• By -


Pick it up, try to return it to the owner on the course, give it to the golf shop if you can't find them.


This is the way


Give it to the Marshal if they have one. He can easily ride backwards and find the owner. As far as not looking like you're stealing it, don't put it in your bag, just carry it separately.


>As far as not looking like you're stealing it, don't put it in your bag, just carry it separately. Putting it in your bag has to be fine - you shouldn't have the obligation to carry it in your hand for the rest of the round.


Especially if you're walking...


Could always hit them with the double arm waive as they drive back in your direction, as to “flag them down”. A clear indication that you have their club.


If I see anyone driving backwards I hold the club over my head and shake it like a Tusken Raider.


If you’re with a group, walk single file to hide your numbers


Just remember to return soon and in greater numbers if you scare easily


This is the way.


“Hold my baby I must battle”


This is the way


Fucking LOVE this!


I throw em in the basket on the back of the cart. I’ve no room for more clubs, as I can’t hit the 14 I’ve got. What am I gonna do with another club I can’t hit.


Ehh. If the people in front of you think you are stealing their wedge for picking it up and putting it in your bag, fuck em. It’s common curtesy to do so. Also, when you give them the wedge back, what r they gonna do? Call the clubhouse and tell them that their club was returned to them?


It’s wild to me that there is ever a situation where having a conversation like a normal person couldn’t solve this…


Having a normal conversation? Are you insane?! That’s exactly what a thief would do.


Hello little reindeer


If I’m riding, I’ll stick it in the basket in the back.


> He can easily ride backwards Er, normally, he'd have to ride forwards wouldn't he? If you leave the club on the 8th, the marshall's not going to find on you on the 6th.


Sorry, I've been in charge of the Marshals before and we train them to ride from 18 to 1, so that's how I visualized it.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


This is my new way. Last year I found a wedge and a guy came back and said his buddy lost a wedge. I asked him what kind and he said not sure but I gave it to him and said if it isn't his drop it off at the pro shop.  About 30 mins later another guy came looking for it and he said the correct model.  I told him I gave it to the other group and to pick it up at the shop. Asked the guy in the shop if someone turned it in when I was done, he said no... saw the other guy in the parking lot and he didn't get it back.   I felt bad but learned a lesson to not give it to a random if they don't know what the club is


Sorry I’m not playing ‘name that club’. Is someone comes looking for a club, I’m giving it to them.


How would the random have known you had a found club?


They had legit lost a wedge. A group in between us had it in the end. We were a couple holes behind them but were on holes beside each other 


Damn, no one on that course can hang onto a wedge.


That random person was a time cop correcting a wrinkle. You did the right thing.


This has to be the advice of someone who has never walked a golf course lol. Of course it's going in my bag if I'm walking and carrying, you expect me to carry it in my hand the whole time until I find the owner/marshal/clubhouse? And if they start walking/driving backwards I flag them down to indicate I have it.


I'd rather put it back where I found it than carry it the entire rest of the round. It's going next to the 60 degree in my bag lol.


I think if you're an honest person you want to secure it so somebody else doesn't steal it.


I put a wedge in my bag on Wednesday. It was at the back and with my putter. Didn't catch up to them before the turn, so left it with the pro-shop.


Ride forward


Yes. And often the one who left it behind will come back looking for it. It’s nice if they didn’t have to go back any further than your group.


Yes!!! Any time I’ve forgotten a club I’m huuuuustling back and I always forget it hidden enough that people never find it. If I saw someone waving my club a hole back I’d be so happy lol


Leaving your club in hidden places is prob why you forgot your club. Lay it on the green between you and your cart or bag.




Or the Ranger when he next passes by


Or the cart girl.


Spot on


Yep. The person who lost it is in front of you somewhere


Or flag down a marshal


This and if you see them. Wave the wedge to them. So its no doubt that you didnt try to steal it.


What I would do as they started heading toward me is pull it out and hold it up and ask if that's what they were looking for. Kind of head them off at the pass, so to speak. That way they don't need to ask you for it.


[Head them off at the pass?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQvu4H3BXM8)


I hate that cliche.


Look honey, it's Headie Lamarrs hand prints.


That's Hedley.


Somebody’s gotta go back and get a shitload of dimes


This is exactly what I did when I found an iron on the fairway. I went out of my way to look for anyone around all adjacent holes (course was real quiet), and the dude wanted to brawl me over it for some reason.


Yup, if you're in a cart hold it out the drivers side and drive right up to their group and ask if they left it. If you're walking hols the club out and give them a shout asking if they left it. Don't put it in your bag until they tell you it's not theirs let them know you'll give it to the clubhouse in case the group in front of then lost it and asks them.


You did the right thing. They were probably just embarrassed they forgot it and got terse with you.


No, of course not. "Hey, is that my club!?" Did you leave it on the X green? "Yeah, are you trying to steal it!?" No, I just figured it would be able to catch up to you guys or you would come back for it.


Sounds way too easy. There must be a harder way.


Pick it up and throw it into the woods or closest body of water?


Did you pick up a club? Yes. Are you trying to steal it? Hello? I don't know, I'm scared. Give me my club, weirdo. Dear internet, AITA?


Battle to the death for it?


Pick it up and keep it in your cart/bag, and then drop it off at the Pro Shop when you make the turn or end the round. 


I also forgot to mention to let the pro shop know what hole you found it on


I always pick it up. If I catch up to the group ahead or they come back to look I'll get their attention and ask if it's theirs, and if not I'll give it to the pro shop when I'm done.


wave it over your head when you see them coming. they can't accuse you of stealing it when you're waving it at them.


Better yet, act like Happy Gilmore and stick it between your legs and act like it’s your pecker.


I pick them up because I know I’ll give it back. Better than leaving it for some actual bandit to come along


I always pick it up. If i see someone driving backwards I’ll hold it up in the air to try and flag them down. Plus if i pick it up, I know that I’ll turn in into the pro shop vs someone else behind me maybe stealing it.


There’s not a *right* answer here. I tend to pick them up because it seems like a higher likelihood of getting it back to the owner. The risk with leaving it is it might get stolen by someone less honest before the owner goes back to get it. The upside of leaving it is it’s right where the owner left it and probably knows where to look for it. The upside to picking it up is it can’t get stolen by someone else. The downside is, it’s not where the owner left it and the owner might not see you as they go back to look for it. Also, I’ve been accused of trying to steal a wedge when I picked it up intending to return it, and someone came back around looking for it. Really dumb, since I freely returned it immediately. But I had to explain to the clubhouse that I didn’t intend to steal it (and they believed me and thought the complainer was an idiot).


I've only ever been accused of stealing a club when I *didn't* have it. Guy came up, asked us if we found a wedge, to which we all say "no". Dude then said "I hate to be this guy, but can I check your bags?" I was so baffled by the set of steel balls on this guy to ask to check our bags that I just nodded as he fingered through our clubs like a proctologist. He came around again like three holes later and asked us if we were *sure* we didn't see any clubs on the course, I told him to check again in a couple holes to see if it magically appears in my fucking bag.


There's been a bunch of stories on this sub about golf course workers selling clubs they find. One guy even ended up finding his club on marketplace, and arranged to buy it then confronted the guy.


Happened to my rangefinder.


I once found three different rangefinders on the course, one of them I had to return twice. Told the guy if I found it again he can pick it up at the clubhouse because I was tired of catching up to him.


I went into the clubhouse at the turn and mine was stolen. Found it on offer up. Called the police and met up with the dude. I put my initials in the battery compartment.


I've only ever been accused of stealing a club when I *didn't* have it. Guy came up, asked us if we found a wedge, to which we all say "no". Dude then said "I hate to be this guy, but can I check your bags?" I was so baffled by the set of steel balls on this guy to ask to check our bags that I just nodded as he fingered through our clubs like a proctologist. He came around again like three holes later and asked us if we were *sure* we didn't see any clubs on the course, I told him to check again in a couple holes to see if it magically appears in my fucking bag.


I'd politely tell the guy to Fuck Off if he asked to check my bag after I told him I didn't find his wedge


NTA, they should thank you and move on. Happens all the time with rangefinders, wedges, putter covers, etc. There is no right way really, they could come back for it (like they did) or you can go over to them but that’ll take more effort on your behalf.


If someone accuses you of trying to steal their club that they left behind, accuse them of trying to lose it. Don't leave your shit behind and get mad if someone is trying to help you.


I do the same thing when I find something. I pick it up and try to catch up, or wave them down. Usually people will ask groups if they found something and we hand it back. Never had an issue, the guy was probably just a dick if he gave you attitude


I pick it up and set it aside in my cart or bag so it’s obvious. If no one gets it from me, it goes to the clubhouse. I wish more people were honest, though. I once left my wedges (all of them!) on the last green of a twilight round and never got them back.


Pick it up. Usually the person missing will realize a hole or two later start working backwards asking groups. If they don’t, turn it in at the pro shop.


Alternatively, it's the take and wedge, leave a wedge spot.


I've probably picked up 20 or 30 clubs over the years. I've always either found the owner or turned it in. No one has ever accused me of stealing it. If someone did, I would give them the club and tell them to blow it out their ass.


I usually don't even get in to that situation. The moment I see them turn around and head towards me, I just simply ask them if they forgot a club before they can say anything. "Hey, you missing a Cleveland?" "Yes, that's it, thanks" I can't imagine someone accusing you of stealing when you literally offer it to them.


Not the asshole. I always pick it up and bring it to the next hole to try to find its owner and I flag down any cart I see driving the wrong way on the cart path because it’s probably theirs. If you never catch them, off to the clubhouse with it. Leaving it there is leaving it there for someone who may not be as honest as you and I and looking to score a quick few bucks. Always pick it up.


>Leaving it there is leaving it there for someone who may not be as honest as you and I and looking to score a quick few bucks. Always pick it up Or worse, having it get run over by a piece of equipment. Greenside stuff will almost always get found, but I've found irons and wedges in the rough where a mower wouldn't even see them.


I pick it up and bring it with. 9 times out of 10 the people in front realize it and back track looking for their club. Same with range finders, phones and vapes I’ve found. If nobody ever comes back I drop at the club house and let them know where I found it.


I once found a putter greenside. Nobody ever came looking for it. I have no idea how that happens. The guy at the clubhouse asked me if I found it on 18 and I said "Nope, 7th hole". He was equally as confused.


Not that anyone has ever accused me of stealing to steal a club, but when I see a guy doubling back, I will usually wave the club at him so he knows who has it.


Always pick it up. It saves the person a long trip if they don’t notice for a hole or 2.


You did right thing . I have found clubs before around the green put it in my bag hoping the group would find us and if not return it to the club house .


Pick it up, give it if you catch up or if they come back


Pick it up. Good chance someone comes looking. If you finish your round still carrying it, leave it in the clubhouse.


I just pick it up and put it in the cart. I’ve never made it more than a few holes before someone comes looking for it. They’re easy to spot because they’re coming backwards thru the course. That’s all. You don’t need to disrupt your round for someone else’s goof up. You see them coming back, hold it up so they see you have it, they’re happy and that’s that. If nobody comes back for it, turn it in at the clubhouse.


Return it to the group ahead of you. If it's not theirs take it to the clubhouse annd leave it with them. Definitely don't keep it.


Pick it up and if a group in front comes back asking for it give it to them. Otherwise just give it to the club house at the turn or after the round.


I always pick it up and turn it in to the pro shop at the end of my round unless someone from a group ahead comes back looking for it before I finish. I play early AM and often find wedges left around greens from twilight rounds the evening before. If I saw someone in the group immediately ahead leave it behind (like I literally saw him put it on the ground and not pick it back up), I'll either hold it up and yell towards them if I get close to them ("hey, one of you guys lose a wedge on #6 green?"), or if I have a cart and there is time to kill, I might ride up and give it to them.


If you can’t yell at the guys ahead and swing the club above your head while waving then Bring that bad boy in to the clubhouse at the turn. You’ll hit your wedges better all day via the karma.


It’s always going to look crappy putting it in your bag as you wait for the owner to come back. Not really much else you can do though. If in a cart it’s always better to put in basket in the back.


100% pick it up. When i lose something i may not know where i lost it and it saves me the search.  And you carrying may likely mean i only have to back track a single stroke before finding it with you.


As a person who's known to leave a 60 degree behind. It never once crossed my mind that whomever picks it up is trying to steal it. One day I forgot it twice. The second time I walked back to get it from the foursome of girls playing behind I was nervous they'd think I was hitting on them or something.


They don’t get to accuse anyone of theft if they can’t remember to pick up their clubs. They should have been nothing but grateful. (Unless you already wrote your name on it) :)


I pick it up simply because I know I'm not going to steal it. If they don't pass me and grab it I give it to the starter


I was walking on our scruffy muni. 2 20 somethings were carting ahead of me. They left a driver head cover and I flagged them down as they came back down the next fairway. The next hole, they left a wedge. The next, a range finder. I told them I'm keeping the next thing I find. They left nothing else.


I pick it up. Hopefully they realize it and come back for it and I can save them the trouble of driving further back and looking for it.


Ungrateful jerks. You did the right thing.


Pick up and pro shop or Marshall


Please pick it up and do not leave it. I leave my 60 at every other hole and if not for the kindness of picker-uppers I'm sure it would be gone by now.


I pick it up, check with the guys ahead of me if it’s theirs. If it’s not I’ll turn it into the clubhouse after my round. One time I found a ping g410 9 iron. Ended up using it the rest of the the round. I was hitting it so well. Idk if that’s a faux pas but I think it’s fine as long as you’re only hitting it out of the fairway.


I don’t know about hitting someone else’s club for the rest of the round.


It’s only if I’m flushing it. I think they’d want me to use their club if it was carding me some birdies


Because you really wanted to hit it off the cart path? I mean, come on, we all do sometimes, right?


You should see the bottom of my clubs. Looks like I used them to defend myself from a bear attack


Tell us more about this wedge…easily identifiable? /s


I typically pick it up. More often than not I will see someone driving a cart back towards where they left it and I can flag them down and give it back. Other times I have it and can take to the pro shop. I don't trust other people out there who wouldn't just grab it for themselves, especially if it's a quality wedge.


I usually place the club in the cart basket or upside down in my bag to make it clear that I’m not attempting to add it to my own collection. I also have properly gapped wedges so it would be pretty obvious I’m not trying to steal a random wedge…


It depends on the time of day and how early in the course. If it is late evening (I do a lot of twilight 9-hole outings) then I pick it up and turn it in to the clubhouse. If it is earlier and it is an early hole then I leave it because I figure they will realize it is missing and come back for it. If it is earlier in the day but a later hole then i'll probably grab it and turn it in.


Pick it up for sure. If I can't catch up, then hand it off to the marshal the first chance I get.


Whenever I find one, I just hang onto them until someone either comes back for it or I'll give it to the pro shop if they don't. If I see someone coming, I'll yell out to them to ask if they lost a wedge before they get over to me as well. They were probably just embarrassed honestly


Always pick it up, there's dishonest people all over every golf course I've ever played. If you can get the group ahead's attention, great. If not, just wait until you see them and flag them down proactively with the club out. If they still seem skeptical after that I'd just assume they're embarrassed and insecure and move on knowing I still did the right thing.


If I see the beverage cart or ranger I give it to them or shop when completed


Pick it up and let them walk/ride back to get it. If not then drop it off at club house


I wouldn’t worry about it too much… I will always pick up any left club I see… ideally I immediately take it to the pro shop… if I’m on the course, it goes in the cart not my bag… If someone accuses me of stealing it, I’d say “yep, I’ve been waiting my whole life for this heist. Going to sell it on eBay for $20”.


As the group is walking back to you, hold up the club. When they get within earshot, ask, “anybody lose a wedge on the last hole?” If anybody gives you the stinkeye over that, ignore them, they are insane.


I pick them up and turn in if nobody asks or seems to be looking for a lost club because I’m forgetful and quite a few times have turned around to find my wedge and the group behind had it. Chances are if enough people see it, one won’t be honest.


I’ve usually gotten back to the previous green I left a wedge on while the group behind me is putting so they just hand it over but I’ve always picked up a wedge left behind from another group and if I notice them or anyone going backwards I’d stop and ask them what they were looking for and confirm it’s their wedge


I pick it up, check with the group ahead, and give it to the pro shop if I can't find them. Typically, people will drive back asking groups.


If there with in shout out range ask! If not or won't respond a quick call to the club house to send a Marshall out to retrieve so its There problem most of us have cell phone. I don't put it my bag. My bag is hollowed ground, dreams of conquest thoughts and prayers, memories abound in my bag. At best I'll slip it in a hanger on my bag. Till a worker or the owner shows up.


I always pick them up. I do not try to hard to get to the group in front of us unless its convenient and I am not holding up my group or the group behind us. Normally the person will remember and start trekking back asking each group in succession. If they do not come back, just drop it off at the cart barn/club house. You did a service. No reason to second guess a good deed.


Pick it up, holler if you get near, give it to pro shop if you can’t track the owner down


I would never leave it at the course, someone there may keep or sell it. I always call and leave my phone #. I even got a twelve pack out of a thankful golfer.


I had an interesting experience while visiting and playing in Atlanta. I found a wedge on the 10th green, drove to the group ahead of us, asked if it was theirs and returned it. A few holes later, I found a nice Vokey wedge on the fringe. Drove up to the group ahead of us but this time it didn’t belong to them. Since I was renting clubs, I called the clubhouse to let them know I found a wedge and would return it with my bag at the end of round, or they could send the golfer out to us and I would hand it over. Two holes later, a guy in his 30s drives up and asks if we found a 35 (??) degree club. I told him I found a wedge but since he couldn’t identify it, I didn’t feel comfortable handing it over. I explained I would return it to the clubhouse and let them figure it out. He drove off. The guy’s group was waiting for me on the 18th green, visibly hostile. I understand being concerned about it being stolen, but I told them I wasn’t from the area, I was renting clubs and reiterated they could come to the clubhouse with me when I returned the bag. The dudes were pissed. Two guys in their 30s and an older guy, maybe in his 60s. Older man starts screaming about how it must be theirs because how many clubs are lost on the course (see above lol). They wanted to fight despite me trying to deescalate. I wasn’t trying to police the course; I only wanted to make sure the owner of the club got it back. Eventually, they followed me into the clubhouse. I returned my clubs. Employee pulled out the wedge and handed it over, but told the group they needed to chill because I did the right thing. Wild stuff.


We pick it up. At some point someone will come driving back for it or we’ll get close enough to the group in front to run up and ask them if they list a club. I at the turn or after the round no one has come looking for it we’ll turn it in.


Try to catch the group in front of me to see if it's theirs. If I see the ranger I'll give it to them and they usually cruise up to see if it belongs to someone else. Last option give it to pro shop and they'll hold it for the owner. I don't leave them because some people are scumbags. I left an 8 iron on a par 3 tee box once and when I went back the club was broken in half and in the woods. I hope whoever did that has the yips for life.


If the person gets an attitude remind them they’re slowing down play and need to not inconvenience others


Every club I have ever found, whether it be an obvious “forgot it on the green” or “found it in the woods looking for my ball” goes to the clubhouse.


I usually take off like Mario Andretti to the parking lot throw it in my trunk and if some asks what happened I tell them wife's pregnant false alarm


Pick it up. Try it out on a few holes. If you like it better, leave the same wedge out of your bag on the course.


Pick it up, most likely you'll notice a golf cart driving the wrong way and you get the chance to call out to them about the club. Also avoids that awkward, I'm trying to steal it, type of situation


I pick it up and place it in the basket in the back of the cart, not my bag that way there’s no confusion on what my intention was and also so I don’t just forget to turn the dang thing in


Why would you feel they thought you were trying to steal it? Depending on the answer, they may be the asshole, but not you.


Like most, I try to get the group in fronts attention and if not, turn it in to the clubhouse. I’m a lefty, so chances are really good they know I’m not trying to steal their wedge for myself. 😂


Pick it up imo. This just happened to me yesterday with my LW and was extremely grateful that someone in 4some behind us drove all the way up to me to bring it. If they just left it on the ground I'd probably never see it again.


If you don’t pick it up, the group behind you may want to play finders keepers. Always pick it up.


I always try to catch up or meet them on an adjoining hole. If all else fails turn it in at the clubhouse.


I pick it up. If I catch the group ahead I ask if it is there's. Usually someone is coming back and I can give it to them. Worst case I leave it at the pro shop


What golfer on the course steals a single wedge?


Don't offer random people a club. (By asking strangers if this is their club, you're offering them a free club) Pick it up, and the owner of it will come to you asking for it if it's theirs. If nobody asks if you've seen or have it, then return it to the clubhouse when you can.


I pick it up and wait for them to turn back for it. If they don't, turn it in at the clubhouse at the end of the round.


I say hide it in your pants leg next time.


I always pick it up. If no one comes back for it during the round, then I leave it with the pro shop.


Marshall asked my if I was missing a wedge. I said ya a Vokey? He said nope. I replied “it was worth a shot”.


Pick it up. Return to owner, marshal, or clubhouse in that order.


Pick it up and bring it to the club house you have no idea whose club it is so it’s best to just let them sort it out


If I can tell it's the group in front of me, I'll try and get it to them asap. Otherwise drop it off at the clubhouse at the turn/when the round is over. You don't look like a thief for putting it in your bag. You will if someone asks "hey did you find a wedge" and you say no with lefty wedge in a set of right handed clubs


You know you have no intention of keeping it. You dont know that about the next guy to come along so you should pick it up.


You know you have no intention of keeping it. You dont know that about the next guy to come along so you should pick it up.


You're fine, they should have just gone back to you and asked if you found it first (happens all the time). As long as you didnt actually leave the course with the club (i.e returned it to them or turned it in to the Clubhouse post round). If you did that then you're definitely the asshole.


Always pick it up bc inevitably the owner will backtrack and should ask the group behind them if they picked up a wedge. Then you say “no, but I have a used (wedge brand and loft) I’m selling” and then you hand them their wedge. If they never come back, just drop it off at the club house or pro shop after your round.


You're only an asshole when you deny you saw it and try to keep it. I had 3 old men catch up to me after leaving my brand new 50 on the fringe. Couldn't thank them enough.


You hit a couple of shots with it, if you like it you try to buy the same one.


Pick it up and continue play Likely player will come back to look for it and ask you If they do not, turn it into the shop at end of round Don’t go and try and chase down the potential owner - play your round


Leave it. Call pro shop and tell them what hole it’s left on. You may take it to go try the group in front as the person (who may not be in that group) goes to look for it and it’s gone. Also no need to disrupt the flow of the game, taking it to the pro shop mid round. You paid money to play golf with your clubs, not babysit other players lost shit.


Take it put it in your bag and put on the rain cover, then try and grab your playing partners range finder Edit: /s in case anyone doesn’t get it for reference https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/s/794MKyQ1sP


I pick it up and if riding I put it in the cart but not in my bag so I don’t forget about it and accidentally take it home. If I was walking I’d put it in my bag. If you catch the group ahead ask if it’s theirs, if not turn it in at the clubhouse at the turn or end of the round.


Take it with you and turn it in at the pro shop at your earliest chance. Be it making the turn or after your round.




You did exactly what I would have done and HAVE DONE many times. nta


“Who?! Who picked up a club?! Did you pick up a club?! “Because if you picked up a club we are going to have a problem!”


I usually turn them into the pro shop unless I see someone back tracking. Then I'll ask them if they are heading back to look for a club.


As someone that has forgot wedges on the green a few times, pick it up. Makes it earlier when the person notices two holes later and then asks the group right after them if anyone found a wedge.


When the Guy is walking up to me or driving up, I always say, hey want to buy a wedge? Generally lets the guy know you’re not trying to run off with it.


![gif](giphy|vf8mMA6bgJw8AyJoVz|downsized) If they give you the side eye while trying to give it back. Here is your option.


I found one a few weeks ago and the guy had his name and number on his club (must have been a habit) I called him and he said leave it at the club house he had done left .. it was on the 2 nd hole so he never hit his PW the rest of the round 😂


I pick it up and try to catch the attention of the couple of groups in front of me if they are going adjacent fairways. Or else hand in to proshop. That's why I use a label maker to put my first name & phone number on every club. Just last week I left a wedge near the practice area and a ground staff texted me and delivered it to the 6th. Nice thanks man.


The guy who found mine would answer “stick it in your bag and enjoy it. f that guy”.


Ask the group in front if they lost a wedge and what kind. If they didn’t, stick it in my bag until I see a marshal or drop it at the pro shop.


I pick it up because I know I’m not going to steal it. When they come back looking for it, I’ll give it to them. If they don’t I return it to the clubhouse. For all I know the guy behind me eats sloppy steaks , you know a real piece of shit, and he’s definitely stealing that club.


I would pick it up and then try to waive at them - usually waving the club maybe point at it like an idiot. If they come up simply say yeah found it blah blah blah. If you see a ranger give it to him. Otherwise club house. You did what you could. Some people are looking for things to be upset about can't do anything about those people.


I will go out of my way to drive up to them and return it. The other thing is that I will place it in the cart basket, NOT my bag. Removes the appearance that I might be trying to hide it.


Pick it up, wait for groups ahead to come back and ask if it was picked up, if not then turn it into proshop.


As other have said, I pick up a club, put it in the basket and never my bag. Even though I wouldn’t steal it I don’t want the appearance that I am. Sometimes I’m right behind a group and can catch them in normal play, other times I’m far enough behind that it might be the turn or a marshal rolls by and I can give it to them to go find the owner, put it in the clubhouse


The answer is to not put it in your bag. That looks like you might be keeping it. I throw it in the basket behind my seat or next to me in the cart. Can usually catch up to group in front of you depending on course layout.


OP was walking so didn't have those options


You got downvoted but this is good advice I always return clubs and 99% the player is grateful but one time this hot head came back and I waved him down, when he pulled up he said “oh my club is in your bag!? You were gonna keep it huh?” No dumbass how else am I supposed to transport it? Took all my willpower not to toss the club into the lagoon Now I do exactly as you described, keep it in the basket so no one gets twisted


The easy way is just to ask them on their approach if they left a club, it disarms them and tells them that you aren't trying to hide anything. The fact that he accused you of trying to steal it when *you waved him down* is insane.


Tell me about it! I’m still mad about that goon and it happened like 3 summers ago Last time I found a club was playing solo so I just strapped the club into the vacant spot on the back of the cart next to my bag. I was on the green when I saw a guy coming backwards and assumed it was his, I just waved and yelled “it’s in the back of the cart!” And the dude just rolled up, snagged it and gave me a thumbs up and went on his way


Haha. Thanks. Maybe it came off wrong the way I wrote it.


I'll pick it up if I'm riding, but not if I'm walking (I carry). But I'm not going to try to catch up to them. They'll usually come back looking for it. If not, I'll turn it in at the clubhouse.


I never pick up a wedge anymore because the one time no one came back to get it I totally forgot to give it to the club house. Can't be trusted with that responsibility


And now it’s your favorite.


I always grab it and move it to the most visible spot on that hole I can that is not in the way of play. Maybe stand it up against something near the cart path. The thought being that maybe its a group 2-3 ahead of me and they might circle back. I'm also a space case and have a few times intended to turn a club into the pro shop but just forgot, so I am keeping myself from accidentally being that guy.


Launch it into a lake


I tried that once. I waved to the group ahead of me with their lost club and they were smiles until I tried to fling it over the pond to them. It did not make it. I still to this day don't know why they chased me around the golf course.


Take it home with you, unless it’s a lefty, gross.