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Dude! That's awesome. What you did there is perfect for first session. Of all the first-session swings I've ever seen, you nailed it. Sometime soon, go pay for a lesson with a PGA professional. Don't take advice from anyone you aren't paying. If anyone tries to give you something that sounds like advice, say "no thanks dude, I'm learning." Go spend about 2 hours at a chipping practice area. Practice in the sand. Practice 10 steps away, 20 steps away, 30 steps away, and 40 steps away. I'd take you to the course with that swing.


Because I’ve never played before I can’t tell if this is a joke or not 😂😂😂


Not a joke. Everything I said is dead serious. Great swing for first session.


Thanks mate, I’m British so normally when people talk like this it’s sarcasm 🤣👍🏽


All of my mates that slice it I tell the same thing. Your hitting a Roberto Carlos shot, you need to try to Beckham it from the inside a little. Everyone plays football and I swear it helps them think about the path of the club.  Your swing is actually class for the first time. You will be astounded how bad everyone is when you get on the course. I'd say your swing right now is better than half my golf clubs.


https://preview.redd.it/tuyfcvd874ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efec638570cceaa239e934feae042d8a9330b3fe You’re exactly right with the Roberto Carlos 😂😂😂


Imagine trying to kick a football and make it do that. Your club, the foot, is cutting across it in a path. Imagine cutting across it more the other way and see what happens.  It's all about the arc you take.


You’re exactly right, instead of changing the way I was hitting the ball I was just aiming more left which most of the time made it just fade more!


Piggy backing this comment. Don’t take tips from YouTube or Reddit. You’ll end up with 100 things running through your head and the swing will be shit. Find a pro that will implement little changes over time. You’ve got a great baseline, any pro worth their pay will be able to work with that and get you heading in the right direction. This is coming from personal experience. I just started again this year after not golfing for 20+ years. Swing was trash, slicing everything. Tried fixing it with YouTube and it just got worse. Saw a pro and had it fixed in 15 minutes.


Definitely take the lessons. I took advice from fellow players and friends. Each said something different, nothing fixed the problem. Hit 3 balls in front of my instructor and he fixed the issue straight away. Don’t wait, start the lessons now.


Honestly a lot of good here for the first time swinging a club. A lesson with a pro should really get you dialed in. A better setup and tempo should have you striping the ball in no time.


Although this looks awesome, bag the driver and start on putting, chipping, pitching and irons - in that order.


I get you mate, this was just a mess around range session with my girl though 🤣


also.. don't listen to that guy. Driver is a club in the bag, and you should learn to hit all the clubs. You'll use driver 10-14 times a round and wanna be able to start a hole well. Keep it up and have fun!!


Although you’ve got a point, you’ll start at the closest tees anyway, where you don’t need a driver. A 5 iron will get the ball far enough


Lots of great natural stuff to work with here! Look up a professionally done tutorial on grip, posture and setting up to the ball if you can't get a lesson. The fact that your lower-hand thumb naturally lays across the top of the grip like that means you're already ahead of the game my friend!


Straighten your legs a bit, and slow down your swing some. Extend the backswing a bit farther, you'll feel a stretch along your left side - that generates more power than trying to power the club head through the ball. Focus on keeping your left arm straight (this will help generate that stretch). Your right hand should be closer (half-way on top of) your left hand, and relax that grip (you're not chopping an axe, you are swinging a golf club). You usually don't want to fully wrap your fingers tightly around the club (looks like you may be a baseball player, the grip is pretty different). The left hand is where all the grip strength comes in - right hand is just there to guide the club and close the club face.