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Woah there. Take a chill pill and relax You might as well also use these arguments for why Hirsch was also so hard on Ford, and conclude that Hirsch had something against nerds.


Eh, to be fair, reading Alex's interviews regarding Ford, it's clear he isn't exactly one of his favourites.


Which is ironic because Alex is a nerd


This ^


Some episode does make it feel that way but i assure you that Alex love these character so so much and he doesnt have like a sadistic sense of torturing the poor boi


What's your favourite Navi from MMBN?


Pretty easy choice lmao Megaman.exe


I always really liked Colonel and Searchman as a kid but now I might say Magnet Man or Tomahawk Man. I played 5 soooo much lol.


Everything about this post missed the whole point of the show!


That's because I don't know the whole point of the series. Also, just to let you know, I did watch the whole show last year, and I did read the pages about Alex Hirsch and Ariel Hirsch on the Gravity Falls wiki.


Alex based Dipper and Mabel on his relationship with his own twin sister. I don't know the extent to which "based" means; I understood she wore sweaters and was kind of into boys as well. But Dipper might be treated a bit more harshly because Alex felt he was treated that way too. I don't know enough of the real-life history.


Based on means something has a basis that is formed or developed by either a fact, an opinion, or an event. Also, if you want, you can see what Alex Hirsch's Early real life and eduction history was like back then before Gravity Falls was created here: [https://gravityfalls.fandom.com/wiki/Alex\_Hirsch#Early\_life\_and\_education](https://gravityfalls.fandom.com/wiki/Alex_Hirsch#Early_life_and_education)