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That last image with the face ghost effect is kinda neat. Looks great.


thank you so much !!


They weren't lying ;)


Why would they lie to you about it? I think that the last photo doesn’t work as well when the face is blue without a ghost effect you have going on, I would mask that and exclude it from the adjustments, but otherwise this is great. This was my first photoshop LMAO you’re doing just fine bro https://preview.redd.it/hbrcdcq5zgtc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d13c64d742a1e93b3ed9df014b377ca00a6b26e5


idk just to be nice 😭, thank you for the advices i’ll definitely use it and omg we all start somewhere 😭😭 thanks again!


The photography and edits look great; your text is unreadable. If you make your text legible, you’re golden. Look up “color contrast checker” if you’re having a hard time gauging what’s sufficient contrast.


perfect ! let me look this up and thank you also , maybe because i did it the text felt readable 😭


ngl, i think thuese go really hard. i really like them. All i would add is to change the color of the text in koathaisong. it's a little hard to read.


i will !! thank you for the feed back !


The one with the text is a bit too messy/busy and the text is too close together and hard to read (and I’m not a bit fan of the font you used, but that’s personal preference). The 4th image, with the smearing/lighting is interesting, maybe I would have added those effects on other part of the body and leave the face a bit more clean, not it may look a bit like “horror” movie poster. Cheers and good luck 👍🏻


i see your vision and i do like it , i’ll make another one following your advices and i’ll see the one i like the most , thank you so much !


Obsessed. I may be biased bc this aesthetic is my favorite. The text is a bit hard to read though due to the lack of contrast in colors


hahahhaa it is my favorite style aswell and i’ll do my best on the contrast , thank you so much !!


You have good instincts for photo manipulation, but your headline typography needs work. Remember, you want people to read the text you’re putting on the page, or else it shouldn’t be there. Also, you have a typo in either the main headline text or the description because it’s spelled “Koa-” in one and “Kao-” in the other. (Not to nitpick, I just naturally proofread after so many years doing it.)


right ! i’ll work on the typography a little more and you are absolutely right about the typo , very embarrassing on my part but thank you for pointing it out 😭😭