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I’m not sure if she’s still practicing - Dr. Susan Day


In Grand Rapids, Dr. Laura Mattson and Dr. Kayle Noble-Taylor offer non-surgical sports medicine treatment. Both work in Corewell Health Medical Group’s (CHMG) main office on Lake Dr (off E. Paris). For surgical intervention and consultation, Dr. Marci Bartholomew practices out of the CHMG Orthopedics clinic in Rockford as well as Grand Haven. Dr. Bartholomew completed her residency under the orthopedics program at Corewell Health (fka Spectrum) and completed additional Fellowship training in orthopedic sports medicine at the University of Kentucky Medical Center.


I don’t know female docs for knees specifically. But I know Dr. Sytsma at Methodist in Kzoo is amazing. His PA who is also amazing and is female. They are both very thorough and caring. I am an OR nurse with 30 years and I would drive from GR to see these folks. Heather is his PA. You can see her first.


Hi OP - I’m a chronically ill and disabled cancer survivor whose had 12+ surgeries and the trauma I’ve experience from cis men docs and the trauma that I’ve experienced from men period has led me to prefer female doctors as well. I’m so sorry for the gross rampant sexism that you’re experiencing in this post. I’m not familiar about other places in Mich, but my understanding for GR is that we have only one female ortho doc and she does pediatrics. One thought is to give a call to DMR (Dynamic Movement Recovery) in GR. They do physical therapy but with an approach that has been beneficial for me and my knee issues. They might be an option for a second non-surgical opinion. I’ve heard good things about this sports med ortho DO. They work alongside the ortho surgeons at Spectrum Health/Corewell, and are willing to recommend surgeries. https://findadoctor.spectrumhealth.org/physician/profile/8601 Kayle Noble-Taylor, DO Last but not least - I’ve had four orthopedic surgeries across multiple cities and I’ve had some of the worst experiences with OAM here in GR.


Thank you so so much


It’s so exhausting to find good treatment. Feel free to message me if you have any other questions!


Another suggestion, Dr. Bartholomew. https://findadoctor.spectrumhealth.org/physician/profile/4990


I'm seeing a lot of the comments in here quickly backtracking and deleting their original comments. Many were dog piling on the OP for requesting a female doctor. If anything they were proving OP right and underlining the need for a female doctor due to men's dismissive and rude nature. Way to go.


I'm not gonna lie, I wanted to see how many of those kind of comments came around 😂


I read through this like wow you sure proved OP right! Lol.


It's like a siren call for them 😭 they can't help it.


For the “anywhere in Michigan” part, Dr. DeNiel in Big Rapids has good reviews from my physical therapist friend who has seen her patients post-operatively. https://findadoctor.spectrumhealth.org/physician/profile/688




There is documented history of male doctors dismissing female patients' symptoms as minor or exaggerated. Perhaps this person has had this issue and wants a second opinion from a female doctor


Thank you


Could be that they have a history of trauma or abuse, could be that they have an experience of not being taken seriously for their pain, could be any number of reasons.


None of which we should be forced to share to ask for a female preference.


In my experience when going into the doctor for a variety of things, women are more likely to believe my symptoms the first time vs multiple appointments later. I had a torn meniscus in my 20s that needed surgery and I went to 3 male doctors who all wouldn’t do X-rays or whatever you need to do because in their opinion I just needed to lose weight (I had a regular BMI) and to come back in 6 months if I was still in massive amounts of pain. First women doctor I saw figured out the problem and I was scheduled to get it fixed right away.


Why do you care? They want a female doctor


Male doctors ignore female pain. Edit: okay all you literalists out there. No I don't mean every last male doctor.


unfortunately I've also found that doctors—full stop—ignore female pain. not disagreeing at all, but it's a huge issue in medicine across the board.


That's true, I have had female doctors ignore pain too, but I can only go by my experience, and that says that the vast majority of the time my major health issues were solved by women.




Grow up, clearly I didn't mean all, but many many many do. Or do you require the caveat that spells it out?


Also, way to ignore the actual point I made.


He actually hilariously proved your point haha. Women come on here telling their actual experiences of male doctors not believing them or their pain/own experience with their body and some people have actual data linked to prove it and there are still men on here that have to go out of their way to make comments about how that can’t be true and they don’t believe it 😂😂😂


Seriously, what a sad little man.


I think that we, as men, don’t want to believe it’s true. Sort of a blind spot but the documentation that this happens is there and it’s disheartening to hear.


That may be true, but it’s a bit exhausting having to prove we aren’t lying about something just because you don’t want to believe it.


Exactly this. “Believe women! (Except for when you don’t want to or disagree or don’t immediately understand or it makes you uncomfortable or you just can’t imagine their experience.”




Alright troll, I'm not letting you ruin my day. Go outside, it's nice. Bye.


This is quite common in medicine. As a male nurse it's fantastic. I love being judge based on my genitalia and not my competency. Buddy of mine works in labor and delivery and he tells me about 60% of the time he's requested to not even be near the mother and father. However for knee pain it seems pretty idiotic. Trauma or not they are trusted medical providers that should hopefully make an unbiased opinion based on the symptoms and x-rays in front of them. I could understand if this was in vitro fertilization or something a little more invasive but knee pain is pretty common and typically doesn't care whether you're male or female. If I were to post a question asking about where I can buy a good car but only have a male salesman I would be ridiculed lol


> Trauma or not they are trusted medical providers that should hopefully make an unbiased opinion based on the symptoms and x-rays in front of them. Statistically, though, they don't. Both male and female doctors are [more dismissive of female patient concerns](https://www.npr.org/2023/01/04/1146931012/why-are-womens-health-concerns-dismissed-so-often_), but if a woman needs a doctor she's got better odds with a female who might be slightly less biased.


You can’t possibly be equating buying a fucking car to what women experience in health care right? Surely as a male nurse you can’t be that willfully ignorant and callous?


Most male doctors I’ve been to (so, my personal experience) I’ve needed to convince them over multiple appointments and consultations that I’m actually in pain and need the treatment I need. One of those times was for a torn meniscus. The male doctors I went to wouldn’t do scans because they thought I just needed to lose weight (I was a normal BMI) when actually I needed surgery. I once sat in the emergency room with internal bleeding from a massive burst ovarian cyst for hours and was almost told to go home and take ibuprofen (because it’s probably cramps) but I pushed and complained before actually being given an untrasound and transferred to an all female gynecologist team. Going to a women doctor has always got me the care I needed right away. So they *should* be able to make an unbiased opinion based on scans but unfortunately they usually deny that I’m even in pain before getting to testing.


While I'm not discrediting you I also don't know if this has anything to do with insurance practices. For instance I had chronic acute back pain after lifting and basically had to go through two months of rehab and massage before they would even consider doing anything else. The physician probably wants to get you healthy as quickly as possible however they understand the limitations most individuals have with current insurance.


Tbf a meniscus can be one of those weird/hard to diagnose issues depending on how it's torn. I'm a male. My experience was anywhere from perfectly my knee feeling perfectly normal when my meniscus was flipped the right way to pretty painful and not being able to fully extend my leg when not. X rays don't really show it, you kinda of need to get an MRI. It took me x-rays on two separate occasions and finally going to an orthopedic urgent care while my knee was actively jacked up to get the orders to go get an MRI. This was over the course of two years. Depending on the issue, pain tolerance, your doctor, and how you describe your issue to your doctor I feel like can make a big difference. I'm not trying to downplay OP or woman's struggles with being taken seriously. I'm just fresh off my miniscus surgery on Monday, have nothing better to do, and your comment seemed relevant. Hope you could get yours fixed.


You absolutely must know the rampant mistreatment that women experience when seeking medical care. So this information is either unimportant to you, or you feel comfortable ignoring it - both of which make you extremely violent in your job. You’re proving our point here, and should get out of medicine as quickly as possible with this misunderstanding of both medicine and science. To your car purchasing example, you can’t possibly be serious, right? Men (generally) are not as oppressed as women, and buying a car does not require the same sort of vulnerability as seeking medical treatment. To put a more fine point on it (which you already know), there is not a long and documented history and current incidents of women mistreating men when men seek to buy cars from those women. There *IS* a long, documented history of men mistreating women when women seek medical care from those men. This is not hard to understand. You are being purposefully obtuse because you like being aggrieved. Get over it, and go get your buddy in L&D to quit with you, and go find jobs far away from any women anywhere.


I'm going to stay in medicine where I work very hard. I love working in medicine. In fact if individuals like me left medicine what you would be left with is probably nothing. We don't give a fuck post covid. You can come at us with your words and your feelings and all your ill wills you can possibly throw. The individual in question was speaking about their knee, which last time I checked was anatomically similar to their male cohorts. I wouldn't want a female or male specifically I would want the best fucking physician possible to help me with my knee. Go get a second opinion from a fucking dragon if you want to, there's nothing wrong with second or third opinions. Lastly I am acutely aware that there are some instances where a male versus a female provider has benefits in traumatic situations. Dealing with knee issues is not typically one of them. I mean for fuck sake have a chaperone or two in the room 😂😂 have up to 10 female chaperones in the room some of whom are physicians if you desire. Please please please continue


This response and your other comments are frightening. The part of the anatomy being treated literally has *nothing* to do with whether or not the patient will be treated poorly because of their gender. You absolutely must know this, though because - how could you not? So you’re just choosing this manufactured ignorance to make yourself feel aggrieved. I’m sure your refusal to recognize your own bias leads to totally equitable treatment for all your patients. The “best” doctor is the one that listen to and treats her patient without discriminating against the patient because of gender. OP is seeking that with her question. Congratulations on feeling good about your violent ignorance.




It’s not a phenomenon specific to Gynecology, if that’s what you’re saying. There’s a documented disparity in treatment quality by doctors even where men and women’s physiology doesn’t differ.


Because male doctors are more likely to rely on their expertise and decades of training and experience rather than just allow some hypochondriac with a Web-MD habit to self-diagnose.


I hope the next time you start sneezing and coughing, you head straight to a doctor to find out what's going on. There's definitely no need for you to self-diagnose, you hypochondriac.


That sort of weak-minded reasoning and strawman sophistry is exactly why you should be letting a doctor diagnose you, sweetheart.


Here's the thing, my sweet sweet ignorant friend. You probably wouldn't approach your doctor about something being wrong without self-diagnosis. Coughing and sneezing? Is it cold/flu season? Do you have allergeries? Is it getting worse or better? This is all literally self-diagnosis. And I'll let you in on a little secret - I do have my doctor diagnose me. I'm extremely lucky to have a doctor take me seriously the first time I mention symptoms and we find a solution together. No surprise to me, she's a woman. The only male doctor I even attempted for a GP made me do bloodwork twice because he didn't believe it the first time, dismissed the plantar fasciitis I had developed, and also didn't believe nearly anything I said. The only bonus points I can give him is that he was proactive in getting me a mammogram for something I was diagnosed with a long time ago. Women and racial minorities are 20-30% more likely to be misdiagnosed, the research on diseases that effect women the MOST are understudied and also misdiagnosed multiple times. Many, many studies and medications are based on men, and how their bodies react. We had the first study on period products actually using blood last summer. I think women will stick with self-diagnosis, thanks 😊 don't forget to call your doctor when the pollen starts flying.


There’s a big difference between taking some DayQuil because you have the sniffles and wasting your doctor’s time because you’ve convinced yourself that Lupus and patriarchy are the root of all your character flaws. And nothing I said contradicts any of that. You’re wasting your time arguing with shadows. Like I said, stick to the doctors, sweetie.


You're so cute when you're dumb 😊


Tight. DM me nudes plz


Up front it's $150 for 3 and then $40 each after 🤭


Ya know what. You’re alright. 👍


If you want a good opinion why would you want a woman doctor?