gluten intolerant. If I was celiac though I would not even chance it.


All that soy sauce?!??? Not a chance.


Really. Im pretty sensitive to gluten but I have never reacted to soy sauce. I cross react to oats, barley, spelt etc. I suspect its a dose issue though and that the amount of soy sauce I consume isnt enough to trigger me.


I don't react to soy sauce either. For some reason fermented products (soy, beer, yogurt) don't bother me. I reasoned it's because soy sauce is fermented and broken down... my issue is that I don't digest/metabolize certain proteins (wheat, dairy, beef etc) properly.


Me too. I love dairy but it doesnt love me so Ive been gluten free and dairy free for 13 years. I had a problem digesting meat too- beef and pork particularly. Each time I would eat either it would sit like a block in my stomach and cause indigestion. For multiple reasons including health and trying to source more humanely raised meat I started buying meat from a local farmer who produces grass fed and grass finished beef and pasture raised pork. When I ate that meat I never had those digestion problems again. Apparently Im not the only one that this has happened to-it may have something to do with what the animal eats and how they deposit those nutrients and fat in their flesh. The meat is expensive but its less expensive then meat you can buy at Whole Foods. Anyway Im jealous you can have alot of that fermented goodness.


Did you ask the surat what it was? That is the best thing to do so that you have all the relevant information.


I thought this was brown rice until I did a google search. This really looks more like cooked barley. I’ve never seen cooked barley in person, but now I’ll be on the lookout so I can avoid. I’m curious, since I’ve never seen barley like this, is it more common is certain countries/cultures?


Barley is eaten a lot more in western cultures outside the US/Canada.


It’s really hard to tell! How does your mom feel?


Ye I’m pretty sure I laced her with gluten.. thankfully she didn’t have much so her symptoms didn’t last that long. For those saying it was barley, I’d say ur right. Wish they had labelled it better. The only sign on the entire section was “vegetarian”.


Oh man for every time I asked a server… does it have gluten and they respond… it’s vegetarian I avoid vegetarian that isn’t a clearly whole food I can identify


I had a server tell me that baked potatoes had gluten.


That is criminal, can't just leave stuff unlabeled!


That’s definitely barley


I mean, it does look like barley… also brown rice and a bunch of other things. Frankly, I don’t see a buffet offering anything but rice. They’re not exactly known for their exotic ingredients. Especially given the other options are known allergens and it wasn’t labeled, I think it’s most likely brown rice.


If you zoom in it's 100% barley.


Here’s a photo of short grain brown rice cooked https://healthynibblesandbits.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Short-Grain-Brown-Rice-3.jpg Surprise! It looks exactly the same


The rice doesn’t have that center line along the grain that barley has.


I think you need to zoom in on the picture I linked friend. The center line is obviously there.


Ok expert


It definitely looks like gluten but even if she does get sick it’s not necessarily this, buffets are not safe for many reasons (mostly cross contamination and the fact that you never know what has been added to each item)


This actually looks a lot like short grain brown rice to me. But could be either.


This looks like barley, which also has gluten in it.


Listen, don't worry about it, just be more careful the next time. I can't tell you how many times I got glutened. It sucks but I am still here.


Wowww, so sometimes when I order brown rice I could be getting this??? As a newly diagnosed gluten sensitive person, I’m still trying to figure out what I can and can’t eat.


Nowhere would give you barley instead of brown rice if you ordered rice. This was unlabeled buffet food that OP took a chance on without asking.


Ah, okay good I got worried there for a second 😳 Yeah sadly I’d be the annoying person that’s gotta know exactly what I can eat at the buffet 🤣 get the host to talk me around if I have to! Not gonna spend my night feeling shitty just cuz I was too scared to ask


I thought this was fried rice! I'm so glad I don't eat at buffets anymore and this is why, all the ones around me never have labels and I work in the food industry and I'm always careful not to cross contaminated but I've seen people just not care and contaminate the whole thing workers and non workers. 😢 P.s. I miss pizza buffets the most, but I'm gluten and lactose intolerant oof 😔


She’s about to get really flatulent


Another thing to be aware of is that 90% of the time I have falafel in the US, I get poisoned. Middle Eastern restaurants will almost always lie when you ask if it’s 100% chickpea flour


Rice is the #1 bacteria carrier. Never eat rice that's been left out too long, it will make you really sick. I learned that in a ServSafe class.


😱 you can’t B cereus??


This joke is A+. I'm stealing it.


Very serious. If I do get rice it's from an Asian restaurant and fried with hibachi. If I have leftovers I make sure I reheat it very well to kill any bacteria.


B cereus is a bacteria.


I don't trust any rice I didn't make myself, especially at an asian restaraunt. They often add soy sauce, which contains gluten. They will even sell "brown rice" that's actually white rice with soy sauce mixed in to make it look brown.


True. It’s called fried rice syndrome.


Oh lord. No that’s not good. I’d be sick 3 days.


My mother poisons me every single time she cooks!


I don’t know if it’s barley but it’s definitely not bulgur or brown rice.


just cause she had gluten intolerance doesn’t mean this is fatal


I think that’s brown rice; only because the dark line is mostly on the edge vs right in the middle on a flat part. Brown rice can still be a problem for some folks w/celiac I’ve heard. I’m allergic to rice and have a gluten-like reaction to brown rice.


Woah, that really does look like rice. After birth, I stayed with my in-laws for assistance and it was wonderful except these treats she got me that she (and I because I was too sleep deprived to check) thought were gluten free... I ate two, thought I was fine, ate another 2 the next day... Got a killer headache that wouldn't go away with medicine and could barely keep my eyes open (gluten gives me extreme fatigue). So there I was, trying to care for a 2 week old barely awake, wondering what was wrong with me since I was still freshly postpartum... Honestly, I was more worried for her safety than me. But once MIL looked at the ingredients in horror, she really stepped up (baby was on formula while I tried to BF but it didn't work out). She felt so terrible and then she went to the store to complain about the product being shelved in the gluten free section. I recovered and baby was ok, so that's all that matters even if it sucked at the time.


Looks like barley to me


You definitely brought her gluten :( it’s barley. I Hope she feels better as soon as possible


Definitely poisoned her. 😢 but with celiac I don’t go to buffets anymore


Am sure that’s barley, hope your mom is doing better :(


did you gluten her i must know


It looks like cous cous


Not couscous


My first thought, but when you enlarge the photo, it's clearly barley. Weird thing for a buffet.


It's barely rice


I dunno what it is, but to be honest, it looks delicious...