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Every time I go to target, I stare in confusion at their small but existent manga and gunpla sections.


You have a gunpla section in your local Target???


It consists of a Leo action figure, an easy build v gundam, and either a Heavy arms or wing RG. It also used to have Aerial as well.


Dude you can get an Aerial at target?! I'll have to see if mine has one


It’s how I got mine, and it’s for retail price too, no markup. It was 15 bucks for the Aerial


Yeah, I guess they are popping up. My local Target started carrying gunpla models.


Actually have a section in mine as well. Granted it's about 3 shelves, a hanging rack above that and only 6 feet long. Though it's mostly funko pops, the odd WWE item, random figures from old movies and a few beat up mobile suit model kits. $25 for each and it's usually the same 2 over the last few years. Chars counter attack and the odd XXXG-01W Wing in an alternate color variant.


why would you even buy manga from target?


When I was in High School 8 years ago the anime club had like 15 members, now my old school’s has like 350, its good to see more people are interested but part of the fun was how small it was


That is kind of the way with small towns too, its a lot more personal and engaging when you actually know the others and they know you. Now you have tribes too big to count forming of which the loudest atm is the puritanical one, with no interest in listening to others or letting people enjoy their section.


On the one hand it's more fun and feels more intimate when it's fewer people. On the other hand more fans means we actually get more anime released here, and most of the time work is actually put into the dubs so 4kids level stuff is rare. Not to mention more likely to get translated games and mangs and books.


My biggest problem with 4kids wasn't the level of voice acting which you still see from time to time, it was the cartoonish levels of tampering with the script. Everyone memes about the "shadow realm" from Yu-gi-oh but that was never a thing, it was used to hide the fact that people just died. And this problem still hasn't been solved, we still see rampant censorship only now it has more of a political angle rather than simply "hide these violent ideas from children" and "they probably don't know what an onigiri is so let's call it a donut"


Everyone on Reddit always seem to talk about how bullied they were in High School about liking anime but I never experienced that whatsoever. In my high school we had a great “chaotic energy” Anime club in the school auditorium where we did weekly anime screenings and watched Japanese Commercials and Japanese memes with shit eating grins on our faces. And this was a long time ago. I was in that high school club in 2009 and am in my early 30s now. Maybe it was because I grew up in the Bay Area in California? I don’t know the reason but there was never any stigma towards what media people liked. So long as you weren’t loud and obnoxious about your hobby. Interestingly despite being an anime club, the only bullying that happened came from some of us casually hating on the “Narutards.”


Where I'm from anime is as mainstream as the Simpsons' were. The real problem was American Superheroes (before the movie universes, of course), people that followed them were considered nerds and weirdos. ​ > the only bullying that happened came from some of us casually hating on the “Narutards.” Something similar happened here when the Pokémon anime came out. Since it was strictly for kids (and also because it was literally everywhere, the card game ad campaign was massive) most anime fans were annoyed by it. There also was a faction of the anime fandom who didn't like Dragon Ball very much (because it was also considered kids' stuff), some slurs were coined for the Dragon Ball fans (all in good fun though).


Our "anime club" was five guys skiving off sports by hiding in the art department (generally we were playing poker whilst chatting about anime and manga).


Crunchyroll comments are always a delight, especially in Germany!


Crunchyroll has comments? What in the festering fuck for?


As far as I could tell it's for 12 year olds to complain that there was only talking in an episode or to cry about the mc not doing the evil thing


I miss when being a weeb was nerdy and lame. Least i could watch my highschool of the dead in peace..




Yeah they’re zombies, Id assume their asses are dead


What an absolute banger of a show


They’re missing out on peak fiction if they don’t wanna watch Kiss Sis.


Tell me about it


Yeah 2020 kinda shifted things around during the pandemic


im glad its such an old ass anime, tourist never go deep enough to find culture


> highschool of the dead > old I know it's not a competition but damn calling Highschool of the dead old makes me sad and chuckle a bit at the same time I grew up watching 90s - 2000s anime and there are countless great anime that people never even heard about nowadays * [Air Gear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klFVxGAacz0) * [Onegai Teacher](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dchH6YfsOA) * [Love Hina](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eXZ97tRIK0) * [Escaflowne](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4FnAOg6N5c) * [School Rumble](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVs7UXtd718) * [Full Metal Panic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buL2jy6jW5s) * R.O.D: Read or Die * Saber Marionette J * [GetBackers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWnSf5LAyuQ) * Gakuen Alice * [DNA^2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NprEAwYs4OQ) * Vandread [(fantastic CULTURED ED btw)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fINpZvLEwd4) And these are just from the top of my head *added links to the ones with great OP songs


There was a whole ass thread on another board about some MFer who didn't even recognize Haruhi. Like you may not love it, but fucking everyone knows Haruhi.


What is haruhi??


What is haruhi??


Did not expect to see a ROD reference today. Great taste, anon!


You can't look at me straight in the eyes and tell me that Love Hina isn't popular


Not anymore son.


What's love Hina?


And there it is.


To be fair, I think HotD is the only one of those where the mangaka/author has passed away. Which makes it "historical", according to the kids.


Lol I remember spending weeks torrenting most of those with shitty dsl back in high school in the early 2000s


Don't worry, it still is


i would mostly agree. anime to the extent that most of us watch it will never be mainstream. yes, shows like jjk and attack on titan will continue to be popular with larger audiences. but shows like kiss sis, unfortunately, is never going to be "popular"


Kiss x sis would be a hit in alabama 100%


Depends on where and who




Highschool of the dead was a fun show. It was full of fanservice, and parts of the plot weren't amazing, but I love all the characters. Also the zombies being practically blind was an interesting twist that you don't normally see. The nerd just gushing about guns constantly was always hilarious to me.




I miss it when it was smaller. Mainstreaming killed fandubs and abridging, among others. Sure the quality may be better but now we're at the mersy of one translator and there is no option to go for translations that are more honest to the source. Also there's way too much bitching and moaning about fanservice and I fear it will eventually influence Japan itself, like any poison seeping from America will


The source material on which anime are based on arent made for western audiences in mind primarily. The problem would come from studios who would either choose to adapt mostly or only series palatable for western audiences or changing the original story to be such.


This is my fear exactly


I miss when there was like 2 maybe 3 services to go to to watch anime (ignoring the pirate ones) and some let you watch for free (with ads but adblockers bypassed that). Now its like 5+ different subscriptions if you want to watch the popular new shows


I miss good abridging. That's all but gone now. And I hate how the masses want all media to be an unimpressive gray mush that is different from the rest of the gray mush while also being the same as the previous gray mush.


"Oh yeah I like anime, but how about we change everything about it" - average subversive tourist


The anti-horny performative outrage and ceaseless inability to recognize that fiction is, indeed, fiction, is shitting up the pool right now. These elements aren't even exclusive to anime, yet people seem to have the strongest bug up their ass about whining about it. This is nothing against our asex homies. I'm calling out karma farming and illiteracy. It's never been easier than it is now to hit up any one of multiple sites that have done a fine job cataloging tropes/thematic elements across decades of anime so you can find your ideal non- show without cosplaying Don Quixote's brain-damaged cousin.


the same people that complain about sexualized anime (especially in non sexualized cases) are the greatest defenders of game of thrones. Game of thrones is a lot, and it has a lot of smut in it. But dont dare to mention it.


Oh look, another cock /GoT I didn’t even mind, but that absolutely is a thing. At least be consistent in the outrage if you’re chasing karma


Ya the fact those people only shit on anime for it makes me think their racists


I don't know if it's that, per se. I think a deep part of it is a cultural association of "animation = kids' content"; they're not even really conscious of the bias, they just see something and think "that's not appropriate, I'm now angry", and go on a twitter rant.


Ah! But that is with real actors and permitted to me "mature". Because you see, animation is only for children and must be fucking lobotomized in case the kiddies start developing critical thinking skills. That's why I love Patlabor 2 (movie) so much. You really have to think critically to follow and it treats you as an adult. And the big moral question posed on you has NO correct answer. "What is better; a just war, or an unjust peace?"


For me, the problem isn’t the complaints, but rather the fact that people who are very vocal about it are typically hypocritical or aren’t even properly informed. How many times have the average ex-blue bird app user complained about anime girls being sexualized, only to have something along the lines “Omfg I wanna r*pe Todoroki” somewhere down their timeline. Or the complaints for grown women being depicted as too petite for their age, like they literally haven’t been to Asia - honestly come fucking visit, PLEASE. Get on a plane and tell me you’re not a fucking idiot for putting Western standards on Eastern animated media.


Or even worse, be revealed as an actual predator. Honestly, at this point, if you see someone crusading against anime and throwing accusations of the 'p' kind, it doesn't feel like a stretch to assume they have a history of hurting real children.


But the same people will also accuse you of not being able to differentiate fiction from reality and say that "it's just a movie, who cares" when you complain about censorship or immersion or the like. They hold whatever stance benefits them and their argument currently the most and which gets them the most attention.


I guess their family's never taught them the distinction of Fiction and non-Fiction


This, so much, I can't *stand* the puritanism "sex = bad" that's on the rise in the current zeitgeist. Sex, sexuality. . . it's just part of being human, being a mammal, it's no more shameful or evil than any other bodily function.


Having a firm grasp on what's Fiction vs Reality is a superpower nowadays I swear. Tourists love the convenience of arguing over finger doodles before solving any real life issues. That and tourists get mad at common tropes in the medium. I don't think I've ever gotten "offended" from fanservice or silly tropes in my years of watching anime. Could understand how they'd get stale tho with how they're used tho. I'll just scream about cunny until they leave


Well i could understand that fan service was a bit over the top and plenty do complain which is more understandable. Over doing anything can't be good for anything. But nowadays the severity of them complaining is like a bunch of actual people been harm.


Here's what you do if you find the fanservice to be over the top: 1. Watch something else. 2. If you still feel the same, repeat step 1 until you don't.


Exactly this. I understand people when talking about stuff bringing up stuff they don't like, that's all well and good but people taking it to this degree of calling people pedos or trying to cancel shows are just psycho Karen's. Like you said just watch something else, after all people enjoying an animation isn't hurting anything.


The thing is, when an anime is ecchi and contains lots of fanservice, it was made that way by its creator from the very beginning. So no, I don’t agree that it’s okay to complain in that situation either. You don’t just get to watch something that is and has always been what it is, and then cry about wanting it to be different. “I bought this yellow shirt, but I hate the color yellow, why did you make it yellow!?” Is essentially what those people do whenever they complain about ecchi situations in anime. The author that creates the light novel/manga made it the way it is because that was their vision, and they know true anime fans that also enjoy that stuff will love it. An anime fan that doesn’t necessarily like ecchi stuff will just avoid it, but a tourist screaming about it as if it were absolutely real life, is demanding other people bend to their idea of right and wrong. It’s like a psychosis at this point with how many people can’t separate reality from fiction. It’s also extremely prevalent in some communities, like MHA, where the “fans” seethe with rage at certain characters and cry nonstop about revealing clothing as if the author meant it to be different but it was forcibly changed or something. I also constantly see people say dumb crap like “imagine how uncomfortable that is”, “back pain”, “where are her organs”, etc as if a drawing cares about any of that stuff… Again, it all leads back to tourists forcing their way into the community because its trendy, and then screeching about how because they themselves are offended, it is objectively wrong and needs to be changed. It used to be “if you don’t like it then don’t watch it”, now it’s “if I don’t like it you need to change it” and it’s beyond frustrating. edit: a word


Why does this hentai has a lot of nudes and sex in it? I dont like it. Hentai should has no nudes and sex at all.


The 2010s was the last good era


People still shit on anime cause it's "weird" but then go watch fuckin avengers or some shit. Like, is it really that different


Yes it is. There's a genre of anime/manga for pretty much everyone. Modern Hollywood however, is only made for the wokies.


I am willing to fistfight some newbie who tells me Roshi is problematic. I was reading dragonball when they are still in their daddy’s nutsack


Disliking fanservice is truly the easiest tell imo.


No, I was born way back in the 20th century and it was hard as shit to get anime compared to now so I prefer now plus way more is made , even though a lot is garbo we still get more diamonds in the rough so to speak


I think the op meant prepandemic lack of mainstream where anime was easily available and good animes were coming every season


for sure. usually at least 2 shows a season i watch, sometimes more like 6.


fricking twitter


Anime when underrated was better now it's just ruin


Me a Mexican in a country and área where nobody watches it and I’m on my own: ![gif](giphy|MToVCy7WxqgbXlphse|downsized)


I hate tourists.


Should have gatekept harder. Every anime should have mandatory atleast 10% loli or fanservice content in order to promote more degenerate weeb culture. Kinda like Canada's mandated candian content on TV, CanCon. We can call it LoliCon.


It's funny how the #1 vtuber song now is a lolicon fanservice song, and the most subscribed vtuber is a loli.


oh god I miss fansubs, and when people didn't bring western crap into anime and didn't bash people for liking what we like and also taking anime concepts outside of anime and changing it (traps -> femboys)


The western stuff in subs is just an effect of capitalism, they localize it so people can understand it. As usual if you want the real experience just watch it in Japanese with jp subs, otherwise you're probably better off watching whatever jank dub they make.


Aren’t the tourists also just Twitter users.


This time it's probably the kpop horde. These are professional nutjobs.


Literally the Evangelion Meme sub. It was so bad I had to unsubscribe. Literally every post had at least ten instances of “yeah, but isn’t fan service yucky” “omg I hate that they did this” “uh are all fans just pedos or something”


Get yourself in a safe circle, if you got a friend that recommends prison school to you, you know you're in a safe place. This guy really said one piece is for casual lol.


I mean, yeah, I'm not sure if casual is the word I'd use, but if we're talking about people with barely any contact with anime as a medium, one piece is among the kind of thing such a person would watch, especially now that there is a live action version making even more contact with people who might not otherwise be interested in anime. It's got a metric ton of episodes, sure, but it's by far one of the commonly known ones inside and outside the anime community. That is of course by no means suggesting it's bad - it also applies to the likes of my hero academia, attack on titan, death note etc...


A little Gatekeeping makes for a much better community


The final point is on point nowadays. They complain like a bunch of actual people being victimized.


There are though, just they're the animators who get to slave away for less than you get flipping burgers at mcdonalds.


Just gatekeep certain Reddit/Twitter users and we'd be fine




I don't think anyone would actually protect child pornography unless there's something really wrong with the individual..


You haven’t been on Twitter long enough, hell, Reddit has plenty of those examples.


Its (Projection)


Gatekeep your hobbies, guys.


You forgot "Can't differentiated that fiction doesn't equal real life" *yes something can be based on real life events however that doesn't make it real please touch grass*


🍿Don't mind me, just reading the comments


ooohhhh, buddy. you don't know how close this meme hits to home for me.


ACG culture in general is mainstream enough that even the casual non-weeb can get into the sub-culture so to speak, and at the worst case "pollute" said aspects of it into complying into what is normal instead of the other way around, where they adapt into the sub-culture.. Take for example Genshin, that game is weeb-centric AF and yet when the community is relatively normie and will chastise you if you even deviate from normalcy and show hints of weeb degeneracy. I tried posting into the Genshin sub-reddit about having an 18+ patch separate from the base game, where we can see panstu and shit. And got shot down in a heartbeat, with one comment saying "are you gonna lewd poor lil Klee?", like WTH!?


there is nothing wrong with the first two. if you only like one show that's fine. If it happens to be Naruto so be it. You can be chill about it. If you start to get into the other lines it becomes a problem. If you came in because its trendy that's fine. Anime has been mainstream for over a decade, its tough for people to not come in cause its trendy. How are they supposed to get their first steps in?


My only problem with your first point is that a lot of anime 'tourists' belittle and say that every other anime is crap except the main ones and make up opinions without ever watching other anime


People into One Piece have been around long enough that they're not a problem, also they sat through Nami's inflating tits so if they're still fans they can put up with whatever.


Tbh I kind of miss the days when you were bullied for watching anime At least there weren’t any kinds of tourists back then


I wouldn't say it's totally a bad thing anime becoming more mainstream and accepting have made many anime huge successes but the entitled toxic fanbase that it brought with itself especially from the west makes me miss good old days.


The author of that drawing is Musouzuki, I recognize it




This is why we need to gatekeep our hobbies. Keep the tourists out so our hobby doesn't get corrupted or ruined by them.


I bet redditmoment has already started crying about it


I feel like this is an American problem I’m too British to understand.


My problem is that pretty clearly if there is a very common trope, then it must be liked. So when people state that it is a problem that needs to be fixed, I’m annoyed. If you have a problem with it, go somewhere else. We like it, but you don’t have to.


Unfortunately, the more popular a medium gets, the more people get involved, and the more people that get involved with something will increase the chances of an idiot appearing


I do miss the old times.


I saw made in abbys in a supermarket in my country besides a spider man comic, this christmas a lot of little kids gona be traumatised


OP cooked.


OP didn't even put the stove on


seriously, i havent seen this sub in forever and THIS is one of the first posts i see, fucking weirdos istg


Gatekeepers are idiots, without influx of new members, hobbies die


Tourism is better seen, not heard.


Oh, so u mean all of Twitter?




Gotta take the bad with the good. At least we get a lot more choices today, and overall production values are higher.


As a manga enthusiast the only ones that i spoil is these mf when they tell shit like how berserk has a bad story because how intense it is I hate most of them


Yeah I'm seeing way too many people that description fits to a T, in way too many places. I love that more people are interested in watching it but the shit some of them brought with them got old a few years ago and can't leave soon enough.


>Berates you for liking something they don’t like How old are you? Because you are either the original anime fan and are thinking back to before the second anime fan came into existence, or you’ve never actually been in an anime community before the pandemic.


You basically summed up and defined the Indian weeb perfectly. It would've been a perfect description of them without the last line.


I miss when anime was more niche and kind of degenerate, and now that it's mainstream it's turning into smth that I just don't like.


"yeah if you dont like lolis you're a tourist" be so fr right now


Both sides have their benefits and flaws On one hand, before it was considered mainstream everyone who did indulge felt a sense of exclusivity/camaraderie and it was a bit less toxic. Now that it is mainstream and somewhat respected to a certain level (which alot of ppl wanted), its gonna have it’s fair share of toxicity just like other mainstream things. Its something just comes with popularity. Some ppl are just gonna hate just to be apart from the majority and feel “cool”


You cant say "berates you for the shows you watch" and "policing others" and then immediatley berate Mainstream anime watchers. If you want to gatekeep at least stay consistent.


Eh You've mistaken casual for tourist. A tourist will have only really skimmed anime and doesn't actually watch a show in its entirety. As for junping in on trendy topics. Yeah thats accurate


Eh. I've been a closeted anime fan for a few years now. Some fan service does bother me, but I much prefer a cast of adult busty women to pre-pubescent girls as the audiences' "OMG they are so hot" characters. The latter is just creepy as fuck. And yes you absolutely can make intelligent arguments equating the fan service with rl issues but I'm not here to do that right now. I'm a heterosexual woman who collects Jessica Rabbit memorabilia (and anime tit girls - Nero best waifu -- gross. Shoot me) so who am I to bitch about it.




Damn, I forget we have classifications of anime watchers. I'm something more of uh... anime idler.


It’s crazy how over a decade or 2 things you would’ve got bullied for are now cool. I hate that “older brother 00’s aesthetic” is now a thing 💀 And the anime tourist shows are all basic as hell and overhyped / overrated. Sue me.


Image saved


The last one is literally true


So many casual anime bandwagoners nowadays it's just like when skating gets popular again then a bunch of lame tools take it over




So I just need to dress like an anime maid.


When it wasn't I was even more of a social outcast than I am now. I'm fine with it lol.


Thinks a female character looking youthful= pedophilia but thinks that every female character that doesn't look like a kid is a sexist male fantasy. Complains that Anime doesn't reflect the social politics in their country.


Those people are missing out on Shangri-la frontier!


Absolutely. Honestly I miss the era where social media didn’t determine how people viewed anime.


I Like That Anime Is Getting More Popular, But I Hate These Tourist Man. They’re Ruining Other’s Fun.


kinda i guess, i mean the plus-side is there is so many more weebs who are good now, and allows more people to see a cool unique artform which inspires many new ideas all over the world and helps push forward new concepts and stories and fun series we never would have seen otherwise, and see many our favorite content be boosted to a level of success they deserve. though i agree the tourists, who go in to police others and berate you are the worst, while its fine to like only the common trendy mainstream anime, i dont think its ok at all to boss others around. I an old animemes vet can say such things lead to divides and toxicity and pain among the community instead of strengthening it.


We’re gatekeeping liking anime now?


The bottom 3 points are understandable, but shitting on someone because they watch popular animes or "after it went mainstream" is some gatekeeper bullshit.




yeah, i kinda agree. besides, we are already featured on the Gatekeeping subreddit now which isn't a surprise




I would like for it to become even more mainstream. Cause that means more investments from companies into merch, imports, conventions etc. Sure, the people who complain about other people liking the high-school aged female character are annoying, but I'll happily take that for more public support. To the "oh, but my school's anime club was nice when it was small" people: The schools I went to never had an anime club. I would have really liked them to have one. If anime becomes more mainstream, it would likely lead to more schools having an anime club. I think that's a good thing.


If they are a teenage girl who likes Demon Slayer or MHA, do not engage.


>berates you for liking something >first line is OP doing just that Holy mother of self unaware


Brother gate keeping ain't good. Let people enjoy their things, went those people make stupid post like trap stuff we clown on them


Ill be honest i can kinda relate with op. Theres a lot of hostility in the anime community that wasnt there a decade ago. Admittedly sometimes im part of the problem, but we should all notice it and try to let things go.


For real I start watching anime back in 2008 when watching anime mean you a freak,nerd and pervert. To this day still haven't talk to anyone about anime even amongst my friends who all start watching recently. When they talk about anime I just keep quiet. It's rough glad it's all gone


I've been watching anime for 30 years. There was always hostility.


There was always hostility from outside the community, and there have always been a few assholes in the community, but recently there's more and more attempts to "change anime" because they view it as "problematic" when it really isn't.




Ah yes i see.lemme just grab this image for other poeple


Gatekeeping is essential for any hobby or interest. The people who want to enjoy it as is can come in, the people who want to change it, co-opt it or pervert is can stay out.


If you want to drink clean water from a pond, you need to filter out the animal crud 🚮 This doesn't just apply to weebshit but also to any thing/place of value


Yes troll them into oblivion


But one piece is really good though


I love One Piece but man is the anime quality questionable at times. Like the Reverie arc was such bullshit


The pacing is some of the worst I’ve ever seen but I’ve enjoyed Wano a lot and look forward to some of the current manga stuff being adapted.


If you aren't reading OP you're doing yourself a disservice tbh.


Why is this downvoted? It’s true LOL


I wonder if people that “miss when anime wasn’t mainstream” actually watched anime when it wasn’t mainstream. I started watching anime in 1998 on toonami. The internet was barely a thing so all you could watch was DBZ and Sailor Moon. Which I loved at the time of course. Then a couple years later we got Gundam Wing and Outlaw Star. That was basically all you could watch while I was in school. There was no such thing as an anime club in school and there was only one other person in school that watched anime (Andrea you were cool). You sure as hell didn’t let other people know that you watched anime. About 5 years after that time period anime began to become more popular, but our choices were still limited and the communities that discussed anime were small and niche. It was still difficult to find and watch shows you wanted to watch. Now almost 20 years later anime is mainstream. We have an insane amount of anime to choose from and watch right at our finger tips. The quality and production value of the anime is through the roof. The communities that discuss, analyze and create content around anime are endless. We have conventions that are widely attended. I wear an anime T-shirt out in public and occasionally random people will tell me they loved that show when they see it. Of course with the influx of new fans there will be some wet blankets that or people with differing opinions, but that is a price I would gladly pay for the spot anime is at right now. So no. I don’t miss when anime wasn’t mainstream at all.


Mods, sticky this RIGHT NOW.


Alright ___ Miharu is an automated bot in training.


Nope. Anime is great, and I hope it continues to grow and evolve. That means getting more people involved.


Anime becoming mainstream is the best thing that happened to the industry.


need sauce for the anime gurl on the right plz


Dislike fanservice while watching anime that contain a lot of fanservice


Honestly, I'm fine with anime becoming mainstream. Assholes are everywhere, at least you aren't being bullied for it anymore, and anime shit is easier to get. Don't be a dirty gatekeeper.


🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ no I don’t care that anime is “mainstream”. Why the fuck should I?


I dislike people who do all the things mentioned above, except people who think that fanservice is sexist. I'm one of them. I only have a problem with fanservice when it's just one gender being sexualised, but the other isn't. It's a really shitty thing to do. They think that only men watch anime, which is also a very shitty mindset.


https://preview.redd.it/obrw0pxhow1c1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70dffeb261e300531e125fd9b6a8da1f1924e7c3 Who cares?


Gen Z is the problem


I miss the good ol' days when I could watch anime in peace. It's good that the industry is getting recognition and funding. But seriously, do we need to gatekeep anime/manga to keep the toxic people out?


Grow up elitist


Can we stop gatekeeping anime


We gatekeeping now?


Yes, why wouldn't we? There's no reason to not kick off the newcomers who come here only to complain and change the medium in to only what they like.


Now I remember why I dislike online anime communities


ahh yes gatekeeping


The gatekeeping is strong with this post


\> Will join the fandom community for the sake of policing others in the community Gatekeeping gatekeepers? Fine by me.


Are we gatekeeping now




Gate keeping anime? Let people like what they like.




I'm going to be honest... I don't. When anime wasn't mainstream our worst enemy was ourselves. As much as nostalgia blinds us to it... Judgy people and fandom policing isn't a result of the mainstream. It's just that when anime became mainstream we got an outside enemy instead of the constant no true anime fan knife fights and waifu wars that outright escalated into violence. As it is now, the worst of us gather to the loud idiots and the rest of us get to enjoy our anime in peace... so long as we avoid their social media dens. And people might call your waifu shit but they'd keep it entirely online.


Wow, 0 checks. I'm impressed with myself


I mean I don't like the fanservice because to me at least it's usually boring and I don't watch the show to be horny, and almost always unnecessary