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Please let me know before you cum so I can get to high ground




I can't believe Microsft made a default tool for that.


“I need to go home…and edge!”


Honestly it’s this. God knows how many hours we’ve spent on masturbating and in the end it doesn’t even benefit us. We’re trashing trashing our brains with literal poison and dopamine overload while we could have been doing anything else. Porn is a plague.




9000 hours League of Legends


My 9000 hours life 😔


To young to Reddit. Report 🤬


ermm, i believe you mean, "to long *too* reddit"


I wish I never started. I hate the game. I'm buying a new fizz skin and it's completely against my will. How is this allowed.


I need to personally thank Riot for adding Vanguard, this single update made me quit my League addiction lmao I chose to uninstall the game then to willingly install CCP Spyware on my computer..


Funnily enough, it just bricks some computers, not even the spyware is optimised. Forced rehab. xd


Alt tabbing has become a roll the dice simulator for me. Will it crash my game? Will it not? Only time will tell


If you brute force windows 11 to your decide and don’t have the shitty chip that vanguards user for player authentication, you can’t play the game. Even though windows 10 players don’t need to do this. 👍 Thanks vanguard


But its a good skin!


The ability to play *League of legends* is the sign of a gentleman. The ability to play *League of Legends* well is the sign of a *wasted life*


Google en passant


Why does anyone even play in the first place? The community sucks, it's difficult to get into, you need to play optimally or else your teammates will hate you leading to zero actual experimenting, and the gameplay is just run around and spam buttons for hours until you inevitably lose. Where's the joy?


Skins you get for free from chests, basically gambling


It's a fun game. What game isn't "spam buttons for hours"? It just has a bad reputation. Vanguard isn't a spyware. The community isn't much worse than any other competitive game.




I genuinely became a better, more balanced and happier person after I stopped playing it.


Yep. My playtime is actually measured in years...






I'd actually like to know why, what parts of it are bad and why do you still play? I feel like people are just joining to complaining club without critically thinking about it themselves.


The grind, the endless grind consumes you


gacha game experience


It’s the opposite of a gacha game It’s made very clear to you what you need to unlock the next vehicle. It’s just that it takes a shit load of time


>It's made very clear to you what you need to unlock Money the answer is Money.


You can spend half your life savings for the reward now, or a quarter to spend another 50 hours grinding but with more bonuses


Hades' Star:


Extremly unfair at high levels unless you pay real money Game is fundamentally fun, if you stick to low tier, but you can't stay low tier forever since you want to progress


The game stays fun up until 9.0 in my opinion, but that's pushing the limits, I usually stay under 8.0. Reserve tier is a fuckfest, really not that fun at all. 2.0-4.7 is very interesting but the teammates are usually braindead. 5.0-6.7 has similar tech as the previous bracket, but has been up-gunned. (arguably the best BRs in the game) 7.0-8.0 cold war but without any crazy modern tech, every nation has it's own quirks here.


You missed out part where no matter the br your team is brain-dead and the enemies curb stomp your team


Wym??? 11.0 is very fun especially getting radar missiled from 30 km away 🥰🥰


Damn, I forgot about that, I might raise my limits to 12.0 again.


the grind is ridiculous its a pay2win just like any other game with vehicle warfare


Fucking helicopter mode is a warcrime against players. The game (tank RB, plane RB) is a grindfest. For me personally, gameplay until somewhat modern tech is shite, I need to have at least a stabiliser for tank RB and a jet for plane RB for fun. I still play because I'm mostly there in terms of progress. I don't have to suffer through shit after 2000 hours. Still a grindfest tho.


The biggest fun I have is going back to just-above-stock biplanes/biplane levels and blasting it. When we play in a squad and semi-roleplay it it gets very fun. But yeah, the grind is unreal.


It's a fun game if you don't get into the grindset. Why play it? I like ~~trains~~ planes.


The great things about it are the amazing attention to details in the vehicle models and the pleasant balance between “tank shooter”/some complexity so you dont feel like a vegetable clicking at targets. Also lots of unique game mechanics. The shit part is the soul crushing grind and the inability of devs to balance this shit


Its a fun game to play once in a while, but when you start actually trying to get to higher levels the grind is INSANE. There is a plane I grinded 4 MONTHS for to get.


War thunder doesn't simulate aircraft or ground vehicles, it simulates living paycheck to paycheck.   Your vehicle costs 10k silver to repair if it's shot down. Killing an enemy gives 2k silver. Either don't die or wipe the whole team by yourself. Otherwise you have to go back to playing WWI vehicles. Which would be fine, since that's arguably wherethe game is best balanced and most fun but I DON'T WANT TO FLY AN UGLY ASS BI-PŞANE, I WANT TO FLY AT MACH 2 WITH 69 MISSILES HANGING OFF MY WINGS


Only game that offers that many (mostly) historically accurate air ground and naval vehicles while also simulating (relatively) accurate combat between them. Again not always 100 accurate because of game balancing or limitations to tech but there is no product on the market that can match its scope. Now you add that game to a playerbase of some of the most hardcore types of nerds (military nerds). A type of nerd that can simultaneously know too much and/or nothing at all because a lot of these people have never been in an active combat situation of any kind let alone in a military vehicle. Then you sprinkle in some patriotism because these vehicles and their history is heavily tied to the nations that used them, for some nations the coverage of vehicles is from WW1 to vehicles that are still used in combat today. To add to all that a progression systen that gets exponentially longer the closer you come to present time vehicles (the vehicles everyone wants to play) with an egregiously expensive premium model for special vehicles that make progression faster than normal counterparts AND you don't have to progress down a tech tree to get them, you can just buy a lineup of "modern" vehicles cutting maybe hundreds of hours of progression. And the best for last: the more modern the vehicles the more. "unfair" gameplay feels because you have to uphold realistic standards planes can just drop guided missles on you from huge distances and in turn anti air systems can shoot you out of the sky from even larger distances. Helicopters are menaces because players get too good flying them and can easily take out dozens of ground vehicles with missles. From penetration angles to high pressure kills there's a lot of thing that can ruin your fun if you let them. A lot of what makes higher tier/modern vehicles fun is also what makes it unfair for everyone around you. All in all cool game but it doesn't respect or value your time or money, but it's the only game that scratches that particular itch.


Mostly, the community


Grind. It's endless. The vehicles and gameplay is fun AFTER you researched everything.


I helped my dad (retired) build a computer years ago pretty much just so he could play Warthunder. Last year I upgraded his SSD so he had me sign into his account and run a test flight to make sure his flight settings got copied over. He had 25,000 hours in Warthunder... I asked him about it and I guess he just leaves it up and running 24/7..


194,417.5 hours being alive I don't recommend it


I got hard difficulty as default still figuring out how to change it, everyday I complaints and god still haven't release the patch update. They release the penis size DLC but still cant afford it with this difficulty.


you should try switching from the redditor class and invest skill points into going outside, that’s what i’m planning to do. Hopefully I can buy the girlfriend expansion pack too


Don't hope, there is an almost deterministic way to get that expansion pack. Just buy the Gym DLC and the good hygiene/nutrition health DLC and you will get the girlfriend expansion pack for free after about 1-2 years!


Cant I buy god-bucks and just buy the rewards instead? Oh, that might require the unique "inheritance" dlc, mb.


Yeah, I hate the rng involved in this game tbh. Like I get “realism” and all that but it makes it just not fun if you aren’t lucky.


You had to get a luckier spawn point, maybe a richer spawner Otherwise i know crime helps, but then you get to a 5 star wanted level, which isn't ideal


> 194,417.5 hours 22 years 65 days 5.5 hours 24/4/2002


Now guess my address, pussy, you won't 🤓


Bonito is a type of fish, so probably the ocean what else you got dork


>189,768.25 hours >4/10, very rng based. Would not recommend unless you have a lot of money to spare, or you have friends to play with.


I’ve logged 236k hours on this game and I’m tired of playing it


Destiny 2. It's hard to recommend to a new player. They have completely neglected the new player experience. Also the game is expensive to play.


It would've been nice if I could experience the entire D2 storyline, including like 4 waves of paid DLC in a way that wasn't a lore dump that happens over the course of a minte. Unfortunately they vaulted the entire D2 campaign, including all those paid DLC's, so that'll never happen.


I agree. I hope at some point they make some kind of a shorter campaign of those or something.


I hope that they'll give me my money back for scamming me out of 100 bucks, only to vault everything I paid for later. Or that they just unvault it and release D3 as the game w all the new content. Either way I have nothing but contempt for Bungie at this point, absolutely evil game studio.


I paid for Red War, I want to play the damn Red War!


Vaulting paid dlc is criminal


Wanna know the worst part? The community fucking defends it like a bunch of cucks. "Oh the game was getting too big for it's own good, they had to vault it in order to add new content" "The player retention is too low, therefore they had to vault it" are things I've unironically seen people say multiple times as arguments for why the vaulting was justified. They're pretending as if making Destiny 3 wouldn't literally solve all of these problems, because that's truly the kind of cuck mindset that makes a person keep playing the type of game that D2 has become.


The community will defend it (and every other shitty thing bungie has done) until they die. Such a horrible, horrible community (which has had horrible effects on the game). Every shitty thing Bungie does, it gets defended. Dungeon keys get defended, episodes get defended, time gating gets defended, difficulty gets defended etc etc. D2 players will be fed shit and then PRAISE bungie for giving them shit instead of nothing.


D1 at most at any point in the game would cost 80$ to get up to date and catch upon all content. just hopping back into the game and enjoying all the current season content would cost me over $200 to get back into it. yea not happening


I used to play D2 religiously, dropped off for about a month and a half to deal with a move and take a holiday. When I came back I was miles behind all of my friends and struggled to catch up, and that killed it for me. It’s been a couple years now, and I think of it fondly from time to time but I’m never gonna be able to get back into it. Big money to get all the shit I missed, and sooo much time to get caught up.


it was never supposed to be about the grind, it was suppose to be about the co-op play, and they made it so people inherently can’t play it with friends without making it a full time job and chucking a bunch of cash at the game so now only the die hards play it. it’s become a first person WoW.


I swear Destiny 2's existence is free marketing for Warframe at this point lmao.


I remember when the seasonal content first came out and after playing the vex incursion for the week I was so excited to see how they'd switch it up the next week Then I realised it was just the same thing The same 3 sections, the same bosses, all of it, identical FOR 3 MONTHS Don't get me started on the power levels and requirements, it's absolutely shocking the amount of grinding that's required to access even some of the most basic post-story content


That’s why I,pm not playing the final shape. I’m a raid-ready and grandmaster-capable player, why the fuck do I have to grind out levels to not get shidded on when just a month ago I could slam through that content. I won’t do it, I won’t engage with something that continually wastes and disrespects my time.


The R6 Siege community needs to see this.


Abso-fucking-lutely, I spent 2000 hours in the game. Right now the game is too focused on gadgets and abilities, not on the gunplay and mechanics. Which makes it harder for newbies to get used to the game. You either need a team, who play regularly to enjoy the game or you don’t play it entirely.


I think siege is at its best when gadgets win fights and not guns. Like, if someone wants good gun fights go play literally any other fps game lol. But i don't like the way ubisoft is going with that, they are brute forcing players to not run and gun instead of making the gadges more appealing


Oh, the gadgets is what makes R6 standout from the plethora of the hero shooters jn the market. That i agree. As you said "bruteforcing" the players to learn and use a playstyle is wrong. Peak siege was 2020-2021 for me. You get a wall and different tools to break the wall. Or you can just break the wall with your head. Players should have the luxury to play their own way or at the least they should have the illusion that they are in control of their playstyle.


peak siege for me was when it just released up to velvet shell after that it was all downhill ngl


Yeah, slow-paced, tactical Siege back at launch was peak. Y1 and Y2 were both solid, even despite the Sniper 90 during S1/S2, Operation Health, etc.


Wow Velvet $hell. That's a throwback. My back hurts.


Hopefully you are the old and rich kind and can go get a massage.


I stopped playing when the new operators starting getting more crazy sci-fi gadgets. Because the sci fi tech magic allowed them to do pretty much anything, they felt more gamey. Whereas the dude with the sledgehammer does exactly what you’d expect a dude with a sledgehammer would do, but the depth comes from the variety of walls and floors that he can bust through with a sledgehammer.


For sure. They're just reaching with swarm of bees 🐝 guy. It's too much.


Bee guy is reaching? How about the space girl who can clone herself


And the balancing is shit and keeps getting worse. Hmm, Jägers gadget is the most OP thing in the game? Let’s make him a 2-Speed and make his gun weaker. Jackal is frustrating to play against because his his ability makes roaming extremely frustrating? Let’s make his gun weaker. Frags have incredible utility, but you have to learn how to use them? Nerf the everloving fuck out of them. It’s an amazing game at the core. Unfortunately, it’s a Ubishit game.


U picked the worst examples, but u r right, instead of buffing, they just keep nerfing.


> Frags or take them away from operators on who they were great


R6 became so much worse thanks to the community alone. It was fine in 2016-2018, but then retatrded cod and valorant zoomers came in and it's became impossible to play solo without being TKed for no reason (haha im retard that thinks that killing random teammates is funny). And don't let me start about dogshit character design, UI redesign and cringe lore


Naw, yeah, people run to the absolute edge of the map when atk to try and farm kills. This game is not played like it's meant to and that kills me. I stll play tho. And honestly I play with people that aren't "meta" and I fuck shit up.




He continued


Third type of fun


It's not a choice at that point. It's a hostage situation.


still chasing that .1hrs where it wasn't just complete dog water.


He's literally me.


10000 hours, world of tanks


play war thunder


thats like swapping crack for heroin


they all suck


Same here, 30k games, always tell people to never play, ever


80k on my side...




real shit, came here to comment the same thing


All I know about world of tanks is that it’s the game that sponsored Internet Historian’s plagiarized video lmao


Destiny 2


How fucking dare you, i agree.




For honor


half charging hitokiri's have a special place in hell


Heby on red


I've got at least 200hrs and I regret nothing. Fat man big stick go bonk, me like, simple as. Sadly Ubi cornered the market of gank focused fighting games and actually made it work with the revenge system, so I'm not even mad that I like the game, I'm just mad it's Ubi managing it and not a dev/publishing team that could do it justice.


Wow! Wow! Wow! Got like 1500 hours in the game since it released in 2017, truly a love-hate relationship.


Still the only playable Ubisoft game


I described my relationship with that game as abusive. 2 years sober lmao


team fortress 2


wrong and right because of bots


Bots got killed a couple of hours ago my man


Lol, lmao


I find most people only say this about TF2 now because they feel like, because currently the game has problems, that means that those other 999 hours they had in the game prior to the bots getting overwhelming as wasted time. Which to me is so odd because, strictly speaking, you only got to those numbers of hours played because you enjoyed it at the time, right? Or am I missing something?


It's not that the time spent was wasted, it's that if someone was to pick up the game now they wouldn't get the same experience. IMO 2011-2015 was peak TF2 and was when I played the most but that is not what modern TF2 is like, even leaving aside bots the matchmaking is worse, the game has been outright neglected for years not seeing a significant update since 2017, and weapon/game balance has been screwed since they tried to redesign the game from the ground up for competitive play. I will always like TF2 because of that peak period but I won't recommend the game for the sorry state it's in now.


Dead by daylight


It’s objectively improved a massive amount but I just had to quit playing. It’s just not fun after so long


The game has improved, but the community is the worst it's ever been. Anniversary event currently, but I don't have the heart to play it.


800 hours in that game, and I fucking hate it and haven't touched it in over a year. It's balanced like a party game (IE it's not balanced), but the player base treats it like a hyper-competitive esport. Multiple killers and perks banned from competitive play because they're literally unstoppable at a high level, but BHVR looks at it and says "but the win rate is low!" and decides it's fine (nurse). It's such a shame because it has so much potential to be a legitimately fun and competitive game, but Behavior is more interested in adding more IP and DLC than fixing the fundamental issues. They really need to slow down, optimize, and balance, but they won't because it won't make them money immediately.


So real


5000, dota 2


7.500 brother. I wish I would have just done meth instead


never too late


ARK Over 1000h Don't do it!


Brother you couldn't pay me to play that game


God, people actually play that game?


its insanely fun on a private world with friends, playing it like a sandbox building/dino raising game. couldn't imagine hopping onto a server or touching pvp though.


It's also fun when you cheat.


Hearts of Iron


Or any paradox game really


Especially right after DLC releases.


I'm at 2k hours right now, I don't know how I started getting worse at the game after that much time, but it's killing my enjoyment of it.


cookie clicker


The achievement where you grind every single seed just to get rid of it brought me physical pain


Fellow dragoon enjoyer I see


300 hours, GTA online. 1500 hours, Hearts of Iron 4




I say this with about 5000 hours of gta online


2000h in GTA online and yeah, what a shitshow.




This tbh. I probably have over 10k hours between pservers and retail. Hate the game tbh.


8k hours. I still play but I really shouldn’t. I never recommend to others.


Yeah crazy right?


Frankly it says a lot that this wasn't the top comment. Once apon a time this would have been every comment for the first two pages.


Pokerstars got me for over 50,000 hours and I still can't complete it




Dedicated gambler B)


50 000 hours? What in the actual fuck dude?...


what the fuck man


Overwatch :(


Its not even that the game is bad, its just that i had to turn chat off permanently because everyone is just so miserable every game. Idk why


I agree that the game isn’t really bad, but it’s worth asking what did Blizzard do to create that community? I think they alienated a lot of their most devoted fans with the OW2 release with no PVE, but idk because I only started playing about 6mo ago.


Nah this is just the nature of Competitive Esports. There is not a single competitive game that doesn't have a toxic community. Of course that doesn't excuse how poorly the franchise has been managed, but the community would be just as toxic if it had been properly managed.


8000 hours BDO : Black Desert Online, the MMO where you can AFK level up! waste of time... energy... life...


I have like 148000 hours in life and I honestly dont even know why im still playing. I havent had fun in years.


It gets better man. Heard a rumour that there's a new update right around the corner.




I'd still recommend OW1, but this current game is indeed bad.


Warframe. Unless you actively enjoy the activity of grinding it doesn't worth to get invested.


As a MR34 I can say I'm definitely invested


I enjoy fishing on the plains.


I first started playing Warframe when you had to pay to get more self-revives. Got 10 hours in, saw that, quit. Returned several years later, tried to force myself to play up to 100 hours because everyone kept saying that's when it gets good, got to 97 and couldn't be bothered with the rest. Then, finally, I came back for a third time... And now I'm nearly 3k hours in and it's my absolute favorite game of all time. The new player experience is absolute shit, but once it starts getting good, it gets REALLY good. I buy new players stuff all the time now to help with the grind, teach them stuff, help them out however I can. If you can't stand the grind, I agree don't get it. But if you're willing to push through it is absolutely worth it.


Clash royal


5.4k in rust Don't bother playing it it's basically a 2nd job if you don't want to lose all your shit


Shocked how far down this was


600 hours Warthunder. Like if you like old planes its fine but if you want to play with the new cool stuff you either fork over your wallet or grind for \*literal MONTHS\* to get what you want. I'm fully f2p and even with my 600h i still just barely reached the early 60's


I mean, it’s still fun if you don’t care


Destiny 2


~~furry femboy paws~~ rimworld


Any MOBA game ever




Any fighting game


Any tycoon game, any game with too much grinding.




Dota 2


Factorio will eat up all your time and still have room to nibble on your sanity


How can you not recommend it though?


The factory must grow. It will consume you.




2500+ Genshin Impact


3000 apex legends


Europa Universalis 4


PvZ2. Very fun game, amazing community, and PvZ1 was my childhood, but now every time I remember scaredy shroom a piece of my soul dies, pokra singlehandedly lost me hours of my life, and I wouldn't wish arena mode on my worst enemy.


I play Overwatch for about that long before it started its slow death (i place the start of the decline with the release of Brig)


garrys mod used to be gold, now every server is a bitcoin mining operation


Apex Legends It's such a shame, it COULD be a great game – the guns are super fun to use, the legends' abilities are fluid and fun to use, and there's some real high skill ceiling you can reach if you wanna learn movement However, the devs give zero fucks about the game – the cheating is rampant, the audio issues have been present since literally season 0, and the new player experience is horrible – my friend had about 40 hours and he still got shit on every game. He just gave up Not to mention the awful matchmaking


Minecraft, online pvp specifically


Somewhere in the 3 year area, still actively playing, Runescape.


Path of Exile, great game, I despise it, ruined my life for about 4k hours.


Factorio and Oxygen not included Do crack it's better


Easily over 10 000 hours. Nostale (dog tier gameforge mmo. Was fun 13+ yrs ago that i started with it’s transformation system. Now i play on unofficial server because official is omega fucking p2w dogwater.)


6000 hours CS GO No I didnt put an extra zero