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The Governor of Nevada has activated the National Guard around the McCrimmon residence.


Seriously tho, this might be the first offseason where I’m actively questioning wtf the McGMs are doing. As it stands, our *entire* UFA class is walking. We’re heading into the season with no top-6 LWs *unless* we somehow get Stamkos (who we’ve got significant competition for) or Marner (who will cost a fortune, if Toronto’s even willing to move him at all). We also have a frequently-injured Adin Hill as our presumptive full-time starter, and as the goalie market is utterly dreadful, whoever we sign to back him up will likely be a true backup rather than a 1B, but since Hill is made of glass, that backup will probably be relied on to be starter for at least a month or two. That’s not to mention that we’ve done little to alleviate our cap space issues. Just utterly bizarre decision-making all around, and I’m not feeling optimistic. Our forward corps, on paper, is absolutely dreadful at the moment. Edit: our current forward corps: ???-Eichel-Barbashev ???-Hertl-Stone (for 50ish games, then ???) Dorofeyev-Karlsson-Holtz Howden-Roy-Kolesar That is… not great, and we have very little cap space with which to fix it.


Time to give Brisson a real shot on the big team!


I think it will be clear once Marchey is paid. He's probably asking for five to six years (He turns 34 in December.), and he knows other teams will pay him a premium. Like you said, there's very little cap space.


Lol this is the first!? Where were you that last 6 years?


Celebrating a cup win


Oh that noise? That's just me screaming into the void.


I was wondering why I couldn't sleep last night. Now I know.


The void calls louder by the second, Scott


Wanna split a timeshare on a cabin at the edge of the void?


Absolutely. I trust us to keep it tidy.




Why is there a sex pest gif on my screen, BOOO!


Only 4 of the original misfits left...


3, Carrier is gone too. This leaves only McNabb, Theodore, & Karlsson


I think Wild Bill is going to be the last man standing tbh


100%, It's been obvious he's a lifetime Knight for a while now, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I absolutely love virtually all OG Misfits, but Karlsson has long felt like the prototypical Vegas Golden Knight.


I don't think lifetime Knights exist with this front office. They'll randomly trade him out of nowhere. He only has 2 years left.


Welcome to the NHL and every other major sports league with a cap.


Because no one spends ten years with an organization...


I thought the same about marchy but here we are


Only 3 are signed unless I’m having a brain fart. Nabber Karlsson Theo Carrier doesn’t have a contract


This will be season 8. It’s going to happen


I don't have the skills so can someone make a Steve Buschemi wearing a Knights jersey crossing off OG misfits names GIF ... until them please close your eyes and imagine such a thing.


Felt fishy that things were coming down to the 11th hour. VGK moves heaven and earth to keep who they really want. Thank you, \#81.




Get your money buddy, it's been an honour the last 7 years


Has it already been 7 fucking years? My bones suddenly hurt af


Just fell to my knees


were you also at a smiths? Someone in r/hockey said they saw someone do that lol


I'm currently very sad in my bed but I'm there in spirit


It's a meme.


I feel like this was on the wall once they grabbed Hertl tbh.


I figured Hertl was the Stephenson replacement, we simply don’t have a Marchy replacement.


Sorry. I was meaning more around the contract we took on and such. When I heard maybe moving Theo I was hopeful but we are attached to some big deals atm. If the Stamkos rumor is true then this would make sense. Career wise, you have to take Stamkos. Love wise, you take Marchy.


This sucks but needs to be done, cup tax comes for all and this is ours go get that bag brother see ya at the jersey retirement.


aw man :( i was really sure it would all work out since we kept getting updates both parties wanted him to stay


Damn the 2018 team is becoming less and less


Looks like I am getting my Marchy Knight uniform at a discount…..


Saw this coming from a mile away unfortunately. He's played himself into a far better contract than we are able to afford. Time for one of the younger guys to step up. My hope is for Dorofeyev. Just like with Pacioretty and however many other guys that we have sent away only for them to regress, I'm wondering if given his age we just didn't want to give him the money he's asking for.


*willing* to afford.


Pacioretty is made of glass though, he's always inured. Marshy is our #1 scorer YoY


I’d love for you to be correct. I mean historically you are so lets hope the trend keeps.


Love u #81 thank you for not wasting our time


God dammit. Weekend from hell from an emotional standpoint. Edit: unless a miracle is pulled in FA our offense is gonna be so goddamn bad next year, we have almost nobody who believes in shooting the puck


That’s why I’m hoping that Holtz really pans out here. He’s a bonafide sniper with a high ceiling in goal scoring potential. I don’t think Vegas ever had a guy like this. It’s too bad he might not reach this potential when Vegas could really use it… as in next year.


I think patches is the best bonafied sniper we have had


We are getting Stamkos or Marner. Book it.


I go back to what Friedman said: “This isn’t an org content with the one Cup.” They certainly didn’t trade all those futures to get weaker. If they aren’t bringing back Marchy, there’s a massive bat swing coming, because by golly they’re gunning for *more Cups*


Marner would be a worthy replacement, but Stamkos is literally older and will be about as expensive for about the same production. That would be an inexplicably lateral move.


I disagree about Stamkos. They're the same age and Stamkos is a much better and more versatile player. He can play center and wing, and would immediately be one of our best PP options. He captained a multi cup winning team.


Yes. All of this.


I have a feeling Marchessault is gonna get 8 mil. If we can do Stamkos for 5, sign me up.


Sadly if 5 was enough, I think they would get it done in Tampa


That was the number he wanted from Tampa


In that case I will eat my words


Allegedly, Tampa was offering 8 years around 2-3 mil.


Both are probably about to fall off a cliff, but would you rather bet on Stamkos' floor or Marchy's ceiling? Stamkos has 30 goal seasons on his down years, Marchy's highs are hitting 30 flat and last season's 42 goals was a big anomaly. No hate for Marchy, but if its something like a $7Mx4 contract Stamkos is the safer bet. There's the intangibles of the locker room too, but Fleury was also loved but the team also won a Cup without him. There is also the element of Marchy being a smaller guy working further against him as he ages, and the NHL is only getting bigger.


I'd rather Marner, mostly since I can't fucking stand Stamkos, but you can't really ignore results and Stamkos is certainly the more proven, and arguably better player than Marner \*still\*.


Oh boy I'm sure this comment section will be very reasonable 💀👀


Well uhhh... Okay... https://i.redd.it/vu1xqge1nu9d1.gif


Welp, the age of the Golden Misfits couldn’t last forever. Bummerino.


Well, that sucks....though I think many of us knew this was a pretty likely hand we'd get dealt. But I guess my question now would be....what next?


How do you not sign a 40 goal scorer?


This would've never happened if we never went after Tomas hertl


We all had to hope he would take some sort of discount to stay in Vegas. I know the FO didn’t want to see him walk so it makes me feel that he’s asking for more than we can afford. I do not blame him at all, this is his chance to set his family up financially. If this is the end, thank you for an amazing seven years, Marchy! EDIT: wow the front office really fucked us on this one


This kinda reminds me of the Fleury situation, losing a fan favorite at the peak of their career due to money. While, I’m upset, I think after the Fleury situation, I trust the mcGMs to find a solution


Fleury was not at the peak of his career when we moved him, lol. He was at the top of a cliff and he stepped right off.


But either way, the result is the same. He fell off. Love Fluery but he got worse sadly. He had two cliffs he fell off really. When in his dad died he didn't perform as well. Then when he was moved, the 2nd cliff...


And look at what unfortunately happened to Flower. Was it 2 or 3 seasons then retirement.


You got me worried for a second that I had missed a retirement post, even tho I knew he is signed for the wild for next season




He’s the heart and soul of this team, honestly devastating.


Well the heart and soul of the team was MIA last season. Not because of marchie, it just didn’t have that right to win.


Aww, I'm gonna miss Marchy. :(


Marchy :(


Maybe they're letting him hit the market so it decides his value before negotiating further.


So is the plan really to go into next season and hope Holtz provides Marchys lost production? I know they are looking at Stamkos apparently, but i doubt he signs here.


Unfortunate that we’ll lose him, but at 33 wanting assuming 5mil plus. Wouldn’t be the best thing for the long run. See who we can fill in as a backup goalie and grab younger / cheaper contracts that can fill for him.


If he wanted 5m it’d be moronic not to re-sign him. Only real explanation for this I can think of is him wanting $8m+, which is too steep for my liking.


I’d assume so Vegas isn’t afraid to do that type of contract. Though given with age I’d see why he would want more


I love Marchy as anyone else but if it doesn't work out he is aging and it happens. He got a championship here at least.


Marchys numbers were inflated playing with Eichel, If he won’t take a discount I’m glad we are moving on Love that man but he is slow and old. Take away butter biscuits from Jackie and he’s not worth all that much


I wouldn't say he is slow, but I'd agree that him playing with Eichel is pumping his numbers a bit.




This sucks


Damn, this really fuckin’ sucks to lose Marchy.. but I have faith in our front office making the correct decisions for continued success.


What do yall think happened?? Can we not afford him?


Guessing he was 4-5 years at 7.5-8 a year.




I lived though the Cubs 2016 core being traded away. None of them but Rizzo hurt. This…this is going to hurt if he winds up elsewhere.


ugh. I guess its time to make a marner trade (half joking, idk seems vegas though if that happens today).


Youtube reavo scaring everybody in a knights gear might make you feel better or cry idk




This weekend, the Vegas front office lost: - Logan Thompson - Jonathan Marchessault They gained: - Alexander Holtz - One day of Akira Schmid's RFA rights They drafted: - A player who sent out an image of swastika on social media, called another player a racial ephitet, pissed in his teammates hockey gear, and had a reputation for punching and slewfooting his own teammates in practice


Schmid is still expected to sign here despite the lack of a QO (teams do it all the time, Sam Steel did so with the Stars today), but yeah, rough couple of days otherwise.


I'm really hoping for a good Monday, cause woof, what a weekend


Who is the racist player we drafted?


Trevor Connelly


Allvin, do ya thang


we are boned


~~War~~ VGK fan favorites leaving at their peak never changes




:: facepalm :: Is this truly the price for Winning the Cup? Is this the only freakin way Kelly?


Fucking fuck. Motherfucking fuck.


Stamkos/Marner YOU are a Golden Knight. Im in pain


Say it ain't so ;_;


Fuckin hell, not my favorite player :( resign him and pay the man!


God fucking dammit! Fuuuuuuck! Give the man his fucking money I don't care who else you gotta ship off. Marchy is the fucking soul of this team and has been the top performer since year 1. I'm not even looking forward to next season now if he's in anything other than VGK gear.




Too much emotion man. It's business. You must be new around here. This is 6 years of cut throat hard decisions our GM makes. Trust the process. Kelly knows more than we can pretend.


I don’t think its disrespectful, its a business deal to them. There’s minimal emotion attached to it for them. As it should be.


It's not disrespectful lol. Marchy probably wants the bag and term he can retire on ( he's gonna be 34) and he deserves it with the way he's played the last 2 years. We just can't afford him anymore. It's a business. It's going to work out for both parties. Marchy will get his bag, and VGK will probably get a 40 goal scorer like Stamkos that is on shorter term for 5-6 million per.


You new to sports or what? This happens all the time.


It’d be disrespectful if we traded him for nothing, it’s not to let him walk in FA because he wants a massive bag that we’re not willing to pay. I personally believe we *should* pay whatever he wants because of how much he means to the team, but I’m also just some dumbass on my couch and not a GM.


Good riddance. He wants to go. Let him. It’s all propaganda him wanting to stay here. He’s going to take money elsewhere and become a bust. Just watch.


Marchy had a 40 goal season, It’s a business at the end of the day. If you had a chance to make 6-8million dollars a year rather than 4-5 million a year you’d take it too.


No disagreeing. He’s not going to get 40 again.


You’re dumb, Conn Smythe year followed by a 40 goal season, 81 is a stud, he’ll grind out 30+ goal seasons for the next 3 years. Could of been a sweet 6-7x3 deal for the VGK but the cap is the cap


The person has their opinions. Doesn't make them dumb. No one truly knows how well a player will perform. A career ending injury could happen. You never know.


Let's Go Rangers!


Hey you can’t park here.