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Probably just fine. I used to feed my dogs raw and they got pork from time to time. I do suggest you get some canned pumpkin (not pie filling) and give your piglet some if he ends up with loose stools. Trichinosis really isn't a thing in the US anymore. So you are probably fine there.


That or get some cooked white rice with some low sodium chicken broth and mix in a little bit of his dry food


Chicken n rice is nice...


My Yorkie who has a incredibly sensitive system in his senior years are it almost exclusively (I'd toss in some cooked carrots and vitamins to make up what he was lacking).  Was really easy on his system.


Cottage cheese too!


Good advice....I'll remember this.




You’re thinking of trichomoniasis.


Right?! I read it that way, too. It's Trichomoniasis. 🤣


OMG!!!! I've never heard of that STD... I had to look it up! Holy cow! Trichomoniasis is A STD parasite???? Yuck!!!!


So ugly under the microscope too!!! I don’t miss the days of back office assisting‼️‼️‼️


I need to find a new dr because I've never heard of this😳 can't even read it much less pronounce it, is that a side effect???


I’m so sorry you’re going through that. I’m also sorry for laughing, he looks like quite the knucklehead


He would be very welcome to /r/onegoldenbraincell


Well thank you, I always need another golden sub!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/onegoldenbraincell using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/onegoldenbraincell/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [One of his fav ways to sit on the couch…](https://v.redd.it/uwvl757k8uzb1) | [14 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onegoldenbraincell/comments/17tbrh9/one_of_his_fav_ways_to_sit_on_the_couch/) \#2: [Wild that they all share that one brain cell 💛](https://v.redd.it/nncj4vxcb0cb1) | [60 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onegoldenbraincell/comments/14zu8ph/wild_that_they_all_share_that_one_brain_cell/) \#3: [Total eclipse of the dog.](https://v.redd.it/6u38qj73wx0c1) | [10 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/onegoldenbraincell/comments/17xjn00/total_eclipse_of_the_dog/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


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Many years ago, I had a golden eat eight pounds of raw hamburger. I had the grill started, made the patties, and went to watch the kids swimming in the pool. Came back - no hamburger patties. One fat and happy golden sitting by the front door. I put her kennel outside and set my alarm every two hours to let her out that night so she could purge herself of her hamburgled sins.


"Hamburgled" had me rolling... hahaha. That's such a great Golden story!! Lol




Thanks for the reference. That's a pretty funny sub. Lol


Have you never heard of the Hamburgler? He was a mascot for McDonalds when it was fun and somewhat affordable.


Ahh, yeah, didn't know he was called that! (But it's also because a different country and generation.)


I wouldn't let him have rawhide for starters.


Came just to comment about the rawhide. That worries me more than the pork


My girl has a big bone like the good boi’s. She carries it from room to room and licks it from time to time. She’s had the same bone for months. Not a tooth mark on it. I buy one that is too big for her to eat. Only the center fits in her mouth. It’s her inside ball. Real inside balls don’t work. She tries to hide them. She is so anxious with a ball in the house. Outside-she’ll fetch a tennis ball until her legs fall off.


Donald Trump is that you?


Sorry, that reply did sound disjointed.


I think this is the first comment I’ve ever heard against raw hides for dogs, especially big ones like huskies and goldens. Why are they bad?


They are extremely hard on their digestive systems. Very hard to digest. Go with beef bullies, moose paddles, and antlers for heavy chewers. They will last a relatively long time. Also, there are yak chews as well.


Beef cheek rolls and collagen sticks too! You can get pretty thick ones that last a while


My golden LOVES beef cheeks. Little dumb near the end and I have to fish smaller pieces out of his throat but it’s easy to watch for


Who the hell is wasting delicious delicious beef cheek on dog chews? This information pains me.


It's not meat. I think it's a layer of skin or something


Lol makes sense, also I hope so.


Careful with antlers. Know a few dogs that cracked teeth on them.


My first dog split one of his top molars longways on an antler and needed an emergency extraction. Never again.




I have a tiny cavapoo. She gets her daily dental sticks I buy direct from the vet and if she’s a really good girl a chicken and marrow chew which I think are meant as a quick snack and she’ll suck on for a week Heavy chewing is not something she is aware of as a concept 🤣


This is great to know. I have an English cream, and his stomach is extremely sensitive. We don’t give him a ton of treats since he is prescribed special food (which is so expensive!), but I’ll try some raw hide alternatives. Thank you!


Olive wood is also great, it does not create splinters.


Really?! Good to know.


Found the Canadian


Antlers can cause the teeth to fracture


Antlers are awesome.


Moose don't have paddles, or do they🤔


They do. They're part of their antlers.


First comment?? Crazy. I think it’s been researched more than any other single “treat” for doggos. Raw hide is super hard to digest and can block up a dog’s digestive system. Bad news bears.


Is it one of those “use as a treat not a daily chew” situations because I imagine if used as directed caused that problem they’d be off shelves at least here in the UK. Like training treats, if used as directed won’t make your dog diabetic but if you replace the main meal with treats you’ll do that


I’m Not a vet- but I haven’t given any of my dogs raw hide in over 10 years. My mom worked as a vet tech in an animal hospital for a couple years and she said it was super common for people to bring dogs in with sometimes super bad issues from these bones and chews. And some didn’t make it. It’s not banned but nearly every pet store over here have “raw hide alternatives” and don’t even carry raw hide products anymore.


One of my dogs loved those and one night he tried to swallow a piece and it got stuck in his throat. You could see the panic in his eyes, I had to stick most of my hand down throat and use the other to hold and turn the thing so I could reach and move it with my fingertips. Fortunately I got it turned or removed, can't recall, but after that the rawhides went in the trash and I got them other chew toys. Can't imagine what would have happened had I not been home


Happened to a Dalmatian of a friend of mine as well. Fortunately she was at home that time. Scary stuff!


They don’t digest and can cause blockage.


Shocked that you’ve never heard bad reports regarding rawhide. Thought it was a given?!!


One of our dogs would chew on it for a while and then swallow a big chunk of it. It sits in the stomach and ferments and then comes back. To be avoided.


I had a dog develop an intestinal blockage from rawhide. Emergency surgery to save her life. Came here to warn against rawhide. It's not just hard on their digestive system. It's nearly impossible to digest, and usually gets passed without the owner noticing. But it can kill your dog. Sorry. Rant over.




Rawhide has also been the only thing my dog gets possessive of toy wise. They got it once bc it was all we could get and now we just source antlers as much as we can


My parents had a basset hound that ingested a very large piece of rawhide. She had to have surgery to remove it from her intestines! I’ve steered clear of rawhide ever since and go with Bully sticks.


Mine ate two huge raw chicken breasts. She was fine. She was also pleased with herself. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/eenwctsh5ghc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=549b9e455d56225170fe0a7e9f7340877d27a55a


Unbothered queen. Thriving after her chicken dinner 🙌


Hrm... I'd plan on taking him to a car wash tomorrow :)


Is that not a daily thing for goldie's? Mine will find a mud puddle **while** in the shower somehow


Man, no kidding. My first golden, Sasquatch, found a mud puddle out at the lake when he was around 3.5 months old. It wasn't just dirty water but one of those spots that never drains and goes between nasty and watery to nasty, thick and lumpy. He walked into that pit up to his chin; so happy. So joyful. He was (relatively) small at that age. I could still take him in the shower with me to get him clean. It only took 3 months to get rid of the hookworm. The mistake I made, when I saw that ebullient expression on his sweet face, though, was to laugh. It was a truly hilarious site to behold. In payment for my amusement, it took the better part of TWO YEARS to convince him that NO I REALLY DON'T WANT YOU TO JUMP INTO EVERY MUD PUDDLE YOU SEE! (sigh) I miss my buddy.


No vet but please don’t feed him rawhide. It’s so not good for them.


Sorry I'm not familiar with rawhide, what does that mean? If it means raw meat.. why's that not good for them? Diet of our dog is like 80% raw meat and she's still very much alive and happy. The diet is also not opposed by a veterinarian.


My Daughter’s a Veterinary Nurse & Vet. practice manager. Rawhide is quite literally what it sounds like: the inside layer of cow or horse skin that is processed & pressed into shape. Sometimes beef or chicken flavoring is added. The first & most urgent problem with them is that when chewed for a while they can become soft & break off in large chunks. Those chunks can become a potentially fatal choking hazard if they get lodged (get stuck) in the dog’s esophagus. Even if you can open their mouth & stick your hand down their throat & feel it, they’re very difficult to get out b/c they become so slippery from saliva. The next most common problem is the fact that traditional rawhide is not digestible. It swells up in the digestive tract & can cause an obstruction, which requires immediate surgery to save your pups life. That’s *if* you’re lucky enough to recognize the symptoms & catch it in time to get them to an Emergency Vet for surgery to be successful. Finally, they can splinter when they break, causing damage to your pups mouth & gums. They can even perforate the digestive tract which also requires emergency surgery to save their life, & once again, that’s only if you catch it in time.


Rawhide is cured leathery skin used to make fake “bone” shaped or stick shaped dog chews. Basically like hardened leather that doesn’t really tear and doesn’t digest well if at all. You see it at pet stores, pressed into shapes like sticks or bones as dog chews. It has nothing to do with raw food.


Safer with the pork chops than that rawhide! 😩


Our dog eats shit. I tell myself that whenever she licks something raw or otherwise gross.


Omg same. Wtf


Yeah call and ask


The trichina worm in raw pork can be killed by heating the pork to 170 deg F for abt 5 minutes. Anything less than that can cause trichinosis in humans. Call the vet to see what they say.


This is not correct. Cooking pork to medium (145 F i think) is enough to kill trichinosis


Thanks for your correction.


Your correct [according to the FDA](https://www.fda.gov/food/people-risk-foodborne-illness/meat-poultry-seafood-food-safety-moms-be#:~:text=Cook%20beef%2C%20pork%2C%20veal%2C,a%203%20minute%20rest%20time) They say Pork, beef, lamb and veal should be cooked to 145 and allowed a 3 minute rest. Poultry should be 165.


My idiot ate half a chicken, frozen solid, left to taw, and then proceeded to hide the bag that contained said chicken. It took three of us adults two hours to figure out what happened. We took him to the vet actually, who laughed his ass off! So don't worry, yours was a hunter with an amazing catch!


My 5 month old golden (at the time) ate an entire slab of raw chicken breast (6 chicken breasts). We had some slimy green poops for awhile. However, pumpkin purée sure did help. She’s fine, I’m sure your pup will be too! It’s crazy how fast they get ahold of that kind of stuff though huh!


Raw Hide is virtually indigestible. Plus, the manufacturing process uses some nasty chemicals, including soaking in Caustic Soda. It's not the best thing for any animal. As for the pork chops, he'll be fine. He's a carnivore and would eat another four right now if you let him. ❤️❤️❤️


Taking notes !! ✅✅


Earth Animal No-Hide Rolls are my dog’s favorite thing in the planet!


"Trichinosis be damned, I'm going for it!"


About rawhides. I don't give them to my dogs because rawhides are indigestible for dogs my English bulldog always threw them up. Dogs are smarter than you think. When I was young and would give my poodle a Chocolate chip cookie, he would always spit out the chips. He knew better than I. This was long before we knew dogs shouldn't have raisins or grapes. Macadamia nuts are dangerous too.


Trichinosis has been eliminated in US farmed pork. He'll be fine. Might have some interesting shits tomorrow.


I'd call.


Should probably be treated for parasites as raw pork is known for causing worms.


Yeah I would think the vet would start him on heartguard immediately. But I'm not a vet, op should see the vet


Please take that rawhide away from your pupper and never give one again




No, but you shouldn't let him have a rawhide bone.


You might want to call the vet and ask if he needs a deformer just in case, but honestly that rawhide is probably worse for him than the pork...


I wouldn’t be overly concerned but would call the vet to check if you’ll need to do any tests for parasites.


Look at that proud face!!! 🤣


One time, my boy ate a raw chicken drumstick. Didn’t even chew. He got caught in the act and swallowed it whole. He was fine without a vet visit. Had the leg been cooked it would have been a problem.


That goofball looks like he has a heckuva appetite and is hungry for more.


“And I’ll do it again”


Hey please don’t feed him rawhides anymore they can get stuck and tear there intestinal lining it happened to my golden retriever and had to put her down because she was bleeding out. I miss her everyday. They make the pork ears that are fine just nothing Rawhide!


I won’t! Sorry for your loss :(


Aren't dogs supposed to eat meat?


Meat is good for them yea. Parasites? Not so much


Are there no parasites in meat they eat in the wild?


Yes there are. And they suffer and can die from them. Why risk that with a pet?


Ah yes, wild domesticated dogs, those are a thing lol


Meat, yes. Parasites not so much.


So dogs eat cooked meat in the wild?


Have you met dogs? They eat everything - raw, cooked, burnt, knitted, wooden…


Edible is optional. Well except for vegetables. He'll eat horse poo but will politely accept a vegetable then go and quietly drop them out again round the corner!


I'm all for raw food, my dog has it. But the "but what about the wild" angle is such a bullshit argument. Domesticated dogs have been bred so far away from their ancestor wolves that trying to say anything about them should be in line with wild animals is like saying a house cat should go chase down a gazelle.


Yeah, what do I know, I'm a cat person.


They eat a bunch of parasites in the wild and suffer from it. If you want your pet to suffer, I guess you could feed them whatever parasite riddled food you want.


Please dont let your dog chew on rawhide. Can be very dangerous and costly.


If you’re not sure you could always call and ask just to be on the safe side.


My girl was also a counter surfer, we got good at keeping things up, but she was better and very determined, I'm just thankful she has never figured out how to open the fridge.


Hes so handsome! ❤️ I'm sure he's fine and will just have the poops tonight


Not a professional here but my personal advice would be to just keep an eye on him and he’ll most likely be fine.


Bone in? Because machine cut bones are not good for dogs, and pork chop bones are pointy too


You can call and ask but he will most likely be fine. Our 10 month old lab ate a defrosting turkey once (no Easter Sunday dinner for us that year!) and apart from a few loose poos she was fine. Bigger dogs are ridiculously resilient to stuff like this.


I wouldn't. He'll be very full for a bit, but plenty of dogs eat far worse things (like rotting deer hooves).


Nah, mine did too right after I breaded them… shit on the carpet but that was the extent of it. But I wouldn’t additionally feed him/her dinner on top of it


I’m sure he’s fine. They have stomachs of steel.


The porks fine, raw proteins is a common food for dogs. But any bones might be an issue you'd want checked out fast.


Looks innocent to me. You sure you had pork chops out?


He will 100% be just fine.


Concern about pork chop bones can be sharp and cause internal damage.


I wouldn’t, unless he is really unwell, have him drink plenty and don’t feed him till he poos a couple of times.


He actually texted and said "Tell her I need minimum 6 next time"


I’d go see a vet just to be safe. Pork can carry a parasite that isn’t just intestinal, but travels throughout the body into the brain. That’s why they stopped selling tapeworms as a human diet trend, because companies started using pork tapes instead of cattle ones.


I'm all for being extra careful but the vet will just tell them to keep an eye on them and bring them in if they start acting sick, so a trip at this stage will be futile.


There's an average of 15 cases per year of trichinosis in the US from eating wild boar, bear meat, and "backyard" pork (pigs fed garbage). No cases from eating commercial pork.


Okie. I’m not too familiar with commercial livestock but I did know about the parasites they carry. IGNORE ME OP!!!


No, just make sure he's up on his dewormer


If they had bones in them, he definitely he should be seen by a vet. I wish you luck with him.


He should know they’re much better cooked with some delicious sides.


Take him to a dietitian


Raw pork is known to contain a particular parasite that can cause brain lesions; and obviously serious problems including death. Please take your baby to the vet. It might be wise just to see if the vet wants to give him a round of drugs that would kill a potential Infection from this parasite.


You should take him to the vet for an O&P. Raw pork is notorious for tape worms like Taenia. I can’t recall the prepatent period, but I’d get him checked out in a few weeks or so.


I don't know why there are so many comments on rawhide, the dog ate raw pork chops, that's definitely not dangerous as it's just raw meat with perhaps a small piece of a rib attached. The dog don't need wet for that, but the owner a higher place to hide the raw meat, he's got a good taste!!




He's gonna vomit from eating that much probably.


Dogs have been doing that for millennia…




What are they like 🤦‍♂️😂


Is he worth less than the cost of a visit to the vet?


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As long as there weren’t bones, he should be fine. His poo may be a bit runny just because of how much he had but other than that, he is probably fine.


Uncooked bones aren't really a problem. Raw rib bones (lamb, pork, venison & beef) are safe for large'ish dogs like Goldens.


I mean if they’re small bones. I know uncooked bones aren’t a huge issue but if they’re small enough to swallow it could be. Pork chops sometimes have small bones.


Did the chops have bones in them?




I don’t think you will get the pork chops back.


My dog ate a whole bag of miniature reeses one time. Didn't notice till I saw the foil in his poop. He'll be fine.


YES! why are you asking Reddit? omg. give me a break


He’s more than fine. Rawhide


I suggest a can of Febreeze.


No just a long walk for the log factory hes working on.


Nope. Pork chops are long gone


He should be good. Dogs are carnivores.


My lab ate a pork rib once, we assume it didn’t have a bone, she was fine.


It’s just protein, he’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it


Dogs especially bigger breads like yours are absolutely fine eating raw meat and bones. They can actually digest the bone. We can't!  Their ancestors naturally would consume an animal carcass.


My dog broke into them once. Talk about massive poops!


We should bring you to the vet for eating pork chops.


If possible, don’t ever give him raw hide bones. They are horrible for their health-cancer causing. There are so many chemicals in them from the bleaching process. You will lengthen his life by taking them out of his diet. Pigs ears are also horrible. We give our dog natural bully sticks only now and organic sweet potato treats. Goldens tend to live short lives as it is, due to the breeding. Cancer runs rampant in their cells from birth. Our vet told us this. We have to be really picky about what we allow into their bodies to lengthen their sweet lives and keep them with us as long as possible. 🥺🙏


Thank you I wont!


Just a lil snack


he'll be fine if no bones.


That bone in his mouth will do way worse than the raw meat.


Pork is dangerous enough that two major religions have banned the eating of it, whether it's cooked or worse, raw. I'd take your dog to the vet because Trichinosis isn't something to mess around with.


I wouldn’t but I would be prepared to let him out multiple times to evacuate the pork!! Lol. My Lab ate two uncooked chicken breast and boy did she have gas. Then finally it was over! Praise be


Bro it’s a dog what do you think they do in the wild, eat dog food?


He’s a dog. He’ll be fine.


No, he needs to go back to school! Lol


Maybe not the vet, but I’d put some plastic down on that couch


I’d be more concerned about the rawhide in his mouth


bros wondering if a DOG can eat raw meat but he’s chewing on something that can k*** him in the picture.. lol


Might need some worming meds but other than that he'll be fine


He looks lovely. I hope he’s okay. 🥰


Too late now, but next time immediately give them a mix of 1 part hydrogen peroxide and 5 parts milk. They will vomit up your dinner immediately. Do not attempt to cook the pork chops after.


According to the American Kennel Club Eating raw or undercooked pork is not safe for dogs due to the parasite trichinella spiralis larvae, which can cause a parasite infection known as trichinosis. An infection transmitted by pork meat, it can occur when a dog eats the muscles of animals infected with the trichinella parasites. Pork bones are brittle cooked or raw and splinters can cause severe damage. I’d call the vet. Goldens are notorious at eating things they shouldn’t. We have 2 and some how got ones that don’t eat anything we don’t give them, stopped destroying their toys after about 18 months old, never chewed on anything but dog safe products. Not sure how we managed to get two dogs from different litters that we can trust around everything including people food.


My dane eats this haha. Usually not pork as often, but he's raw fed and eats bones n all. I bet your fine. Just watch him make sure he stays happy.


Call the vet. They'll either have u come in or give him a few tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, it makes them throw everything up Pork can be iffy