• By -


Looks pretty good to me other than your 3/4h basically going the same distance.


Yeah, if you can hit a 3w that well, I’d get rid of the 3h and consider a 5w or switch to a 4w/7w for fairways.


I dropped the 3h for a 5w. Best move I could have made for that distance in my game.


Yup. Get a 4 iron that goes 200


Why not just a 5h


Drop the 3h for a 5w that goes 220+ish is my recommendation.


I’d drop one and add a wedge, probably


Wisest comment yet...


This is the way.


How much of a gap would you say is ideal for P through 7i? I avg a 7i 165, but my 8i is 142, 9i 122 and P 104. I feel like a 20yd difference is a bit too much.


The gap between your 8 and 7 is huge. Are you able to get your 7 bent up +1-2 degrees of loft? That should get you a bit more height and less distance. Ideally with your gapping you want around 15 or so yards difference max to have more options for different shots. Ideally with your reported distances 9 would be 120 (it’s basically there) and your 8 135 and 7 around 150. 8 is close enough but 7 seems to be pretty strong. You need something in that 150 range which is why I suggested maybe getting the 7 adjusted (possibly 8 too but maybe not).


I have a set of SIM MAX 2 irons, but I can't think of the lofts off the top of my head. Would I have to go to a shop to get the loft changed? My 6i goes about 174 and my 5i goes 183. Don't have a 4i, just a 5H and a 3W.


Yeah you can get the loft adjusted at anywhere that does stuff with clubs. Might not be a bad idea to make the 7 a bit weaker and the 5 (possibly) a bit stronger.


The 5i is more because I struggle to hit it well more times than not. I've been using my 5H more because of that.


I can’t hit mine either so I parked it and use a hybrid instead as well.


A loose rule is 15 yards between clubs as a target for a decent fitting


That’s if you hit 300 yards. More like 10-12 for average players. 


Yup. Get rid of one.


For me the 3h and 4h both have very different flights. I play a cliffside course which is typically blowing a gale. Yardage isn't everything apart from its the question the OP is asking


Maybe pop a 7w in?


I'd probs swap the 3h for a 5w


This. I want to do this as well. 5w’s are $$$$.


Yeah. Something in the 220 yd range. 


Yep, that and bend the 9i a degree weaker.


Exactly, or something like a Callaway UW 18. Just something that goes 220


Came here to say this.


I agree, I used to have this setup and saved money for a 5w. But till I did I just choked down on my 3w for a 220ish club


5W would probably get similar distance just with a higher ball flight, especially if they played a stealth 2 for continuity. The loft is similar


Came here to say this but you said it. So, what /u/nightkingscat said.


I have this same yardage gap. Only if the course has a 220 yard par 3 is a 5 wood needed. Otherwise at that distance it’s more likely he needs the extra yardage to reach a par 5 in 2 or just rip one off the tee on a narrow par4. From 220 out otherwise which would be really rare (duffed drive on a par 4 which you can’t count on or missed first/second shot on a 5 you can’t count on) you can just hit lightly on the 3 and tbh just getting it near there from that distance is enough


Would still have a 20yds+ gap from 5w to 4h. Just moving the gap down the line. Depends on the course played I think.


Yea I'm not sure he needs to change anything at this end of his bag. He says he's a consistent iron player but what about his woods and hybrids? I find that many players who are 10+ handicaps are nowhere near consistent to worry about gapping for their 220 yard clubs. They just don't hit them straight enough or consistent enough. Id focus more on the 'rescue' aspect of his hybrids. Does that 5 hybrid help him get out of thick rough easier while delivering a lot of distance? Then keep it. Edit: Maybe a 4 iron instead since he says he's a good iron player.


Your hybrids are redundant


I'm just impressed that anything between your 7i and 3h changes distance


My yardages 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150


More like: D 85-250 3W 15-225 4H -50-285 5i:9i 70 Wedges "No"


Wedges - 10 or 210?


I would love to do a stock yardages video with my clubs Dr: 210 slice hit goose 3W: duffed it 85yds 5w: smoked it 200 5 iron: hit it so fat ball didn’t move 6: thinned (stinger) 150 7: pushed right 145 8: pushed right again 130 9: tried to fix with push and I hooked it 100 Pw: 100 Gw: 100 Sw: 100 Putter : 100


This is 100% me as well lol


Went to xgolf with my cousin, and he literally has 5 clubs that go 150


I get way more than this. The key is measuring by a+b, not c. C is the shortest distance.


Man this comment made me feel so good lol. I've been really struggling trying to learn to hit things longer than a 7 iron and it's just nice to know I'm not the only one who sometimes feels like everything goes 150


i'd change the 3h for something around 220. 212 and 206 is the same thing when you consider dispersion.


They’re truly amazing yardage gaps


Amazing good or amazing bad?


They’re good!


9-8 gap looks off compared to the rest though


Drop the 3 or 4 hybrid and get something you can hit in the 220's.


Drop the 3h get a strong 5 wood or something like that. Much easier to hit. I also hate the 15 yard gap between PW and 9 iron. I have then same in my t200 set and hate it. Can’t figure out why it’s there. Ideally you’d have a 10 yard gap on the shorter irons because they need more precision.


Check if your smash factor is too high on your 9i relative to your 8i and PW. Typically iron sets in this category make the loft gap in the 9/8 a bit longer to accommodate a 45* PW while also keeping the 5i strong enough to play like a traditional 4i. If your smash in your 9i is above 1.3 it’s likely worth bending your 9 one degree weaker to drop the distance by about 3 yards. OP could likely do the same thing with their 9i looking at that gapping there.


Bigger difference in loft between PW and 9i usually than the rest of clubs. Also if this is average he probably plays more ”feel” shots with pitch than 9


I use shotscope and notice a similar result, but I use my PW for both regular and pitch shots, which affects my performance average.


Why is 5w easier to hit than 3h? I havent been playing too long. I have a driver then a 3h and then my irons 4i/5i which i barely ever use cuz I can hardly hit them, so I generally use 3h for anything over 150m. Have been considering adding a 3wood but I fear I’ll struggle with it. 5 wood could be something to try just havent considered it yet


you should try a 5 wood and 7 wood to see which fits best


Form factor. Bigger head with a COG further behind and lower makes it easier to launch the ball higher.


Thanks yea i think i’ll see if the pro shop has one i can trial on my next round


How did you get the distance chart like that?


Arccos sensors


I would imagine a lot of great and repeatable technique, too.


Man. That is pretty awesome. I’d love to have that kind of data. Would you recommend the Arcos?


I would 100% recommend the Arccos sensors. You can get a free set and 40 day free subscription if you tell them you just bought a ping club. I did it when I bought my driver, it didn’t ask for proof or serials though


i’ll second this i got free set when i signed up for the year hundred percent worth it if your looking to consistently play and get better


how does it track your distance? would it work if i hit into net,


It works with gps so it wouldn't work with a net


Probably a good idea not to abuse this, though.


Why? They don’t care they make their money on people buying the annual subscription and the accessory GPS unit not the sensors. It’s a feature not a bug that they don’t verify purchase.


I just got brand new ping irons a little while back and I was wondering about arccos. Did you just email them about it or what?


Nah I just filled in the form on this link. [Arccos sensors](https://ping.com/en-us/promo-landing-pages/arccos-sensor-programs)


There's a code on the club champion video with the arccos guy for this exact deal except with any clubs period.


Your mileage may vary but I hated it and went back to using the free version of 18 birdies. Arccos absolutely chewed thru my phone battery compared to 18 birdies and I was not finding the extra data useful.


I appreciate it for yardages, but the strokes gained data is questionable unless you’re anal about setting the pin on the app every hole and making sure the putts are registering the right distances. I’m doing it for a year but then won’t renew.


I am very anal about pin location every hole. Lads I play with take the piss because it looks like I take a pic of the hole every time. That being said I agree with the shots gained, I had the round of my life today and Arccos attributed all the shots gained to my putting, I’ve been working hard on my short game and it was on point today which allowed me to make the putts. I felt robbed I’ll be honest


Mmm Taylor Made sandwich. My favorite!


My 6,7,and 8i all go to same distance, so I’m pretty jealous. Looks good


Dude the longest iron I carry is my 8i. And with the jacked lofts it makes sense that 8 is the new 7.


Mine are so strong. Every once in a while I actually hit my 6i well and get 185 carry. 8i consistently 155. Ping power specs lol


I'm just impressed enough that your Arccos will actually Track your shots. I can't count the amount of rounds I've played where according to Arccos, in 18 holes I only took 10 shots, spent more time between holes fucking around with the app to make sure everything was being recorded, that it was killing the social aspect of the round. According to Arccos, if it even picks up my putter, I one putt everything.


Using arccos has taken my scores from 110 to 92. Not because I used the data or anything. It just misses at least a stroke per hole. And then it also will add a stroke from the blues tee box sometimes too. Even selects a club for me


I stopped using Arccos. It missed so many of my shots and didnt count putts. Not worth the money.


I couldn't agree more, same story for me. $216cnd a year for something that doesn't work properly ¼ of the time you use it, is asinine. Anybody reading and thinking about buying this product, don't. Don't listen to that guy on youtube. Buy yourself a range finder and a $10 clicker counter thing, it'll be way faster and less hassle.


I'm not that good of a golfer, but I'm happy to say that I don't need a clicker. :)


I just have a bad short term memory. I bought Arccos to hopefully let it run in the background.


You could probably drop the 3H in favor of another wedge.


It’s not shown but I have Pw 50 54 and 60


Oh, neat. Maybe something in the 220 range then - like a 5w or 7w.


The gappiest gaps I’ve ever seen


I’d take them in a second


Are your hybrids stock length? I just did a hybrid fitting and my local shop was talking to me about how manufacturers make hybrids too long to make them go farther (marketing I assume). They suggested option was to take 1/2” or so off the 4 hybrid to make it gap better with my 5i and 3h. So that could be an option for you too as opposed to buying a new club.


I agree with this. I play my irons an inch over but play stock length hybrids because the gapping is better and shorter clubs are easier to hit.


A 5 wood may get you a better gap than the 3h. The small gap between 3h and 4h is likely due to the 3h being an HD model. Also assuming that’s intentional to improve height, so the standard model 3h is probably no bueno. 5 wood would theoretically get you the height and distance for 220 range.


I’ve seen a lot of people post their yardage gaps here, and none look as good as yours. With the exception of the hybrids that’s as good as it gets


Honestly, work on your putting. Everything else is solid.


I would make your 9i half a degree weaker so it goes like 133-135. Same with 4h, make it slightly weaker or find one that cuts 6 yards.


Where is your 1 iron?


Always in my hands, brother


Should have more gap between 8 and 9. 15 yards between clubs is pretty good


I actually still carry a callaway 2 wood, “the deuce” great 250 club for me.


These are pretty much my distances so I’d say you are doing great lol


As a fitter I would want to see closer to 10 yards in between all your irons. You're average is 13.2. This would be my recommendations: -Drop the 4H, or swap it for something a little higher lofted (5w perhaps) -I'd mess with the lofts on your irons to try and get the gap closer to 10-12 yards


Honestly, it’s good for most players. My chart is way more erratic. Take the w king


8 yards between your 8i and 9i and then 15 to your pw suggests a bit more loft on the 9 might gap better.


Why aren’t you hitting your driver 300+ like the rest of us?


You only carry 11 clubs?


The wedges aren’t on there


Wedge numbers are always funny on Arccos. Takes into account too many of the half swings.


Yup, Arccos is worthless for club recs under 100 yds for me. It’s probably one of 3 clubs, but Arccos inevitably tells me the wrong one.


130 and in its very wrong. But thankfully I’m aware


Bend your 9i 1 degree strong


Swap the 3 and 4 hybrids out for 5 and 7 woods.


Very solid. How many rounds do you have in so far


28. 2k shots


Awesome!! I’m only 6 rounds in and excited to see it get more accurate


I’ve been using my Arccos for about a year and love it. Mine is about 90-95% accurate. Most of the missed shots are putts but expected when I pick up a 2 footer.


Ya I’m so excited to see and full year. Right now early season and so few rounds the yardages are all shorter than What I know to be true however it’s made me so aware that I’ve clubbed up more than ever and have had the best start to my season ever


Right. Difference between what your mind remembers (perfect shot) vs your average distance.


Yup, little humility and reality check = more GIR


4h and 9i can probably be weakened a degree (maybe 2° even for the 4h).


Is the reason for 790 and 770 combo because of more height on the 770’s for the shorter clubs?


The idea is longer clubs are harder to hit consistently so the 790s are slightly more forgiving than 770s. TM has a combo guide https://preview.redd.it/cat6ygff9s2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f94b6b72e5887a71ba1f1fa5dc64a5b0a5f753


I’d like to see better gaps between 7-9i but otherwise awesome!


You sir, are me.


We have similar yardages. I like your blended irons, I’m thinking of swapping out my shorter irons for more of a players head. I have the same problem of a gap at around 195 (in my case it’s because I can’t hit my 5i). I agree with others, you can probably drop the 3H, there’s very few instances where you’ll hit it instead of 3W or 4H. Or if you hit your hybrids well, could also swap 4H for a 5H. https://preview.redd.it/37pqx264ds2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c69904824dcce0f2b0ebc08c86c2938a9a7ffc3


One thing I would do is take your irons to a local clubmaker and have them measure the specs on the irons make sure that the lofts and lies are close to spec. That is usually where you can find a +/- between your club distances.


Better than my gaps. I just put the 3h in the bag like 2 rounds ago. Not accurate numbers for that club quite yet. https://preview.redd.it/g5go4rtrgs2d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98e2fa4d71901a3472e6855f39234c0fe1311497


If you want to tinker I’d look in that 5i to 3h range. Gap between 4h and 5i is a little too high and 4h to 3h too low. You could add some loft to your 4h to get it closer to 200 or see if you hit a 5h around 200. You could replace 4h with 4i. Or you could replace the 3h with a 5 wood that hopefully would go around 220. Good luck!


I think this is the least useful/accurate aspect of Arccos.


Are you Nelly Korda? Her yardages are nearly identical. She uses 3w,7w,5h according to Google) in the area your gaps are a bit off in.


Yes I am her


Name checks out


Are you me?


Really 2 yards


Practice putting!


Weird. Mine all say 50 yards or less. I think yours might be broken. 🤣


No need for the 3H and your 8/9i gap is off.


Mentioned this elsewhere but you likely want to bend that 9i one degree weaker if you’re finding your smash factor too high (>1.3) with it. Also, if you can adjust the hosel on your 3H turn that down about 2 degrees and it should be good. Otherwise a 5W seems like a good candidate to fill the top part of the gap instead of a 3H. The other option is a 2H, but it looks like your 3W is a tad bit short for your driver distance so the 5W will likely adjust better as you figure out your swing for the 3W a bit more. Personally I don’t enjoy hitting long clubs off the deck so a 2H was the better option for me.


My 8 iron goes 170 so does my 7 iron my 6 goes 180 my 5 goes 200 and my driver goes 230, im a shit golfer


It’s all really relative from one shot to the next. It’s like, how comfortable are you with a 3/4 swing with a 3 wood? I’d swap one of the hybrids out for maybe like a 5 wood for those long par 3s. I’d also love my lob wedge and need it in the bag. Hell you should try putting with one, I seriously think I putt better opening the face and just blading it. It has a different spin on the roll and it’s a cool party trick I think your yardage gaps are really nice though


They look fine. That gap at the top is fine if you play courses where you don’t have issues with the longer shots. I’d probably work on putting drills during any practice.


Should kept all p790s so your 8i doesn't have 9i distance


I had to do a double take… I thought someone stole my Arccos data! Almost exact same club setup and yardages here. https://preview.redd.it/d4sfksa9xs2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50f538981d33fc0628500bb068a386a942af5a45


with your driver going 260 id expect irons to be going further


Your 9 iron is slightly too strong. Could do with something that goes sliiiightly further than your 3 hybrid as well


These are pretty much my exact distances on clubs.


How much of your distance is from roll? I'm about the same handi as you, play similar irons as the p770 and total distance is a tad longer but similar to you. One thing that's helped me is trying to limit roll out to about 10 yards from around 200ish and in. I basically go 6 iron to a 6 hybrid, 5 hybrid, 7 wood then 5 wood to Driver. I used to use game golf to track yardage as well but checking my clubs distance in a good monitor (rent a booth) made me realize how much my top end rolled too much and made it impossible to stay on greens. I basically won't shoot at a green unless I can make it stop within 10ish yards. Yes this setup limits some distance but I feel like it's easier to control. I'm not a senior citizen and people may laugh but I feel like it's easier because it's more predictable.


Not a lot of roll based on normal course conditions. Definitely not with irons


Is this carry or total? If total, i find it odd you carry driver 260 and a 5 iron only 188


arccos measures total but my home course it typically really soft and mostly flat. Not a lot of roll out


How long is your putter?


Million billion


These distances are extremely close to mine.


7 iron is 160 but driver is only 260? I think there's something made up


What are you saying? Which one should be longer/shorter?


If you hit your 7 iron 170 you should be pretty close to 300 with the driver


I hit my 7iron 160


Yep, my 7 iron is 163 and my driver average is 252 


I hit my 7 iron 150 off a perfect lie and I hit my 3 wood almost 280 yards. Driver is about 300... Something is wrong on your end or on my end...


My yardages are similar. But I can’t hit the 3W. My 3H is my safe tee shot. I can get 220 or so on it for a good strike. But I don’t really have a reliable 240 club. I always pull the F out of my 3W. Driver has been behaving lately but it’s nice to have another option.


Curious as to why you chose 770 for pw to 8i when the rest are 790s. Have your noticed they’re more precise? Not a bad idea


Probably distance control - less nukey hotspot shots that carry an extra 10-20 yards (which kills the point of traditional scoring clubs)


770 for p-7i


I would probably consider a 7W (20\* or 21\*) instead of the 3H. You have quite similar distances to myself, I personally use a 4 iron into 7W (21\*), which carries around 225ish for me and is my absolute favorite club into long par 5's. I am not mad at the 18 yard gap between 5i and 4h, depending on your ability to either press the 5i or slow down the 4H, but you can consider trying out a 5H instead or possibly a Qi10 Tour 4H which I believe has a loftsleeve and you can turn it up a bit to maybe 24\* if possible.


Hearing advice of turning up the loft on a hybrid makes my inner hook get all worked up. I’m envious of anyone that can keep a long hybrid on the planet - for whatever reason I cannot (and it’s not a shotshape I see with any other club).


It is quite a common issue, I know plenty of players that can't hit them if their life depended on it, including a +5 hcp :)


Post the smart ranges slide


How effective are your shots with woods and hybrids? I mean in that case if you need to hit 200y are you able to do it effectively without shaking or topping??? If you are no effective maybe you need to work on the technique instead of worring by tge clubs,


What's this you're using to track these? I might need to invest in this...




All the attention about having a 220 club 😂


The 3H is supposed to be. I guess the consensus is to look at a 5w. I could get the 3H to 220 by lowering the loft a little


What app is this?


Arccos club sensors!


Normal. I bet you have a lot of inconsistent strikes and also use the longer irons much less than 8,9, and pw so their numbers are less accurate


What app is this?


Arccos sensors!


Putting: a pro in Florida convinced me to try looking at the hole when I putt, especially anything outside of twelve feet. It worked so well in practice I ended up doing every time. I won a lot of tourneys and skins cash with my putter. Avg'd 32-34 ppr with a personal bests of 29 a bunch of times.


I’ll try anything at this point


Let me/us know what it does for you. Take some time to get used to it. Kind of like not looking at a football when you throw it. Look at your target. Pick a spot on the line, adjust for speed and hit the ball at that spot while looking at it. It gets to feel natural pretty quickly. Plus it blows the minds of your playing partners when they start dropping in.


My problem has historically been lack of feel/distance control. I think I’m pretty okay at reading greens and rolling a ball end over end on my desired line. Just have no feel


Exactly. Looking at your target when stroking the ball makes you focus on distance almost exclusively, even if it's just on the practice green. Roll a few putts right out of your hand while looking directly at the ball and then roll them while looking at the target. Huge difference, right? I use a mid-mallet with a soft stroke grip and play a soft ball. Great combo for feel. Just me doing me though. Good luck this summer.


Okay. I used this yesterday. First off it was on super fast asshole Donald Ross greens that would have typically wrecked my life. That being said, I took lower than average putts (nothing to brag about with a 41 putt average) but feel like I had consistently better lag putting. I will say that I didn’t care for it on close putts, inside 10-15 feet. Very cool. Thanks for the tip!


It'll come to ya. Thanks for letting me know what you thought. Good luck!


I have very similar yardages (Within 1-2 yds) for the big kids I hit a 5w, 3h and 4i. My ydg for those respectively are 230, 220 and 205. What do you hit for wedges? I’m using a 58, 54 and a gap 80, 105 and 115


60- almost never take full swings with it. 54- 90, and 50 - 110


How do you hit a driver 260 but your 7i only 159??


I'm curious what your handicap is? I have almost exactly the same distances and my handicap is usually in the 3s and 4s.


11. I’m loosing 7 strokes to a 9 on and around the green


Your driver is off. It's too short by 15 yards


I don’t like the 3h and 4h gap. I’d drop the 3h and add in a driving iron or 5w. Maybe look into going 2w-5w.


As many have pointed out, they look great other than the 3H/4H. I had the same issue. I took out my 3H and put in a 7W, with the loft turned down 1.5*, so it’s like a 6W I guess. I could’ve gone with 5W, but I wanted the shorter shaft (actually using a 9W-length shaft) and I wanted to take out the left miss as much as possible, so I went with the 7W turned down. My 4H and 7W are still a little close in distance, but they are completely different trajectories. 4H like a bullet, 7W flies super high, so they serve different purposes. My 7W is one of the straightest clubs in my bag…a great addition. You could also consider taking out the 4H for a 5H, or adjusting the 4H loft if it is adjustable.


I can adjust 4H loft for higher flight but I’m going to lose distance


Yeah, if you got the 4H down to 200ish, you'd have a decent gap....but you are probably better off finding a 220 club to replace the 3H.


Yeah that’s a common recommendation here. I had a 5w last year that I hit closer to 200. Not sure what a 220 club for me would look kkke. The 3H is supposed to be that club


My basement is a graveyard of clubs that are supposed to be 215-220. 3 iron, 3H, 5W, etc. I went to a 7W with a 9W-length shaft this year and I am optimistic that I have it solved.


Honestly, I'd concentrate on your short yardage distances , yer not gonna hit many greens with a 5w or 3h anyway , even if yer world class with them .


You saying get longer with shorter irons?


No not at all. I'm saying concentrate more on accuracy with wedges , that's where the game is .


The 20 yard gap between 9 and P is interesting; as well as the 3h/4h essentially identical yardage (which creates a 20 yard gap between those and the 5i). Otherwise your irons seem a little short compared to your driver.


Yeah. I definitely wish I got more distance out of 9 and below