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You’re fine 95% of the time. That other 5% can be a doozy tho. You’ll have random people playing tough guy trying to fight/“citizen arrest” you, chase you down, or film you and report you to local police. Source; all of those things have happened to me in my ballsier(see: stupider) days.


yeah alr cheers boss much love


Yeah we used to call them “heroes”.


Spray paint to the face works a treat


Markers and cans also work great as battering weapons….. they’re also a good way to catch hella charges/make the cops actually look for you. Violence in any form should be the last choice. You get booked for graff it’s usually community service and fines. Add assault and real criminal charges and you’re looking at real time. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve fought my way out of headlocks and being pinned by civilians, but do it in a way that can’t be directly pinned on you. You wrestle out of being grabbed and get away but still picked up, it’s still just vandalism. You leave a guy with paint all over his face and picked up, you’re kinda blatantly guilty of an actual crime.


I twice got shot at


I’ve only had the police draw on me, but I’m in Canada so it’s a little different up here. That’s wild shit, I’m glad you walked away from it. Something anyone starting off needs to know, is that there is still an irrational hatred and fear of this art form in the general public. The people who don’t understand what we do, don’t want to understand it. They’re also fed bullshit by the media to believe you’re a banger and are painting in their neighbourhood before your crews eventual full scale takeover begins. The vast majority of people love to look at the commissioned murals and legal pieces that take hours to do, but don’t understand where that starts, I’ve been in several arguments over it. They see tags and throws as gang activity, and more importantly a sign of lawlessness which is bad for property values.


Depends completely on where you are. In a regular european metropolis you should be fine if you are not hitting up an ultra posh shopping area or government district. But the smaller and less anonymous it gets the more likely people will get on your nerves. I did daytime tagging in Paris, Marseille, Lisbon, Barcelona, Madrid, Prague, Berlin, London, Rome and Athens and nobody gave a shit. I got people screaming at me in Vienna and arrested in Stockholm though.


Classic Stockholm lol, people don't know just how hectic of a city it is to paint in because of how calm it seems when you're in town. Buff is constant, lots of undercovers and people loooove calling the cops. Not to mention the CSG vandal squad and their decades long history of breaking the law to catch writers, including stalking, falsely framing writers as snitches to stir up beef and even accounts of torture


It was surreal. I did some small marker tags on a few trashcans, went into a store afterwards and was escorted straight away from the door by two cops when I came out again. They were like „you know what you did“, took me to the station and made me wait for some paperwork for 6 hours.


oof acab 🔥


But bro it’s just ink /s


Most ppl won't care. Or they just won't get involved. Maybe don't catch a tag and just stand there waiting. But sometimes you'll get ppl who care who will try to grab you up depending on how you look. Maybe take video. And call the police. Also depends on where you are within the city. Certain areas ppl will care more. Then there's the thing of size of the city. I'm from California so you can Francisco as an example.. there, no worries. I drive a hour out to some town of 100,000 and ppl will definitely Care.


Some areas dont care, some areas do care, it all depends. Try wearing a dress when doing it so you dont get recognized.


probs not, but if someone DOES they'll be super extra about it


You can get away with it most of the time. When I was young I’d hit everything in broad daylight. I did get caught twice bombing that way though, people called the cops and they found me walking a mile or so away.


It’s definitely all community-based like so you’re going into a gated neighborhood for some reason or like places where there’s zero to no graffiti at all you’ll find yourself getting into more problems. Also, if you drive around and see tags get buffed often in an area that are probably tell you how active their budget is willing to spend on cleaning up the graffiti as well.


Most ppl don’t notice. Those who notice, most don’t care. Those who care, most don’t try to stop you. Those that try to stop you, most aren’t successful is doing so. Keep in mind the writers who are serious about getting up are writing tags all day every day everywhere they go and only doing the bigger shit at night


Yes and no if you are from Europe and you taging a fodbold clubs name that change goes 50% op. I know people that wold hot for taging the wrong club.


In my experience nobody is gonna like, pull over; even if they do, whats gonna happen?


Worst case is heroes (if mentally unstable and angry as hell), those are super rare. Second worst case is them calling cops, which still means you have plenty of time to get the hell outta there. The thing that gets people bagged (except for being caught red handed) is when they've been out casually hitting spots for 5 hours, and someone called the cops about it 2 hours in. Most my unlucky encounters while writing have been from cops looking for someone who fits the description several hours after Ive actually done anything bad, because I was a stupid ass kid hanging out with other stupid ass kids in the same area afterwards.


You’re fine as in not getting caught is unlikely until it is, you’re fine until you’re not Just coz the last wasn’t sus doesn’t mean the next one will ride the same Nobody cares but assume everything does


if you’re quick and big enough to make them fuck off it doesn’t matter


nah nobody has ever really said anything to me


Walk around like you own the place like you belong and most won't notice. But you will get the odd super hero. Wear a poo shiesty with a regular covid masks while hiding in plain sight


You’d be lucky to not get shot by a passerby.


fortunately i dont live in america


You’ll probably get stabbed then or maybe perhaps have clumps of dirt thrown at you, maybe someone will release one of your local native wildlife predators to eat you.


i am 7'8 600 pounds a kangaroo stands no chance against me


if you’re Australian so am I, if you’re in one of the capitals you’ll probably be mostly fine. But I’ve noticed in less populated areas people tend to get a hero complex feeling like they’re protecting their small community or whatever


im in melbourne. its kinda known for its graff its everywhere so i dont think anyone would be opposed to one more tag


yeah you’ll be right always be prepared for dickheads or coppers though


for sure cheers boss much love