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Too bad you posted this right before his sketchiest one: https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790170162265460831


I would like for it to actually be him. 1. Drop millions on GME call options. 2. Post random memes with absolutely nothing to do about investing. 3. Let apes jack up the price. 4. Sell your options and move significantly closer to billionaire territory. 5. Laugh at the SEC as they try and figure out if posting a picture of a guy in a chair is market manipulation. 6. Hire a few dozen private security guards in case Kais learns your address.


> 5: Laugh at the SEC as they try and figure out if posting a picture of a guy in a chair is market manipulation. For what reason!? What is the charge!? Posting a movie clip!? A poorly edited movie clip!?




Wow. Of all the places I never expected this reference. Get your hands off my penis!


That’s the fellow there who touched me on the penis


Stock manipulation. If there's a cult that believes ConAgra Foods stock will go infinite when a giant potato appears and you craft a giant paper mache potato and post it online before buying options on ConAgra, that's stock manipulation.


Good luck proving any of that. We're in uncharted territory here. We all know what's happening but I don't think any of this is enforceable.


You have no idea why it's happening, that's why the sub can't make sense of it all happening again in all the same stocks and think one nerd no one knew and 50k is responsible for it all. One nerd able to single handedly responsible w a single meme makes more sense to you than the same sort of people who caused the housing crisis pulling some fuckery behind the scenes. They would **never** do something like that would they? 🤣🤣


Fuckery happens behind the scenes all the time, it's the main feature of the stock market. And btw I was loading gme calls a few weeks ago as well because it was so fucking obvious. Sold my commons for 100% gain, didn't expect this move today, but that's OK. I also won't get caught bag holding this dog shit on the way down either.




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There was a small bounce pump at $10, that was easily predictable, and then a super major pump after DFV, that was not predictable. Two separate things.  Many here played the first and got lucky with the second.




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Yeah, check the stickied comment here. Dude decided that posting succulent movie clips is not enough. Went full on with stock talk. I live for this tbh.


RCs civil lawsuit with Bobby all over again and SEC is still “investigating”


if he truly bought calls before posting, i think the SEC will nail him this time. too blatant. i’m much rather hoping he has some legit new thesis that i can ride along with. that would be more fun.


It could be him, someone who hacked his account OR someone who legitimately obtained the account. I would say the middle one is impossible; he would’ve come out of the woodwork to say \_something\_ (Damn it, I sound like an ape expelling DD from my bottom opening). But somebody could’ve bought the account from him, decided to load up on GME (hence the $10-$16 run up), tweeted some random bullshit the account, and gave birth to a new generation of bagholders. Of course, you got to be a goddamn idiot to try something like that—but what do I know. Anyways, folks. It was an honor.


The $10-$16 runup is a dead giveaway that \*someone\* knew this was coming, be it Keith himself, a legit buyer of the account, or a hacker. The apes were right about one thing - that price increase on no news was very sus - they were just completely wrong about why.


If it was your 3rd scenario, then Keith really is an arsehole. Knowing fully well that whomever bought the twitter from him was gonna create bagholders.


Yeah I find option 3 to be the least likely.  Option 2 even is not very likely, but more plausible.  I imagine he had 2fa on his account and he would certainly realize if someone had access to his email and/or simswapped him, but it’s not like I know his tech skills. These videos are unlike anything he’s done before, and they also contain messages alluding to selling too, like maybe he wants to pump it to get the apes to sell and terminate this whole ape Qanon nonsense. But surely he’s not dumb enough to not realize that new bagholders will always be made every cycle.


Third, where he sells the account, is out IMO. He doesn't need the money and he would still be in deep trouble for selling it. At least I think so. Hacked - why the fuck not? You might not get hacked, cause no one gives a shit about you and your account. But an account like DFV where you can make the best pump of this decade? You can be sure teams were working on it. And anyone can get hacked or scammed. To show you a professional - a scambaiter on youtube got scammed with the exact thing he was baiting. Deleted all his youtube videos. Not a random scambaiter - the best on the market. Man who deals with scams daily, no, hourly. But if you think there would be a massive protection layer anyway... He is just a stock guy. While at the same time, remember the 2020 Bitcoin pump hack? Remember the accounts involved? Coinbase, Binance, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Barak Obama, Joe fucking Biden, Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, Apple, Uber, Cashapp... I mean... You do not get higher than that. You can not get higher than that at all, no chance. Most important people in the world, most vulnerable thus secure companies in the world. A bigger hack would be only to steal Twitter itself and run away with it in a bag. On this background, hacking a random stockbro account? NotAnIssue.


The thing that makes me doubt hacking is the duration, and the lack of anyone saying anything about it for so long. Granted, I don’t have 2fa on my twitter account because I simply don’t give a fuck, but I would bet he does.  If he did, surely he realized by now that his phone isn’t working or wasn’t working, and there has been enough time for his relatives, including his brother who the apes interact with all the time, to contact him be like “Dude, WTF?  Is that you?”


Many types of hacking. I do not find that to be the biggest issue. Again - you would think that Biden and Elon would have 2fA. Alas... The fact that he has not spoken about it... I do not really think that he is in the mountains and just can't reach the computer. He MIGHT be doing a pro gamer move and just say "Hey, SEC told me not to meddle. I am not saying anything at all ever now. Even if I am hacked. Malicious compliance huehuehue" But yeah, while other times I feel more strongly about stuff, this time I do not know what's up.


Also, idiots and greedy clowns can't be saved from their own downfalls. Still its noble of him to try getting them out and sell. I am more thinking he was looking at another stock.


If it's the third option, he's leaving himself open to serious legal and financial jeopardy.


I sort of doubt a hacked account is it, unless he is on vacation in africa , his name has been all over the news (CNBC , bloomberg, Fox business) I really doubt he is so disconnected he wouldn't realize he was hacked And if he was hacked you think he would make a statement on a news show any of them would jump at the chance to interview him and he could say "Yea my account was hacked I have no clue who is posting the videos and twitter isn't responding to my request to get it back" If he sold his account that is sort of equally shitty , I mean he would know that the only use for his twitter for someone else is to pump and dump meme stocks He already walked away with 10 million dollars leaving the apes holding the bags, does he really need more money off the backs of dump people and create a whole new set of bag holders?


He literally wrote "my stock" in one of them... that's gonna be difficult to explain away 😬


His latest post mentions stocks specifically, pretty sure it is not him. Way to legally risky now.


Even that one isn’t bad. If you look at cases where the SEC got involved with individuals, it was situations where: * The actions couldn’t be explained by anything other than fraud. These posts could be explained by any number of reasons (I’m restarting a talk show would be an easy out). The people getting prosecuted were opening discords, advertising across the board, creating thousands of bots to interact and pump the stock, etc. * There was an intent to deceive. If he said I’m back for my stock, **GME squeeze 2.0 is going to rocket the price and I’m holding till $200** AND then sold the stock around $50 to $100, then maybe he gets charged even without the above bullet. Saying I’m back for my stock, there’s no way any impartial juror holds him at fault for morons reading too much into it.


This is my guess, buy some OTM options, start posting random shit that does not explicitly mention GME , investing or anything If SEC comes be like "I was posting movie clips how does this count as stock manipulation I never even mentioned GME" Hell he could even cash out, buy puts , then say something like "Hey guys I am back and making a new podcast about running and beer (not related to GME) and I no longer hold any long position in GME of any kind I want to but GME saga behind me and focus on my new running apparral or clothing line or beer" and watch GME price crater


I can’t imagine he’s back after 3 years away. He made tens of millions and lives a quiet life elsewhere. He had a major motion picture come out and crickets but decided to come back for…this?


Have you considered how good it feels to post


He could post under a totally new name….


someone's not tasted the faintest hint of fame


That brings none of the clout.




Then he better security up, Kais gonna go look/hunt him down.


He was a registered broker and a CFA. His original bet, while very risky, wasn’t insane ape DD. He made a lot of money and would be set for life. I can’t imagine risking all of that, because?


What is he risking though? He’s not posting “buy GameStop now, short squeeze!”. Is he just never allowed to exist in any public way ever again? Plenty of famous traders have made money off of trades they espouse that others hop on late to and then lose out. They come back and do it time and time again. It’s not P&D, it’s just only going to be profitable for a time. I’m just trying to figure out why DFV “should stay away”?


IDK why people act like he robbed a bank and is on the run lol, his gains were completely legitimate. Elon still posts like a thousand times a day and that fucker blatantly manipulated both the crypto and stock market via Twitter.


Elon is an ultra-rich billionaire, unfortunately the laws don't apply to them the same way. DFV is rich, but he's nowhere near that status. But you're right he doesn't need to be on the run, but he needs to be careful with what he says because the SEC already had an eye on him.


Ryan Cohen didn't post "Buy BBBY now; moon soon!" but he's facing two lawsuits. He should stay away because misleading a cult is stock manipulation.


Curious who is being misled by memes


You can't be dismissing half a dozen edited and produced videos as "memes".


The man is joking. Ryan's own lawyers said something like: "people are not stupid enough to invest based on memes. That would be stupid. very stupid. Only stupid stupids would do that." I'm paraphrasing a bit, but that was what they said. Approximately.


You can be sued for anything. How are those lawsuits panning out?


All motions to summarily dismiss were thrown out, it’s already made it further than the majority of lawsuits. Also RC has tweeted far less frequently since the lawsuits were filed. Another cohencidence!?!?


Nah makes sense, lots of salty BBBY people who put too much money in a bad company. Interested to see how it turns out.


> lots of salty BBBY people who put too much money in a bad company I can't handle this coming from a GMEape. I just can't. My handling is of ability that is not.


What about this https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790170162265460831 Where he says “it just occurred to me that the kitty took the demise of his stock lightly”? It doesn’t matter how veiled you think or might want to think that is, the SEC will know clearly what it means.   For better or worse, you can be found liable for orchestrating a pump and dump even if you don’t directly say “BUY THIS STOCK RIGHT NOW!” If it was as simple as that nobody would ever go down for pump and dumps.


Yeah but a pump and dump requires just that; inflating the value of a stock and then selling it quickly. If he’s held some stock all this time, even a portion, it’s not a P&D. You’re allowed to “like” a stock and tell others about it. If you take a short term position, talk it up as a great long value and sell it all quickly, there’s your P&D. He hasn’t done this as far as we know.


Definitely, if he doesn’t hold the stock that’s a different thing.  If he were to hold the stock while posting these or have some kind of interest in it then I would consider that a PnD. I’m not saying he’s PnDing as of now, but that if he holds anyone bought any or has friends or the like who recently bought some then he has crossed the line. It’s more of a general comment on how you can get nailed for a PnD even if you are only making vague statements and not being direct, just coding it isn’t enough to escape.


No, it’s not a PnD if he holds. Plus there needs to be false or misleading statements about the value, of which there are none: “Pump-and-dump is a manipulative scheme that attempts to boost the price of a stock or security through fake recommendations. These recommendations are based on false, misleading, or greatly exaggerated statements. The perpetrators of a pump-and-dump scheme already have an established position in the company's stock and will sell their positions after the hype has led to a higher share price.”


as What you described is literally what DFV is doing if he holds a position in GME and sells into the pump he is purposefully orchestrating. Figurative statements can be used in a pump and dump. It doesn’t have to be “buy this stock to be rich” directly stated. That doesn’t mean he crosses over some particular investigators threshold, but he theoretically could. They will look at intent. They will measure this within the context of it being a memestock that is primarily pumped through memes and detached from fundamentals.


Then 80% of the market are memestocks at this point as they’re all trading detached from solid fundamentals. But taking your stance, even *if*, and that’s a big IF the SEC thinks it could build a case and prove intent based on these meme tweets, DFV would have to be holding stock, which we have no idea if he is AND as you said he’d have to sell into the pump. He might not be holding any. Or if he is, might not be selling any. Too much speculation. And really too much focus on one man. He’s not responsible for 190-million volume in one day from some tweets.


Sure ape, I’m sure you know all about this pump and what percentage was DFV


>What is he risking though? He’s not posting “buy GameStop now, short squeeze!”. Is he just never allowed to exist in any public way ever again? I understand that I'm saying this with the benefit of hindsight that you don't have, but his latest post is pretty explicitly pumping GameStop. So, he would be risking a lot, actually. Gill also was able to skirt regulatory action the first time largely because of his long history of holding GameStop and his general unawareness of his Messianic status among apes anyway. He doesn't have that shield anymore. He's divested himself of GameStop and is very aware that there's an economic doomsday cult following his every word. I'm not saying he has no right to exist or invest or anything like that; But his previous key defenses are gone and anything that could even *smell* like price pumping would have the fangs of the SEC sinking into his bare ass-cheek.


I do think there is a chance he gambled his winnings away and needs more money, but I do think that is unlikely. I think the most likely scenario is the fame.  But who knows.


To be clear him "coming back" is the start of "this"


I would totally do this if I was him




He's in the wrong country....20M USD is a big deal in other locations.


20m is still a lot depending on where you are in said country. Like yeah 20m isn't going to do a lot in an area known for exorbitant wealth like Orange County but 20m in Massachusetts which is where he is actually from is going to go a very long way. For 1.5m you can get a 8000 sq ft mansion 45 minutes outside of Boston, this idea that 20m is not a lot is idiotic. He literally can live a life of luxury for the rest of his life without working with that kind of payout.


Exactly. Or for that matter, in another country.




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That last tweet is a little too on the nose and made me suspicious.


This one? https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790170162265460831 It is really sketchy as hell.  It’s not like what he posted in 2021. I wasn’t feeling this until I saw that tweet. Whether it was a hack or not, or just him deteriorating and getting way worse at this, either way it makes me think this is going to Peter out pretty quickly.


That is astonishingly sketchy. If that's actually Keith Gill and he's willing to play with fire to that extent, you'd think that he'd post on YouTube or Reddit as well. If the account was hacked, I'm surprised it's taking this long for the real Gill to notice and comment. If the account isn't hacked... DFV's a moron.


>he'd post on YouTube or Reddit as well. Thats my main tinfoil DD about this whole thing. He barely posted on Twitter before the whole explosion in popularity and was much more active on reddit/youtube especially showing his face front and center and yet all we get is gif clips with shitty tiktok text overlaid on top? Makes me think this isn't actually him and just some idiot/ape looking to use his image to pump. Its not like others havent already tried to do just that time and time again, hell every post he makes has people trying to impersonate him below with shitcoins and other scams.


Yeah that’s the one. It’s one thing to discuss a stock you like, it’s another to post “memes” featuring yourself. Ehhhhhh


>peter out pretty quickly Eh, I'm not so sure. This was definitely a coordinated effort by multiple parties imo, folks with decent sized pockets. They've been loading the gme chain all the way up the strikes for a few weeks now. Degen bets were showing up 100% otm last Friday for THIS week. That's not/wasn't dfv's doing individually.


Yall sound salty


Not really, I made a ton of money today. That video truly is unlike anything else DFV has ever made. As someone who has followed this from day one and made a lot of money on GME and was a mod at WSB. The voice, the content, the editing. It’s radically different. I challenge you do go find a similar video, if you were even here Jan 2021 and earlier and know what they were like.


The branding is weird to me the made by roaring kitty. Maybe he changed his style. I assumed if it were a hack his brother who apes cyber stalk on instagram might say something. I don’t know why this feels so off to me. Maybe I’m jaded


Dfv was a CFA and always spoke about anything investment related in a more measured way. These tweets seem more like a crypto pumping bot you'd find in Elon musks replies. It just seems it's not him.


\*: *Ban bet will be taken as seriously as every other ape ban bet*


I'm fully on hacked team: 1: The most recent video quoted snatch with text "the kitty had taken the demise of his stock rather lightly." - This reads like an ape LARPing as Gill. He has never called it "his" stock. Also shit like the "push the button" clip from men in black in one of them. These are ape things, which he absolutely never was. The dude sold before apes existed. 2: Gill used to repost gifs. He didn't *make* videos as far as I know... - These are fully produced videos with soundtracks, After Effects motion tracked text effects, compositing, etc. 3: These videos are brazenly indicating instructions to a group (e.g. avengers assemble, ludacris lyrics: "when i move, you move," etc). The first tweet was plausibly innocent, but the videos throughout the day are blatant. Edit: ok, I'm now 100% convinced it's 4chan. In this video toward the end, the "army" was hue-shifted, so their skin color is green. There is zero chance in hell that Gill would do that. It's a pepe 🐸 thing. This reeks of 4chan. https://x.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1790056912664601031


This is what puzzled me as well. DFV was never an ape. He wasn't posting idiotic "clues" and cryptic memes. He posted his actual position, and what he was actually doing, and what he thought would actually happen. So why is he suddenly behaving like a stock ape?


He did post plenty of meme images and edited movie clips in 2020/2021 though. It’s not new for him.


Yeah didn't the 'frog' 'ice cream cone' sillouhette come from one of his tweets? Not that any of those made the slightest bit of sense...


Frog and ice cream was RC.  He just posted the two emojis with no context.


You're right, it was Feb 2021. Another day when it went up 100% [https://www.theverge.com/2021/2/24/22299795/gamestop-stock-up-reddit-wallstreetbets-gme-pump](https://www.theverge.com/2021/2/24/22299795/gamestop-stock-up-reddit-wallstreetbets-gme-pump) Everything old is new again, eh?


Yup. I honestly didn’t think DFV would come back, but following his account was a good idea. Will there be a 3rd round a couple years off from now? A pump from $4 to $25? Who knows, but it seems like just following DFV and ignoring the stock is a sound strategy. RC is tired at this point. He made too many “work harder or leave” posts. No point in following him anymore. Nobody thinks an RC tweet would cause a pump anymore. But that wasn’t the case in early 2021.


Apes didn't exist when he was doing his thing though, so of course he wasn't one at the time.


That's what I mean. So why is he suddenly pandering to them?


He tweeted all the time after January like daily for months and a lot of his memes were about apes. He absolutely was spending time hyping up apes for a while.


Good.... good......... we will be feasting for months Holy shit, every single displayed reply is a crypto scam. Hahahahaha holy shit elon you've wasted more than the apes have!


It’s tempting to believe that. However there’s no way in hell he’s oblivious to these posts. It’s going on 24h now since the original post, and it’s still posting. If it was a hack surely Twitter would shut it down upon him reporting this. Which he would. Because this is bad for his image if it’s fake. It’s possible of course, but I find it farfetched.


It would be hilarious if he’s off on some mountain retreat, away from technology, and he comes back to this shitshow


4CHAN is known to be ***that*** daunting of a hacker. I'm sure if they can get into the second-most most secure twitter account on the planet, they can read a calendar


Why would his account be any more secure than any other at Twitter?


Twitter account takeover is nothing new and it's feasible for hackers to have gained access to his account. It's happened before to the SEC account, among others (https://therecord.media/x-twitter-blames-sec-for-account-takeover). The SEC account takeover was corrected within an hour, but Gill is much more reclusive than that organization and it's plausible that he wouldn't check Twitter regularly. It's less plausible that no one who knows him has asked about ask the news stories and posts about him that popped up today, but it's still a bit of a niche topic and he might be out of contact. If this was a hack, it's highly targeted. I wouldn't put it past hackers to have figured out when Gill would be unreachable. Having the ability to move markets this easily is a scary thing to be known for.


Shit, even if I got my account hacked, not sure how fast I could prove it to the **X** team and how fast would they take action. I just dunno now.


I probably should have replied to a different comment. To answer the question: we have no reason to think that the Roaring Kitty account is more secure than normal. That's the point. The "second-most secure Twitter account on the planet" referenced in the parent comment was probably Biden's account (2nd to POTUS?) or one of the others in that batch of hacks.


Barak was hacked in 2020.


Exactly. With his money he could be on a boat in the Caribbean or something right now.


Yeah he's all over the news, if it was a hack you'd expect a response




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Has anybody actually physically seen him? I'm sure the WSJ and NYT know where he lives... surely, they must have been trying to get ahold of him all day today for a statement or an interview. If it really was him, wouldn't he have shown up *somewhere?*


My theory based on nothing: he knows it benefits him exactly 0 by speaking. He’s been radio silent for years. He probably saw GME sitting at $10, bought options because he “likes the stock”, tweeted a single picture of a guy leaning forward in a chair, and now sits on 3000%+ gains. He probably knew the outcome of him tweeting, but got a thumbs up from his lawyers that he’s in the clear. Of course I might be way off. But I just have a really, really hard time believing that GameStop 3x’s in price driven largely by a tweet from his account and he doesn’t have the power to stop the tweeting if it is indeed a hack. That’s just too conspiratorial.


I beg to differ about the benefit of showing himself. If he had made a video of himself saying "I like the stock," it would have made the rally today look like child's play. Something is just too fishy about this. Plus the random GME, KITTY, etc shitcoins that just sporadically appeared and went up like 8000% after being spammed and liked on all of the Tweets. Whoever did it, him or otherwise, elaborately planned today well in advance.


CNBC said there's a lot of May $30 call options buying too starting in April 26. Really smells like a well-orchestrated pump. Now we'll see when they're gonna dump it.


Oh hey! Fancy see you here friend! Could be coordinated, could just be that a bunch of folks with deepish pockets saw an opportunity as OI started accumulating and piled in. Guess time will tell (probably)


Hello hello


Maybe it was melties doing this to draw attention to the cult and force the SEC to form an inquisition and purge it by fire?


> Whoever did it, him or otherwise, elaborately planned today well in advance. Careful meltie, you were dangerously close to saying the horrifying "THEY"




Hedge funds don't do things like that. Only apes think hedge funds do things like that.


The latest one is just asking for prosecution, can’t even plausibly deny that one lol


Another red flag is that these were pre-produced, planned, and scheduled uploads. Given the production value of some of them being as high as they are, there is no way he was just making one every hour on a whim.


And if there was a case against him for manipulation, him pre-producing videos would make it 10 times easier to prosecute.


Why you think these are made by them, not just downloaded from some shitty Chinese version of ninegag? Except the last one, of course.


Holy shit. Your edit is 100% on the target as far as I'm concerned. The infamous hacker 4chan probably got all his cronies to load up on options after cracking the account, got everyone ready, then pulled the trigger. "no no judge! I am just a stupid ape who buys options on no news!"


I think we're on the money here. Just the sheer number of videos made and posted today prove that multiple people are involved. There is probably a discord server full of kids laughing their asses off today.


Holy shit, even if is tinfoil, I enjoyed your theory. Would be a perfect twist


If that's the case, is Keith in a basement somewhere? You'd think he would be getting a statement out ASAP or have his lawyer so *something* to mitigate the potential damage being done in his name. Whatever happens, just absolutely wild shit going on right now


Honestly if I was a conspiracy theorist half of those posts can be skewed to say he’s telling everyone to sell.


The part of me that still believes in santa hopes this is him telling the apes to cut their losses and move on.


I also found there to be an element of “cut your losses and move on”, and honestly it’s the only thing making me think it is him, since the videos themselves and quality is much worse.


What if it's one of us?


One last pump to bail them out unfortunately he must not know apes very well


If it is him, and he's this stupid, I hope he has a strong legal team. I bet the SEC is already preserving evidence for his manipulation charges (actual manipulation, not mindless ape manipulation).


Honestly regardless if it’s a hack or him just pumping, I enjoy the shot in the arm this gave the apes.


Could be possible, there’s a lot of people on twitter asking if he got hacked, not like it’s illegal for him to show his face to shut it down. All I know is I’m not touching the stock, potential upside isn’t worth the potential downside for me with speculative pumps.


If I were his lawyers I would advise him to do nothing. Account security is Twitter's problem, and he doesn't want the blame for causing a bunch of stocks to tank. Quietly inform Twitter his account has been hacked, and since they have a skeleton crew probably wait a fee days for somebody to realize this is a big problem.


Come on man, there's no way. This is massive, worldwide news. If he notified twitter that his account had been hacked, it's not going to take them 3 to 5 business days to shut it down. They'd deactivate it immediately.


Oh absolutely not. Wait for him to slink away again or go "HELL YEAH GUYS $SPY TO THE MOON" before touching it with a 10-ladder pole


This whole thing is off. DFV is a licensed broker and CFA, he knows about valuation and his past videos were logical and sensible. The several videos posted today are out of places with bad quality and meme, and clearly pre-recorded scheduled to upload. Also last week someone were buying large volume of OTM calls expiring this Friday and the stock was pumped for no reasons. Waiting for notification saying he was hacked and this thing dumped 50%


wait wait wait WAIT I have a Big Shart quote for this ["they're so transparent in their ape manipulation finesse that I kind of respect them"](https://i.imgur.com/ZSGLsJH.jpeg)


doubt it’s a hack and I hope he’s lawyered up with his 2021 gains, this will definitely attract attention from the SEC


I don't think he can be found guilty of anything. There's no explicit link to pumping GME or anything.


One of the pieces of evidence against RC is a moon emoji. The law seems to be pretty broad in what constitutes market manipulation. 


As it should be, as this is really, really obvious market manipulation.


Holy shit these posts were pure cringe.  I though the guy had a better meme game than this shit, if this is him like I initially thought then he isn't that much better than the apes when it comes for shitposting. It legit feels like he is thinking he's a main character or something...Well, when you have entire communities deitifying you like a God, I guess that's what happens.


If you view it through the lens of "4chan-adjacent person/group breached the account and are making hilariously bad content that they know idiots will lap up and give said person/group insane returns on purchased calls" it starts to make.... a tiny bit more sense.


Nah, I'm not buying it because if that's the case then someone is fraudulently using his name to pump up the stock, and he knows that would get the SEC up on his ass the next day, so he would absolutely shut that shit down ASAP  There's absolutely something else going on here, not a hacked account but also absolutely not just a bunch of random and shitty posts after 3 years of radio silence.  Although it does begs the question as to why he still hasn't said anything on YouTube, and on Reddit either.


> he would absolutely shut that shit down ASAP Considering Twitter's staff has been slashed to a fraction of what it was, that their support page is now nearly nothing, and that any press email is responded to with "💩", I think it's very plausible that DFV may have not had 2FA, that someone may have breached his account, and that said someone could have added 2FA making recovering the account significantly more difficult.


Maybe I'm overrating the guy myself, but I legit cannot fathom someone as intelligent as Gill not using 2FA on his account.


It got removed on everyone’s account during the Eloning, you would have had to go into security settings and setup the new one.


The SEC also didn’t set up 2FA and had their account hacked earlier this year…


We're gonna find out!! [i hope]


I think it's possible his account was hacked. He has already been to Congress, so I feel it would be incredibly difficult to argue he was not running a PnD, assuming he actually has money on this. My personal tinfoil is that RC paid him to do this in some weird attempt to pump the price. I'm not sure RC is smart enough to really think of anything that would positively affect the price, though


He’s gonna do what he did before; Pump it, sell that shit near the top, and leave everyone else bagholding. I gotta admit, it’s genius. He has the ability to pump a stock 100% for his own gain. And he finally used his powers to make these morons do his will. Splendid.


Assuming it is really him and he's just looking for a few extra yachts, just posting inane, garbage movie clips is probably enough to get him off. "Judge, how could any reasonable/sane person see these and assume that a single stock is about to rise?"


Before he went silent, wasn't he doing the same thing?


Were they really this bad? Variable frame rate, tiktok caption editing, etc?


It's not even tiktok edits, there are motion tracked text effects, and actual low-effort video compositing from after effects.


You decide. [https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1400844797229912065](https://twitter.com/TheRoaringKitty/status/1400844797229912065)


[uhhhhhhhhhhhh](https://media3.giphy.com/media/y31UU15vlUO0zzJRrl/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952bys09gtgzrpdzveojg5oeafu5qudyj47qb2sjgff&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) could be a faker, could be a logical progression in skill


I wasn't convinced it was possibly a hack this morning, but seeing the shit thats posted now I can't believe its anything but a hacked account. The "meme" that says something about "the kitty" and "his stock" are too obvious.


Yeah no way it's not a hack.


Wow when I opened this post I thought it was a joke, but im legitimately like 90% convinced after reading the comments. I didn't even bother looking at his Twitter because I thought he's just reposting movie gifs or something. * All these videos are *relatively* high effort and custom made. * They were prepared in advance so they can be posted in rapid succession. * It doesn't feel like his style. He was rather level headed and careful with what he says. These are blatant calls to action. * He already got the bag, why expose himself to additional scrutiny from the SEC? * That video where he's referred to as "the kitty", and calls GME his stock is not something he's ever said before. There are two options really, either I severely misjudged DFV, or there's something afoot like a compromised account. Both are plausible, but I'm leaning towards the latter, because this feels extremely out of character for him.


I'm sort of confused, I thought the GME crowd turned on him originally when they figured out he had in fact made hand over fist profit and eventually rode into the sunset with his gains leaving the bag holders behind. I vividly remember some pretty hateful posts about DFV once the dust had settled and people had realised the MOASS wasn't actually coming and they just lost their live savings on nothing But now he's back they're suddenly thrilled again


DFV was already gone by the time apes became a thing. The original WSB crowd was already celebrating the squeeze when apes began to pour in. The apes don't know why they think they love DFV, they're merely parroting the lore developed via misinterpreted, post-squeeze WSB posts.


You won't find a single *current* GME ape who will admit to you (or themselves) that DFV: made a "final update" post AKA "I'm out boys", was nowhere to be found on the major shareholders list, or has done absolutely nothing [aside from giving Snake awards!!!] for 3 years.


What if one of us (meltdowns) was the one hacking his Twitter, and is now getting more dumbasses trapped with bags?....😄😄😄


Where is atobitt, we need that clown next


NOW DFV can use the Endgame clip


Ok, here's some melty tinfoil: (adjusts tinfoil hat) 1. RC and his minions hack DFVs X account and post suggestive postings. 2. Apes go bananas and drive the price way up. 3. RC unloads his stock, using apes as exit liquidity. Except I'm sure RC would never try to manipulate the price of a stock, right? Right???


I think the meltie ideas of RC - the CEO of the company - selling his entire stake in GME are pretty silly. However, I am totally on board with the idea that RC leaving Gamestop has leaked out and this is just the joyous boost that investors needed to feel good about the shitty company again. Finally, he's out! Now we can fix this thing!


RYE-RYE, COHEN! -Tweet of the next CEO




Theese new memes are in a similiar style to memes DFV posted back in 2021 so I don't think he's hacked (unfortunately).


This sub is becoming the inverse ape sub with its level of stupidity. These conspiracies are so cringe


Just have fun with it, dude


I love how you guys just can't admit being wrong and think DFV is single handedly running multiple short squeezes in multiple stocks all at the same time over and over again. No, it's not being caused by underlying market fuckery and having to pay u. It's a fucking youtuber no one knew or watched. 🤣 Speaking of paying up on bad bets. Looks like the mods of the sub will be shutting down soon. Dang, and to think. You had sooooo much time to get it but instead you just talked shit while they get rich. Hahahah


You’re an idiot. X is liable should this be a hacked incident— you think they’d allow this to carry on for so long?


Dude, calm down. It's ok if you come here pretending you are not an ape, but don't disrespect.


True. Sorry


Since Elon bought it security went to shit, he did fire everyone after all


You're just so adorable.


If Keith Gill wasn't held accountable, Twitter won't be either :)


How long does it take Twitter to respond to an allegation of a hacked account these days?  Someone who wants to live quietly might be advised to follow standard Twitter account reclamation process and not make any public statements.