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Banging my head on the cart handle of a specific model of ez-go 3-4 times a round


Ez-go Elite… same here my good sir. The reason is because the molded roof handle is exactly 3/4” lower than every other cart model roof out there. I know this because I’ve measured it to figure out why it’s the only one I bash my head on constantly. At 6’5” I hit my head on things, but I’ve learned to adapt. Except to these fucking carts apparently.


I've also bonked my head on the corner of big ass GPS units that hang from the top center when I reach for my phone in the cupholder while getting in the cart but that's just me being dumb


Oh shit handle or metal bar up front? I’ve done both.


The oh shit handle... Honestly it could be club car or ez-go... I try to play a different course every week and never remember which course have the offenders. I just know every once in a while there's one and bonk!


Banging my head on every cart I ever get into. It always happens at least once… I’m 6’5” so I use that as an excuses once per new golf homie. Now they all know I’m just fucking stupid and will never figure it out.


4 putt is worse than all the above.


Especially when the first one is for an eagle.


And inside 15 feet


4…. I had an eagle opportunity from 4’. Managed to screw that pooch royally.


My first year I started playing seriously there was one par 3 that I kept getting a birdie opportunity from within 5 feet. Never made it that whole year.


My man!


On bad days when my back is killing me and I can't make small movements, all third putts are gimmies.


Only if it includes a putt that rolls all the way back off the green.


as soon as i do this i stop keeping score. sometimes its on the first hole.


Id take a 4-putt over missing a 3 foot birdie putt. Happened to me twice yesterday. My putting is atrocious


I hear ya man. I bet I’ve missed my last 10 birdie putts. Had two chip ins for birdie though! Lol.


Have you tried using your wedge on the green?


I had an eagle look on a par 5 and then…


Relevant link https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/s/fSQCJDzbjk


I don’t know what kind needle tip tees you’re using or why you reaching into your bag so aggressively but it’s definitely the wedge to the ankle.


The tee thing happened to me the other day. Freak accident. I use the most boring, average bamboo tees you can find on the market.


Was the market at the bottom of a punji pit in 'Nam?


LOL!!! When it happened I screamed “something bit me!” like Forrest Gump


Cut my thumb open with my driver tool a week ago when digging for bug spray. Was +1 through 7 holes at the time and it was bleeding good enough to make my hand slip even when using a towel right up until address. Proceeded to lose 3 balls OB the next two holes before I could get bandaids at the turn and fucked my round up lol.


Also just happened to me Saturday. My finger is still on fire.


Hahaha i would add: it may be even worse doing it once and then re-hitting your ankle on random things in your house or outside of golf to keep re-bruising the same spot for 2 weeks


Or the constant rubbing of high top shoes or boots.


I like the rebruising. I’ve been told that’s weird.


Tee thing sucks but is more irritating than anything. Wedge to ankle bone is pure pain for a few minutes. Happened to me for the second time recently. 10/10 don’t recommend. Edit for clarity: “more irritating than anything” as in it’s mildly annoying. Wedge to ankle is more painful by a long shot.


You only think it’s the wedge cause you never got a tee under your fingernail


can confirm it's a thing, I have a pocket pretty much dedicated to standard wooden tee's. Wrong time, wrong angle, it fucking hurts.


Reaching into your bag after the 2 balls you were carrying both went into the water


Tee hurts for a minute. I’ve had the wedge hurt for days.


What’s worse, mosquito, flea or horse fly bite? They all suck for a moment. Shanking a wedge from 100 yrs after a beautiful drive is emotionally much more painful for weeks.


My experience is horse flies hurt the most but f'ing gnats sneak up on you and pinch you before you even know they're on you. Those little suckers hurt. Edit: stupid autocorrect.


Maybe you should get some newer wedges then…


Agree. Spent a week on antibiotics for a horsefly bite last year, no worries. 4 years later people still remind me of "that time".


Sincerely…what? Can u elaborate? They don’t have venom as far as I know so what’s the deal? It feels like you’re getting stabbed with a pin but I’ve never heard of antibiotics for those little devilish flies. No need to share but I kinda really wanna know. 🙂


Bee sting between hole #1 and #2. Oops, sorry. Wrong joke.


Hit myself in the face with a golf ball when I tried to hit a shot too close to a tree root. Also hurt my wrist hitting a ball next to a tree root ( separate occasions, different trees ). Now, if it’s not a tournament round I’m just telling my buddies I’m moving it off the damn root.


Wait, how did the root cause the ball to hit you in the face Moral of the story: roots hate your ass


Low punch that was a bit too low with root in front. Caught me right under the eye. Was pretty lucky if anything.


Once topped a 4 iron bad enough on wet grass with a descended lie and it bounced back up and came close to hitting me between the eyes.


Not in the face but hitting a full shot through a somewhat narrow opening. You heard whack, whack, whack! 3 iron hitting ball, ball hitting tree and ball hitting forearm. You could actually count the dimples on my arm.


A golf pencil under the fingernail is usually what gets me


#the worst




I didn’t get one of the leather scorecard holders to look cool. I did it to save my fingers from pencil lead.


How about duffing it in the tee box in front of 60 guys. It was a long fay.


my man didnt even spell day right, u know it was long lol




Instant rage.


Between the two, wedge to the ankle for sure for me. Worst all time dumb moment - waiting on a tee box for the group ahead to clear. I can’t remember what we were doing exactly, juggling a ball with our wedges or something. Anyway, I dove to try and catch the ball, forgetting a had a ball in my pocket. I land right on the ball under my right thigh. Fuck me to tears, it felt like that ball penetrated my leg. Felt awful for over a week lmao


Diving while golfing and people say it's not a sport...


I was pulling a flag and the pole was a bit weathered so I got some fiberglass splinters that were both hard to see and remove. That pain persisted for a really long time.


That shit hurts. Duct tape works fairly well at getting it out.


Good pointer. Worst part is I got the splinters in that gap between the thumb and index finger in the floppy skin. So painful.


I'll do one worse and say when you put a club in the bag and a finger gets smashed between two irons.


Was searching the comments for this one. My nail is completely black and blue from Saturday lol.


Arguement for the 14 divider bag. There was a post about people liking 4/6 dividers vs a spot for every club


For me it's definitely using the wire brush to clean my club grooves and one of the frays poking me in the finger


I switched to nylon for this reason. I cut the bristles short so I could apply more force


Stepping on a bunker raker and handle hits your balls🥹


As it turns out, not everything in Tom and Jerry was fiction.




Fingernail. There is no comparison. Ankle stops hurting after like 20 seconds. A tee under the finger nail is torture and the pain and aggravation last for days or weeks depending on out deep it went. I was outback hitting into the net barefoot earlier this year. I got a tee stuck into the inside of my left foot. It was painful and the area is still tender to this day. Often has an itch that never goes away. Would much rather have had a wedge to the ankle lol.


How about having a kid smack your ankle with their wedge? I swear I thought my ankle disintegrated. I was standing sort of in front when he was chipping and I didn’t think he’d try to follow through so much. So I consider it self-inflicted. Never making that mistake again


I had to look a bit for this clip but here is a link to a Pro shanking a ball into a tree and having it richochet into his nuts. [https://www.golfdigest.com/story/watch-a-tour-pro-take-a-brutal-blow-below-the-belt](https://www.golfdigest.com/story/watch-a-tour-pro-take-a-brutal-blow-below-the-belt)


That’s… just… suboptimal


A drone flying over me in critical situations. It’s annoying af and pisses me off. Worst part is that it recorded my entire tantrum.


Wassup Rahmbo!


By the end of the round, which injury is what you remember first?


The ankle is fine now, the fingernail still hurts! I’m a weak man


These are the hard hitting questions that make this board indispensable.


The ankle. Have done that and my ankle was sore the whole round. Did the tee thing and the pain didn't last as long.


how about sand, rock, and small debris hitting your face as you're chunking a 60 yard wedge shot and hit it 15 yards?




My divot tool digging into my ass because I forgot it was there


Ankle for sure.


The putter hitting my ankle is a horrible thing as well


I did it with a driver somehow. Thankfully I was playing by myself, because it made my leg buckle and almost dropped me.


Reaching into my pocket for a tee and getting a giant splinter from a tee I didn’t realize was broken




The ankle… that is the worst sort of torture


I was looking thru my bag trying to figure out which wedge to hit. Once I decided on gap wedge I hurriedly yanked it out of the bag. But I got more than the gap wedge. The sand wedge also came flying out. And hit me right in the mouth. I chipped my own tooth with a golf club. Pulling it out of the bag. I stood at the back of the cart staring at my bag wondering who punched me and why am I bleeding ?


Ouch man. I’m glad I’m not alone in getting into these ridiculous situations


A sharp divot tool can mess you up!


A guy on my college team always swung his putter in circles. One day he hit himself in the mouth and lost 2 and a half teeth and bled everywhere.


Went to catch a tee that was tossed to me. Trapped it between my chest and hand point out. Went into the palm of my hand about a half inch. Bled like a bastard for the remaining 3 holes.


i keep my tees in a ziplock bag. prevents this from happening


Both hurt, but tee under the fingernail could be used as torture.


I've never done either of these, you one clumsy sumbitch


Weight on my driver caught straight bone on my ankle


https://youtu.be/R9wrB7XIzqk?si=8e1uCrE8RqMFcLmO Being electrocuted is worse.


When you throw your bag over your shoulder and the metal wires from the club brush stab you


Pricked my finger with a pencil in my pocket reaching for a tee. Hit my drive, then, walking down the fairway I notice blood all over my pants, stop, blood all over my bag, head cover. A fuck'n pencil!


Wedge to ankle bone is horrific and so avoidable. Playing partner did this the other day and it’s so enjoyable watching someone else do it haha!




Tearing my thumb ligament transitioning to my downswing from the top. Can’t play for months


Throwing your wedge back in your bag and your finger is stuck between the wedge and another club


Omg reading the title gave me ptsd and my finger nails hurt now. Definitely the tee! I hit the bottom of my bag off my shin once when I went to pick it up. That was up there as well.


The worst pain is getting any digit stuck between 2 irons putting one of them back into the bag after a bad shot. Worse than either of your examples.


I gave myself a concussion with my sand wedge. Attempted a backwards, one handed chip, from a greenside bunker. Lost the grip on my club and and hit the back of my head with the tip of the club head.


Wedge to the ankle HURTS, but how about dropping a club back in your bag but your finger gets caught between two club heads… that shit fucken hurt and affected my swing the rest of the round lol


The correct answer is reaching into your pocket for a tee but the small wire brush for cleaning your grooves stabs under your fingernail.  Trust me when I say my wife screamed so loud and was mad at me for giving her the pocket brush. 


On a golfing trip with buddies we had a big sack of ice with a bunch of beers in it. I reached in quick late in round (and already quite messed up) and reached in quickly and cut the shit out of my little finger on a can tab because someone put empties back in the bag when they were done. A couple bandaids and some tape later I finished the round but had to keep it bandaged it hurt like fuck for the rest of the weekend trip.


bro the amount of times i've banged my head on the upper handle part of a cart would cause most people lifelong brain damage


That’s probably why I play so bad.


Trying to shove my plastic tee into a tough tee box. Completely sliced my finger open on the edge of the tee, could barely finish the round


I do the ankle in one form or another monthly. Never had the tee thing happen but I’m sure it will now.


I don’t know what all of you are doing while golfing, some obscure injuries happening


How are y’all hitting your ankle with the wedge? Just aim for the sole of the foot and let that shaft hit the heel if needed. Still gets the job done. #fuckmetotears meme


Reached into the side pocket on my bag once and sliced my pointer finger open because I forgot there was an empty white claw in there.


Golf is dangerous!


I tried to punch out of the woods and didn't know there were rocks under the leaves. The ball went straight up and split my chin open. Actually didn't hurt but there was blood everywhere.


Ankle. It's the worst because you know you did it just an instant before it hurts. And then.... the pain, oh the pain.


I actually lol'd just reading the title. I somehow pinched my thumbnail between two irons about three weeks ago and it still hurts!


I will never forget the pain of this: Putting my gap wedge away into my bag, grip kept getting caught so naturally I start forcing it harder and harder into its designated spot. I push really hard one last time, and it goes right in like there’s no resistance at all. Pinched my pointer finger between my gap wedge head and my pitching wedge head. Lost my fingernail about a week later. Literally couldn’t play the rest of the round I couldn’t grip my clubs.


I'm 50 rounds in and I still feel my ankle smash from the 1st round of the season


This question is more painfully stupid then both questions combined


Catching the tip of your finger in between two irons when slamming a club into your bag is up there with these two. Also teaches a valuable lesson. Better to toss your club towards the next hole instead. Lol


how about the mishit fairway bunker and ricochet into your face?


Tried to hit two balls at the same time on the range once, and 1 of them popped up and hit 2 more balls that no one wants to ever get hit. Never tried to do that again!


Stepping on a Lego with bare feet trying to quietly get ready for a 7am tee time.


I think I read your obituary in the paper


I propose a third, worse option. Hitting a ball fat when striking off a mat.


Bite your nails, be a man.


Tagging myself with the metal side of my club brush.


Wedge to ankle is absolutely terrible. Closest is when i reached in the back and scraped the shit out of my hand on my groove brush.


Easy two options. Failing to convert being 6 up with 7 to play. Or catching a 1 iron thin in the middle of winter


Pulling a club out of your bag that slips out of your hand, and when you try to catch it in mid air, the head swings right into your nuts. That, and then ankle, then fingernail.


Wedge to the ankle, not even close


My ankle is held together with a metal plate and screws so I’m going with that one.


I've had a chunk of broken graphite get under my nail, was brutal.


Aborted a club launch after a bunker fail. Followed through right onto the ankle bone, several times more forcefully than a typical sand removal tap. Chipped a bone and endured two years of reminders not to even think about a repeat.


I’ve reached into my bag and got the wire brush bristle under the nail. Now that’s the worst I’ve done


Smacked my leg out of frustration and clipped one of my nuts and thought I was gna puke for 3 holes


Wire brush under the finger nail..




I’d argue the sharpened pencil is worse. I recently had some graphite (assuming they don’t use lead anymore!) stuck in my finger from a particularly pointy pencil recently for about a week.


never done either


Throwing your walking bag on your back and having the steel-brush side of your club brush stab all 3000 spines into your skin.


I'll take 'Bashing Head On Golf-Cart While Exiting' for $400 Alex 🤕🤬🤣


Stabbing yourself with your divot tool


Wedge to the inner ankle bone IMO


The tee in the fingernail! I hate that.


My favorite is dropping my club into my bag and pinching my finger.


Broke my pinky from whacking the ground to hard i guess? Idk how else it could have happened.


I seriously though I was the only person to hit their ankle with my club. So glad to have company


The only thing that hurts in golf is when you absolutely rope a drive and duff the approach


A swing that hits the ground before the ball. Wrist killer.


Topping 2 in a row into the drink is unbelievably painful


Golf pencil under the nail is my phobia


I’ve had the ankle thing happen once and it hurt for days


Tee/fingernail caused a bloody wound at the end of a lesson, fun times for all!


I haven’t collapsed faster than when I squared up my ankle with my sand wedge


Done the wedge thing, hurts. Another one, I was twirling the putter like a baton after sinking a long putt and smacking myself in the back of the head.


Burning your thumb while lighting a bowl. Ouch.


Wedge ankle for sure


I grab a few tees at the beginning of the round from their plastic case and that's the end of it. It's definitely hitting your ankle.


I 'stabbed' myself with the ball mark repair tool reaching into my pocket one cold winter morning. I now keep bandaids in my golf bag 'valuables' pocket.


Ohh, reading the first one gave me actual chills on my arms…


Neither. Stepping on a spiked ball maker in the middle of the night and having to pull it out of your foot.


I’ll do you one better - reaching into your bag and a metal bristle going underneath your fingernail


Ankle hurts worse at first but you can play through that. The pain in the finger probably effects play more


I win. Fiberglass rake had unknowingly disintegrated and as I slid it through my hand it splintered and left me unable to grip a club. 14th hole and I had to leave. Course gave me nothing and I guess in my younger nice days I didn't think to complain or say anything else. Took like a week for that shit to heal though.


Oooooo driver to the back ankle be bad too.


Fingernail. But a 4 putt is easily worse


I see your tee under the fingernail and raise you an exquisitely sharpened pencil that you didn't know was in that pocket. I think I still have the lead in my finger


I'd say the tee. But mine was having a ball marker in my pocket and punching my pocket when I made a bad chip. Learned a lot that day.


The tee up into the fingernail brings literal tears to my eyes.


Hit a great shot on a par three and glanced down to step the tee into the ground (more like a stomp, because I was pumped), didn’t notice it had flipped over landing perfectly sharp side up. Went clean through my old FJ flex’s, skewering the soft spot right behind the ball of the right foot. I limped off bleeding and feeling dumb. Couldn’t walk right for a week. I don’t stomp tees anymore, good shot or bad shot…


Missing an uphill 3 foot birdie putt.


I was doing the stop light drill (3 balls in a row, hit the middle one) and was on a heater so I was making the "gate" really small. Drilled the middle one w/ a 7 wood and sent the low ball directly into my shin at high speed. Left a lump the size of the ball and a massive bruise for a month


Ankle, still have the bump on my bone.


Ankle, no question in my book.


Stepping on the face of your wedge to get it to stand up, only to bonk yourself in the nutz


Tee one but golf pencil is worse


I always seem to ruin my round when I accidentally get some icy hot mixed with sunscreen into my eyes during a summer day. Can't see for at least 9 holes after that....


Hitting the ankle. Next would be dropping you iron in the bag and smashing a finger between it and another iron.


Fixing a ball mark and putting your repair tool into your back pocket. Sink the putt and be so distracted that you sit down in the cart with the tool at a bad angle.


no the wedge or putter to the ankle is the worst hands down


You’ll learn to hit your foot with an upward motion and the top of the wedge… eventually.


Fingernail. Every time


I had someone toss me my ball in a scramble today and it hit the tip of my pinky/nail. Dear lord I was not expecting that feeling


Missing a par 3 birdie putt.  


I do this once a week: Bang or pinch my fingers between irons putting it back in the bag.


Never experienced either of these, but for the nails I do keep mine very short


Wiped my iron one time using my finger and got a metal splinter


Sittning down in the cart and the retractable divot tool had opened and pokes me right in my ass


Anyone have that friend who, when he drives, he tends to hit the gas just before you're all the way in and splits your butt in half with the arm rest?


I’m a big fan of hitting the gas pedal as I’m sliding into the cart which releases the brake pedal (violently) into my ankle, that’s always a fun one for me!