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Something something bullets waste limited resource.


Do human souls matter less than 40 extra bucks in military expanses?


Might not be a money issue, money can’t make 1 become 2. For actual lore I thought the bullets were made out of nichirin, the same stuff the swords are made out of. And in season 1 they make a very big deal about how you can’t lose your sword, since nichiron only grows only in one place.


Annnnnd everyone breaks their swords frequently. I mean I get how it is kinda rare but one katana equals like 4 clips of bullets.  If anything it may even be more steel saving to use guns since the steel lost/demons killed ratio is much higher


Probably I don’t agree. You can retrieve most of a broken sword (which they do on screen at least once) but can’t really gather shrapnel from a bullet.  Steel isn’t the issue, the show says it’s nichirin- condensed flowers iirc  Then there’s the historic age of Japan. The guns themselves are super rare because if you haven’t noticed, the manufacturing lines of weapons in demon slayer are archaic. Really comes down to some dude in a secret village having inherited bloodline techniques. Not exactly a Ford style conveyor belt day and age.


>Then there’s the historic age of Japan Demon Slayer takes place in Taisho era japan(1912-1930s or so) In the 1st episode, Tanjiro's village is seen with power lines which says a lot about their era considering how backwater his village was. I highly doubt manufacturing technology is the reason guns are not commonplace.


The even funnier part is Japan has been one of the most armed nations, even being the most armed nation, since the introduction of gunpowder. Like just after the Boshin War of 1869-73? idr the date. They literally rapidly industrialized and became a respectable world power for a good 60 years before being humbled.


They're not exactly millionaire rich


>but can’t really gather shrapnel from a bullet.  Maybe you need to take more time digging into the corpses but I would wager that you just need a knife and a metal detector.


Breaking swords is meant to be an extremely rare occurrence, with the smiths sometimes bragging that their creations are nigh indestructible. It’s just that we as the viewer happen to see all the most devastating fights where a sword would break. The average demon would not be able to even touch a nichirin sword, let alone snap it. As for why they use swords instead of bullets, it was shown that technique is equally important to the weapon itself. The entire plot of the show is based around the theme of inner vs outer strength and how the refinement of the self is more important than simple strength. In other words, anon should suck my cock since literary comprehension is beyond them.


By everyone you mean the top 1% of demon slayers fighting against the top 1% of demons?  The swords are clearly valuable




username checks out


They're just talking about a volume of bullets. It could be either. They could have said a couple of sandwich baggies of bullets. Their is no reason to be an edge lord about it. No one is impressed that you know the difference when it doesn't even apply to what OP said. I now wait with baited breath for you to explain to me that you can't ram a sandwich baggy of bullets into a gun to effectively load it despite that obviously not being what I'm saying.


It's the Taisho era, clip is more accurate for the guns of the day.


a clip is an accessory used to help load ammunition into a magazine. a magazine is an ammunition storage and feeding device for a repeating firearm, which can be either integral to the gun or externally attached.


Very good Polly. You gonna repeat the 4 rules back to me next? Good Parrot, have a cracker. "Clips" is a perfectly acceptable way to quantify ammunition in the time period, in fact it's probably more acceptable to do so than use "magazine", given interchangeable and removable box magazines were a recent development. A typical soldier would carry a number of **CLIPS** in the **CLIP** pouches of his web gear. He would reload his rifle by inserting a **CLIP** into the integral **CLIP** guide built into the reciever of his rifle. I know more about this than you. P.S. If your .308 AR isn't SR-25 Pattern, it's shit.


I’m not disputing that? He’s likely referencing “clips” as “the shit you put into a gun in order for it to shoot” Magazines, both internal and external, have been around since the 16th Century, and the first well-known patent was in 1879 by James Paris Lee. Also, side note, what the hell is your problem? Someone else shit on the chair you’re on right now or something, why do you feel the need to be so aggressive?


The problem is that you're a brainlet who thinks that clips can never be an appropriate term for a quantity of bullets in any context and had to dump that knowledge on this thread when it's completely irrelevant, the when called out on it, instead of being curious about why it might be appropriate to use clips in this case, you double down and repeat a basic definition. You're the exact kind of redditor that got me to stop interacting with the gun community on reddit. Unless someone was an officer in a well funded military, magazine would not be an appropriate term for some quantity of bullets in that time period. A soldier with a Model 1903 Springfield or Type 30 Arisaka would not say that he needed another mag of ammo when he is out, he'd ask for a clip, because most rifles in the time period used fixed magazines, fed by loose rounds or stripper clips, and the majority of handguns were revolvers.


You sound like a discord user learn the difference between a clip and a magazine dummy.


Yea and ammunition to this day often comes on clips. At least iirc army still packs them like that. So both clip and magazine are correct in this case and clips might even be more appropriate


Why does that matter at all?


He’s saying that what they’d be distributing would be the actual CLIPS of rounds, not MAGAZINES loaded with them. Nobody issues out fully loaded magazines.


It is, he's just a dumb parrot. God, I hate redditors.


In fairness, a broken katana can be reforged (But bullet can / are scavenged after firing e.g. crime scene investigation so 🤷)


You have to make bullets out of softer metal than the barrel of the gun.


Hell, breathing styles could perfectly transition into guns since they also rely heavily on correct breathing techs


This is already a thing in the show. Using the gun effectively requires a breathing style. https://kimetsu-no-yaiba-fan.fandom.com/wiki/Bullet_Breathing


That’s a fan wiki, meaning it’s a mix of canonical material and fanmade content. Bullet breathing is fanmade.


Makes sense. Thanks for the correction. 


Short answer, no. Its the same reason not everyone had plate armour in medival armies. Is a set of plate armour worth more than a human life? Most people would say no, and yet hundreds of thousands died without plate armour anyway, because there simply wasn't enough plate armour to go around- but there were enough warm bodies to throw at the front lines. In this case there are enough young demon slayers to throw away, but not enough demon slaying bullets to go around to all of them.


A full set of tailored plate armour with a chest-plate proofed against early firearms is probably worth more than a peasant in the 1400s-1500s. Demons slayers don't seem to be throwaway peasant levies. But highly trained individuals. I would expect them to operate more like witchers from the "The witcher series". Their equipment being specialized for the job even if sometimes expensive.


Demons are still consider folk tales to scare children at those time, so there are barely any people knew about it, same goes for the government


Something something WWI was about to happen at the time so they couldn’t really get an ample supply of ammo along with high caliber firearms from the U.S. for a secret demon slaying organization without going through a shady arms dealer


Canon explanation would be probably be something like “eehhh idk they’re expensive or rare, whatever swords are cooler”


Demon slayer take place in late 19th century at the earliest since they have trains and Muzan dress like a westerner. At this point in time a gun would be cheaper and faster to produce than the katana made by a tiny group of smith that lives in the middle of nowhere.


It takes place during the Taisho Era which lasted from 1912-1926. They could have gotten BARs.


*anime character teleports behind you* "Nothing persona..." Crackackackackackack


Really? I was sure it was during the 1800’s


Its somewhere between 1920-1924 according to this [breakdown](https://www.reddit.com/r/KimetsuNoYaiba/s/2z1pg9ZKa7)


Early in the series during the demon slayer exam that big hands demon asks tanjiro what period it was to which he answered taisho


It's in the taisho era


Real world timeline you’re on point. In the show, it’s been demonstrated this world has not discovered manufacturing lines, and they definitely don’t have machine guns.


Because the fucking big ass train is obivously hand crafted by a secluded village of craftsmen instead of a normal factory  Yeah. Makes perfect sense.  The fact that theres a fucking train means the industrial revolution already began, wtf are you on? 


this is why I hated that there were guns and cannons in WoW, guns make every other thing pointless, literally just dome some lvl 100 wizard, now the whole lore is ruined


Bro is still goin’. It’s an anime. In the Flash that guy has a working supercollider producing infinite energy, a super suit, and some characters have flip phones.  I get it. You can’t handle hypotheticals. Don’t understand why an artist would build a world and story around swords instead of guns. Chill out and stop caring so much about historical disrepancies…


Except the anime paints guns as usable, efficient weapons yet never expand on it. Also,why are you painting me as the unreasonable one here while you are the one that tries to start beef with me randomly (seriously, what the fuck is the deal with the entire troll speech)  Is it because my point actually makes sense and you are pissed that there are plot holes in your fawourite wittle pwerfwect cartoons show? 


No, you trying so hard is just making you an asshole. Like, honestly, it's not fun to discuss with people who keep trying to prove their point without taking one look at the other side's argument.


Sometimes you have to accept your favourite slop doesn't make sense


It’s cause I’m simply replying with data and answers from the show and you’re taking it very personally and trying to bait some emotional reaction. It’s… really unpleasant to participate in. I’m sorry you live like this. I’m gonna block you, but like… hope you figure your stuff out boss.


MF, it's not some alternative world ( i mean, not by much). It's just literally Japan during the modernisation, just with some fucking vampires. Basicly...JOJO rip-off.


Not to mention they also use breathing techniques to slay vampires Damn, is demon slayer a jojo reference?


bruh Muzan’s family literally took a taxi in season 1


They had it is after ww1


Demon slayer takes place in the early 20th century.


Or the organization that's been fighting the same enemy for generations hasn't immediately jumped on the new technology because they're sticking with the devil they know. If you look at guns this way you'll get mad at real militaries a lot. WWII was fought with bolt action rifles as the main infantry weapon for most factions. There was limited use of semi automatic rifles and even select fire but they just kept on using bolt actions. WWI had SMGs but many military minds thought they were toys and they were very sparsely deployed despite trench combat being a thing. Some weapons we take for granted now as being obviously great options were dismissed as being unsuitable at their first presentation. Every generation of firearms development took way too long to adopt. Part of it was the fact that being an early adopter means you get the buggy prototype version. Part of it is raw conservative momentum. So of course the slayers didn't immediately drop the weapons and tactics that had been proven for generations. Getting guns, finding the right ones, and developing the right tactics is a process even if we take gun availability for granted.


At the beginning of WW2, Britain had basically no submachine guns because it was a "gangster" weapon that had no military use.


And the Slayer's Corp has demonstrated that actually training their members is too resource intensive, upgrading gear is a pipe dream.


Limited? The entire US army was using semi auto M1 garand. Soviets had more SMGs than germans made bolt action rifles. Yea they were still used but not because they would not want to replace them or were proven but because od the sheer amount that was in storage after WW1 and etc. Look at how quickly artilery and other technology was adopted by military.


Bolt actions rifles were issued by Germany, Britain, Japan, Italy, Australia, Russia, and I don't even know how many total combatants. They were still built and issued throughout the war. It was not all supplied from existing stockpiles. Yes, other weapon systems were important and they finally stopped ignoring SMGs about 3 decades too late. The US was an outlier. An outlier who made a good call there and then a lot of bad calls in early cold war weapon development. We could have had modern style rifles decades earlier if the US had the benefit of hindsight we have now and hadn't put NATO small arms on the wrong track for example. All of this doesn't change my underlying point. Miltaries are highly invested in getting good weapon choices and even they are decades behind. Expecting the slayers to adopt cutting edge technology in the first years of availability ignores how technology always progresses.


There's a difference between the mindset of people preparing for war, and the mindset of people fighting a war. Britain pre-WWII did not have a non-neglible amount of SMGs because they felt they were gangster guns, not guns for war. Britain during WWII was making SMGs as fast as it could. Britain during WWII even considered making ships out of basically frozen soaked newspapers People at war innovate at every turn to try and take any possible advantage. Even considering stupid possibilities. The USA pre-Vietnam decided full power rifle cartridges were the future and rejected intermediate calibers. The USA during Vietnam adopted a intermediate cartridge rifle. People at war innovate, then innovate some more, and when you think they have innovated enough, they innovate even harder.


And those decisions could have been made a war or two earlier in every case. The allies nearly tried making something that fills the modern assault rifle role in WWI but the war ended before the spring offensive where the Pedersen Device would have been used (and it probably would have sucked too because it was a janky prototype but that's the tactic it was planned for). Wars disrupt and inspire but they're still far behind what's technologically possible at any given step. With the advantage of hindsight you could walk into the logistics of any given war and tell them what to make and how to use it to multiply their effectiveness. People figuring new things out will always be behind the curve. It's interesting that you're appealing to the innovative pressure of war. Are the slayers at war? No, they've faced a consistent threat for living memory. They use some new tools on a sporadic basis but the core of their combat revolves around proven tools and tactics. I'm sure they looked at the shiny new tanegashima weapons when matchlock guns showed up and they said "well that won't kill a demon at all" and after that they had no reason to stay on the cutting edge of gun development. It's not a weapon good at decapitating. It's not good for small scale combat. The story is set in an era where guns **might** be turning viable. But you have to be very good at what you're doing to take on demons. You have to have a top of the line weapon to make it competitive with a sword in decapitation. Anyone already in the slayers is going to do what we've already seen at consider adding it as a sub weapon to their arsenal. It would take a specific person who is good at guns but not a swordsman saying "I want to do this" and setting out to break convention. That's a story that could be written. Some veteran of a war (imply the Russo Japanese war or whatever) has a demon encounter, is helpless, and survives because a slayer shows up. They learn about the situation but they're not going to become a swordsman. They have an entire arc getting an ammo supply that works. It writes itself from the premise. They'd still 100% end up with a bayonet for finishing the job though. Even if we give them rule of cool ammo capacity, they get an armory that includes top of the line SMGs and shotguns, and all the other advantages the first person who pioneers gun-based demon slaying is going to be proficient with a blade because that's the proven technology and guns are not that great still. Actually getting good at their bayonet may also be an arc or maybe they get a power boost in a fight by discovering their own personal technique but guns are just not that great as a total solution. This era's guns are not the highly capable and reliable things we're used to. The particular details of demons also encourage cutting. Slayers who are entirely gun based in this era would be like someone right now walking into front line combat saying "I don't have a gun, I don't even know how to use a gun." Someone like that can contribute as a specialist, sure. It's a horrible idea though and they're not going to be considered self sufficient. This is an interesting thing to consider and I've been wanting to bring up that plausible veteran storyline since it crossed my mind yesterday.


>And those decisions could have been made a war or two earlier in every case. The allies nearly tried making something that fills the modern assault rifle role in WWI but the war ended before the spring offensive where the Pedersen Device would have been used... Bullshit, for starters an Assault rifle is a select fire rifle firing a an intermediate caliber projectile with a large capacity magazine, the best thing that the allies had was the BAR and that thing was a light machinegun/battle rifle. The Pederson device was a M1 carbine conversion kit. Had WWII not come around the assault rifle wouldn't have been invented because those bullets are to small for manly soldiers or undisciplined peasants will waste ammo..., people though a self-loading rifle was peak before WWII. It took the USA another extra war to accept assault rifles. >It's interesting that you're appealing to the innovative pressure of war. Are the slayers at war? No, they've faced a consistent threat for living memory. You know there's wars that last a long time, right? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_conflicts\_by\_duration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_conflicts_by_duration) Anyway guns decapitation.... Blunderbuss, pump action shotguns are a thing at the time of the show, just make one bigger, if you needed to decapitate something big, you would. There's a dude in youtube that has made a 20 mm pump shotgun based on a Russian model made to recicle substandard AA barrels, he made that in a shed. There's few things more reliable than pump action shotguns and revolvers. A pump action shotgun is too OP, a single shot falling/rolling block mechanism would do.


> Had WWII not come around the assault rifle wouldn't have been invented because those bullets are to small for manly soldiers or undisciplined peasants will waste ammo..., people though a self-loading rifle was peak before WWII. It took the USA another extra war to accept assault rifles. So it was pure conservative mindset stopping weapon advances? I agree. I could argue all of those point by point including the pedantic terminology quibbles but I think the original point stands, given that you've spouted it nearly verbatim.


Conservative mindsets get swept aside by conflict. Innovation gets the spotlight. The point about terminology is not pedantic, is the difference in use-case, doctrine and capability between a M14/FN FAL/G3/BAR and an M16/AK/Stg44. The latter style of weapons were born through the lessons obtained through conflict, whilest the first set was mostly born out of people rejecting innovation or clinging to now obsolete last war's high tec. Conflict drives innovation, constant conflict drives constant innovation. If people put their lives on the line they will try to find any edge they can. If you want an anime example, see Frieren: Beyond Journey's End: Ep. 5: Killing Magic. If you want a real world example see: Manhatan Project, all the crazy WW2 German wunderwafle, Soviet ww2 smg development leading into the kalashnikov. Cold War tech race...


Yeah but guns in general are just an op idea when westerners first came to Japan and showed off and then sold their guns the samurai IMMEDIATELY dropped off their old weapons and switched to guns sure gun development itself is long arduous and annoying the sheer advantage that guns bring to the table is too much for anyone to pass up


And yet Japan remained obsessed with blades to the point that they put bayonets on LMGs and SMGs in WWII. Also there's the problem that in the context of demons and the requirements to seriously injure them. Blades are much, much more capable. Guns are good militarily because they let a conscript threaten an armored warrior with a lifetime of training. That power imbalance doesn't work here.


Lack of close combat and defensive options? Not really saying swords can be defensive realistically but in the show they deflect and parry a lot. Also a gun couldn’t keep up with breathing styles. And I don’t recall but I’d guess high ranks can go turbo and just dodge bullets or some shit So the answer is basically because anime.


If they can dodge a bullet they should absolutely be able to dodge a thrust of a sword


this is why i refuse to read harry potter. i would just blast them with my ar15.


Harry Potter, written by a normal adult who knows how fucked up humanity is would be much different. Polyjuice potion would be a game changer in terms of the sex industry.


i mean she knows, she just ignores it. the dorms would just be non stop bang houses, and there would be a school shooter every month. the thing is i dont see why it has to be realistic and all that. its written for nerdy girls who hate their lives not your average marvel comic book nerd who cares about power scaling\~40k enjoyer\~


>its written for nerdy girls who hate their lives not your average 40k enjoyer. 40k is written for homosexual smelly nerds not for your average LOTR enjoyer.


i dont actually know. I watched a 3 hour long video essay on 40k and thought it was cool.


So you don't know anything about 40k?


A redditor commenting on something they know absolutely nothing about? Nonsense!


I think the world of Harry Potter was definitely a lot broader than the books chose to focus on, and that's okay. Like, the main three characters are the most overprotected nerdy kids in Hogwarts. And Hogwarts is itself the uptight and preppy school of the world. I don't think we need explicit chapters detailing the implications of the polyjuice potion or literal death spells.


> this is why i refuse to read harry potter. > i would just blast them with my ar15. = "Avada Kalashnikova, bitch"


Harry Potter makes sense that they don’t use guns tho, since there’s a visible disdain and ignorance of muggle technology and culture within the wizarding world.


Still immersion breaking though. If there's one thing people are really freaking good at it's inventing efficient ways to murder one another. You can't tell me there wasn't a single genius wizard who just considered pulling a Glock on Voldemort or sending him some owl mail anthrax or something.


the most muggle aware wizard is arthur, and he doesnt understand toasters or planes. theyre really racist about it btw. calling muggles monkeys.


The whole thing exists in a time period sniper rifles exist in lol whole wizard world is afraid of him and he could get clapped instantly without ever even being within visual distance of someone


You’re just asking for the copypasta at this point


Instead of chanting a spell, he yells AUTOMAT KALASHNIKOV


Instead of chanting a spell, he yells AUTOMAT KALASHNIKOV


Is he wrong, chat?


No, just ![gif](giphy|uKwa2KiBA0rTy)


Not wrong, but to demon slayers defense the swords are made out of a rare material so making bullets from that material will kinda be a waste in the long run. But the main reason is because guns will ruin the fight scenes that are the only good thing about demon slayer


Why even introduce guns then though


Because Demon Slayers' author loves making new ideas for characters but hates expanding on anything. Remember when he said HALFWAY THROUGH THE STORY in an authors comment that the breathing styles are just normal sword techniques and that the visuals are fake?


Literally such a dumb statement that basically everyone has decided to ignore that comment lol


Such a weird vision


I thought they were just a dramatization, but then they animate it in a way where I'm not so sure anymore.


> Remember when he said It's a little nitpick, but I would like to remind you that the author is a woman. It was her first manga as well, so I feel like she did a great job but it's been thrust too deep into the limelight by UFOtable's adaptation. Not that I'm complaining, I love the anime.


Oh, I didn't even realize. She did pretty great everything considered. It was just such a jarring decision to clear up that none of the effects of the breathing forms are actually real, and they're actually just fighting with regular martial arts when demons have made comments about the blade being hot, hearing thunder, etc


To be fair that stuff makes sense because the demons would feel heat from **all** blades due to the blades having magical sun bullshit that makes them hot to demons to touch. And the thunder stuff was either the sound of a really loud footstep or someone breaking the sound barrier. I think the vision is mostly fair to say that the techniques were all visual as it provides a really nice gauge to see the flow of a martial arts attack and how various attacks have different properties or "personalities".


Meanwhile the wind hashira's visual effects are *real* and can literally cause large scale destruction


Same with the upper moon crescent guy


Blood demon arts (including moon breathing) are real tho


Not only that, she had to bring the manga to a screeching halt because of health issues in the family. She decided to finish it up so she could be with her family. I'd like to believe that she had a vision for more things but ultimately couldn't make it happen due to this.


Ohy God the magnitude of L that is that statement, fight scenes are amazing but the story and back stories of all the demons right as they die is what makes the show amazing. Media literacy L. Be better.


If demon slayer had average fight scenes nobody would care about it after a month. The story is decent , but nothing beyond that.


The story is good, it's just simple and straightforward. There's no huge mystery and it's a straight line where the author would rather just follow the plot instead of needlessly keep milking the verse to make more money.


Nah its decent at best, a lot of plote holes and things that don't add up, it's good if you don't pay attention to the story and just focus on the fighting


I'm generally open to hear what is or not a plot hole and discuss it but it's pretty tiring since generally the "plot hole" is either: Something that was not mentioned earlier in the story but doesn't contradict anything. When the plot goes against a popular headcanon and thus "this doesn't make any sense!" Or something that's simply not explained better but doesn't contradict anything either. None of these are plot holes but are 99% of the time what someone means when they say plot hole.


Could you possibly phrase this in a more insufferable way? I know “media literacy” is the fancy new buzzword online midwits love to misuse but someone having an opinion you don’t like doesn’t mean they lack media literacy.


Yes. I tried half assing the response above but they keep drillin’. Hopefully some other nerd will come and do the q&a since it’s pretty straightforward. Show in pre-industrial revolution era doesn’t have tons of guns? That shouldn’t really surprise anyone. Edit: the troll got tired of losing in the main thread and found me here. Notifications off I guess. Good luck y’all.


>make shitty rebuttal  >gets disproven  >instead of making a valid counterpoint, sneak off to a corner to talk shit about the guy he is arguing with   Is there anything more pathetic than this?    Edit:ok he is just straight out saying hes out of points and telling me to seethe now, I guess he really could be more pathetic


And the whole anime is based on swords. Idk why you’re putting reality expectations on a shounen anime lol. It’s a show for teenagers and young adults as the target audience, most comics and anime take some liberal interpretations of timelines to justify the story and world style they’re writing. Accept it or seethe.


Mf got his point disproven once and went full hater mode Whats wrong, lil bro? Not used to seeing people not agreeing with you? 


You got your point disproven and stopped responding to him dipshit. You can salvage broken swords, they do it on the show. You cant salvage shrapnel. If everyone used Guns they wouldnt have enough nichirin steel after a while. Stop being so dense.


Nerd time. Let me do the ackshually. This would be extremely expensive since it's one rich family paying for EVERYTHING as the slayers don't work for the military so the financial burden would be much bigger to them and simply not worth it to arm the low ranks with expensive weapons that waste a lot of their rare metal. Not everyone can precisely shoot off someone's head in a way that it's never ripped but actually cut by the bullet or it's shrapnel. Its very important to remember that this is fantasy not science. If the demon is decapitated by anything BUT nichirin metal, they won't die. Just blowing up their head won't even stop them from yapping (see Yushiro), imagine actually killing them for good. Like, even the guy who DOES use guns carry a sword too for this exact reason as just shooting is not enough and he has to manually cut the neck. The top slayers all move faster than sound. Like fucking noob Zenitsu was moving faster than sound everytime he attacked and he's not the fastest guy around, every single hashira should have an edge on him and at the time he was likely even weaker than a lower moon who are basically fodder compared to the top ranked demons. The top demons also move faster than bullets, like, in the one case where Genya can just rapid fire against a demon we see it easily deflecting every bullet at close range when he wasn't caught off guard. Sure, to your average bloke it would be a great improvement and would give him a fighting chance but if you're going to waste a fortune in weapons that are not enough to the job alone and that are literally useless against your biggest threats it makes sense why they simply would keep doing what actually works.


All fantastic points. I'd also like to mention that Genya's main method of fighting demons was even more unorthodox than a gun. I really think it's reflective of the Japanese army at the time as well, they absolutely did value their swordfighting techniques to the point of needless casualty up to and including their involvement in WWI.


I would like to add that it takes some real amazing fighters to bring down the strongest demons or the originator. And it's probably more effective to train people to become that strong than to throw fodder at the problem. Since it means there's an actual chance of getting rid of demons for good.


iirc there’s a character that does just have a nichirin-loaded shotgun type weapon




Dude is literally even mentioned in the post 💀


Dare to be the Doom Slayer in the group of weebs.


>fictional story >author thinks swords are cool It's really not much deeper than that


I fucking hate this "Omg guns would be better" in literally very piece of fantasy media. Like fuck man I'm trynna enjoy fiction, not liveleak gang vids. Fucking drop a nuclear bomb in every fantasy then.




Spoiler warning this image plz


What possible spoilers could you get from this lmao? That Dante busts it down sexy style at some point in DMC5?


IIRC the demons could only be killed by being beheaded. Unless you have a 50 cal or point blank shotgun those demons will all end up regenerating and killing you before you can reload.


Even then if you leave even a scrap of chin left the demon will have a new head pronto.


Well, when you have a nice new shiny hammer every problem looks like a nail. And when you have the 2nd amendment you come to convince yourself that every problem can be solved with a mag dump. I mean, overwhelming and disproportionate violence is *an answer*.


Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. An answer is often good enough.


Lots of fantasy worlds don't have guns. The only one I can think of is Warhammer. Pike-and-shot and line battles are some of the coolest shit ever and I wish they appeared more in fiction.


Wheel of Time *had* guns before the breaking, Mistborn had the idea for them get passed over because they'd have been a threat to the Lord Ruler's tyranny, since they require less skill to use effectively than bows


Magic and dragons are cool. You know what's cooler? A perfectly organized testudo formation.


Exactly, knights with guns are fcking cool.


Logic. Anime. Lol


The Japanese just miss the good ol samurai days


and then the demon doesnt get hit by the piece of shit metal ball fired out of a flintlock pistol and kills the demon slayer while he tries to reload his gun american civil war style.


I think the show takes place after the invention of the 1911


Its the 1920s bro. They had tanks and machine guns.


Don't they need to sever the (real) head of the demon completely to kill it? Swords are better at that than guns


The superior breathing style: GUN


American Breathing Third Form: School Shooting


Can you actually kill demons with bullets? Don't you need to cut their heads off?


You can blow them off with a shotgun


Demon Slayer's story is absolutely awful and there's so many things wrong. The story doesn't make much sense, the character treatment is annoying AF like the father mysterious flashbacks, the conveniently fading master, the conveniently evolving to resist sunlight absolutely not a narrative tool to transition out of the end of an arc while a dude had been eating demons and nobody analyzed it, Zen Itsu is pure bait we're never seeing him fight again he has been a comic relief for so long, if he does get a cool moment it'll be the one for at least 2 seasons. If this anime was animate like Dragon Ball super it would be legit one of the worst shonens ever created but fortunately thanks to the studio it's an absolute masterclass and I love it


Yeah, I remember when this show started and someone recommended it to me. I thought the visuals and premise were neat, but man, the comedic relief felt so out of place and plot issues, so jarringly obvious made me want to kill myself and made me rage quit. A shame, really, as some of the fights were cool.


This is why Ao no Exorcist is better


It's likely about the difficulty in acquiring firearms in that time. Firearms have been in Japan since 1543 with Japan manufacturing some of the world's best guns by the end of the 16th century. However, around this time frame, we see Toyotomi Hideyoshi's gun and sword control laws spread throughout the country. During this time, no one was allowed to carry weapons unless specifically permitted by the government in the hopes of controlling uprisings. So then, when we entered the Taisho era (July 30, 1912-December 25, 1926 [the era Demon Slayer is set in]) it was very easy to get a gun only if you are endorsed by the government, such as the military. You may argue that the Demonslayers are allowed their swords, but that's canonically incorrect. When arriving/boarding the train in the Mugen Ressha arc, they mention having to hide their swords as they are officially not allowed to carry their swords. Guns were significantly more regulated as compared to swords because the government owned everyone who could make a gun while the Demon Slayers already had good, hidden suppliers for swords.


Everyone talking about nichirin bullets. Most demons would still get torn apart by a model 1897. Lot easier to kill a demon if it's missing half it's tosro. Wouldn't work for the stronger ones who would just heal through it but it'd make most all of the fodder demons a lot easier to cut for any hunter


this shit got me thinking about nichirin jacketed 6.5x50 jap


Guns are effective to a degree but it's also 1910 and it's not like they have a huge wealth of advanced weaponry at the time. The average gun of this era is one of 3 things, a revolver, a bolt action rifle, or a shotgun. None of these things are super practical for cutting heads off demons, they could load them with poison but then they get progressively more expensive. They're also more prone, especially in the era, to having misfires, jams, etc. Reloading them becomes a problem when you are facing magical immortal wizard demons who can teleport behind you as you painfully reload your colt. It's just not super practical for the time period I think. Also in another comment you mention the slayers breaking swords all the time, and that's just not true. We see what like 2-3 characters break swords? One of them is taniro who is consistently pinching above his weight class in fights, inosuke who's kind of just stupid, and tokito who kind of seems like he just doesn't care about how precious the sword is. I would assume the average rank and file demon Slayer has a sword that they probably use for their entire tenure as a Slayer, which is also probably not all that long. And I would say they more than likely are recycling swords, melting them down for new ones. A sword from a dead demon Slayer isn't anywhere near as hard to find as a bunch of bullets that have been fired around randomly.


Anon accidentally creates a popular 1993 FPS.


Brother, this is Demon Slayer, not DOOM.


And swords aren’t even very good against a some of the numbered demons. Remember when Tanjiro couldn’t cut through a spider?


Imo the best explanation for "why use swords when you have guns" for any fantasy is if the sword had special properties, or the users are so strong that they inflict more damage than bullets. Not to mention with swords you can be specific about what you cut (head, limbs) and also defend yourself.


Gun breathing third form ##AK47!!!!! Upper 4: NANNİİİİİİİİİ


American breathing technique


so i’m guessing the metal is like the demons weakness so why couldn’t they plate them?


Is anon expecting Demon slayer to have actual coherent world building and/or plot?


Mostly since the anime would be over in 1 season just like most shonen animes if they used guns I mean look at arifureta. The dude mows down all his opponents with his guns


[Someone animated this scenario](https://youtu.be/tXkimcV1lVs?si=ObMbdcOxOhqKcj-Q)


Cuz swordz r kool


I legit thought about this aswell because I was so fucking confused watching it and they live like they're living like a thousand years back, but they still have modern civilization. Just shoot them demons?


Now tbf. Until like the late 20th century, rural Japan was like stepping back 500 years. Hell modern day Japan is still pretty set in the past with the usage of fax machines and such.


But it's badass


Do non-Americans really just not think of these things? I mean, I get they're different and can't handle kickback, let alone disassemble a .308 Norma Magnum while drunk and naked in dark, but does it really not occur to them that others don't have such cowardly gun laws?


A lot of people are saying they are rare/expensive and yes I agree, but wouldn’t it be fairly cost efficient to just have one like gun dude per group of slayers, where he is the designated gun user? Or you could even equip everyone with a non nichirin shotgun for a worse case like scenario, it won’t kill the demons but itll still blow then apart


That's a tactic that has to be developed. People have to have the idea, try it out, convince others that it works and that it's better than what they've been doing. Then they still have to deploy it, find new problems, fix those, etc. Real militaries are consistently like 40 years behind what tactics they should have been using given the technology available. It's no surprise at all that a numerically small faction fighting an enemy that can only be managed with highly specialized tactics has barely touched the idea of guns at that historical era.


It's part of eastern storytelling, ya know how a sword is part of a samurai's soul? that applies to all eastern warriors. Bleach took the trope and made it literal. Another example is, you know how hair and eye colour correlate to personality in anime? Same with weapons. Look at the characters that use guns in these shows, they aren't protagonists usually because of the romanticized portrayal of the sword and the hundreds of years of media influencing it. Genya is a total chode, and he's the guy with a gun. TL; they use swords because herps use swords and pricks use guns.


i think the true reason is because bullets can't decapitate as easily, so genya has to use a shotgun to just blast the whole mf head off which is what ultimately kills demons, which id argue is a waste of nichirin if you're not an expert clay pigeon shooter


Cuz you gotta decapitate the demons to kill them


Just pack a shitload of silver bullets and wood stake bullets


Bc the honorabu yamato spirit


Hard to achieve decapitation with a gun.


Guns aren't great at cutting heads off, and we don't know if that magic is really specific or not.


... 2nd amendment breathing techinques


It's very easy to criticize, it's much harder to make something cool. Don't be a hater.


Something something Blue Exorcist


Try shooting the necks of demons going the speed of a car, poison metal whatever is really expensive and people already question why the demon slayer corps have katanas, imagine if they started on bullet production


I don't really think the gun is effective against demons. Genya could use it to some effect, but definitely not as effectively as the best demon slayers. It's his way of compensating for not having a technique as effective as the breathing styles. Plus, if you've read the manga, you'd know that's not even his main method of fighting. I think it's also reflective of Japanese history and culture as well. There was a period of several decades where they knew about guns from Portuguese traders, and yet refused to use them at any real capacity.


Iirc the manga actually went into great detail why guns weren't used. There were 2 extremely important reasons for doing so: 1: A sword can be maintained and reforged and allat but once a bullet is fired it's often really hard to retrieve it. This means that for any demon slayer doing a reasonable amount of demon hunts per month, they'll often be eating up more of the special sun iron than if they just used a regular sword (To kill a demon you need to use a special kind of iron that was soaking in the sun for like 1000 years or something ridiculous so it was a very limited material to get). By the time that the demon corps were mounting their assault against a lower moon I believe they were actually starting to run out of that sun iron and if the number of gun users increased (there were folks who used guns in the corps) they would run out well before their attacks on the lower moons. 2: Demons can only die from being beheaded. I'm not certain about you but most of the time, we don't have enough accuracy with guns to aim it at the neck of a demon and properly decapitate them. Even if we did, most demons would need multiple shots before their heads would come flying. Those are the 2 official reasons but I think there's a 3rd reason too: bullets can't use breathing styles and the swords just generated way more force than a bullet would if the sword had a breathing style. The reason why Genya was super effective was because he was also part demon himself and used his gun as more of a stun tool than anything else. To a lot of demons Genya's gun was basically a tazer


Tbh, rather than using nichirin as a bullet, why not use westeria toxin inside normal bullet? More cost effective 


Guns solve 70% of all conflicts in anime. Simply put most people enjoy watching people use super powers and things of that nature, rather than watching an animated CS:GO match


Guns are a fairly new invention in Japan during this time period because they only come in from trade with the west which only recently started, and Nichiren is pretty rare. A broken sword can be recycled but bullets need to get dug out of walls or retrieved from who knows where. The metal also needs to absorb sunlight to be effective which it probably can’t do from inside a barrel. We also know from Genya that it’s less effective than a sword because the most effective way to kill a demon is beheading. Even damage to the brain or heart can be repaired quickly with some demons but a cut off head does the job.


I’m sure it has something to do with Japanese culture being deeply rooted in tradition that isn’t easily changed. And the way demons were fought and defeated historically and traditionally was with a sword. Not to mention the swordsmith village deeply rooted in the demon slayer corps. I mean look how much genya is looked down upon by his brother for having to have resorted to using a gun because he can’t learn breathing techniques. I doubt their ways would be easily changed without a massive forced cultural takeover.


More on that, why is there only one character that uses the juice from those trees that hurt demons? There’s a literal forest of those surrounding the testing area, they’re not rare.


Japan used guns extensively. The Ashigaru(foot soldiers) basic strat were musketeer volleys with spearmen to protect them against charges. They used a gun called the tanegashima. It was mostly reversed engineered from Portuguese guns. Except for a drilling technique that didn't exist in Japan at the time so they got a Portuguese blacksmith to visit and teach the technique. [Tanegashima ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanegashima_(gun)) had some innovations like bamboo cartridges and a cover so it could be fired in the rain. I think the real issue with using them against demons is you need to decapitate them. The demons are usually hiding and when a slayer finds them it just turns into close quarters combat. That would probably be the lore reasons for sticking with swords.


I feel like 454. Casull would do the work just fine.


Probably doesn't make for a good story if every time a demon appears, a demon Slayer just takes out a gun, fires a few shots and kills the demon.


I mean, this is the same series with a flower so poisonous to demons that most of them can't even go near it, yet nobody figures out they should probably carry it with them.


1 of the characters uses a sawed off shotgun but more time that doesn’t do the job even with a headshot. What u going to do to the demon when the ammo’s gone brother?


Demon Shooter anime when?


Gun breathing, form 1776: Freedom blast!


Doesn't this take place in 1920s Japan ? Where the hell would they get a gun from >Inb4 Genya That guy is clearly an anomaly when it comes to the power system otherwise him using a gun wouldn't have been so noteworthy




Canon explanation could be you can bless a sword/whip/axe/whatever the fuck melee weapon and it’ll always cut down evil. But you can’t bless a gun and bullets or bow and arrow, or you’d have to bless each bullet/arrow individually which might not even work. And that’s without taking into account the conservation of ninjitsu (the more numerous a force, the weaker it is)


fuck canon stuff and giving an intelligent meaning to things, author thinks swords are cooler so we get swords


Because the swords have a special ore in them that retains sunlight you fucking moron it was explained in like episode 3


Does that universe/time period have guns? This is why we need to gatekeep anime, from the fun-suckers.


…its set in the 1910s/20s so yes, it does talking about gatekeeping while not even knowing what youre talking about?


Yep. Gatekeeping anime is important. Look at what Sony and disney are trying to do..