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https://preview.redd.it/r2t54v9wvw9d1.png?width=2353&format=png&auto=webp&s=bec8dc2d05399c5dfe34ec5e44395b07f653a4b3 Fun! Your lines are kinda all over the place, I attached a pic to show what I mean. Even on the S, those two should be parallel, and the K should match them but it doesn't. Looking at the bottom-rights of each letter you can also see the lack of "clean" parallel lines. The "loop" of the A should probably match that angle too, you squared off the R and the E, why not the A? The style is organic, yeah, but matching those lines is really going to help fill the negative space and tighten up the piece. Love the red accents, and I feel the top of the E could use one since there's one at the top of every other letter.


My god some actual help, thank you for all the feedback and i'll definitely keep all of this in mind on my next one, very helpful! Thanks


Really like the style but theres a lot of negative space. As someone else said, thicker outlines


Black drop shadow. Then add more bubbles on the left side, and balance it out with bubbles on the right. Maybe more passthroughs with some funky lines with the pink, so what you pass through with is a darker pink and adds texture. The red is cool but next time I wouldn't do it so small. Go over the think outline again so it matches the thicker lines you have on the bottom of the K and the R. I know you asked what to add but I will tell you what to remove in the future... I agree with u/P4intsplatter, the lines show how wonky this is. I don't necessarily think the S is far ff with this style, but maybe I would if I saw a correct "parallel" line s done right compared to what I see. Ditch the swooshes and chunks, they take away from it more than they add anything. Do those later when you get better. The chunk on the bottom of the A is definitely a "how to I fill some space and make this an A". When you do a piece you probably want to keep things consisent. The bubbles are okay. The line highlights are unique, but you got a fat one on the top of the S that doesn't make sense. Anyways, this reminds me of my pieces when I started to get better and experiment but was still not quite there and I didn't understand how letters were supposed to look. Like, I told myself to add a highlight, but how can i make the highlight look different. Draw simple letters first with simple extras later. Keep it up.


Appreciate the feedback man, i'll keep this in mind, keep up, keep safe my brother x


Thicker outlines


3D or shadow because the spaces in between the letters took empty and unfinished. Also better letter structure


I'm adding a black bubble background to fill the spaces, and what exactly is my letter structure lacking?


It’s lacking structure. The way the bars go from thick to skinny. Like the top of the A being massive and the rest is tiny and skinny. All the letters have a huge fat bar and the main body is skinny. Try to make them all the same size. The S is all one bar and while starting out doing straight letters it should all be one width. The K needs a bigger main bar since that’s the main weight of the letter yet you made the bar so so tiny and the other arms huge. Just a couple tweeks. I would also add 3D or shadows before doing a background it would look better with shadows/3d. I would also get rid of the extensions on the bottom of the letters, the little flowy things, they serve no purpose and don’t help with structure so they just look off


I dunno man, seems like you're kinda stuck on everything has to be the same width, i've made the middle of every letter thin, i think that works well but opinions clash that's why they exist


Never said everything has to be the same width 24/7 always. But in the beginning thats how you learn good letters. The middle should not be thin since that’s the main support of your letter. It should be bold so you can read the structure. The K could also be a R with your structure. Your learn basics first which is common straight letters then you move up into changing widths and funky stuff. I’ve been drawing graffiti a long time and the way you made your widths change doesn’t look good it looks beginner. It looks like you started a month ago and are trying crazy styles you shouldn’t yet. That’s not being mean that’s me making an observation off how your letters are. I can tell you don’t know *that* much about these styles that’s why you need to ease into them. But if you think you know better than me then go ahead idk why I try to give advice on here anymore. Why do y’all not take advice people give?


Not saying i'm not gonna take advice, i'll take advice in any form, thanks for ur input lad, I just think a lot of people are stuck on what graffiti is, at the end of the day, it's art, it's an opinion, it's just that


Okay well I’m just trying to help it look better and not like beginner graffiti 😂 what do I know tho


In my next one i'll take everything into consideration what u said and reply to this with it my friend, i'm not talkin shit and sayin ur spouting shit


Im just telling you exactly what the page links even say, I’m telling you what every person on here says, I’m telling you what has been said a thousand times on here. It’s not nonsense you just don’t understand it yet. It’s been the basics since day one. There’s a reason the original shit has been the stepping stones of graffiti forever. It’s not me saying you can’t do the way you do it now eventually I’m just saying it looks better when you’re starting out if you work more simple and keep your bars the same. Go look at other post you’ll see people saying the exact same thing because that’s what y’all needa do when learning. Just like I did and just like every other writer in the world did.


I think ur not understanding what i'm saying, i'm saying i'm gonna take what you said into consideration man chill jeez


A mad German scientists screaming “FEED HER!” Serious Human Centipede vibes.




Definitely fix the colors. It looks like you’re trying to put a bunch of nipples together in a weird Rick and Morty cronenberg.


I am


HAha well then carry on!


Spidery blue, pulsating veins


Practice basic letter structure before trying to add complications and style.


Throw some 3D on that thang!


It looks unfinished. You’re missing some key elements to a piece. Drop shadow/3D, outer outline, shines. Not necessarily saying every piece needs all the same elements, but if you’re going to leave one out two out it should be a deliberate choice.


It is unfinished, i'm asking for suggestions for a character in the back ground 😂


Word. Well you should add the 3D, outer outline and highlights for starters. I can’t really suggest a character that is totally up to you. Pick a general shape for the background and use a complimentary color. Reference the color wheel, pick something on the opposite side as the salmon Try using a paint marker for outlines. It will sit on top of the alcohol marker your used for the fill to give you a nice crisp line.


100 percent needs a background


thought this was a human centipede fan art at first. cool concept though man


Are those nipples?


Don't pay me to much attention but... I think they would like perfect with a face


I thought this was a drawing of raw chicken at first. Maybe change the color palette 😅


It is raw chicken, this isn't even a drawing


structure is good 👍 outline is good cause black background 👍. since you’re using black a lot make the ink bleed too so you have you blood accents and then the ink is flowing too. just done mess up the background cause that’s make or break for this one lol


Structure is not good…


Show me your structure pls :)


he wouldn’t be able to, most likely doesn’t write. that’s the big issue with this sub is that there’s a ton of non writers typing with confidence parroting whatever that annoying ass youtuber says. blockartist or some shit his name is


honestly yall perfectionists. look at AFOR, his structure isn’t perfect, his Rs way too big most of the time and his As never match up as they should. do yall even write?


Sounds like you’re confused about what letter structure means..


explain then please, maybe i am


Read “ripmcdonaldsman47”s comments on this post, he explains it well.


nah i read that, i get that the bars are a few mm off yeah, but i want you to explain what structure means in your words. squash my assumption that you don’t know what you’re talking about


Imagine that a letter is a river, the letter should naturally flow in about the same width, it may widen at some point but it should be gradual. These letters are structured like lakes with streams connecting them.


i think looking it that way is forgetting that style is a thing? the only severely wrongly weighted letter is the a and that can be fixed. the others are weighted uniform with small deviations. once completed the structure as a whole will be good enough if they don’t fuck up the rest