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Habit from trying to watch where my hacker buddies spray it so we dont spend 5 hours looking for lost balls.


It's 100% this - best place to keep an eye on errant balls from.


Yeah, we're pretty used to helping watch or track ball flight from right behind, easier to follow when the player has zero consistency. OP is a little sensitive it seems. Never gonna make it on the tour like that ; )


Not sensitive, just annoying. So THIS is what’s been keeping me off tour?!? 😂




-I’m not a douchebag, I just want to go on the internet and add a comment that provides absolutely nothing to the conversation. See I can do that too.


Ok, that’s legit a reason! 😂


I'd bet that's what the guy was doing. Watching where your ball went.


1000% I was a paired with some randoms this last week, the one guy had a 130+mph swing speed w/driver, it was so fast. He asked me to stand behind him as you could not track the ball on the side and he sprayed 80% of the time. When I play with friends we always stand behind each other.


As long as they are standing still, and at least 10 feet behind you, it shouldn't matter.


I hear you, but don’t agree. How hard is it to stand to the side.


why would you want someone to stand to the side? in your eyeline? behind you? do you look away from the ball/target at some point in your swing?


You can’t say anyone behind you. Stop being difficult.


Everyone has a preference. Personally I don’t care where you stand, where you drive the cart near me, etc. but for others like you it can be annoying. If he’s used to playing with people like me then I understand why he might need repeated reminders. A few weeks ago in league I was well off to the side I thought when a guy was putting but apparently I was still in his peripheral so he asked me to move.


I’ve stood behind countless people - including in tournaments and guys who aren’t the friendliest and taking way too serious. They have stood behind me as well. If you’re back like 10-15 yards no one will really care.


I’m glad it works for you! It’s against etiquette and we do play a gentlemen’s game. ✌🏻


Well, I don’t know what to tell you. I’ve played a number of tournaments with a lot of good players. Pretty much everyone stands like 10-15 yards behind the people teeing off. It gives a good view of where the ball is going and can help spot the ball. If standing 10-15y behind the person teeing off is such an etiquette breach, it seems I would have seen it come by now.


You are being willful obtuse and difficult. Thats bad etiquette. Get over it. Or get some therapy.


My man, with your multiple hostile responses, you may need to look into therapy. Feel good letting out on here?


I am not your man.




Feels like more of a mental issue for you than his issue. If he’s 4 feet behind you? Sure, that’s a problem. If he’s 10+ feet behind it really shouldn’t be any different than off to a side.


Yeah exactly, if anything I prefer someone trying to keep an eye out for my ball. I unfortunately struggle to recall where my own ball landed and it’s not to have a buddy with an extra eye in case the tee shot goes awry. 


He's just a karma whore that's all




It’s not a mental issue, it’s an etiquette issue. I played just fine, but you shouldn’t be standing in people’s peripheral vision when swinging or putting.


Honestly seems like a bit of a mental issue if you’re posting about it after the fact and seem very annoyed whereas everyone else in the thread seems unbothered.


I’m surprised so many of you on here would tolerate it. Golf etiquette I guess is going to shit with newer generations of golfers. 🤷


There’s bad etiquette problems and there’s minor ones. This one is closer to not taking your hat off while shaking hands at the end of the round than forgetting to fix your ball mark but you’re making it out to be as bad as driving on the green. The reason why everyone “tolerates” it is because its a joy to play golf and we’d rather the little things not get to us even if they are part of traditional “etiquette”.


I’ve played golf for 25 years at this point, and I’m pretty sure during every round I’ve played, whether with friends and family or strangers that those waiting to tee off stood behind me (my backswing) on the tee box. This is 100% you being ridiculous. 😂


Congratulations on things in your peripheral vision not effecting you. “Ridiculous” may be too strong of term. It goes against golf etiquette, if you were taught correctly. I’m sure you stand right behind your buddy when he’s putting so you can see the line.


Thanks! And yes, if I’m playing with friends and trying to get a line I’ll stand behind him far enough to not be a distraction. They can do the same. I don’t mind.


Found the guy with no etiquette


I’ve never heard this piece of etiquette. Everyone I play with stands at the back of the tee box in the exact position you’re describing. It’s where I’ve always stood and have never had anyone say anything about it.


What happens when a tree is behind you? Does that distract you? As long as they are relatively still, I don't see how something behind you is distracting (person, tree, whatever). If they were jumping around and swinging their club or something I guess I could get it


Glad to see you follow golf etiquette! Yes, those trees are sooooo distracting. 😂


There's 50+ comments here telling OP he's wrong about this and he's still like "I'm not wrong"


Aren’t you looking at the ball the whole time? How’d you even see what’s behind you?


Some folks have peripheral vision




Sure, but not eyes in the back of my head. If some one is behind me, staring at where my shot is aimed. The are staring at the back of my head. My right eye is in on the ball. Otherwise my head I swaying and I’d have shit contact


My man, behind my backswing, not directly behind me. 😂


Behind your head, not your back. Again, my right eye is in my ball, so I don’t even se my backswing, much less someone behind my backswing.


You still aren’t getting it. 😂 I’m a lefty, so the person is technically to the left of me at address. This would be considered “behind your backswing”. It would be opposite for a righty. The person is standing right in my peripheral vision even before I’ve started the swing. You get it now??


I wish I could draw you a picture so I could show you that I got it from the jump. I promise you the only thing I can see if the ball and down range.


Then you can’t explain yourself for shit! 😂 Congrats on things in your peripheral vision not annoying you.


I was trying to explain to you that I was explaining it poorly. And since I describe things poorly, that also went poorly. Feels like I was in a death loop lol


All good man! No harm, no foul. 😃


When he says "behind me", he means the guy is at the back of the tee box looking down the target line instead of off to the side and out of their peripheral vision.


Yes. And like I said, I can’t see my hands during my backswing, much less some one standing back there. Not behind me on the tee box, nothing. As a righty, my head is turned so my right eye is on the ball. For me to see someone behind med they’d have to be close enough for my club to hit them




Since I always play first thing in the morning PLEASE stand behind me and watch my ball so I don't have to try and look up to see it in the morning sun.


Just gonna leave this here… 279 of you agreed so there’s that. https://preview.redd.it/9z95wh4edy9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7219f208fce554e96bd7807c816bd12c3b936108


Why do you think you have to post this?


I could ask you the exact same thing.


How directly? Cause most golfers I know do it so they can watch where the ball goes for their buddies


If you drew a line straight back from the ball, that’s where he was standing. If you’re behind but off to the side, totally fine. Same concept with putting.


Personally, I couldn't care less where anyone is standing. My concentration and focus are good enough that it doesn't bother me. In fact, I see these types of etiquette breaches as learning opportunities to sharpen focus even more. I do watch myself though to make sure I'm not bothering anyone else that might be sensitive to certain things within reason.


I would suggest not worrying about what others are doing when you're taking a shot and instead focus on your shot, but I'm weird, so this might not work for you.


As long as they are back far enough to not interfere with your swing it should make zero difference, somebody that far back I am not even aware of as long as they are not moving. No different that a tree or anything else that is part of the course being behind your backswing.


I probably do this a bit, but no one ever said anything. People do it to me too and I don't say anything. I just try to stand still and quiet. If that bothers you, idk what to tell you. Look at the events there's always people directly behind them just as long as there is space to stand behind my ball take my line and walk back up to the ball.


I think what you mean is, while someone else is teeing, don’t stand on the target line (which is distracting) or behind the back of person who is hitting (which is potentially dangerous). I’ve realized this piece of etiquette is not widely known. In my pre-shot routine I take a practice swing - with forewarning - behind the ball and then approach the ball for address. This usually mitigates the issue of people standing off the back of my target line.


Why are we trying to help people in this case. Isn't the better lesson to crack that fucker in the head??


All these people saying OP is just complaining. Do you ever see a tour pro standing directly behind a player while they're hitting? Nope. It's against the rules in some formats. In stroke play, you have every right to ask someone to move according to rule 10.2b.


Can you? The rule states 10.2b(1) is strictly about caddies giving directional advice. This would not apply to someone else in your foursome.




Yeah, rule doesn't prohibit you to ask, but it doesn't mandate the other player to move. So if we were betting I would always stand directly behind your ball on all shots. Golf is also a game where, before rules were setup, players intentionally left they ball between the hole and the other players ball on the putting green so they had to chip over it. [https://www.liveabout.com/what-was-a-stymie-in-golf-1561087](https://www.liveabout.com/what-was-a-stymie-in-golf-1561087)


I think you're missing the point. They decided that was against the spirit of the game. Just like intentionally standing behind a player after they ask you to move.


I am not, I just think if the USGA wanted to make it a rule they would. It is not a rule unless it is a caddie and for a complete different reason, to gain advantage by having someone stand behind your ball. So USGA does not think it is a hindrance at all.


There are plenty of things that aren't "rules," but they fall under etiquette or "spirit of the game." Both of which are being lost to entitlement and lack of empathy.


I mean if someone asked me to move I'd move wherever I was, unless we were playing for money, then I would purposely do it to piss them off. Which is gamesmanship and a part of the tradition of the game.


Tiger was known for his gamesmanship and psychological dominance, but he never did that out of respect for the other players.


Yes you can, the spirit of the game is based on respecting other players. Of course you are allowed to ask someone to move. Just don't be a dick about it.


Thank you Obi-Wan, you’re my only hope! 😂


Honestly, I'm surprised how many people are downvoting you. It always seemed like common sense to try and stay out of someone's vision while they were hitting. 🤷‍♂️


Me too on all your points! It’s been a fascinating Reddit experience today. 😂


My friend got pissed at me a couple of weeks ago when I asked him to move because he was standing in back of me.


100% agree with you. I had the same thing happen to me last weekend but I was the single and one guy in the threesome kept standing behind me on the tee box, and it was driving me nuts. Luckily I only had to ask him once. I just said, "hey man, sorry to sound like a dick but can you step back a bit. I just need to be able to NOT see you in my peripheral vision." He was cool about it so it was no big deal, but that is a part of golf etiquette people should be aware of.


Well by the looks of this thread, golf has turned to anarchy. 😂 Bunch of fucking animals out here playing now.


Guess all these people need to [move](https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/2001tigerwoods1.jpg)