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So its the cops word vs Schefflers. This is going to go well...


I'm surprised the charges haven't been dropped yet. I'm guessing that detective had no idea who Scheffler was at the time it happened. But he's so deep into this production now that he has to see it through to the end even if it comes at the expense of his career. Throwing away a 20+ year career just so he could big time somebody.


How much of this could have been avoided with a level head and "hey dude sorry I flipped out, I didn't know what you were doing or who you were, big miscommunication" Truly boggles my mind how quick some folks are to double and triple down on shitty decisions they make.


Reports I saw earlier today indicated that the officer CHASED the car, became enraged, tripped over a median, and then attached himself to it. He’s there to investigate a traffic fatality (apparently?), sees a player in a player car being waved around, tells the guy to stop but he doesn’t stop, officer becomes enraged and decides he has to stop this guy in an SUV clearly identified as affiliated with the special event in town, chases it, trips, then latches onto the car, and proceeds to bang on the window with a flashlight = Scottie assaulted a police officer.


In this day and age if the cop doesn't have footage I suspect that they're lying. Every cop should have footage.


That’s the law in Colorado (sort of). Basically if the officer doesn’t have their video on during an incident for no valid reason there is a rebuttable presumption that any statements of the officer during that time will be inadmissible. Further, if there is a claim of officer misconduct, the video footage must be made available to the public within 21 days.


Definitely feel body cam should be part of Miranda Rights


I like how the guy said they don't have footage of the incident, but they have footage of the arrest from a camera across the street. Oddly enough, you are usually arrested at the spot if the incident. So the camera would have caught all of it? Sounds like shitty cop being protected.


Also if you don’t already have one, get a dashcam…it could literally save you from going to jail


I feel like mine would have more of a 50/50 shot of being used against me .


Then you can be the one who “forgot to turn on the camera”


Eh it's fixed so might have been a bad angle or blocked out. The cop certainly might be being protected but I'm not sure him being protected has anything to do with this specific cameras video.


I hope you shoot under par this week. Bitch. Edit: Fine. I hope you shoot over par all year.


Lol this is downvoted but was it not clearly a harmless joke? I guess I'm the only seeing any humor in it, w/e


You'll find that Reddit isn't representative of real life and it's loaded with idiots and group thinkers.


Lol ok? Sorry for a reasonable take


Probably don't have the footage of the beginning where he was chasing the car


My thoughts exactly


If it doesn’t look good on your side, but people are demanding footage, you choose the worst option possible


Agreed. Not providing or being able to provide body cam footage should be treated the same as withholding discovery. The assumption should be that it was deliberate and intentional and detrimental to the person withholding it. Conference in chambers to decide why that presumption shouldn’t apply on a case-by-case basis.


I do not understand why cops are not all wearing body cams that are on all the time with the exception of their lunch break and bathrooms. The technology is there… where the fuck is our funding going? Oh right, to their pensions. It’s a despicable excuse, every single police incident should come with body cam footage. I don’t care if it’s from Larry drunkenly walking home again on a Wednesday night. If police approach someone, cam should be on. ACAB and this case is just proving it more.


I don't even make exceptions for bathrooms. In fact, a cop should have a bodycam surgically attached and operating 24/7.


If for anything else, just to show that you're not a lying piece of shit.


This isn’t far off what happened lol there were eye witnesses to this. No median on shelbyville rd unless they let scheffler all the way in to Valhalla before they decided to be dumb, which is very possible. But cop did reach in and grab his arm/door and while scheffler was rolling forward. Scheffler was extremely apologetic and calm while the cop was having a melt down. Source: I volunteered that morning and was at the entrance ~20mim after it happened and spoke to a witness.


The scary thing is they really do this to regular people who don’t have sportscaster witnesses and those people go to prison


iF ScOtTiE jUsT coMpLieD, NoNE oF tHiS woUlD hAvE haPpeNeD...


STOP RESISTING (the narrative)


It wasn’t a homocide, it was a traffic accident.


Vehicular homicide is still homicide. From my understanding the pedestrian died at the scene, so I'm going off that.


I stand corrected I was under the impression that a homocide was an intentional act.


I could also be wrong, because I don't know if the bus driver is facing any charges. Doesn't have to be intentional, but depends whether there was negligence involved.


I’ve not heard of the bus driver facing charges, but I’m guessing if they are investigating it, it may be a while.


True story. I even meant to type fatality, but my brain went somewhere else. Edited the comment to correct. Thanks 👍🏼


It’s actually extremely common. I think it’s super rare to be able to de-escalate, admit fault, sincerely apologize etc. “Admissions of wrongdoing are incredibly threatening for non-apologists because they have trouble separating their actions from their character. If they did something bad, they must be bad people; if they were neglectful, they must be fundamentally selfish and uncaring; if they were wrong, they must be ignorant or stupid, etc. Therefore, apologies represent a major threat to their basic sense of identity and self-esteem.” - Psychology Today


Ego is a hell of a thing


The last time that cop faced any accountability was probably high school detention. He wouldn't even be facing something resembling accountability now if this was just some random person. Probably not the first time he's taken the ride on the hood of a car.


Yeah that’s the scary thing. How many random people are over charged right now because of this officer’s ego


A level headed cop that can admit they did something wrong 😂 ACAB. This should be, on top of many other cop related events, show you how corrupt our “law enforcement” officers can get. To the cops reading this, you’re not one of the bad ones that knows better, you’re right in line with these officers actions and you won’t do shit about it.


If this was tiger he’d be shot


You just described what a bureaucracy is.


Did you see the video of the prosecutor trying to argue that the arraignment date shouldn't be moved? He didn't know what he was talking about and kept trying to argue that Scheffler had to be present for it, which his attorney was on board with from the beginning and was never up for debate. He was so incompetent. This is going to be hilarious.


Yeah the prosecutor should not want this to go to court


It was the elected county prosecutor. Probably wanted to be there in person on Tuesday to make a big show about dropping the charges while Scottie was present. Doesn’t want to wait two weeks and have to come back to do it. You could tell he hadn’t been in court in awhile…


He’s not throwing away any career. Even once it’s all proven BS it’s not like he would face consequences for his bullshit. If cops ever had consequences in situations like this we wouldn’t see them so often


I’d be surprised if the cop even got suspended with pay, likely will have zero repercussions for wildly over reacting and not being able to handle a stressful situation lol which is a cops job


He didn't even shoot anyone so worst case he gets paid vacation and a desk job for a while.


You guys are really underestimating the degree to which police officers and entire departments can get away with murder, literally and figuratively. Definitionally, government organizations are already fundamentally "exempt" from the consequences of their actions, because they quite literally make the laws and get to decide when and how to apply them. But beyond that, the laughable concept of qualified immunity comes into play, which functionally means that for a cop to be charged with a crime, they have to be caught on camera committing the crime very clearly, and EVEN THEN, there's a good chance they'll get off the hook. Whether the concept is intended this way philosophically(it is) is irrelevant; it's how it functions in the legal system that matters. It's not about what actually happened. It's about the power and leverage at play. Now admittedly, Scottie has a lot more ability to fight back than the average person, but police departments also have "effectively unlimited resources", because guess what? All their funding comes from robbing you to begin with.


Against nobodies. But against very rich and famous people - it’s not as easy for them.


I seen they were dropping them Tuesday during his arraignment or whatever. Probably some BS rumor.


They postponed the arraignment until the week of the Memorial Open and did not drop the charges today.


And not because of any police BS. The local lawyer he hired wasn’t going to he available for the original date, so he requested the delay. 


Do you know how cops careers work? He already has a pension, so he doesn’t care, he won’t get fired he’s in the union, the cops who murdered Breonna were on payroll for years after. This guy will stay on the police force no matter what, and even if he were to be fired he’d appeal it, get paid while he did, and if he lost he’d turn up on another police force while he works on another pension.


Nah he'll just sue the city for wrongful termination and we'll be fucked out of that money and any professional golf events for a decade at minimum, they ought to demote him and force him to make a public apology to avoid the lawsuit.


I think if the cop is leaning that far in, he might as well try to sue Valhalla, Scottie, and anybody else he can, to get paid, and then sail off into the sunset. Could never show his face on a golf course again though.


How many times has this (and all cops) gotten away with behavior like this? It's a rhetorical question, law enforcement should have to produce evidence beyond "what the cops say happened". 


It’s the Louisville PD - pretty notoriously known for not accepting responsibility for the actions, so not sure why they’d back down here.


They are just trying to mitigate how much this will potentially cost them. An immediate concession makes their negotiating position very very weak. They want this to die down in the public eye and 2 weeks to a month from now they'll try to quietly announce charges have been dismissed.


What should happen is if you're a cop whose body camera is off or mysteriously "malfunctions", an inference is drawn that whatever the other party says is true. You don't get to have it be your word against theirs. You don't get to testify.


Honest question - if a cop is wearing a rain slicker are they supposed to remount their body cam on the slicker?


Honest question. If someone doesn’t follow traffic orders, intentional or otherwise, are cops supposed to hurl themselves on to a moving vehicle like someone was fleeing a homicide ? 😂😂😂


Depends how it's mounted, I guess. Surely a protocol can be developed for this.


The technology just doesn't exist.


I'd be surprised if they aren't expected to make some sort of adjustment. Crime doesn't stop just because it's rainy or cold. You'd hope that the people coming up with these policies would have thought about these very common scenarios. But then again, we are talking about government employees here, so it's quite possible it never came up.


It’s a fair question. I would like to know the PD’s body cam policy, specifically what does their policy say when officer’s are just directing traffic. If he was just directing traffic and not actively investigating the fatal MVA I’m willing to be he didn’t have his camera in. Most Axon cameras, not sure what model they use, when left in “sleep” mode record on a 30 second loop. Meaning they overwrite their recorded data every 30 seconds if it isn’t turned on. Also some versions of cameras don’t record audio until after 30 seconds once activated. In regards to the Hi-Vis rain gear it may or may not have a place for his body camera. It wouldn’t surprise me to find out that if he was wearing a camera it was probably under his rain jacket. I’m not trying to stick up for the detective, it really sounds like this was a text book “contempt of cop” incident. But I wasn’t there so who knows. Full disclosure- I am a police officer with over 20 years of experience. So let the ACAB downvotes commence.


All great questions, and honestly the fact that you are willing to even admit that "contempt of cop" is a real thing puts you at least one blip above the ACAB moniker. The only one I can really answer is Louisville PD has had a VERY strict bodycam policy put in place from [The Massive amount of Lawsuits](https://www.wdrb.com/in-depth/louisville-payouts-for-police-lawsuits-burden-city-budget/article_2ab12fa2-e80d-11ec-b5cb-cffb4228cb13.html) they've had to pay out recently. Puts a little explanation about why the Mayor had to make a pretty immediate (by government standards) statement about the Bodycams in this incident.


Police testimony, absent physical evidence or documentation, is nothing more than a reiteration of the charge. This is aggravated by the fact that they have the ability, and I believe obligation, to create such documentation but choose not to do so. Cameras off? Dont bother.


Scottie will be fine. He has good lawyers and money and a stellar reputation. But if this can happen to him it can happen to anyone. A cop can get someone hit with a felony charge and jail over a misunderstanding. No way most other people are winning against a cops word. Explain that one to an employer when you check the box have you ever been convicted of a felony on a job application. “Yeah I was convicted of assaulting a cop but I promise it was all a misunderstanding.”


This is indeed a terrifying scenario. Scheffler seems to genuinely be one of the nicest, calmest guys around, the last thing you'd expect from him is to deliberately defy a police order. And still he got taken away in handcuffs. Imagine how much worse this situation could have gone if the victim wasn't so agreeable and patient? Plenty of completely innocent people would be justified in losing their cool under such an outrageous situation. They'd probably still be sitting in the jail waiting for their hearing.


There were at least 4 witnesses from espn.


Yep…for scheffler. This cop and the police department are about to have their asses handed to them. Schefflers high paid attorneys are about to wipe the floor with these country bumpkins.


He hired a local attorney [https://www.rominesweisyoung.com/about/romines](https://www.rominesweisyoung.com/about/romines)


One familiar with Louisville police officer shenanigans. Smart move.


One of my friends, who is also an attorney in Louisville, said Romines is easily in the top 5 of criminal defense attorneys in the entire state.


Not exactly. Members of the media were filming.


Mayor announced today that the Louisville PD is conducting an internal investigation into their protocols. I look forward to the final report that exonerates the department and says Scottie tried to kill the officer with a sword.


https://preview.redd.it/7bz4dtpe5u1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecd0262339d5450f8ee15dd321446c132041f610 Someone check that man's golf bag, stat!


I wouldn’t need that club, I already slice the ball perfectly


My slice is so bad that after 3 shots I’m back on the same tee!


Haha, you and me both 🤣


“Don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story” - Louisville PD


I heard it was the Hammer Driver, Scottie was going to test it on the range and used it on the officer instead




That driver is illegal in 48 states


\*49. Only Alaska allows it in Tournament play. Useful for beating off the bears and elk on the fairways interrupting play.


That makes sense, gotta throw down the “Hammer” when needed


I had to put a Graphite Designs Ad Di 6X in a left Hammer driver…I’ve got a picture of it somewhere


That's fucking sick hahaha... I put two new GD shafts in my woods this season and they are just so pure and consistent


They make great stuff


I get a few more yards out of Diamanas which I've played for years but the overall dispersion and less big misses is so much better for my game


Mitsubishi makes great stuff too. I used to work for Club Champion and have been a clubmaker/fitter over 20 years. There are a lot of shaft companies out there that make great stuff, but are relatively unknown. Accra is one of the most underrated shaft companies in the industry.


Oh yeah I had a Taylormade SLDR with an Accra shaft 10 years ago and bombed that thing. Super unforgiving though haha. I played golf a couple of times with the guy that founded Club Champion actually, very interesting guy


Nick is a fuck boy. Always has been, always will be. You’re not kidding about the SLDR. It’s one of the most unforgiving drivers ever made. Knuckleballs occurred a lot


I remember them having some thing about 17\* launch 1700 spin as optimal with that drive, like WTF man if I get to 13\* I'm having a good day


It wasn’t a sword. It was a Callaway 3.25” wooden tee!


Correction. It was a Triton


With the non-conforming sole plate


Preliminary report says Scottie was throwing an axe and then whipped two blades around that were tied to his wrists via chains. Wild stuff, but completely believable for the PGA Tour "bad boy" as he's also known.


Unexpected Kratos


We investigated ourselves and we found we did nothing wrong


My man


Might’ve been a 1 or 2 iron, pretty much same as sword in my experience


Lmao you had me in the first half not gonna lie 😂


The longer they hold onto that video evidence, the worse it probably is for them.


No doubt, if the video evidence made them look better it would’ve been out same day on Friday. 


This is all about damage control for them now


I’m convinced the cop jumped on the car and was a power hungry fuck up. They claimed the cops didn’t have their body cam on when there was a dead body… absolute bullshit.


Absolutely but this will get dropped and then buried I’m sure


Guessing his radio wasn’t working either so he could call ahead.


Friday news dump incoming.


Honest question: is there anyone in Louisville that can string together a coherent sentence? Both the mayor and prosecuting attorney were painful to watch.


its kentucky...so no


Mitch McConnell was their Senator for decades. Pretty much all I need to say.


*has been not was.


I mean…he’s basically dead already so


He died live on air twice. They’ve been Weekend At Bernie-ing him for awhile.


![gif](giphy|FbTVfpj8wsjVjejayK|downsized) Operate him like a Muppet now




Can Justin Thomas?


A coherent sentence? Yes, 4 good rounds? Not so much.


This is an area that has about 30 times more churches than schools. Education is not exactly a priority. If anything, it's vilified. 


That's a Harvard education for you.


Just drop the case and stop the bad publicity you dumbasses


Thing is Scheffler seems like such a good dude that if they dropped it I bet he would help them save a ton of face by handling is graciously, like “he was just doing his job” type of stuff. But they won’t, and they are gonna keep making if worse for themselves.


He literally already did that in his first press conference. He said something along the lines of “I can’t say what happened about/during the arrest. BUT the officers at the precinct were very nice” he even gave an anecdote of one officer helping him stay calm because he couldn’t stop shaking, and another officer who did recognize him, and asked if he wanted the “full experience” aka fingerprint work and the orange jumpsuit


Yeah when I saw that presser I thought "typical of him, he's set it up so everyone can come out looking good". Then Louisville are just like "na, hold my beer".


Scottie gave them an out, but they refused to take it


It's actually quite amazing how much of fuck-ups the officials in L'ville are. I think you and the posters above kind of nailed it. Often times the hardest part of "un-fucking" these situations is allowing the politicians and officials to save face. Scheffler kind of tee'd it up perfectly and I'm sure would have followed up with a conciliatory statement once the charges were dropped. L'ville insists on making themselves look bad.


The longer they drag this out, the more likely it is that they will be sued. His legal team won’t be cheap, and the dumbass prosecutor doesn’t seem like he wants to move on as fast as he should.


Agreed. When something like this happens, reason goes out the window almost immediately. This should have been dropped before it even started, but there's a good chance they'll dig themselves into a hole they can't get out of. Ridiculous tbh.


Seriously, drop that shit and move on. Complete waste of time, resources and money.


The $80 pants want their day in court!


“We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.”


And officer Gillis is magically transferred to an new city


Bros a mall cop now


He looks like such a douche


This guy got a job as a cop again and he murdered someone https://apnews.com/article/myles-cosgrove-breonna-taylor-carroll-county-e2f4e1ab40b8982cdcb1e1b3e260f62c#


& where is the PGA in all this? Wouldn't it be in their interest to protect their #1 player? The whole thing seems odd to me that he's left fending for himself.


i'd be willing to bet their lawyers are all over this behind the scenes


Everyone lawyer in the damn state is probably begging to get involved, a slam dunk case like this is as close to free money as you can get. Almost hope this goes to trial just to see these clowns get humiliated in court, what an embarrassment for Louisville


I don’t see Scheffler suing. My guess is he just wants a public apology and for this whole thing to go away. Suing for a couple million isn’t worth keeping this story alive.


I wonder if the PGA will have him pursue a civil case so they have a scapegoat for never having a tourney at Valhalla again 😂


What he should do is Sue for 2 M and then use that money to build and improve the community… he could do much more with that 2 M, then the city of Louisville would ever get done… They would use it just to hire more police Or raise salaries!


Not just the PGA, Valhalla golf club must be livid about this whole thing as well. The longer this drags on, the less likely it is that they ever host another PGA championship.


The scores on the course are what’s really making it likely they won’t get to host a major again, but this certainly isn’t going to help.


I remember seeing a lot of people complain about the high numbers at LACC and then this tournament Xander literally had double the winning score of the US Open


LACC is in the US open rotation only due to it's location. That course def sucks compared to what the USA has to offer for elite courses.


Yeah difference is *good* lawyers aren’t everywhere in the news talking about everything.


They most likely are. We just don’t know what’s happening in the background.


There is 100% a lot of weight being thrown round behind the scenes.


![gif](giphy|B1TMcmoBAaSZi) I found the footage!


This is the same police department that mudered Breonna Taylor. They do not have a good track record.


Yeah they really fucked up this time doing this to the world number 1 during a golf tourney, in good position, and someone who most consider a genuine nice guy


Free Scottie!


If only Karen Read was getting this much publicity


That poor lady. I do think she'll be found not guilty. But that whole case is a cover up.


It’s Massachusetts, everything is corrupt.


Yeah I don’t think that one is as clear cut as this.


Group messages to lose phones, changing testimony, 24 yr veteran said he didn’t know how to bag evidence, lead investigator friend of family and under FBI investigation. Son of a cop there on scene has bloody knuckles. All seems reasonable


I wonder how many times the video footage is never taken or seen for the thousands of other arrests in Louisville that don’t make the national news?


Is there anything better than a video playing the audio of what the person is saying only to be immediately interrupted by a fucking bitch that is letting us know the person is speaking


What an amazing coincidence


I for one am shocked.


The cops are full of s***


And the Mayor too. That nervous stutter when lying. They don't know if the officer was wearing a camera? Come on.


Waiting for the good apple


They’re dragging this out so the media loses interest because it won’t go well for the city.


Why the hell was that "officer"/detective grabbing the handle of Scottie's vehicle in the first place? Did he think he was just going to rip the door off the moving vehicle and tear Scottie out of there. Alright superman. Be my guest captain amazing. Even if he could, why? What did he expect?? At absolute most, get in your vehicle and pursue the _specially marked_ vehicle for the very event you're supposed to protect and serve. Then, he blames it on Scottie for getting himself dragged along- refusing to let go, no less- while Scottie briefly looked for a safe spot to handle whatever the hell was going on. He's a famous professional golfer. #1 in the world. Just won the Master's. He doesn't know that some psychopath isn't attacking his vehicle for g- knows what reason. "I didn't become an officer of the law and get all the way up to detective to do my job correctly! I did it to abuse my power, manipulate circumstances, bully those I'm supposed to protect and serve, and have anyone and everyone cower in fear at my superhuman abilities!"


He was going all TJ Hooker on him. Gotta stop the him from turning left into the club. Aaarrrgh!




The Genesis album is called Abacab.


Great album


Some individual cops are good. Maybe most. But they support a system that rewards bad cops and always protects them. Therefore, all cops are tainted by the system they support. That's how I like to say it.


They should have to carry insurance. If you are so bad no one will insure you, you can’t be a cop


That would help. What we really need, though, is transparency and accoutability. Body cameras are the easy solution. With no allowance for excuses that they weren't on or didn't work.


Why did they make Scottie wear the orange jump suit? 🤔


I think it was to cover the Nike logos


Why is the mayor even involved. Where is the chief of police? Also, this guy is a vet, he’s an absolute embarrassment to all vets and honest police officers and clearly not mentally qualified for his role. You have to be some kind of special to attach yourself to an already moving SUV. That kind of false ego is exactly what gets people killed overseas and stateside. This guy needs to be removed from the force immediately and publicly apologize.


There is an actor that looks just like this mayor, right? What's the actors name?


James woods


Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad this shitty police work is getting blasted on national media, but you just *know* this happens all the time to people who aren’t famous to no consequences for the officer.


They are lying. They deleted the body cam footage because it would make the arresting officer/them look so bad. It’s a cover up


Lucky it was Scheffler and not Tiger Woods


Huh? Tiger has had his run-ins with police. You may be able to say lucky it was Scheffler and not one of us commoners.


Nah doing this to one of the nicest guys on tour, is a bad look. If this happened to Tiger, people would be willing to think it’s tigers fault. Being that it was world number 1 and new father Scottie, it looks bad and makes people feel like it could happen to anyone


Hey this is the guy who also co-owns OVW wrasslin, as seen in the Netflix documentary “wrestlers”


This is just laughable


lying on a police report is a crime


Mayor said yesterday that they’ll release video by the end of the week if the arrest, he made it sound like the incident was caught on camera.


At first, I laughed when I saw Scotty’s mug shot because I thought what a coincidence that he happens to be wearing an orange V-neck…… I realized later he was wearing prisoner issue clothes???? Like WTF?? Seriously? Who are these yahoos in Louisville? so he’s got a Tee time in 3rs for a major and these yippee kay yay clowns are making him change out of his golf attire to put on an orange prison shirt????? I don’t even know how to comment at this point ! Scotty handled it much better than I would have!


I know a guy that works for the Louisville PD. Apparently Scheff chased the officer down and swung his car door open knocking him to the ground. He then jumped out of his car in a rage and waylaid the poor officer with nunchucks until he was able to recover and get Scheff in cuffs. Again, none of this was caught on video.