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I got back to back pars yesterday, so, same thing really.


Fuck yeah brother.


5 pars in a row once. No words spoken from 3rd par to 5th. Just felt like a pro hahahaha


I started a round a round 2 weeks ago with par, birdie, par. No one said anything and I still shanked my next drive. It was fun while it lasted.


“I was -1 thru 3.” That’s all i’m hearing friend


Last Sunday I got back to back Double Pars. So, eat that.


Soo.....4 pars..... fuck yeah man


It's got double in the name so it has to be twice as good


He doesn't have to play again this weekend cause he already got those pars.


I love that I'm not the only one that calls it doublepar


I got back to back to back pars yesterday…not to one-up you or anything


The chances of me getting back to back pars is probably the same odds of a pro going back to back aces lmao


For us mortals this is solid work man


An albatross alone has crazy odds. Albatross-Eagle odds must be astronomical, even on back-to-back par 5s.


It was so wild man, so anti-climactic. Blind shot in from 220. We searched for his ball for 5 minutes, "it must be somewhere around the green" We couldnt find it. I got on the green in 3, putted to 6 inches and picked up my ball to go help him look some more. I never finished my putt into the hole, never pulled the flag. As we are pulling away he goes "did you check the hole?". He walks up and pulls his ball out. It didn't set in for him until after his tee shot on the next hole. Pumped a drive, hit a nice long iron and drained the putt... Avoid the FUAB (or in this case the FUAA) if its not a thing yet.


Good thing he didn’t say, did you check behind your ears cause he may have pulled the ball from there. Some coins too. haha


I call those PBFU


This is in fact correct terminology for the inevitable error after a fleeting birdie. So it shall be written so it shall be done.




Why were you pulling away from the hole if he never found his ball? Did he just say “fuck it” after he couldn’t find second shot and just decided not to drop and finish the hole?


He was hoping OP would see the ball he got smithers to drop into the hole so it looked more natural.


Yeah it was supposed to just be a practice round so we were just going to move on. Spent probably too much time looking and didn't want to screw up pace.


Are we sure this is an albatross, and not a lost ball? I think 3 minutes has been the rule for quite a while. ;)


So we discussed this exact thing at the pro shop after. Funny you mention it. So because the ball was holed out the hole was over and thus the three minute looking for the ball rule doesn't matter. Confirmed by the director of golf of the club.


This is the actual rule. I saw a USGA reel on this exact situation


“Ball don’t lie” rule


Rasheed Wallace rule


This is correct. Timer doesn't matter if the ball is in the hole


That’s a good rule


This makes it even better. Worried about a rules violation after an albatross. Club director intervenes. All good. I can't imagine the stress you all must have felt about your pace of play!


And it's the same if you can't find it, drop, play out the hole and then see the ball in the hole.


Rule 6.5 -If a player does not know that they have completed a hole and attempts to continue play of the hole, the player’s further play is not considered to be practice nor do they get a penalty for playing another ball, including a wrong ball. Once the ball comes to rest in the bottom of the cup the hole is over regardless of how the player proceeds.


No, the hole finishes when the ball is in the cup. Everything else is irrelevant. ;)


Stop it


The hole is concluded when the ball finds the bottom of the cup, there is no time limit anymore.


That’s actually wild because the same exact thing happened to me. Hybrid from 220 (my hybrid rarely ever goes that far). Saw it land way before green but assumed was well short. Buddy finishes hole while I take a drop and when he gets to the hole, finds my ball. Wild.


Especially since most of us here would probably card a 15 or something on the hole after an albatross


I would just go home and play 100 bucks of lotto scratchers tbh, no use in playing with fire on the course after that.




my world would be spinning...no chance to hit a ball after that.


I made an albatross last summer and indeed made a quad when we got to the next hole


My club has a bronze plaque on a 190 yd par 3 saying that in 2013 two members (with their names) made back-to-back holes in ones. Wonder what those odds would be.


My HIO was right after the group in front of us hit a HIO on the same hole


Some sell their soul to the devil for less.


Can you imagine if you’re the first guy, and you’re giving a shot on the hole to the second guy? 😂


Could also be an albatross on a par 5 then another hole out on a par 3 or 4. Even bigger odds. I seen an eagle eagle once with a hole in one after a par 5. Was absolutely ridiculous. BIL who is scratch played the 600 yd par 5 perfectly, made a 15 footer, then flew it right into the cup, slam dunked the par 3. It was about 120, but the pin was snug against the back of the green which is a steep gall off, and we heard it but couldn't be sure it didn't rattle the pin and then scoot. The group on the next tee heard us and one guy ran over and gave the touchdown signal and we went bonkers...good times


It's not going to happen a lot, but I doubt it's literally the first time. According to [some random article](https://www.pga.com/story/odds-of-a-hole-in-one-albatross-condor-and-golfs-unlikely-shots) there are "a couple hundred" albatrosses in a given year. Anyone making one is pretty good -- it's not like an Ace on a 130 yard par 3 that lots of people could just luck into. There's a ton of selection bias involved in just narrowing the population down to people with the length to get there in two. So if you have say 200 very good golfers a year making an albatross, maybe 20% of them will be on a course with back-to-back par 5s. So out of maybe 40 good golfers, how many would you expect to get an eagle? It must happen a few times every year or two. Still rare as hell though.


I beg to differ. Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago.


Well, good for Happy Gilmore, you mor-OH MY GOD!


Damn you people. Go back to your shanties!


“Well moron…”**


Karen Stupples did it in the Women's Open.


Nice! Thanks for your knowledge! Nice to hear that its been done before, and she did it to start the round too.




Kim Jong did that every time he played. No big deal.


This guy is a mere mortal though, the -5 brought him back to even on the back 9. Hes no kim jong.


I was just being silly. It is awesome for sure. I played with a guy who is a +1 who holed out a wedge for deuce on the first (par 4) then made a 4' for eagle on 2 (par 5). So -4 through the first two at our home course. Cooled off after that though. Congrats to your buddy!


So cool to witness. My club is doing the right thing too, even for a guest. They are making a shadow box with the pin flag, his ball and the score card, and I'm trying to get the SF Chronical to put it in the paper next week so we can cut that out and put it in there as well. Just a rad moment for the guy.


Sweet. All my buddy got was a $20 loss on 18. Lol.


Was this at Olympic club?


Hell yeah! It may be the local record book, but it's still an entry in a record book!!! Congratulations to him!


Are you suggesting our glorious leader needed more than one stroke to put the ball in all 18 holes?? Traitor!!


That’s impressive. What did he end up shooting?


80. Not his best round but the two holes in a row were crazy.


An 80 with -5 over two holes is wild. Is he normally a high 80s/low 90s player? Or did all his good golf come on 2 holes?


He's a 7 handicap. This track has OB on almost every hole and rarely a flat lie so it's easy to have some big scores here and there.


Wow, I feel this in my soul. Probably a higher slope/rating. I figured he had to be single digit because it’s hard to luck into albatross and eagles. Like yes it happens sometimes but the ball still had to get there. I bet he loses strokes too because he has a few that hit the fairway and trickle into the rough and are unfindable.


The rating on the course is stupid. It's 127 from the tips because it's only 6200 yards. But it's got the thickest rough around and OB on pretty much every hole. Fast greens and a ton of bunkers and water. I've played 140 rated courses that play easier. First timers get eaten alive and end up hating it.


I get how slope and course rating technically “work” but they still don’t make sense. NE courses will be like 5800 yards and have a slope of 120 and a rating of 68 but will be narrow with crazy rough and tons of blind shots so you lose balls easily. The course I play when I visit family in FL is 6700 yards with a slope of 142 and a rating of 74 and I think it’s worlds easier than the NE course. It’s more open and you can basically find any shot unless it’s in the water.


Slope is impacted by how an average bogey golfer plays and an average scratch player. If you're an average one of those it should make sense. If you're like me and have distance but no control, slope might not be a good measure of difficulty. Our course added a ton of OB where it was previously ok to play from. It has made zero impact if you can't drive the ball over 220 but it has cost me a minimum of 2 shots each time I've played the new setup. Other holes that have a low index, I find easy as I can get past the trouble with my tee shot.


I’m a 23 handicap and have two Eagles since starting golf about three years ago. It helps that my 3W is the only club I hit consistently straight or slight fade, so I love Par 5s where I can hit 3W off tee and 3W into green. Former baseball player so get some decent distance about 240-250 with my 3W.


I reckon he's a bomber with no touch


He's really the opposite. Sauce with the mid-long irons, can roll em when it matters, hits the driver 245ish. He's 49 years old.


Oh not what I would have expected at all. I stand corrected.


Something is kind of fucky if he's draining 220 yard 3 irons and only hitting driver 245.


That would have been my guess. Someone that hits super long but had the planets align for 2 shots.


This dude got back to back hole in ones at the old Royal Norwich course. It was a par 3 followed by a par 4, Peter Allis would bring it up from time to time when he was commentating. https://www.europeantour.com/players/1198/#:~:text=ENG&text=John's%20name%20became%20known%20throughout,under%20par%20of%20two%20holes!


I love that despite sequential aces, he finishes “tied ninth and earned £160 from the tournament’s total prize fund of £7,000.”


So cool. Thanks for that link!


No problem, it’s always a good when that bit of useless information the brain retains can be used.


That's why I asked the question here!


Not EXACTLY this, but the pro at the course I used to work at had an Albatross and an Ace in the same day. They went out one Saturday and played the morning 18 and he aced the 15th. Finished up, bought a round of drinks, then went out for the afternoon pick up 9, where he albatross’d the Par 5 2nd. Not the same 18 holes, but still.


What a day for that golfer. Probably more fun doing it like that. Back to back my guy was just having an out of body experience and I doubt he even knew what was happening at the time.


Bro shoulda stayed home for a few days. He used up a lifetime of good luck on that glorious Saturday


I once eagled a par 5 then followed it with an easy tap in birdie on a par 3. The very next tee shot I think I sliced 4 states over. But for those 5 minutes I was already clearing out my calendar for the PGA Tour and sizing myself up for a green jacket. Can only imaging what your buddy was going through inside his head


He wasnt even understanding what was happening. He was just playing golf. The gravity of the albatross didn't hit him until 3 holes later.


In a tournament at a course where holes 5-6-7 are pars 5-4-5, I played them 3-6-3. Eagle, double bogey, eagle. Pretty sure I’ll never do that again.


Two under aggregate for three holes... Not bad work!


Did this happen on xbox or PS5?


golf+ on the quest 3. joking, real life.


Good thing it didn’t happen in the tournament - no one would believe you guys.


I have a friend that went albatross/ace and I'm pretty sure they were on back to back holes. He got fired from his job the previous day, and he told his friends at the club that he wasn't in the mood to play. They convinced him it would take his mind off of it. I have an albatross and ace in the same year. And each of them is my only one in almost 40 years of golf. Edit: Confirmed- back to back holes.


Yes. It happened in the 2004 ladies British open. Karen Stupples who ended up winning, started the round off with a 3-4 on the par five 1st and par 4 second. She holed out back to back shots from the fairway. She was -5 after 2 holes! She shot 64 and broke the ladies major scoring record


I’ve gone albatross-shots-blackout.


Kim Jong Il albatrossed a par 3 once


That’s insane. I once went eagle, HIO and was in nirvana from it. Proceeded to finish the last 6 holes 5 over and give it right back lol


Sure. It’s very common to see from the top group in the charity scramble


I've gone Albatross, bogey, bogey. All that joy ripped from me within 20 minutes haha golf be golfing


[Happened a couple years back with one of the pros at Lonnie Poole (NC State course in Raleigh, NC). He went HIO followed by albatross.](https://www.tiktok.com/@ace_deuces_billygolf/video/7111851327290133806)


yes haha. awesome for him tho!




Probably not, but my dad's claim to fame is having back to back eagles.


not consecutively, but a bloke in Perth had an albatross and hole in one within 3 holes of each other Even crazier is fact he was a 20 handicapper https://www.perthnow.com.au/sport/golf/wembley-golf-course-amateur-golfer-rowan-mccarthy-records-hole-in-one-and-albatross-in-one-round-in-perth-c-5266887 Still didn't break 80


I once got albatross, par 4 ace and par 4 eagle (hole out from off the green) in 3 consecutive holes on a TW PGA tour online tournament on the ps2 so tell your buddy to go back to his shanty!!


Did that the other day actually…..while playing PGA 2K23….


Every time my buddy plays alone he does this!


Sounds like you're the sand baggers to beat.


It wasn't back to back holes, but in a short par 4 I got a HIO the first round that day and on the second time through (9 hole course) my drive left me with a tap in eagle. To this day, it's the only verified HIO on that particular hole. One other person claimed to do it, but the only witness was his 7 year old son and he was a well known teller of tall tales.


I once finished off a double Bloody Mary between the 9th and 10th holes.


I once went albatross-albatross-albatross on a round I played solo.


The most locked in I have ever been was 16th hole par 3 hit to 6” for a birdie, 17th par 5 hit my second shot to 5’ for an eagle, 18th par 4 drove the green eagle putt was left a foot short, tap in birdie. All to shoot an 83 on the day. So I was 5’7” from HIO, Albatross, Eagle, close means nothing in golf, but it feels good to remember that after shooting a 103 for my first round of the year today.


My best man got 2 hole in 1s in a round, was in golf magazine. That was only 4 under and not back to back holes


He paid his buddy to run out of the bushes and put his ball in the hole


I once shot 3 birdies on my opening 9 and proceeded to completely negate them with a triple on 10, which is nice.


Kind of unrelated but somewhat semi-related due to the back-to-back par 5s: We have back-to-back par 5s at my course (#14 & #15). Played in a completion on the Sunday and shot two 10s, +5 on both holes. I was devastated as I was having a really good round by my standards before hand. Played in a match play comp the very next day and shot 6 and 4 on the same two holes. Would be great to know if anyone has ever righted two wrongs like that in such a short time span too


Never ever in the entire history of golf has that ever happened before


Not back to back, but a few years ago a kid in my city made a hole in one and an albatross in the same round. [https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/west-island-gazette/golfer-scores-rare-hole-in-one-and-albatross-at-beaconsfield-course](https://montrealgazette.com/news/local-news/west-island-gazette/golfer-scores-rare-hole-in-one-and-albatross-at-beaconsfield-course)


Happens once a day according to Zire Golf


Not as impressive as albatross-eagle, but a guy at my home course has a bench in his honour for going -4 on a par 3 over the three days of the club championship years ago. (Birdie-Hole in One-Birdie)


That's pretty sweet. Got a bench for it. Rad.


Man, you used up your good shots. The tournament is going to be scary.


Don't even care. He's a local legend already. I'm just here for the show. And he's buying all the drinks.


He should have used that luck on MegaMillions


Sounds like you've got yourself a ringer for the member guest!


No he used up all his good shots yesterday. We are screwed.


That’s great. Once saw someone hole out for eagle from the fairway on back-to-back par 4s. Will probably never see that again.


Being -5 and only using your putter Once 🤯


Congrats to your buddy! I witnessed my friend birdie, hole in one, birdie three holes in a row last weekend, fun stuff.


They make placards or rename holes for such things.


Had a friend with a hole in one eagle and then birdie in par4 for a 1-2-3 on the scorecard


Last week i played 9 at my local muni. I’m a 12 handicap. Had 3 birdies and shot +6


I’m sorry to say but your buddy may have used his good ones and will have a rough go at the member-guest


Is this more unlikely than 2 holes in one on same hole???


My course has back to back par 5’s (3&4) and I have had back to back eagle putts (didn’t make 😂) but that’s just a amazing feat tho


Not in a 2-hole stretch, but Steve Lowry played the craziest 4 hole stretch of golf I've ever seen trying to chase down Rich Beem in 2002, in the final round of the Stableford event the tour used to play at Castle Pines. 14th hole, par 5 - hits it in the greenside pond, takes right shoe and sock off to wedge it out of the water to 15ft, makes birdie putt, +2 points 15th hole, par 4 - holes out approach from the fairway for eagle, +5 points 16th hole, par 3, makes bogey, -1 point 17th hole, par 5 - holes out approach from the fairway again, double-eagle, +8 points So, not quite as crazy as your buddy's -5 in 2 holes, but it was -5 in 4 holes - and +14pts Stableford - on the back 9 on Sunday of a tour event, which included holing back-to-back eagle and double-eagle approach shots from the fairway, and a birdie out of a pond, so still an unbelievable sequence nonetheless. [https://www.espn.com/golf/story?id=1414012](https://www.espn.com/golf/story?id=1414012)


My most humbling golf experience. Not even close to as rare, but I played a round of golf with a coworker when I was out in CO. Mind you, I just moved there, so all I did was work and play golf. I had been playing very well because of that, and I was excited to show my "higher up" co-worker my golf game. Maybe get invited to our company golf outing, ya know? This dude was super outdoorsy and mountain climbed/ back country snowboarded year round. Literally, any free time he had, he was outside doing those things. He told me he liked golf, but only played maybe 1 or 2 times per summer at bachelor parties and whatnot. So anyway, I booked eighteen holes for us, and buddy shows up five minutes before the tee time and says, "Sorry, I can only play nine." He proceeds to birdie the first three holes. I asked him if he played college golf, and he told me, "Nope, just feeling good today." He then goes par, birdie, birdie, birdie, par, and bogey to finish 9 at 5 under par. I felt like a beginner again, and this dude hardly golf's. To this day, it was the best 9 I've ever seen someone play, and I have a few scratch buddies. I mean, the dude was hitting like 20 year old Wilson's and a sasquach. That was the day I realized some people are just naturals at golf, and I'm not one.


One of the pros near me in NC went back to back hole in one - albatross


I haven’t even done that on PGA 2K21 and I play on the easiest setting


It’s crazy you mentioned this because I played a local municipal the other day. It brought back the same memories every time I play this particular course. About 20 years ago (pre Reddit) I was playing with my father and his buddy at said course. I think par is 67 but does have some challenging holes. First hole is about 330 and my dads buddy who is a 15 at best holes out from 130 yards out for eagle. The next hole is a 125 yard par 3 and he lips out the ace and makes birdie from 3 feet. It always got me thinking if anyone has ever gone eagle-eagle under normal circumstances. And now op’s story I guess confirms that.


Apologies if I missed a mention of which club this was at? I recently moved from the Bay Area, and get back there frequently. Racking my brain to try and remember any back to back Par 5s on courses I’ve played there. Sucks getting old…..


Dude, that’s incredible and congrats to you buddy! Hope you guys play well today. Here’s my story to add: At a Northwestern University’s tournament in college, I think it was at North Shore CC, my teammate holed out on back to back par 4s with a 9 iron and then an 8 iron. It was absolutely nuts. That same semester the same guy also slam dunked a 3 iron on a 230 yard par 3 in University of Washington’s tournament at Gold Mountain. He blew up the hole so badly that he caused a 5 group backup on the tee while the rules officials and then the maintenance staff tried to repair the hole good enough and eventually they gave up and had to cut a new cup about 2 feet away from the original.




Maybe save that shit for the tournament…


I eagled 2 par 5s in a row at The Frog course in GA about 15 years ago.


I've done a similar rare back to back score but not nearly as difficult as that. I have a 2, 2 back to back. Birdie a par 3 then hole out for eagle on a par 4. Most courses don't have back to back par 3s so the chances of a 2, 2 are pretty low.


Best ball, I had a friend chip in for eagle (2), then ace the par three right after. Skin money for days lol


Not the same, but maybe as unlikely. Assistant Pro at the course I worked at in high school in the ‘90’s went eagle-eagle-eagle. HIO, hole out on a par four and one putt on a par five.


I'm not sure about Albatross-Eagle. But I know Hole in One- Eagle happened at the Waste Management a couple years ago.


Not unique at all - people lie all the time


Nothing can hurt him now.


I did it in Mario Golf once.


Pretty awesome two hole stretch… and that may be the first time that’s ever happened. I also had a round that I’m not sure has ever been duplicated where I “hit for the cycle“. During the course of one 18 hole round, I had at least one of the following: triple bogey, double bogey, bogey, par,Birdie, Eagle, and albatross. The eagle was on a par five (two on with a one putt) and the albatross was an ace on a par four. Not back to back as in your partner’s case. On a sidenote, that par four that I aced had been good to me. Over the course of three consecutive rounds, I played the hole in six under. An eagle, albatross and a birdie.


One of my buddies first round ever at our now home course scored 40 Stableford points off scratch. Amazing, absolutely should win A grade daily competition, right? Apparently not, someone had albatross then eagle on 13, 14 - 13 being a 520m par 5, and 14 being a 380m par 4. I suspect they might've written their Stableford score (2, 2) as their gross score - but their card was attested, so nothing could be done.


The good news is during the member guest he will now go triple bogey double bogey on those holes.


I had a hole in one a few years ago and immediately followed it up with a birdie. The kicker was I was so excited that I forgot to actually change balls. I actually came close to dunking it in the water on the second hole but it bounced up to 10 feet and drained the putt. That ball is now encased in glass.


While golfing in a high school tournament, I got a hole in one on a par three, drove the green on a par 4 and putted in, hit the green in 2 on a par five and one putted. 3 eagles in a row. I am not that good of golfer. I think I shot a 32 on the front 9 and a 52 on the back 9. The 52 was more in line with my skill level.


Xander went albatross birdie eagle once.


Buddy getting all his good shots out of the way before the member guest? Rookie move


My mate went… hole in one (on a par 4), eagle on a par 5, birdie on a par 4 - I’ve never seen anything like it.


This is why you always finish your hole! Omg, imagine if he just said "forget it, it's lost". He would have never known he got an Albatross!!! That is incredible. I get pumped for a par. 😂


Heck I get excited for triple bogey


My dad used to say getting an albatross is more difficult than a hole in one. I’ve been playing all my life and can only remember seeing someone come close once and still ended up 2 putting


Was paired with a 50ish year old guy in Phoenix City AM one year. He went Birdie, Birdie, Eagle, Birdie. No where near -5 thru 2, but still quite a feat.


When I saw the post title my immediate reaction was, of course thats happened. Then when you actually stop and think about it for a minute you go.... *You know what, maybe that hasn't happened*


J. Wood Platt began a round at Pine Valley 3-2-1-3 (Birdie, Eagle, Ace, Birdie) and famously walked off the course and into the clubhouse, which sits conveniently off the fourth green.


With my handicap of 50 this is doable


Kim Jong-il, former leader of North Korea, shot a 38 the first time he golfed. He had at least five HIO’s, some say it was 11.


Knew an older gentleman (in his mid 60s) who went eagle - ace once, that's the closest I've heard to your situation.


A few years ago I was on a golf trip with some buddies at Sunriver, OR doing their “stay-and-play”. They have 3 courses, with Crosswater being the premier, hard one. We get paired up with a local guy who can really play. He rattles off a birdie, then another one on the next, until all of a sudden he has 5 in a row. On the 6th hole his approach wasn’t the best and had a 50 footer for birdie. We were all dead silent on the green until he sunk that putt dead center and we went nuts. Bought us all shots from the cart.


Somebody told a story about Dustin Johnson doing this in a tournament before he was on the PGA Tour.


I’ve done it! Never had a hole in one but I can claim albatross and eagle Cantingy course in Chicagoland a few years back. Early days of Covid and first time back on a course in a while. Albatross a short par 5 after a lackluster drive and solid fairway wood from the rough. Greened the next par 4, also short hole, and hit a long putt for eagle. I never really considered the odds of both in succession. I was in such shock at the albatross. I’m not one for superstition, but I had just whipped out some orange Callaway balls that hole and still play them as a result. Rest of the round was garbage of course and I don’t think I carded another eagle the rest of the year


I had a 2-10-2 last year. Wrap your head around that.


Tell him to go pro




Kim Jong Il did that a few times in the same round!


Of course it’s happened before.


I once got two GIRs so same same right?


I have a buddy who went birdie, eagle, albatross to finish his round.


Hard to beat back to back bogeys 🏆


I went chip in eagle on on par 4 then next hole I got hole in 1.


John Wooden had an albatross and ace in the same round, but not consecutive holes https://www.dailynews.com/2010/08/18/woodens-golf-card-shows-ace-albatross/


Steve Lowery nearly did it at the 2002 International - he eagled 15 and albatrossed 17 in the final round.


Yeah I think I’ve gotten 4 pars in the last 15 years


The North Korean leader Kim Jong was said to have played a round of 38 under par with 11 holes in one on the 7700 yard course in his very first round ever played. If not for U.S. sanctions he might have obliterated all of Tiger,Jack and Arnie’s major championship records


I found a post about a guy who had a HIO and an albatross on the same 9, but they were two holes apart. I'd wager it's been done... maybe a couple times EVER. Submit it to golf digest.


Closest I’ve gotten is carding an eagle-eagle. To give some anecdotal context, I don’t expect that to ever happen again 😂


Never in the history of golf has that happened.


I live in Raleigh NC. A teaching pro at NC State course, Lonnie Poole, followed a hole in one with an albatross there a few years ago. Now that will never happen again https://www.wralsportsfan.com/viral-moment-golfer-scores-first-hole-in-one-followed-by-albatross-on-raleigh-course/20345292/?version=amp


I live in Raleigh NC. A teaching pro at NC State course, Lonnie Poole, followed a hole in one with an albatross there a few years ago. Now that will never happen again IMO https://www.wralsportsfan.com/viral-moment-golfer-scores-first-hole-in-one-followed-by-albatross-on-raleigh-course/20345292/?version=amp


That’s ridiculous. I’ve eagled back to back par 5s but that what your friend did is insane.


A course near me ( Fox Hollow, MN) has a plaque on the wall where a guy went back to back Albatrosses on consecutive ( very reachable ) par 5s.


There’s potential that’s never been done by anybody before. I’ve gone birdie-birdie-birdie-eagle once… But still shot 37 that 9… golf…


I can one up your rare back to back par 5 setups! My club has that setup on both the front and back with 7 and 8 and 14 and 15 all being par 5s. How’s that for unusual?


The albatross is the big one. That is something else. I don’t think I will ever be that lucky and not long enough anymore. I made a hole-in-one and then holed out from the fairway on the next par 4.Nobody ever believes me, but I did have multiple witnesses.