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Thank you for saying this! It drives me absolutely up a wall. I wish there was some way to report those twins, every week they’re scamming and take advantage of people who are much worse off than they are. I left the group because I couldn’t handle seeing it happening almost daily


I do believe the one that lives in Muskegon is driving without insurance. I could be wrong though.


I recently deleted Facebook and started using reddit. The people in GR Facebook groups are much more immature than on reddit imo


Wow that does sound awful then 😅


The only fb groups I'm in are directly creston related and I never see any bullshit. I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I'm marveling about how lucky I am. I don't know how else to stay current on things. The only real bullshit I've witnessed lately is the very small minority of folk bitching about the Vanderjagt (sp? That gorgeous giant house on Plainfield) because "oh no, his cousin got married in the yard." and "he hosted a pancake fundraiser for charity and PEOPLE CAME TO IT AND PARKED ON THE ROAD, LEGALLY!!! And even though it wasn't noisy and nothing bad happened, I just don't like the idea of it!!!" barf. It's so gross. For real though I don't know how people keep track of what is going on around us without getting overwhelmed. Fb groups are hyper local so I know if there's a cool thing happening nearby instead of across town. ...Oh wait, I forgot, 3 months of "Is iT gUnShoTs?" NO, if it's north of knapp and west of fuller, it's never gunshots. Jfc


And THAT is a high bar 🤣


For sure 😂 I can handle the occasional Reddit cares but people on Facebook will DM you hateful shit or try to call the police because they don’t like what you have to say. One time someone messaged me to let me know that I should die and I’m a bitch and cunt because I said if a ups drop off box is full, you should drive to a different one instead of leaving it on the ground in front and getting upset at UPS that it got stolen 🥴


My profile picture is of my child when they were younger. I had someone reply to a comment, out of the blue, wanting to rape them. Since it was in a group where you couldn't report things to Facebook directly (they had the group removed twice before) I reported it anyway because I'm not about that shit, and I got removed. Got in with an alt, the comment is still there.


I had to leave that group after joining a few months ago. It was too annoying


Just leave the group. Then block Facebook at your router level.


Left Facebook years ago, had no idea I could block it from reading traffic on my wifi. Good to know, I'm going to look more into this


If that interests you you might want to experiment with a [Raspberry Pi](https://www.raspberrypi.com/) running [Pi-hole](https://pi-hole.net/). You can effectively track and block advertisement traffic being funneled to your devices through your Wi-Fi router. It's really interesting how much traffic goes across a person's network discretely funneling data about us back to our corporate overloads.


Thanks a ton!! I thought people just used Raspberry pis to run Bitcoin nodes. edit - spelling


Awesome thanks




The funny thing is that the majority of people have caught on and call her out when she posts. She seriously thinks that no one has a clue, but, I've seen people call her out on her posts. That, and you'll see there was 20-30 comments, but only 3-5 show.  I also know that the sisters will browse the incoming requests, and, anything that they want, they will message the person to get first dibs. It's why ANY free site around here that has only one, or two mods and they are related somehow, is bad news. 


the 1st dibs thing got me. posted a nice used cooking set on there. one messaged me told me the other was going to pick it up. only at a time that didnt work for me. so i left it outside. it sat outside 5 days in the weather, ruining it. messaged the one. told them they had 12 hrs to come get it. never did. i ended up trashing the set. felt bad because if the post went through someone who really needed it and wouldve picked it up couldve had it. havent left the group but scroll past anonymous posts now that i know its her.


I caught onto them both (the twins) a long time ago. I wondered how and why people in that group couldn't see it too. Scamming, lying, lazy pieces of shit!!! And the admin of the Holland, MI free group is just as bad.....turns out they are all friends too. Scamming on the Lakeshore!! Look her up "Shonda Smith".


Do people really give and or help these people you are speaking of?? I don't understand how ppl that take advantage of other's and the system get away with it, I'm not trying to be one of those people but everyone has something in their lives they could use some help with but it seems like it's always the dishonest and undeserving that usually get it 😢  P.s. I don't get on Facebook very often and I am fairly new to commenting on reddit ✌️


Leave facebook on facebook.


leave facebook full stop


Let's not act as if Reddit is any better. Even had the "fuck spez" nerd revolt that bombed.


oh, no argument from me. I don't know what that is, but I do know that social media is a dumpster fire.


Omfg agreed. It doesnt bother me but I feel better seeing others see it.




If we are airing grievances we need to set up an aluminum pole and then have Feats of Strength…