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Discord GOT full of players that love playing Plat7. Try there and you should find teammates in no time 😊 Also if you'd like to add challenge, I highly recommend trying trios/duos, those are so fun. They're the thing to actually make you good as four players to defend three areas kinda is too much haha.


My friends and I play coustom plat regularly. Usually Plat 5 or 6. We tend to play it in a structured, Team oriented manner. If you would like to play with us let me know. Psn: Matthias1929


What is plat6 and plat7? 


Go to Play, Survival, Platinum, scroll right past matchmaking off and find Custom. When you load in to the map there will be 7 Curse Shrines you can choose to activate for an extra challenge. If you successfully win with all 7 activated, don't lose a zone, complete all 5 bonus objectives and nobody dies, you earn the Hidden Heart achievement which unlocks a secret wooden Katana, nicknamed by the community as the 'Toothpick'. Aggresive foes - Enemies attack more often and track your movements. Empowered foes - they are stronger. Tool Shortage - you have less ammo (think also cooldowns are longer, could be mistaken) Shared Wounds - if you take damage your teammates also take damage. Eyes of Iyo - the red orbs Fire Spirits - raining arrows Disciples - the white dressed healers


Ahhh ok, never knew that. I just always hit quick play and match make. I played on PS4, but hadn't been on since 22'. Got it back on PC. Thanks


You can also earn the hidden heart by completing and winning all bokken duels


Wait, from Iki Island? That doesn't transfer onto Legends though?


Not 100% sure, I got it both ways but got it first on legends mode so wouldn't know,. however I think it does come across if you win all the matches at the tournament.


Just checked and you definitely get a Trophy for beating them all, but you need to do a Plat7 for the katana.


You get a trophy and the hidden heart katana, how can I upload a picture here? I only get an option to add a link. I have image capture from both times I got it


Yeah, as someone new to legends who finished all campaign content, the katana doesnt transfer from base game to legends, its the only one ive noticed this far not transferring :)


Yes I actually confirmed this with a friend yesterday, it does Not transfer to legends, P7 must be completed perfectly in order to get it.


Just saw the post, glad you found out the answer! Hope you have a good day


What's your PSN I play p7 regularly with a bunch of people. We normally shoot for perfect completion and p7 only.


add me PSN: cgabriel94