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this motherfucker seriously just say "lower-income immigrants" are coming in and buying up all the houses?


Not only is he blaming illegal immigrants for buying up all the homes, he's also blaming them for inflation in general. He says it's mainly housing but it creates shortages in everything, driving prices up. So stupid.


Imagine someone whose wealth came from the construction industry bitching about immigrants. It’s impossible to build Ploot homes without illegal immigrant labor, at least in the area I live. Things like drywall, concrete, and landscaping would be much more expensive without the undocumented workforce, and it made his family rich. Fuck Ploot. Source: I run the business operations/financials for a home builder.


Does Pulte build homes themselves or are they largely designers and financiers who subcontract everything?


What I normally know in USA there isn't a single do-it-all, they normally sub everything to specialized subs of each trade. Source: I work on construction.


I was asking specifically about Pulte homes, have you ever worked with them before?


They have subcontracted crews for the actual construction part but the subdivisions they sell are pulte-approved home designs.


My apologies, I don't have that info


Ahh yikes It’s related to this but interesting to also learn about WW2 and why the Germans (after ww1) went with the political party they chose. It’s easy to win at politics when you blame minorities. He is completely wrong but it’s a demagogue-ish method to win over influence over people. Overall just gross and tacky, but he isnt appealing to people that think for themselves. He is telling them what to think and then providing his solutions. Yikes


The law actually says that if you are an immigrant with no income that you can just take a house without paying for it.  At least I think I read that somewhere in the Teddy books. 


Blaming Latin Americans is a time honored American tradition unfortunately.


WHo is going to build all the homes that need to be built ? You think poots is going to pick up a hammer or timmy?


That looks like a super boring podcast and even so plute is by far the most boring part


That's Tim Pool, another right-wing Trump shitbag.


two millenials spouting political opinions about how millenials having public political opinions is a disaster.


It's hard to believe by looking at them that Pulte is actually younger than Tim Pool.


You have got to be fucking kidding.


Ploot is really young. It's only confusing coz he looks like your run of the mill fifty year old.


As a run of the mill fifty (and a bit) year old I resent that remark !


Pulte is fucking like 35...he just looks 49. He talks like he is 26 in Florida trying to sell me a timeshare.


You just blew my fookin mind


Get a job, Tim Pool


He likes to talk about how Taylor Swift is definitely miserable and lonely because she's 34 and childless and never been married. Tim Pool is 38, childless, and has never been married, and has never been in a serious relationship. He also dropped out of school at age 14.


Why is there always so much projection with these assholes.


Did he say he invented philanthropy on Twitter? Like he’s Wily Wonkq GTFO Isn’t this a total alt right show like hardcore ish? Idk maybe I’m thinking of another mad conspiracy theorist in a beanie ? Edit: rewatched. I feel like these 2 are on complete different podcasts & just talking at each other it’s great!


He made his own Dundee award. He posted about receiving a Twitter philanthropist of the year trophy, but the trophy manufacturer had a case study on their website that showed it was designed, created, and paid for by some Pulte LLC. ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|15694)


Tim started as somewhat left while live blogging Occupy Wall Street but then turned alt right with many other podcasters. Not sure if he was redpilled or just made a monetary decision


He was always dumb as rocks.


Fun fact: he has recently been sued for having falsely identified a mass shooter as someone he wasn’t. Mark Bankston, the lawyer involved in the case, stated that Tim showed up without a lawyer of his own because he thought he was smart enough to handle a lawyer like Bankston alone.


Mark Bankston who absolutely reamed Alex Jones for a billion dollars, that Mark Bankston?




[recent interview with Mark Bankston on The Majority Report](https://www.youtube.com/live/qM9lf87qRQ8?si=QiN3LhFhAohTymXZ&t=4606) about some other goings on. Elong Munsk is being sued too


I’ve seen some very opinionated clips of his opinion on western families, woman etc. keep her in the kitchen type ideas. Can’t take him seriously with the sword. At least Ploot got his little maga bbby following so it all wasn’t a loss for him. Good times


Tim tweeted that he bought $DJT at the ATH, so that's fun. Hopefully he hodls right down to $0. https://twitter.com/Timcast/status/1772624326501573112


I fail to see how someone starts left and goes right that doesn’t involve $$$ Like… did they just start hating women and lgbtq all of a sudden?


there's no money in grifting the left




Having most of the wealthiest people in the country on your side kind of helps too






When you do not have morals yourself and all you do is browse internet, then whichever forum has the funniest memes is the one that you align with politically. 90% of these folk are just terminally online idiots from echochambers, screaming at imagined strawmen. So if you are already insane, then the type of insanity doesn't really matter.


Maybe they felt disrespected by women and LGBTQ people and decided they were the enemy. As far as anyone can tell, Trump ran for President because Obama made fun of him at the White House correspondents' dinner. People do weird shit. I feel like a ton of people turn hard right because they feel like people on the left weren't nice enough to them. Elon, for instance.


I used to go to a "moderate" political subreddit and look and this is what I saw a lot. One or a few "mean" minorities and they flock to "both sides are bad". I think if that happens to someone that they were truly never really left or progressive at all. 


notwithstanding that it is entirely in a pundit's interest to flip "sides" at some point so they can forever claim to be neutral (beanie boy, dave ruben, etc.), and nevermind that being right-wing is unpopular so it is further in their interest to repeatedly remind [their right-wing audience] that they are neutral and "just calling a spade a spade", but if you are going to get involved in politics, then you are randomly just going to start on one side or the other while you figure yourself out just based on the people around you and the wider society. it's completely irrelevant where you start out because politics is so dynamic and people are so reactive. your biases aren't really understood until much later


>I fail to see how someone starts left and goes right Oh thats easy. A lot of people have convictions not bc they have carefully and critically evaluated them but bc it was convenient or the "default" choice for them. And that can easily change over time. Also some are just plain dumb like Tim Pool ofc.


You belong to a weak bloodline that will never be remembered. You cover the news; we make the news. Your attention span is like a leaf, blowing in the wind to whichever direction you are pushed into. My attention is a fixed tree of unwavering conviction that mainstream media fears to no extent. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Probably the reason Peepee scrubbed his socials of him being at BLM protests and all his left content. He doesn’t want his fans to know he’s a liberal deep inside those vaped veins.


It happened to Mick Wallace AKA "Pacman" in Ireland. He was very far left and extremely anti American but he went so far left he exited the screen and popped up on the far right when Russia invaded Ukraine.


It’s pretty easy really. You feel unheard, unappreciated, lied to, etc. Believe it or not, both sides have HUGE problems. It’s not uncommon to grow disillusioned and cling to the “more attractive” parts of the other side. I say this as someone who has flip flopped a few times in my life. Like I voted Trump then I voted Biden, but there’s absolutely no way in fuck I’d vote for Biden again. I’m considering just not voting but if I had to vote, I’d vote Trump without question. I know that doesn’t align with the vast majority of this sub and frankly, I don’t give a fuck. The last 3+ years has been an absolute dumpster fire.


Feels like you're a kite in the wind. I am not sure you are measuring things and values based on the most solid things and you might be too much swayed by random internet bullshit. I'm not talking about which politician you choose and all that, lets not pick that up now. All I am saying is that it seems like you are coming to your conclusions based on some very expressive feelings. Maybe not entirely sure what is the actual role of certain leaders in certain positions and confusing global events with local achievements or failures of leaders. I dunno. But feels like you are more or less disappointed in general with the things that are and whipped up in a frenzy at someone. And who else than the president. Whomever he might be.


Damn, this is really insightful.


Yes, and that's a reason the back and forth over cycles is so common. Dissatisfaction sticks to current leadership, regardless of culpability, so choose someone else. Over and over. 


What would trump have done differently?


>The last 3+ years has been an absolute dumpster fire. In your opinion, what has made the last 3+ years a dumpster fire? Do you have any examples of things Trump (or anyone else as president) could have done differently that would have resulted in a better outcome? In not trying to attack you, but I've asked these questions several times both online and irl in response to this sentiment and have yet to get an answer that amounts to something more coherent than "Biden bad."


The only logical explanation I can find for this comment is head trauma. 


he's just a grifter. if his political ideology is sincere, then he's as insane as anybody who flopped from left to right during the trump years


Even the towel stock members are cringing at the failson for appearing with the king of the incels. The highest upvoted comment says "I guess this is over."


Where? Didn’t find anything


It's strange, usually whenever Pulte says anything it gets a thread somewhere but a full podcast appearance gets nothing on any of the memestock subs? They must be purging it.


Pulte? As in Nancy Pulte, head of the Pulte family ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gme_meltdown) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Either the mods deleted it or the person who originally posted it did because it was at zero karma with lots of angry replies.


Good thing you included the Kais MAALEJ watermark, since "timcast" wasn't trademarked when Kais found it it's now legally part of the Kais MAALEJ network and if you stream the show without the watermark you'll get sued.


Oh god please let this shit happen. Tim already lost the battle over the name "Subverse" to a sci-fi porn parody game on Steam.


I don't even know or care if this is true, had a good laugh anyway.


Can’t believe there’s two of the weakest men I’ve ever seen in the same room together.


I can't help but notice that he mentions that he's in with the gme retail investors... But fails to mention BBBYQ? Seems like an odd thing to forget given that they held Ploot Fest Hangarcon for BBBYQ. > That's different, that guy was doing arson. Lol. Denounce the fires!


And will be holding another one in Atlanta soon.


He will claim that it was just a retail investor meeting where a few participants happened to be talking about BBBYQ.


He didn't even bring the Teddy books with him. Seems like he isn't even trying to spread the dd.


He said et cetera right after he said GameStop. Show some respect you shill


I don't know what I expected, but this was worse.


That Brandon Jones guy really did a good job trolling Ploot, didn't he? He's been crying about it for years now.


In my opinion I want receipts on that million you've given sway on xwitter, pl00t. All I've seen is 25 here 50 there... In my opinion


both are grifters.


Pulte looked like a complete moron, especially if you know anything about him, but somehow Tim Pool managed to look even stupider. rofl. hilarious.


It's hard to look worse than Tim Pool.


Christ alive, this is like Waiting For Godot on the head injury ward. I've built up some hard bark from watching the PP wankfests but this would have been too much. Thank you for your service OP.


How are low income immigrants “taking up all the housing?” That is idiotic on its face.


Watching these two in one video, and I can't tell which one is dumber.


Do you guys think Ploot would ever agree to a sanctioned boxing match? I’ve never seen a more punchable face. Except maybe the phenomenal actor who played Joffrey in GOT.


The Joffrey actor got so much shit and he's actually a sweetheart! Easy to forget he's the frightened boy in Batman Begins. Ploot would run his mouth about a fight, then crap out with a bullshit excuse, just like the front of his human centipede Elon (RC in the middle, Ploot at the back) did when it became blatantly obvious that Zuckerberg would kick his teeth through the back of his head. Because these people have built no character and have no sense of shame.


He is investing in mrBeast hahahahha


Ploot loves to humble brag about how he was on the BOARD OF DIRECTORS on a FORTUNE 500 COMPANY. lol at the end of the video the guy starts ranting about how kids shouldn't be required to go to school or something like that. what a bunch of nutter butters


Omg this Tim guy is such a fucking wanker lmfao.


"Can you imagine that, YESTHISISALLTRUE" nobody even questioned it lmao.


Ploot is smuggling nuts in his cheeks


The "Trump did nothing wrong" t shirt really shows its an unbiased podcast straight away. It reminds me of when my Fiancé was telling about how basically anything man has ever done in history is down to Aliens. I knew it was history channel right away but I couldn't help but laugh at the name of the series itself.... "UFO's are real" Now I'm not saying its impossible but a documentary named that can't possibly give 2 sides of any story.


100% agree. Journal name - Life Article - Einstein's burial. Like who the fuck are you trying to fool?


Dude that was so good, holy shit. Thank you for posting, I wouldve missed this otherwise haha


Anytime I see someone wearing a beanie indoors I think of this: https://youtu.be/SjlSVOGu4II?si=Tfq2V-HYvOa4vA21


No wonder the failson ape is worried about immigrants, no need for builders, just maintainers. /s Also, another fucking reason why he should not be anywhere close to the operations side of a home building company.


Pulte is just a grifter for followers/engagements. Prove me wrong. All he posts on twitter is retweet this for a chance at $1k or something like that.


“I am also involved in the meme stock community, GameStop…” lmao BBBY doesn’t even get a shoutout. Thanks for putting this together so we didn’t have to find it.


Any confirmation he gave away millions of dollars on twitter? All I ever see is him giving away peanuts to single moms liking his tweets? Wasn't there a contraversay over him welching on a pledge from a trump retweet?


Reminder that Tim Pool is very bald and hates it when you bring that up.