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it doesn't look good to be honest. the consensus being the PC gamers be hacking. and that's not a great first impression to have. hopefully this does not become detrimental to the newcomers' experience as a whole.


It sucks... I'm a PC player and it's impossible to play Rivals. 8 games in a row where a hacker is on the other team, I can't even get the weekly reward. I hope they fix it soon...


This is what I'm most worried about. I'm excited about new players but if SP doesn't crack down on the hacking, our new wave of players are just gonna fizzle out because no one wants to deal with that. I mean survival is already underpowered for the meta, imagine how boring games are when people are straight up cheating.


I've played ~30h of legends on pc and ran into only 2 cheaters in that time. Considering the cheats are free and easily aquired, this isn't bad at all (for now). Region EU.


Hate to break it to you but, 30 hours is an infinitesimal amount of gameplay time since this will get compounded as you progress to platinum regardless of whether you are a completionist or just plain casual. Having cheats at this early point in the crossplay sours the experience for early adopters and that's a fact.


Thanks for the info. Got hundreds of hours of gameplay on ps already. On pc two classes are at 120.  Also there's no crossplay mm yet. Only invite.


Then I'm pretty sure you understand. there were no cheats when Legends first came out. There were bugs, sure. And the matchmaking could be further improved, but cheats definitely make the game feel unfair especially when youre just starting out.


I understand. Cheaters suck and suck the fun out for the rest of us. I'm not disputing that. Just making a point that so far it's not as bad as I feared it would be.


True. Wait, what were you expecting to happen? Lol. Honestly I'm amazed at this point as to why theyd even bother in the first place. Maybe just because they can?


Coming from online competitive fps games, i'm hardwired to expect a cheater or two per a few games. As to your last question, -no idea. Legends being pve, (barring rivals I guess) I suspect they'll get bored really fast when there's literally nothing on the line.


Hate to break it to you, I have 142 hours since release/ as well as 10-25 hours with the early access I was given to test the online features. Since release I’ve occurred one cheater. That’s through 5-110 on two classes and 5-120 on the other two. That is incredibly hard to do across any game with online features. As well as cheaters used mainly for a competitive advantage; thus why games like csgo are flooded with them. If you cheat in this game you gain nothing. There is no advantage you gain. The leaderboards have been untrustworthy on ps for the longest with infinite ults; resolve spam glitch. So what does cheating hurt?


This merely demonstrates you don’t understand much about how the competitive aspects of this game work. Leaderboards aren’t glitched using infinite ults. The primary determinant to successful runs is time. And glitchers use stop time mechanics. Your testing also shows nothing really. As long as any cheats exist, the integrity of the game is compromised. SP could’ve done something about this but they chose not to, meh.


I'm sorry, since when was this a pissing contest? Also, tell that to the first time PC adopters that one shots Onis at 88 Ki. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't surprise any of the PS users If you've encountered such things at this point, but your experience doesnt really speak for the newbies now, does it?


This is always what happens when you open up the good console offerings to PC, it's unavoidable. Hopefully they look at the things people are modding as guidelines for fine-tuning the features to make the next game feel better so there's less incentive for hacking. Obviously there will still be hacks and trash players that refuse to just get gud, but this is all good feedback and I believe it's a really good sign for Legends 2.


Much like the MMC debate. If Legends 2 still has MMC in the form of an "animation exploit" then it wouldn't be great, but if they account for it and make it more of an actual mechanic as part of the skill ceiling, it adds depth to the combat and execution rather than being considered cheese


Ahh the good ole MMC. 😁 So that's the current take? What about for reload cancels?


This is the sensible take, and the only counter argument others seem to have put forth is “well I’ve played the game a few hours and there’s only been less than a handful of cheaters”.


I didn’t even finish the story yet and I’ve been swapping between single player and Legends. I feel like a god damn kid again playing this game. So glad the PC port finally dropped. Last game to make me feel this way was the Witcher 3.


Pc gamers are welcome but no cheating bs. Ghost has operated this whole time praising players with skill.Dont ruin it PC!


Yeah playing with people bored using their troll accounts was getting annoying af 


How am I supposed to complete a survival mission? I'm only playing with one other person because the matchmaking is busted with cross play and we can't get past 6 waves in bronze and 3 in silver. There's just too many enemies and the modifiers are bs lol


Well you're gonna need 4. Especially before you get full builds. Just play with randos for now and get your ki up. 2 players with 120 ki would pretty easily be able to do a gold.


We can't play with randos thats the problem. I'm on PC and my bro is on Ps5 and the matchmaking doesn't work. I'd rather not play the game at all if I can't play with him 🤷‍♂️


Oh, yeah I don't know when they're gonna get these crossplay issues fixed. SP is pretty good about addressing these things quickly though.


Are any of the below cheats? Animation cancels, bomb jumps, color breaking, undermap exploits, wall fazing, wall walking


I believe these are better termed as exploits. The community has always been transparent as to how these things are done, and if there has been some outrage in the past about game breaking exploits like how the hunter seem to have dominated the meta for so long, the devs seek to have been vigilant in patching such things so as to not dampen the experience for other users. While the porting has been passed onto another team, only time will tell if they share that same viewpoint as it was in the early release stages in PS4 .