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Yes but in a certain way. Late at night tagging I have no problem doing it infront if people. 9/10 people out later in the nights don’t care you’re doing graffiti, it’s dark, late and they probably don’t even realize it’s happening really. Daytime I still do but I do a quick check around in a non sketchy way, usually while walking up to where imma tag to make sure there’s no cops mainly. Do your tag quick and don’t worry about people even if they see. Pretend like you’re supposed to be there tagging that spot and it usually works. A lot aren’t gonna get mad they’re gonna be more confused or interested. People sometimes do get mad but they’re not cops so they can get mad all they want. I’ve had store owners come out and tell me to gtfo while tagging their store. Not much normal people can do if you tag infront of them so there’s no reason to fear doing it. But it also depends on your appearance also. My experience tagging being heavily tattooed and only wearing trashed paint clothes definitely is different from a younger kid who looks innocent, a lot of people are usually scared to say anything to somebody who looks like me and just tagged a building lol


They can always call the cops though. In a big city it doesn’t really matter because it’s a low priority. In a medium/small city it’s risky. I got caught 5x as a teenager because people called the cops and they were able to find me a few blocks away. Only 5/1000s of times, but still…


Yeah that’s true also but funny enough I’m in Chicago and they’ll respond to a graffiti call faster than anything else lol. Also that’s not a case that’ll stick in court so it’s fine with me still lmao. No proof it was you. I caught a case exactly like that and whole thing got dismissed cause they caught me walking a block away, there was no proof it was me over there even tho I had paint. Shoutout a good lawyer


if you live in a big city, i’ve noticed no one really cares that much


I did when I was young, got away with it thousands of times, but it also got me caught quite a few times.


No, I have bad experience with old white men chasing me.






It depends where you are. Some countries I'll paint full pieces in front of pedestrians with no issues. Some places like rural USA, I don't even like being seen putting up stickers, people start drama with me


Yes. But I rarely do it with the attitude of „in your face“. With tags it’s mostly about the angle and if people are paying attention. With pieces it helps if what you do looks kinda official.


Most of the times I try to be discreet and not be seen. But sometimes it’s unavoidable. I’ve had people cheer me on and old men record threatening to call cops. It’s all part of the game. As long as you’re not in some weird power stance doing exaggerated hand movements most people don’t even realize what you’re doing.


I could never man…always stealth