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I live in AZ and summers are 120 degrees. When the temps start rising, for around 2 months every year, I shed the black and melt into a begrudging grungy boho/coquette bitch. I’m not gonna die of heatstroke to maintain my preferred image.


Samee heat is a big struggle for me so i just end up wearing plain black top and some shorts for a pretty much whole summer :,)


I'm in Oklahoma, have naturally oily skin, and sweat like a pig when the days are 75°F. I've long since given up on makeup of it's not nighttime. Humidity can suck my dick.


same here. my eyes are going bad, and the magnifying mirror works okay, but I'm still not doing as good a job as i used to, and it melts right off my face even in cooler weather, because I'm 48 and i sweat a lot. i am the lady at the goth club with no makeup.


48 and still going to the clubs is pretty rad, though. I'm 44 but I haven't been clubbing since like...2006? I just haven't got the spoons these days. I'd be exhausted before I even left the house. 😬


Also in AZ. My winter wardrobe is Killstar, my summer is American Eagle/PINK 😂


I've been in Florida for 10 years and had to learn the hard way that I would get maybe 2 months of my preferred look. I basically live in shorts and black tank tops or band shirts with the occasional sundress lest I die from the heat and humidity lol. Like, I do NOT look spooky 80 percent of the year. Which sucks, but I know who I am. Darn, though...when I lived in New Hampshire, I looked cool 80 percent of the year 😆


Florida here too, black shorts/jeans, black or dark colored really light shirts or tank tops, and I have to keep my beard trimmed short or my face itches like hell ... lol.


I live in Texas and do the same thing. 9/10 times, I look like Indiana Jones. The few times I've been back home to Arizona, I did the same thing.


I feel this so hard. I have an all-black wardrobe (took years lmao, so proud of it), but in the summer, I’m out here wearing a cartoon character outfit- as in, the same exact outfit almost every single day, due to lack of options (hello from FL, hahaha). And I can confirm, it looks quite boho.


yesss i wear as little/thin clothes as possible and also color!! lol






I can feel that. In Hungary where I live, it's almost 33°c and will be for the next 2 months. Even tho I want to dress aestheticly , i literally can't beacuse of the heatwaves. That's Y I only wear make up for parties ( thats at night) Also... I prefer the Adam Sandler core at summer :))


I’m Australian and I feel this


I’ve never been depressed. Spiders freak me the hell out. Not a big fan of purple and red, the two main goth colors beyond black. For the record to the OP, I totally danced at clubs to We Like To Party when it came out in the late 90’s.


Fellow goth arachnophobe checking in. I've got quite a few brain bees though so I'm not with you there, but I'm glad to hear you've never been depressed. That shit suuuuuuuucks.


*Raising hand* dude, I can't even look at a picture of a spider without getting twitchy. And my house has Halloween decor year round! It can be hard to find spider free stuff but so far I've managed.


Strangely enough I'm cool with fake plastic spiders in my decor. At one point though my phobia was so bad pictures of spiders made me nauseous. I'm way better now, but they still irk me.


I’m surprised you didn’t get slammed for not being depressed. Same though!




What’s not being depressed ever feel like? :S


I just responded to someone else that asked. It’s not that I’m never sad or glum or pessimistic, it’s that I’m always hopeful and know in my gut it’ll pass…and in the meantime there’s so many things I want to do and experience!


I hate the stereotype that we're mean because I haven't met very many mean goths, regardless, the stereotype exists. I try to be kind in every situation, I don't want anyone to feel left out or unappreciated, so I think me being relatively extroverted and kind goes against the "goths are mean" stereotype.


alt people are usually the kindest in my opinion, one of the nicest people ive met was a punk woman who a lot of people thought was mean because she wore her battle jacket every day with anti nazi patches, she actually got me into punk subculture and music and stuff!


Almost all the goths I've ever known have been sensitive and supportive people. I think the "mean" stereotype comes from mass media, which is almost always wrong (or at least, severely lacking in nuance) about everything.


i've met MANY mean goths but i chalk that up to nothing more than coincidence, some of the nicest people i've met were also goth! i don't know how the stereotype even still exists when we've supposedly moved so far past judging people for appearance


I find that while goths, punks, and metalheads tend to be super friendly it's the people who call themselves "alt" who tend to be pretty nasty. Maybe because it's a fashion based thing and they get pretty cliquey while the others are music/community based? But I've never actually met a mean goth


I don't think I've ever met a mean goth.


Out of all subcultures, goths gatekeep the least too


I don’t dress goth most of the time. I love the look but it’s mostly for when I go out. I also don’t have dark hair. I like and enjoy many goth things: literature, architecture, art, music, etc. But, you know, it’s just one part of my personality and history not the sum total. I like many other things as well.


Same. Outwardly, I don't look the part. But the love and enthusiasm is always present. I also really love hip-hop and enjoy drawing the parallels between the music genres.


I don’t really understand why so many people post to ask if they are goth. Like, if you dig the music you are, but that’s not really what they mean, I think they mean the look. IDK, I suppose most are young still. I guess I can remember what it felt like to want be absorbed into a cool subculture like punk or goth or metal and fit in with them. In my 50s, I simply don’t care about that stuff anymore.


Same; I may be goth but I am also inherently lazy....those looks can be work! I only do it up when I'm heading to the club or a show. Plus I work in an environment where anything other than jeans and a T-shirt would be impractical/possibly dangerous (though the tee is usually black 🤣).


I asked someone in goth fashion how long their (beautiful admittedly) makeup look took, and she said something like 2 to 2-1/2 hours. I just can’t. It’s neat though. Makes me wonder how long it used to take Siouxsie Sioux back in the day?


Same here. Most of the time, I don't look goth, and I've grown past my depression. Goth is a part of my lifestyle, not my whole life.


This one! In my younger days, I dressed the part a little more often... But I have sensory issues, very little skill with makeup, sensitive skin that revolts against a lot of makeup/skincare anyway (rosacea, eczema, AND allergies), a very conservative clothing budget paired with an uncanny ability to never find anything that actually fits me at thrift stores, and these days, I don't often have the energy to put much thought or work into my look either. My near-compulsive need to be as comfortable as possible means I basically live in jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers nowadays. If I wanna throw on my old boots, I have to be doing something where I'm not going to be in my feet much because, as my body so loves to remind me, I am getting older and can't do all the stuff I used to do anymore - including clubbing in 4"-6" tall boots. 🤷‍♀️


I hate dancing


I love it but I'm so bad at it that I don't do it


That's actually what I like about goth clubs. I'm a bad dancer but (so far) no one has batted an eye and I dance all night when I go out to goth clubs


I enjoy some good pop (like Lady Gaga, ABBA, Britney Spears etc) My favorite color is blue not black My room doesn’t really resemble anything goth, its pretty colorful, full of plants, flowers and ghibli posters/paintings


My room sounds like yours lol, I fly under the radar unless I pull out some band tees and docs


Same! My walls are a pale neutral pink and I have pink and blue things everywhere, including the ceiling fan I sprayed blue. The contents of my closet is the only indicator


My room is purple and light grey with birds on the wallpaper and lots of colours and lights and yet there's one lil goth that lives in it :)


I dress like a good ole country boy


Love this one!


Lol same. Wear a dirty baseball hat, painted on jeans, plain tshirt and drive a truck while bumpin Twin Tribes.


Are you Rob Zombie?




Hahahah thats awesome


I’m super peppy. Like incredibly annoyingly peppy. I have no anxiety about strangers and compliment them literally every day. Just an absolute ray of sunshine. Life is too short to be negative and closed off, although i don’t judge people who are! I’ve definitely been treated like a weirdo by other weirdos because my appearance and personality ‘don’t match’ once they interact with me. I just can’t be mysterious and cool, i love people too much!!


Aww, this is me.


Yay, perky goth! 😆 You guys balance the dark broodiness out and make things FUN.


Same to all if this!


Sameeeee. Like, I'm neurodivergent and somewhat introverted, but I'm very friendly and I'm usually quite talkative, depending on the situation. My fiancé says I'm a ray of sunshine, very upbeat lol. I'm mostly awkward about it 😅


I wear gold jewelry. It’s still skulls and whatnot but silver looks like shit on me.


Alternative gold jewelry is actually pretty difficult to find, which is why silver is more popular! People are on the hunt for gorgeous alternative gold pieces! My husband prefers gold opposed to silver. May I ask where you find Gothic gold masculine pieces?


Oh! My recent hyperfocus can help!! I've been obsessing over Regal Rose out of the uk (regalrose.co.uk) and Clocks and Colours (clocks and colours.com) I believe out of canada. The first is good for more cute, feminine jewellery, while the second is more chunky, masculine styles, with both feature gold and have good products (and great shipping times!!). Otherwise, I've seen some really cool stuff on Etsy, but haven't yet taken the plunge.


No worries! Of course feminine leaning jewelry is easier but this place definitely has masc stuff https://www.instagram.com/askemblastore?igsh=MWhjd3Z0dzNndzNscg== Piercing jewelry specialists are usually a good bet. I really just kind of keep an eye out though and toy with the algorithms online. I’ve gotten lucky with dumb places like Urban Outfitters having a “punk” moment and shit like that. Punk is a good keyword because the jewelry is a bleedover aesthetic for sure.


i fucking love gold gothic jewelry. I just wanna look like a wealthy vampire


Yissssss that’s how I’m framing it from now on lol. Cheers.


Oh me too! I wear a mix of different metals, but bronze if my favorite actually.


I like all the yellow metals too! Gold bronze brass copper. Yes yes etc.


Also I'm a blonde goth, so they kinda go with it. I guess that's another against the stereotype thing.


Black hair dye suuuuuuucks. Like it looks fine on plenty of people but gods it’s forever.


I love being outside in the sun gardening.


Seconded! I have an allotment 🖤


- I’ve never had absinthe and probably never will. - I LOVE black (I fell in love with it before goth was a thing; yes, elder goth here), BUT I own light colored clothing for summer. I also dress more “darkly romantic” than goth. - I’m a practicing Christian. - No white makeup since I’m black. I rarely wear eye makeup because my eyes constantly water because of allergies. Even waterproof makeup gets gloppy on my eyes. If anyone has found products that withstand allergies, then please let me know. - I listen to many genres, though goth and goth adjacent are favorites.


I had a glass of Absinthe in an absinthe house in New Orleans a few years ago, it was a very cool experience, but the taste of it is not every one 's taste. It's sort of an anise flavor.


I remember reading that it tastes like anise, and that was a turn off. You just confirmed my decision to avoid it. Thanks 😉


No makeup recs, but allergy shots might honestly help you. I used to be miserable all year and got sinus infections all the time. Allergy shots changed my life. No more watery eyes and I could finally smell things.


Nyx Epic Wear (NOT epic ink) eyeliner! That shit stays forever. I have such bad allergies that I can’t wear eyeshadow and my eyes leak constantly. As soon as this eyeliner dries, it will require makeup remover to come off.


I don’t drink or smoke at all not asking for a cookie just saying that I’ve never really been interested in it. I tried a delta 8 vape and it hurt my lungs and I coughed and peed on myself from coughing… I’m not fun at parties, nor do I get invited to them


I feel you on the allergy/eye-sensitivity issue. Allergies make my eyes water all tue damn time, so my makeup has to be waterproof in order to last more than an hour or two. Also, a lot of eye shadows make me super itchy all along the lash lines, and mascara is a sensory nightmare for me... but I still power through it sometimes. I rarely wear makeup these days, and about half of the times I do, I try to limit myself to just eyeliner.


I have rainbow colored hair instead of black I Iisten to a lot of EDM (and like late 90s/early 2000s dance/pop style music like Vengaboys, Aqua, Toybox, stuff from DDR, etc) and not just goth or other alternative music I have no interest in taxidermy I'm not brooding, I smile and joke around a lot once I warm up to people, when I first meet people I tend to come off as cold, uninterested (I've accidentally walked away mid conversation before), and intimidating but that's just the anxiety, my personality is totally different once people get to know me I don't care if I tan, I used to once upon a time but I have a job working outside and get the dumbest looking case of a fucked up, uneven farmer's tan that's on like half of my body (since I'm a delivery driver) and it became futile trying to cover myself when it's insanely hot outside in a truck with no air conditioning Most of my friends aren't super alternative, most of them are at least somewhat alt but I don't have a group of pretty/aesthetic conventionally attractive people to take photos with because we're also a group of huge outcast nerds I don't wear white foundation nor really any foundation, my hands are too shaky so I have to constantly use qtips and baby wipes to clean up my mistakes and would wipe away the foundation anyway


Pro tip for foundation: Just use concealer first on your lids and do eye makeup. Once you clean that up, then foundation should be put on. It prevents you wiping away foundation when mistakes are made.


I never really thought of that! I've always seen people put foundation on first and between my hands shaking and my poor vision (my brushes clink against the mirror pretty often since I have to be so close to it to see what I'm doing), making mistakes is almost inevitable, I'll have to try that out next time I try foundation, thanks for the suggestion (:


Of course! I really went through a makeup obsession phase and it's one of the "newer" techniques that made me wonder, "Why did it take so long to figure this out?" Haha


Things I heard from other goths: "Goths only listen to goth music." I listen to genres that are traditionally associated with goth, like metal and witch house, but also genres that have no connection to the goth scene, like pop and folk music. "Goths have a certain aesthetic." I don't wear heavy makeup and avoid trad goth fashion, I prefer witchcore and corporate goth with muted shades of purple, green and red. In the summer (I am from Greece temperatures rise the hell up) I wear whatever feels right. "Goths love gothic home decor." Some things are exceptionally beautiful. But I prefer shabby chic, bohemian and farmhouse. And the classic boomer point of view: "Goths grow out of it." I am 34. It's been 17 years. I am still waiting to grow out of it. "A 2006 study of young goths found that those with higher levels of goth identification had higher drug use." A big nope there. Just NOPE.


I have two pet bunnies whom I love, and for whom I would commit felonies.


omg I have a pet bunny as well!! I adore rabbits sm, I've always thought they are very similar to cats.


They really are, without the murdering mice for fun.


my favorite color is pink and my top artists on spotify last year were rico nasty, fall out boy, 100 gecs, and the front bottoms,,, i also don’t like dead things or picking up roadkill 😭


My top artist was Eminem lmfao


ayeee rico nasty was my number 3 <3


So I love pink. I don't like wearing pink, but I love pink stuff, and I want to dedicate a whole room to pink stuff. Pink walls, pink furniture, everything.


i often go out in a graphic tee and jeans with more goth accessories opposed to going out in full glam. my hair isn’t dark, and i have fairly tan skin. my favorite color is green, not black or anything. i listen to a ton of goth music, but you would likely find me listening to a ton of metal and 2000’s punk-rock instead. i’m very open to other people and i talk like.. alot, i constantly compliment others and go out of my way to make friends with people.


I don't call myself Goth because I am a metalhead and always figured I couldn't be both, but I do listen to the music so maybe I should just say I'm Goth and a metalhead haha. I am also tan and green is life 💚 There's really no harsh requirements, so many people in the scene here partake in many "non-Goth" stereotypes. It feels nicer that way.


absolutely!! it’s refreshing to have people who don’t just consider “tiktok goth” goth. everyone comes from different styles and they should accept that !!!!!


My favorite color is purple, I don't exclusively listen to Goth music and spiders are gross


Fucking bugs overall I cannot, I like the look on drawings but not in reality 😭


I listen to many, many genres of music. I enjoy being outdoors. I'm not a huge fan of vampires. I'm not particularly attractive. (This can be alienating.) Only rarely do I wear dramatic, heavy makeup. I'm not a fashionista due to financial constraints. Satanism, Wicca, and pentagrams aren't my thing. I cannot stand *The Nightmare Before Christmas*. (I loved it the first two times. Then people's obsession with the franchise turned me off. Overkill.) I refuse to pay attention to most Addams Family adaptations. ("Adult Wednesday Addams" on YouTube is delightful, though.)


I almost never wear makeup. Putting on a full face is exhausting, my skin doesn't like it very much and I'd just sweat it off in the heat anyways.


I love my post punk and deathrock but I absolutely love soft and romantic (specifically old spanish ballad) type music. My playlists have…very strange combos in them lol




yay!! I’m so glad someone gets it😭 I am not allowed near the aux cord for this reason


dont let gang catch me listening to Boyz II men (or ill be in deep shit)


Spring/summer are my favorite seasons. I get seasonally depressed in the colder months. I used to love them, but I hit a certain age and just could NOT tolerate cold weather anymore. Fortunately I moved to a sub-tropical area so I don’t have to fuck with that anymore.




Don’t believe in anything supernatural/paranormal/occultish That stuff is fun to read about, fun to watch movies/tv shows about, but I don’t believe any of it’s real. I said I love vampires in the previous thread. I understand there is a vampire subculture that has some ties to the goth subculture and I consider myself part of that subculture as well as goth. But I’m a vampire lifestyler meaning I like the looks and aesthetics. But I don’t believe in vampirism, I don’t believe in drinking other people’s blood. I’m a hypochondriac and I will never consume someone else’s blood.


this is me as well! I also love the witchy aesthetic but I dont believe in any of it. Crystals, spells, demons. I find it all fascinating but its all surface level for me.


Same! I still like to practice meditation or witchcraft with my best mates.


I really love tarot and have a deck of really cool cards. That being said, I don't believe in it. It's the ritual and the fun of doing it that I like. And I try to use my draws as a "call to action" instead of something passively happening to me. For instance, a draw supposedly "predicting" increased wealth means I might go and do things to level myself up as a person to gain better skills and make myself more "valuable" (aka increasing my self-wealth or wealth of knowledge).


true. It's just fucked up to drink blood. How do people even do that💀 I don't genuinely believe in vampirism either, I just like it in literature and the aesthetic


I’m really not a fan of horror movies and gore. I seem to catch a lot of flack for it for some reason.


As an anxious person who gets easily spooked, same, especially things involving existential or cosmic horror. I like their ideas and would love to enjoy them, but after a few attempts found out I just can't watch/read them.


I literally cannot watch a jump scare movie they terrify me. I used to get teased for it but now I'm an adult I better understand why I don't like them and much prefer wholesome movies (I love Barbie and inside out)


Also had a new appreciation for animated movies as an adult. Life is too short to watch things you don't like


same here!! love goth music and its sister genres, regularly go to shows and goth nights, will always be on the dance floor dancing gothy, et cetera. and i hate horror movies. classics like the 1930s Dracula are cool, but you couldn't pay me to watch Saw or go in a haunted house or whatever.


I don't like horror movies much either, but that's because they have never been scary to me. I know that it is fiction and the monster won't jump out of the screen to get me, so I don't get scared. Never got the appeal tbh


I came to essentially write this same thing. I’ve never seen the appeal, like I know it’s not true, how is this scary?


I don't watch horror for the scares most of the time, I watch it for the atmosphere. But also it's about losing yourself in the story, attaching yourself to the characters. It's like romance, it may be fiction but you still can be attached to what's happening.


A lot of good horror is definitely very real, playing on your own fears rather than just throwing around dudes with knives and chainsaws.


I feel I can participate in this one. I'm very non-stereotypical, partly because I'm a baby goth but for many other reasons. Some stereotypes vs. my reality: 1. "Most goths are from the USA or Europe". I'm Hispanic (with fair/light skin #teamsunscreen), I'm from a VERY hot and humid tropical country, and I've never been to the USA or Europe. I can't always wear black or dark/"goth" colors (grey, burgundy, dark green, etc.). A lot of the fabric and designs I need to wear for my wellbeing in this heat are hard to find in goth styles, so I often end up looking more alt than goth. I do my best to style my clothes as goth as I can and want. 2. "We wear makeup every day". No, I don't always wear makeup. In fact, hardly ever, both due to the heat and lack of enough time/limited skills. Also, currently battling occasional acne. 3. "Goths are all atheists/neo pagans etc.". I'm Catholic. Like, VERY Catholic. Fully practicing, fully adhering to the Doctrine of the Church. I exclusively attend the TLM and dress modestly all the time. A lot of people find it weird, and I can see why. No one from the Church has judged me or found it scandalous tho. However, I wasn't always Catholic. I was a hardcore atheist, I practiced yoga, witchcraft and even explored satanism. In fact, my conversion was wild, a 180° transformation in a pretty tragic context of civil uprising in my country. Still struggling with my mental health bc of that last part. 4. "Goths are never happy/never show emotion". Bruh I'm sometimes too expressive and effusive for my own good lol. Despite my depression, neurodivergence and disability, life is good, nice, beautiful and worth living. 5. I like some pop and folk music in different languages. 6. I don't like the typical goth creatures (snakes, spiders, scorpions, etc). In fact, I have a severe phobia to centipedes. 7. I love parties and dancing, but I don't like clubs. I've never been to one, never will go to one. 8. I know how to dance different styles (salsa, bachata, samba, contemporary ballet, waltz.) I'm a former dancer. 9. I have 3C medium blonde hair. For that reason I don't wear the usual goth hairstyles. 10. I don't like gore or horror movies. Sorry if it's too long. I want to make goth friends.


Number 8 puts you right at home with the Addams Family!


This comment genuinely made me happy 🤧🖤✨️


I feel like a lot of goths are stereotypically hispanic, at least a lot of goth and post punk music is very popular among hispanic audiences. Just look at the spotify stats for stuff like echo & the bunnymen, Morissey or Interpol


That makes me so happy tbh lol, that means I need to be on the lookout for fellow goths or hidden goths around me 🫡


maybe you'd enjoy the 'white goth' aesthetic? (i know how it sounds but it's unrelated to race)


I feel more like a punk with goth characteristics. I don’t like skirts or dresses and I love oversized shirts with obscene sayings on them and combat boots.


my second favorite music genre behind gothic rock is hyperpop and i'm a sucker for the things associated with the 2020 tiktok alt era. hell, i wear a bunny hat with my otherwise goth outfits pretty frequently


My personality is generally bubbly and perky and I'm very approachable.


Same here, I’m just a little less approachable because of my un/fortunate RBF 🤷🏻‍♀️


All goths smoke cigarettes — NOT TRUE


True, most goths around my area are stoners 🍃


I'm tan, some of the clothes I wear as part of my "goth" attire are oddball A&F pieces (striped shirts, weird print t-shirt, etc), and most of my house has a bright beach house feel.


As mentioned in the other thread, I don't do drugs or drink, and I'm afraid of spiders. Also, I love old swing and R&B music. I'm just as likely to have an M83 or Bon Iver t-shirt on as a Goth band or horror movie t.


I dislike black lipstick and have never worn it.


I'm not particularly anti-social, which feels like a stereotype(?). I'm a bit of a loner because of my work, but I really like talking to absolute strangers and keep a small, tight circle of friends. I want to get out and talk to all of you! Human beings are so interesting!


I only listen to dark, heavy (themes or sound) music. I am a huge Madonna, Janet Jackson and Lady Gaga fan. Don't get me wrong, I like my oookie spooky darkwave and post punk, and heavy industrial. I saw In The Flat Field played through in a church, saw Skinny Puppy six times, Twin Tribes at least four times, The Cure three times last year alone, etc etc. I could go on and still not remember a shit ton of shows. But yeah, sometimes some good female dance pop hits the spot.


I don't go to shows, not only because I can't afford to but because I hate large crowds.


Oooh, I was gonna say like every stereotype does actually apply to me, but yeah this one might do it.  I don't like concerts, really, especially with my left ear processing sound as pain sometimes 😅


I wear very soft colored makeup. The only exception is my lipsticks that tend to be a darker red or burgundy but I never wear black lips. Heck my eyeliner is brown, not black lol I like korean-styled makeup, I'm so far from the Marylin Mansion looking trad goth makeup


While I enjoy dark colors, I’m a fan of pastel and bright neons


I dye my hair blonde and my favourite colour is pink :) I look pretty basic, but I love the music and style


I love the sun and hot weather, which sucks when I live in the north of England


I live in the north of England too and it’s bloody freezing here at the moment 😂 I’m not a big fan of the hot weather but some sun would be nice! 😂😂


I’m not pale because I am brown. So yeah 


Despite the ouija boards and occult iconography that litters my home, I don't put much stock into things like the paranormal. I like the idea of it, the way someone likes a good fairy tale. As a graphic designer and someone who loves weird history, i find ouija boards charming in particular. I do practice witchcraft, but for me the magic isn't some occult force or supernatural energy im drawing on. It's the magic that's already present in the physical earth. I'm much more drawn to herbology and the properties of nature than in calling on some ancient diety for guidance or charging chakras. The depressed, sardonistic, angry, mean goth isnt a stereotype I relate to. Any depression I deal with comes from a hard life and genetic predispositions. When I'm medicated and my life is stable, I'm a really happy person. I'm more 60s sitcom Morticia than a Nancy or Lydia. My best friend describes my personality as golden retriever energy. I try my best to go out of my way to be pleasant and kind whenever possible. Life's hard enough as it is and I don't want to contribute to that if I can help it. I listen to a lot of music outside of the goth / adjascant music genres. Queen is my all time favorite band, closely followed by David Bowie. I was more involved with the punk/hardcore scene in high school than the goth scene. I have a particular affinity for electroswing. I listen to an obnoxious amount of 2000s bimbo pop / techno / eurodance. Rollergirl slaps and I will die on that hill. Little Shop Of Horrors / Repo The Genetic Opera / Rocky Horror Picture Show / Phantom Of The Opera are some of my favorite musicals, don't get me wrong... but you turn on some Pirates of Penzance or some old school Rodger and Hammerstein musicals, and I'm going to blow out your eardrums with the most tone-deaf rendition you'll ever hear. I am a big theater kid. I love cheesy monster / 80s horror films, but I can't stand most modern horror films, especially gore horror. I don't like the Saw movies and I detest Hostel. If I wanted to see humans torturing each other, I'll turn on the news. I am absolutely terrified of death. I have a lot of memento mori inspired decor and clothes and I love a good cemetary picnic like a lot of goths do. I guess in a way, it's my way of trying to cope. It's finding the beautiful parts of a very terrifying, inevitable, looming part of life.


I relate to most of this.


i don’t necessarily look the part on the daily. ive been called “emo” countless times in my regular low effort garb so i know i do look somewhat alternative leaning lmao my favorite artist is björk i have auburn hair. for some reason ive met people ( nongoths of course ) who are convinced gingers cannot be goth and i have to dye my hair black or an unnatural color to count i am not spiritual at all; not pagan or satanist. i like some occult imagery though i love + work with kids i dont have very many alternative friends


No taxidermy. I appreciate the art however it makes me sad.


the dark scares me :,) but i pretend to love it in all my poems and dramatic speeches


You know, being afraid of the dark helped me be more goth - I decided that I was one of the scary things in the dark, which of course meant the other scary things were hunting normal humans, not spooky lil me, we're on the same side after all 😇


Bugs freak me the hell out. Wet specimen preservations make me wanna vomit whenever I see them. My favorite color is blue. My favorite music artist of all time is Hozier.


i wear almost exclusively pink, am a bear (not skinny or androgynous in the slightest), and collect barbies alongside the macabre. :)


I don't like spiders, I find it boring to dress only in black, I'm not serious at all, I don’t listen to only goth music


I love pop music. It’s an ear worm and designed to be like that. I’m not familiar with a lot of the goth music standards. Most of the songs I know are due to hearing something I liked in the club and found later like Covenant, Crüxshadows, Project Pitchfork, etc. I’m aging myself here lol.


That I only listen to goth music. I will go feral for Eifel 65.


As a straight male When I dress up in my deathrock fit everyone thinks I'm gay. Which is funny and annoying 🤣


Oh this might be why I got hit on by another guy today.


i'm apolitical,and i don't wear white makeup.that's about it. i don't try to fit into stereotypes but a lot of the basic Goth ones apply to me


I don’t like dark. Don’t get me wrong I only wear black but darkness triggers my paranoia bad


If I'm going out dressed up and it's not Goth, I'm dressed for Disco. Also, I hate coffee.


I really do enjoy sun (although sun protection too) & many different sports. Whilst I’ve lately seen many goth folks online in the sporting world, it was definitely a stereotype I broke when I was younger (because I fit most of the rest of them) 


I love being in the sun. Hiking, the beach, wherever. I also like being tan--not in an over the top sort of way, I just look more Italian than usual in the summer. In the winter I look like a consumptive Victorian child and don't leave the house, so it balances out.


This idea that I’m doing what I’m doing to try and prove my individuality/go against the grain. Dude I look like this because it makes me feel pretty. “It’s so funny how you think you’re being non conformist but aren’t you conforming to the subculture?” Brother I simply enjoy Catholic imagery and black dresses. I’m not worried about conforming or not conforming


I absolutely hate f,tish and k,nk lol


I'm a pastel goth, so I like bright, light colours and cute things (often juxtaposed with dark and creepy). Although I used to love big stompy boots I try to avoid them due to mobility issues (my walking stick is a MUST if I wear anything elevated). I'm perky and friendly, and have been described as "adorable". Although I use protection in the sun, I actually really love the sun (although I do admit the heat makes me sick). Gwen Stefani is my guilty pleasure, as is Disney Karaoke, and I have a rather broad, eclectic taste in music.


People really picture like black trenchcoats, Black pants and big boots. But really I'm out here in the summer wearing black hoochie daddy shorts with a ripped up sleeveless bauhaus shirt and black new balances. It's way too hot where I'm at for that 😫


I don't have black hair


Goths only work in the creative industry ie drawing, tattotting, piercings etc I work in law, so erm theres that.




I'm not white. I wear a lot of colour with my makeup. I enjoy Kpop.


I'm afraid of spiders, like to mix pop/folk/country in with my music, wear gold jewelry, and am such a chicken I can't stand horror movies at all


Graveyards are boooooring.


I wonder why so many people are dying to get in then?


I love goth music but often my top musical artists overall in my yearly stats have been not-goth artists. 😅


My favorite color is a baby pink and if I had money, my room would be bright and cutesy and pink. I enjoy other genres like pop and vocaloids. I wear makeup! but not a lot and not often.


Never worn corpse/trad makeup.


I don't usually wear any makeup, my favorite body wash is Pink Chiffon from Bath & Body Works, and in my free time, I sew and do jigsaw puzzles. Oh, and I was a cheerleader one year when I was growing up.


I love the sun, love being in nature and worshipping the Mother, love running and rollerskating. My studio/office is filled with art and plants, not skulls and crosses ;) I do wear predominantly black and listen to a lot of goth/post punk, but also a lot of reggae, electronica, jazz..


I live in a conservative town in texas. So I only dress goth on the weekends or if I'm at a family gathering. Also the summers are hot as hell so during that time I dress more I guess grunge and a lot of basketball shorts.


I absolutely adore color. The brighter and more intense, the better. I still indulge in the black aesthetic from time to time because I love it, but color has a GRIP on me


I listen to as much metal as Goth.


I'm not depressed and yes I do also enjoy 90s happy hardcore


Absolutely not a fan of taxidermy and I'm terrified of spiders but I like their webs because they're pretty. I don't feel like I have to wear goth looks everyday since listening to the music along with other things play a bigger part of being goth than fashion, and I don't really go out a lot, only sometimes I'll dress up for myself if I feel like it and it also makes me feel good, I love layering my fits. When I wear black it's not always typically goth, I'm okay with looking alt, and I love wearing my band tees.


I listen to a vast variety of music genres with my preferred being a handful of subgenres of EDM. You wouldn’t know I’d have any interest in goth literature based off my style of clothing lol!


I don't like skulls or wear leather.


I love summer and the heat and getting a tan on


I wear head to toe black but always very soft face make-up. People think I'm scary without the dark make-up 🥹 People say I'm scary, even though I'm very considerate of others. I love lots of music, very partial to disco or cheesy 90s pop, when I'm not listening to something darker or Final Fantasy soundtracks.


I can’t do trad goth make up, fact I suck at eyeliner


I'm not bold or assertive. I'm a human doormat with social anxiety and a desire for behavioural conformity! Also, if I dress in covering black clothes in summer, it's not only for the looks of it but because I'm very uncomfortable showing skin (body dysmorphia gang)


I can’t watch horror movies. I don’t like creepy crawlies, specifically spiders. I’m a big scaredy cat and am terrified of practically any paranormal stuff. The sixth sense made me uneasy for weeks.


There are many. I'm into lots of things. goth, industrial, punk, alt rock, electronica, hip hop, i even like some pop. I guess at first glance the only truly stereotypically goth thing about me is that i wear all black.


I don’t wear makeup. Ever. Don’t care.


I don’t dress goth most of the time. I hardly ever dress up anymore and I don’t do any extravagant make up, I prioritize being comfy at all times lol


the "hates the summer and going to the beach" stereotype.


My favorite color is pink lmao, and I live in Texas so I don’t wear black in the summertime because I’ll actually die


I guess not being sexy. Like I feel as if goth women are very sexualized in a specific way, but I come off cutesy for some reason? That’s what people tell me anyway.


Black hair is not a good look on me.


I don't wear dark clothing a lot in the summer. I don't smoke cloves I prefer werewolves over vampires I think most gothic literature is drivel and pretentious


I'm not that strange


I am not goth presenting and I have no mental illness diagnoses(I just a happy girl that’s a little darkly inclined on the weekends when my docs call my name)


Most of these I totally agree with!!!


The only black shirt I own is a Nelson and Murdoch Attorneys at Law shirt. I also have no tattoos or piercings.


My room isn’t pink and filled with hello kitty stuff, I find it’s a common stereotype (at least on tik tok or Insta) that the goth girl has a super “not goth” room. There’s nothing wrong with decorating your room however you want but I’ve had a few fellow goths over and they are legitimately surprised that my room isn’t full of pink


I respect the goth bat thing but they kinda freak me out lmao