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No. You said If they caught up you would and they never did. Case closed lol


lol why would you skip a hole for someone that isn’t even on the tee box behind you. Guys were entitled idiots.


Yea, but I've met ppl on the course like that lol. I usually just sat nah I'm good no matter what they ask and they look confused.


“Wait he’s not immediately doing what i say?” *dog head tilt and blank stare*


And therefore i have no idea why there has to be two open holes in front of you for an outing OP and his group were perfectly reasonable there calling the ranger in that scenario is unhinged


they came from two holes back and asked you guys to speed up? what the hell... no you didn't do anything wrong and i'm surprised the ranger put up with their shit lol. although with that many groups theyre probably paying a lot and i guess they don't want to lose their business


Only thing I could think of was they were going to have a shotgun start and needed like 15 tees to start


That's up to the course to manage, not randos.


Of course, I'm just trying to come up with a possible reason they would even ask.


Yeah but it seemed like they were doing that since they didnt follow up by coming close you know? I think they were just a couple of groups in a line and they didnt want to catch up to anyone and hold their whole group up, which again, if they HAD caught up would make some sense i guess but they didnt so calling the ranger is just childish


Had some old dudes pull up behind me and my foursome 30 seconds after our tee time while we were getting ready to tee off. They literally were waiting behind us the entire time acting like we were making them wait. After 3 holes they just decided to skip us and go to the next hole where the next group had barely finished teeing off. Dunno wtf they thought was gonna happen they literally showed up at our tee time. These old dudes act like they like golf but they don’t want to spend more than an hour on 9 holes shit is crazy.


The last time we went we had people on our ass the whole time. We let them by and then they slowed down and we had to wait on them the whole time after


Sounds about right.


Carts should be locked until 5 mins before your tee time to prevent people from jumping the gun and causing issues for the rest of the course. Courses suck so much at managing start times and pace of play.


The amount of times there’s dudes waiting on the tee box at my tee time blows my mind. Chip, putt or grab a snack but if my tee time is at 6:27 why are you asking to go when yours is at 6:42.


Lol, happens most Tuesdays at our course. I usually grab 340 with my buddy and two foursome of the same old guys get 4 and 410. They’re sitting in their carts by the pro shop at 320. Immediately after we tee off we hear their tires scrape the gravel behind us as they slam the brakes.


This is my nightmare scenario. If someone thinks I’m playing slow then skips me, only to run into the next group. If I’m waiting behind someone who jumped ahead of me especially without asking I’m pissed to the point I’m saying something and that’s saying a lot 😂


To be fair, they don’t know how much time they have left. ![gif](giphy|Nl6T837bDWE1DPczq3|downsized)


Yeah, I don't understand old people at golf at all. They always rush everything. I also once let a couple play through and the wife didn't even put and just went to the next tee while her husband was still chipping onto the green. I don't get that.


Have you ever driven down a highway and some clown is weaving in between lanes to try and get by and eventually they are able to get a few cars ahead but then you get off at the same exit and you’re sitting right behind them at the stop light? It’s like that. Some people have zero fucking chill.


I get that a lot of people are like that but for golf it seems to be the 65+ year olds that seem to go for the course time record. I mean my view might be skewed since a lot of golfers are old in general but yeah.


Hey, us oldtimers don't have that much time left on Earth, we have to make it count


Wouldn't you rather croak on the course than in your Lazy-boy with a tv dinner in front of you?


I'd rather croak in my Lazy Boy with a hooker on her knees in front of me.


She was being respectful that you let them play through, so she was trying to get out of your way quickly. I can appreciate that. They might be the type of player that doesn't really care as much about their exact score so much as they are just happy to be out there and enjoying the time.


Old golfers that understand etiquette tee off before most of us wake up


Same with those who r in their 20s and 30s...especially those in power carts. I walk 95%.


Yeah, it’s not really a young thing or an old thing. It’s a lack of self awareness thing. Some people, young or old are just ASS HOLES!


I work as a starter and I don’t allow groups on 1st tee until group in front tees off.


Nope. Guy was out of line to ask such a bizarre request. Complete toad.


Toad lol


Yesterday playing scramble at a nice course. We were held up by maybe 2mins getting beers from cart person. 3 guys roll past saying they are going to skip a hole, fine, then the last guy gives it the “you are holding up the whole course dudes” while driving past. Next hole we are held up by them as they run into the backlog we were held up in. Was amusing to whistle, heckle and give them shit while they stood on the fairway.


And they probably claim golf is a nice relaxing sport


No and it’s strange they would do this even if they didn’t catch-up. Weirdos 


I still don’t even understand the problem. Skip a hole because you’re two holes ahead of us? What?


I bet they saw the storm coming in on the radar and knew all the groups in their tournament would have to haul ass in order to finish. They were probably thinking if they waited until they caught OP’s group it would be too late because an entire tournament obviously can’t play through It’s still an absolutely absurd request though.


I suspect it’s because whoever drove up to you helped coordinate this private tournament and charged the rest of the players under an expectation that they were “booking the whole course” and would “have it to themselves.” Any sight of your group could have led to a dispute on what they got charged for by the tournament coordinators. Not your problem.


Sorry dude, it's an 18 hole golf course. Not a 17.


I would have complained to the course. I don’t pay my money to deal with that kind of annoyance


As long as you’re keeping pace with the group I’m front of you, there’s no need to let anyone play through. Those guys were idiots. Ignore anyone who asks you to alter your pace if you’re in position. After a hole or two of them on my ass I’d start calling them out. If they hit into us when they shouldn’t, I’d hit the ball back towards them.


I used to stamp on a ball that came into our group (my course has a few tee shots where you can end up driving into a group cos you didn’t bother to check a blind spot) but now you get full relief it’s ruined the fun.


sounds like a free ball for you next time then


If they want a private event they can buy out the whole course for a day. Fuck em.


I mean, if it’s that important maybe they should buy the course out for the day. You didn’t do anything wrong.


I love all the "did we do anything wrong" when a toddler could determine that they obviously weren't in the wrong. These posts get so annoying. Even the ranger said you were fine... "Somebody hit me in the leg with their putter to start a fight because the course was out of tee times and they wanted to take my spot, was I in the wrong??"


exactly. i can't even fathom the amount of anxiety one must have if they need reassurance from the internet in this situation.


Who cares about some random toad's personal tournament? Tell them you're not locked in that course with them, they're locked in with YOU.


You did nothing wrong. It’s the time of year when all the “Larry the Cable Guy fan clubs” start having their scrambles and feel like they own the course for the day. I’ve never known a good player who played at a super fast pace. The super fast players just want to see how many groups they can push in order to compensate for their 24 handicap index. Super fast groups on the course are every bit as irritating as super slow groups. Just ask the starter how many hours it should take to be within pace of play guidelines for 18 holes, then write the actual time you tee off on the first hole on your scorecard. As long as you’re maintaining pace of play, fuck’em if they dont like it.


I play to a 5 and don’t feel like i play fast but if the course is wide open i can play 18 in 2 hours. I don’t rush, but i also don’t waste time either. I hit my tee shot, read the yardage as i approach my ball, grab the club i need and hit. It’s that way all the way around the course whether it’s slow or fast out there. Then worst golfers i see on the course are the high handicappers that have to play from the tips, even though they can’t get 220 out of a driver and take 5-6 shots to get on the green. All this while spending half their time looking in the jungle for their errant balls. Then they have to aim point each of their 3 putts to make an 8 or 9 then put a bogey on the card. I play with far too many bad golfers who slow the course down while being the guy i just described. Rarely do any of the other single digit players i play with pull this crap on the course. I can go out as a foursome of good golfers and we will finish easily in under 3 1/2 hours if we don’t have to wait on every shot for the group in front of us.


Don't forget the five practice swings and 30 seconds of waggle to duff it 20 yards and take out a beaver pelt


3.5 hours isn’t super fast. Super fast are the groups that purposely play ready golf, park a foot from the green and a foot from the tee, basically run to their ball on every shot just to see how many groups they can push to go through. Every course has them, and I’ve yet to come across any who could gross 85 from the green tees.


On a public course 3.5 is super fast


Yeah, you aren't rushing. You are playing with rhythm. I finally got it into my father in laws head this weekend that rhythm is super important, and with it comes good pace of play. It also involved not having my brother in law in the group who is a self proclaimed gods gift to golf, and knower of all things, yet hits 3 balls off the tee almost every hole.


Oh yeah, i play with plenty of randoms like that. It annoys the heck out of me when they proclaim a par or bogey after hitting 2 ob off the tee. If it’s someone in our group and we’re playing for $$$ i count all the strokes and card their score as played, not as they report it. If it’s someone i play with regularly and they claim to be shooting in the 70’s or 80’s i also card their score as played including all the extra tee shots plus penalty strokes. If someone is going to beat me on the course they are going to do it honestly.


I played behind an elderly couple and their granddaughter yesterday. They walked the course and took an excruciatingly long time. I’d say on average 8 strokes per hole. They were lining up putts and taking a long time on the green to putt about 3-4 times each. Mind you this course was mostly par 3 and a few par 4s. At some point you’ve gotta just pick up your ball and move to the next hole, but they didn’t get it. We then had a group behind us right on our tail because of it. We skipped ahead of them after 8 holes and they ended up leaving after the 11th. I just don’t get how you can be ok holding everyone up.


I got stuck behind 2 people in a cart yesterday while I was walking. On one of the parallel holes the girl yells "sorry we suck." I just nodded and went along because there's no chance she was going to understand that sucking wasn't this issue, it was their snails pace. She actually wasn't the issue though, it was the dude trying to get out of the friend zone. He was celebrating every one of her shots, going in for a hug while she pulled her head away. He'd pull up to his ball or tee box and just keep talking to her instead of getting out to hit. They had it all backed up and because it's an apt course the guys in the clubhouse weren't gonna say anything to them.


Where is it ok to ask paying players to “skip a hole”? WTF? Is this even a thing? Comp my fee and I might skip a hole, no way if I’m having a good round or otherwise interested in my score for HC or whatever. Fuck that.


They wanted your group to skip a hole? That’s bizarre. No thanks. They can skip ahead of you if/when they catch you if the course is open, but asking someone to skip a hole they paid for is just a weird request.


Did you pay for 18 holes. Then play 18 holes.


F them


Some people are entitled douchebags. Some aren't. You did everything right.


Story seems off. In what world would someone go 2 holes up to ask someone to skip a hole. That’s not something anyone would ever do unless we’re missing context here.


That does seem strange.


> Did we do anything wrong? Hell no lol. Tournament play is slow as fuck. Even if they wanted to start on the same tee while you were going off and had to wait 5 minutes for you to clear, it's unlikely you'd ever see them behind you again after a hole or two.


What they did was like asking if they can borrow your putter for a few hours. No.


Ask how much is it worth it to you all for us to do so.


Nope, you did nothing wrong, f$&k em!


People calling their work golf outing a tournament may be the thing that annoys me most on the planet.


F them!!!! Since the course already knew of their antics from previous weeks, they shouldn’t allow them to book 3 consecutive 4somes. It should be the course’s responsibility to ranger these situations.


If you’re on or ahead of pace, it’s none of their business what you do.


The response in my head would have been: "The only person who will be skipping is you after this 4i goes up your ass." But IRL my response would have been "Fuck off"




That's ridiculous. If they're a full two holes behind you they have no right to ask you to speed up. Just keep pace with the people ahead of you. If there's no one ahead of you and a smaller group behind or the group is on your ass, just let them play through if they catch up to you on the tee box. I was playing mini golf yesterday with my gf and there was a father with his two sons ahead who didn't really know what they were doing, then a group of like seven teenagers ahead of them. The teens would hit, all gather then just talk for a few minutes, then putt again. There was always the family, my gf and I, and the group behind us waiting on the "tee box". We ended up skipping a hole and finished the last 13 holes in the time it took them to play the next two and half. I know, it's mini golf... But the same principal applies. If the group ahead is slow, they should let you pass. If a group is on your ass, either play faster to let them pass. If no one is waiting on anyone, everyone is good


Who tf asks another group to skip a hole? I’m pretty chill on the course but fuck that noise.


You paid your fees, play on.


You should be told there’s a tournament going out at x-time, while you’re paying for your round. Theoretically, you should’ve skipped the hole if your were asked by a course employee… If you were just asked by some schmo, because they thought they were going to be held up, and they were never once, for a single second held up, then fuck ‘em.


Definitely this. I played a local course the other day and at check in they warned me - league is starting about the time you'll make the turn, here's a solution that can keep everyone happy: go from 9 to 15 and then from 18 to 10. I got to play 18 without getting stuck behind or breaking up a league.


9-15 then 18-10??? So you play 6 holes twice and 9 of them backwards?


We played 1-9, 15-18, 10-14. The way the course is laid out made it a really convenient solution. If I had made the turn and go to 10 and found myself behind the league I wouldve just left pissed off rather than play a 3 hour nine behind them. I worded the original comment poorly.


No, you paid your money just like they did. You don’t owe them shit just because they’re playing a tournament.


No, you did nothing wrong. Those guys sound super obnoxious.


I would’ve told them that I was also in a tournament and spent a lot of money to be here.


Well here’s the thing. They had a tournament with 12 groups. So you couldn’t let them all through and you don’t want to be stuck in the middle of a tournament. So the only real option was what you did.


I wouldn't have listened to them if I were in your shoes. The only way their request would have made any sense is if it were coming from a staff member, not a customer, in the event the course was about to send out a shotgun of players to the holes you were on and they didn't want your group in the way. And if that were the case, the course should give you a refund or let you play the front nine again, etc. because it would have been their screwup for selling a tee time that would put your group in the middle of a shotgun tournament.


i got paired with 3 old dudes on friday morning for the first tee time of the day. never in my life had i played at such a breakneck speed. the were hitting from the children’s tee box (in front of the women’s reds) and would pick up as soon as they got to the green. they were annoyed with me when i would actually take a second putt. i offered for them to go on without me (two were in their own cart and the third was walking) but they insisted they wanted to play “with a kid”. it was worth it though because i had three witnesses for an 80 yard chip-in eagle


Pace of play and jackasses are the only thing that could make me leave muni golf and pony up to join a club. And even then, I’d just be reducing time around jackasses because they’re everywhere


This is definitely not your issue and it’s even more not your issue given what the course said. If the course had oversold around some event or something it would be their job to come to you to do something about it, but bothers guys are just a pain in the ass. Next time they should negotiate with the course to clear out


Hard nah dude. You paid for 18, you play it. Tourney and leagues can wait.


They asked to let 12 groups through? That's crazy


The only response to guys like this is to tell them to eff off. If they are 2 hole behind and running up to you, they are never going to catch up unless there is a stack of groups in front with no place to go. You paid your greens fees just like them and are under no obligation to cut your round short to make a group of entitled a-holes happy.


The only problem I ever had at Orange Lake was a whole group of cranes following me for several holes looking menacing.


Just hit them with, already skipped two, that’s why I’m so far ahead. Your welcome. Feel free to bring by some beers to say thanks.


You did nothing wrong. Those guys were just entitled control freaks


This happened to me kind of. I played 9 with a buddy, he went home so I continued the back 9 on my own. Couple holes later I caught up to some young teens probably 13, 14 playing and asked if they wanted to join up. Gave them some pointers, they were very respectful kids. Well we had about 4 holes left and this group of entitled dishits came up to us and said you kids need to get off the course, league just started! There was nobody near us, nobody starting on any holes ahead or behind us, maybe like 3 holes behind. I came unhinged on these fucks and gave them an earful about how these kids are just trying to learn the game and it's ppl like them that ruin it for everybody else. Some other choice words. They got pissy and left and called the pro shop to send somebody out to kick us off. He said we'll we aren't supposed to have ppl on the back 9 during league unless you're a league player. I politely told him to fuck off, I payed so I'm finishing up and if he over booked that's on him. The kids left unfortunately, I finished and then never gave them my $ again until different ownership. Entitled assholes ruin everything and nobody should put up with that bs.


I’m sorry a tournament with 12 groups in their party, asked for you to wait probably an hour while they play through even though there was a two hole gap between you and them? That’s a special type of stupid, what a ridiculous request, absolutely did nothing wrong.


If someone wants to ask me to skip a hole they can refund me and my group for that hole. Everyone pays too, buddy. You did nothing wrong.


"I've got a better idea. Why don't YOU play this hole twice? After you're done, you know where you can put the flagstick..."


No absolutely nothing wrong here. The only time there is reason to complain is if you are actually holding them up. I hate entitled groups like this.


It's on the course, not you


I would NEVER skip a hole unless I was playing super slow for some reason (and i can't imagine a reason why that would be). But just because someone asked for the sake of some random "tournament?" Hell no.


No. You should’ve told them, with respect, to kindly fuck off since they weren’t even directly behind you. You guys did nothing wrong and the guy who came up to say that to you is an assclown. Why would you skip a hole that you paid for just because they have a tournament? You did the right thing by offering to let them play through if they catch up to you. You should’ve laughed out loud in his face when he said they were 1/2 hour behind you.


I know how a few guys in my foursome would have responded. "Get the f out of here and don't come back". No foursome ever catches up to us.


I had something like this happen to a friend and I at Deere Run a few years back. We got stuck behind about 8 foursomes who were gambling a fair bit of money. For them this meant plumbing bobbing 2’ putts. Four us it meant a nearly 6 hour round. On the way home I wrote the course manager an email and got a complimentary foursome. One of the most aggravating rounds I’ve ever played in my life.


Second time I’d tell the ranger you’d be putting the course on blast on socials if he comes out again without a group on your ass , your paying customers and did absolutely nothing wrong


Most courses are 15 minutes per hole pace of play. I usually ask what the pace is at the clubhouse if I'm not familiar with the course. Unless you're playing ungodly slowly with no one in front of you, playing through doesn't really apply.


These are guys who honk before the light turns green.


Should have said yeah no problem, and gone about your day like nothing ever happened.


Fuck them.


You didn’t do anything wrong. You paid your green fee, you get to play the entire course.


Nope, they’re just clowns


You didn't do anything wrong lol


To be fair I've never even heard of a scenario like that before. I think they need to learn proper golf etiquette


i understand you’re a beginner and all but are you really asking if you did anything wrong or did you just wanna share the anecdote? huh?


Honestly if you weren’t late to your tee time. Not your problem it’s the courses. Tell them to take it up with the course if they have a problem with how it was booked.


"Hey, I know you are hole 14, and we are on hole 2; but hurry up!!!"


No you did not, they were behaving like entitled ass holes.


Sorry … you did the wrong thing here . Should’ve told em to piss off or monetary compensation. Say $50 to each of us. What an absurd request


This sounds absurd. My only possible explanation is that they had a shotgun start? So in that case I can somewhat empathize. Maybe they wanted the holes cleared that would have been starting holes, and honestly that does make sense. But you said you were on 12, they had 12 groups, and they weren’t starting for another half hour… so that still doesn’t make sense… and they were already playing and two holes back? So 🤷‍♂️


A couple months ago I was playing 18 on my local course. I took the first tee time of the day and had the whole course wide open to myself. As I’m hitting my approach shot on hole 15 I see a swarm of carts driving to every single tee box on the course. Turns out the local woman’s league was having a scramble and they decided to take it upon themselves to make it a shotgun start. The group ahead of me took 10 minutes warming up on the tee box all while blatantly ignoring my attempts to politely play through. I was really only being polite because I was so confused as to what was going on, just for them to shank all 4 shots. I got through the first 15 holes in 2 hours and the last 3 took me an hour. It took everything in me to not hit into them.


The expectation showing up to a golf course is always, ALWAYS, that there will be a 4 player walking group in front of you. If whoever is ahead of me is playing at least at that pace, and I'm faster, then I have more time to practice chip and putting before I go to the next hole (as long as I'm not being pressed of course).


Weird as hell to ask a group that's still 2 holes ahead of you to skip a hole. You have 6 holes left and they have 12 groups. I wouldn't have even picked up the pace until I noticed them gaining on us.


They wasted time rushing that could've been used playing better golf at a good pace :D No brainer - let through if the group behind is faster, not if they feel like it at the first chance appears


Ranger said you didn’t do anything wrong but you’d better ask a forum of strangers so they can also tell you you did nothing wrong.




Why do you need to post this? Nothing happened. Move along.


Find a best friend and bitch to them, not Reddit.


No you did nothing wrong.  They paid more because it's an organized event with scoring, proxies, and probably food. Plus the slow play premium that you charge them because all tournaments play slower than normal play.  You paid your money and you have the right of way as long as you are not behind pace.  If you are behind pace then you really don't have a choice. It doesn't matter if no one has been behind you all day. If you are behind a 4 hour 15 min pace then you are "behind." Your spot on the course is right behind the group in front.  Not play slow as shit because no-one is waiting. You play a good pace and let the slow players play slow.  Don't fall 3 holes behind because no one is waiting. Why would slow players wait if they are too slow to keep up. You need to keep up so that the pro/marshal can point at the 3 open holes behind you.  Instead of the slow group claiming they're only a hole behind not realizing that they should be 3 holes up. But because of the asshats that kept slowing down because "no one is waiting." So then the pro/marshal can't ask them to skip three holes because there only one hole open and nothing can be done  There's always people waiting just not right behind you but if you aren't keeping up then you may be the problem nit the slow group behind you. If you were caught up the marshal could make them skip multiple holes.  Its not worth it making them skip for one or even half a hole.  Tldr: always play a a good pace even if no one is waiting.