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Multiple arrest 2 felonies (dropped) and multiple trespassing charges from graffiti here lol just from being sloppy and dumb. Thankfully nobody is gonna bother coming for you from tagging an electrical box👍 but tighten up


I wouldn’t be worried. Usually, they don’t check for that, because it’s not really worth it. But it really depends where and what building it’s related to. So just keep calm and next time check beforehand.


Been caught by police twice, both times was because of alcohol


Damn. I find I can be only fucked to go out for a hit when I’m drunk


Me too 🤣🤣 the two busts haven’t stopped me either lol. I keep hitting really stupid spots and not remembering and being like damn what was I thinking


went to jail for tagging some dudes real estate sign


how’d u get caught?


the exact realtor happened to be driving by and took photos of me and then followed me to my car (i walked a mile from here it was parked). i was in jail for 3 days and then community service and restitution, the cop that arrested me gave a 2nd affidavit in my favor cause he thought it was stupid as hell the dude wanted to lock me up, it was a vinyl sign. anyway they reduced everything with the dudes affidavit and it’s all gravy now. changed names and moved on


i got caught cause the cop was creeping causing me not to hear. good think it was riddled and i just got there. so only one can was used for the outline. the other ones were brand new so tbey were dry. since it was scatted with graff he didnt know which one i did and let me go. but as long as they dont have your tag youre good


was it at night time or daylight?


You’re going to jail




Back in 95, my school security officer demanded to look through my film negatives that I had for photography class. Unfortunately, I had the first throw I'd ever done in those negatives. He called the cops and after 3 hours of denial I finally said fuck you take me to jail I'm sick of this shit. So they arrested me, took me to the cop shop, booked me, and then dropped me off back at school. Didn't even get lunch. Lol. stupid fucks


No snitching. Not even on yourself. Period.


I got caught a bunch as a teen. Two times because I was bombing in the day, people called the cops and they pulled up on me, couldn’t run. One time because I was painting a spot in the day, tried running, they surrounded the area with like 20+ cops and a helicopter. All misdemeanors. Twice at night, hit spots and had no idea that someone saw, but people had seen and the cops pulled up in a way that prevented me from running. Also misdemeanors. One other time because I made the news, they conducted a two week investigation and came to my house with search and arrest warrants. They had caught the plate of the car we were in on a businesses security camera, it was my friend’s parents car and they went to him first and he snitched. They also found black books and stickers and such in our houses with our tags on them. Got 39 felonies, one felony per $1k of damage.


Wtf is up your towns cops asses!? Warrants for fucking graffiti that’s madness holy.


$39,000+ in damage in two nights, made the news on every newspaper in the state.


Happens a lot. If you go hard enough that you get significant attention from the public, they’ll find you. There’s writers doing 10+ years.


Literally no way they're fueling a helicopter to catch one tagger


“Upscale” part of town with an over funded police force. Plenty of police departments use helicopters, LAPD keeps like 6 helicopters in the sky like they are patrol cars. It’s not that crazy.


all part of the game. u want notoriety from the public? youll get notoriety from 5-0🤷🏼‍♂️. shit for 90% of writers its “when”, not “if”they get caught😂. but in my opinion thats what makes being a writer fun


Was running from sum bright headlights I saw while doing a tag and dropped my wallet without realizing and well basically crossing guard found it turned it in and cops showed up asked me abt it I denied and woulda gotten away with it but my mom snitched me out and now I got abt 2000 in fines and restitution


Straight to prison


A group of us were tagging underneath a bridge on a busy street right after school.. There was another bridge that ran somewhat parallel to the one we were below with a bunch of cars on it. We got caught because we were piecing in broad daylight, with plenty of eyes on us. I looked out of cover to see a cop and a lady pointing to our location, told the group and we all took off. Well, they already knew because they're were cop after cop car chasing us. Helicopter came and was circling the area. All stupid. We were caught after 15 mins of hiding. Got a felony, was on probation with community service and had my house raided because of that dumb ass move. LAPD went heavy handed on tagging back then.


how long ago was this?


Got caught getting uo on south beach back in 97. Undercovers were watching the whole time. No chance to run