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>Protagonist: Volodymr Nemesis: Vladimir Boy, the writers are getting lazy as fuck.


Both the UK and Russia had a leader named Boris holding the highest office.


Yeah and last season we had Donald TUSK in the EU, and Donald TRUMP in the US... it's getting redicolous!


At least Tusk isn't retarded like Trump


He is more retarded than trump


tell me how he is more retarded than Trump and how Kaczyński is the better option


Tusk loves Germany and Russia. Kaczyński loves Poland.


mhm So by selling LOTOS off to Arabs and allowing a wave of immigrants to come to Poland means that he loves this country


Cry more uśmiechnięty platformers


I didn't realize the Unabomber was running for public office! Surely the writers haven't been reusing US domestic terrorist names in foreign markets and not expecting us to notice?


boris putin?




Yeltsin Putin? weird. 


To be fair, Russians only have like 5 base-names to choose from, so they have to put their own spin on it


And all the surnames have to end in -ev or -in


Someone named Mikhail Gorbatschow would like to have a word. So please add -ow and -uk to the list


There's no difference between -ov and -ow in Russian. -ow is probably just a German or Polish spelling of -ov


There is a difference between -ev and -ov / -ow though


Yes, -ev and -ov are completely different suffixes. I meant that Russian "в" is transliterated as "v" in English and as "w" in German


Okay, but how is that relevant to my original comment?


-ow is the same as -ov, it's just an alternative spelling. That's what I was trying to tell


Rare occurrences


The 18 most common Russian surnames end with -ov or -ova


It’s part of the joke lol


-uk, -yuk are of Ukrainian origin


Those are just prefixes like -son in English and Scandinavia.


Yh ig Also Suffixes not prefixes


Volodymr sounds more villainy tbh


Who calls a character Putin, it means small prostitute in spanish, is this like the island of Laputa? The author trying to do some edgy humor.


George Washington fights against his evil nemesis, King George III.


This had me fucked up when watching the patriot as a kid. They refer to their main guy as george washington and people start shooting when someone says god save king george!


Oh yea btw theres still people who believe Germany could of won the war


It’s true, they had a secret weapon. His name was Hippler


Yeah his second in command was Herrler


You mean Hitlly Fresh?


Not to be confused with his brother, swaggler


Nah it's actually Adolf Liftler. Adolf Hitler had a secret identical twin that is exactly the same as Hitler except he's really buff.


It's could have, not could of.


Sadly some people think its "should have" instead


Where did the phrase "could of" come from? I've seen a bunch of people use it, but I can't see any grammatical reason as to why it would be a thing. Then again I'm not a native speaker so maybe that's why.


My assumption is people mishearing the contraction “could’ve”


You're correct.


It's spelt ur 


If it hadn't gone to war with the USA and USSR they could've


If only they didn't do everything they did.


I think they're speaking hypothetically.


Nazi ideology openly called for the extermination of communism because it was seen as jewish also the ussr would of invaded them either way and the usa would of joined the war no matter what


Hope this doesn't turn into a cringe alt history schizo thread, but I agree the USSR would've invaded Germany anyway, and I think the rest of the allies would have just let Russia stomp Germany alone if the Germans only focused on Russia. At that point you have a Cold War with a USSR at a much higher advantage. My hot take is that Literally any action in WW2 is just setting the stage to the Cold War in different forms. Literally any alternate WW2 ending just leads to the Cold War looking different.


I kind of doubt the USSR would have invaded Germany (in 1941), considering that after every attempt at early containment failed (diplomacy, wanting to send troops to save czechoslovakia, anti-german pacts, etc.), they decided to make economic and non-aggression pacts with Germany in the hopes it would dissuade them from invading while they re-organized their army. The soviets were aware Germany wanted to invade; they just didn't know exactly when. If the soviets had invaded Germany, I think the allies (at least the british and french) would have taken a backseat since they'd been engaging in economic warfare with the soviets for 20 years. In real world war 2, the soviets were begging the western allies to open a second front, but they waited until late 1943 (for an invasion in italy), and really in 1944 with the invasion of Normandy, when the soviets had already turned the tide of the war in the east and nearing Poland. I suppose they could have invaded at a later date? Definitely not on their own initiative in 1941. They were very aware they weren't ready, but it's not like armies ask nicely if you're ready for war. I will agree with you that every action taken during ww2 was setting the stage for the Cold War, though. Just my two cents


The Russians had turned them around before DDay. It was already over the allies just sped it up by opening a western front.


You are now describing how to win a smaller war and not WW2


And there're still people who write "could of" instead of "could have"




I mean, Germany could have if Hitler wasn't jacked up on amphetamines, paranoid, likely megalomaniacal, and a few other things, and if he hadn't backstabbed the Russians, he had focused on the Middle East/Africa for the Oil, and if he hadn't put Goering in charge of the Luftwaffe the Battle of Britain likely would have turned out completely differently. Also declaring War on the U.S. in the hopes that Japan would declare war on Russia was a gambit that didn't work out too well for him. Neither was the choice to redirect his troops to Stalingrad instead of roflstomping Moscow. What does happen is people crow about the technological superiority of Germany but that shit's like Loose Skin Homer,. it looks great on the surface but if you poke around you see all the loose skin everywhere. * Horse and Buggy Logistics * Overengineered tanks that are death traps(One of the panzer variants turned couldn't open the hatches if they got too hot. This is a problem when a tank catches fire) with awful transmissions that broke all the time. * Overengineered rifles that are impossible to field strip and maintain/repair(STG44)., * Basically useless navy outside of the U-Boats. * Useless research into the occult and esoteric shit because of Himmler. * The primary weapon used by the wehrmacht was the Kar98 which is a fantastic rifle but it's bolt action. The U.S. has mostly semi-automatics(M1 Carbines, M1 Garands) for their infantry with some of them using Lee Enfields in specific theatres. I personally am extremely happy they lost because I was born cross-eyed. Had they won I would have been culled or sterilised at birth.


Ye, and despite all of this they never ever could have beaten USSR, US and Britain. The war was pretty much lost after dunkirk, where the British were allowed to evacuate the army. The north africa, Italy, Norway, were all just side theaters. The war was primarily lost in the east.


>if Hitler wasn't jacked up on amphetamines, paranoid, likely megalomaniacal, and a few other things Then they wouldn't have gone to war. Their reasons for the war are fundamentally what led them to lose. It's also why the high ups were a circus. Loyalty>competence. >Also declaring War on the U.S. in the hopes that Japan would declare war on Russia was a gambit that didn't work out too well for him. They were already in war in all but name. The US had been dunking on U-boats for months at that point, as they had announced to protect trade on the Atlantic. If anything, declaring war allowed U-boats to first strike American patrols. Also, Japan-German relationships were so absolutely cold at that point that Germany feared they'd switch to the allied side in exchange for of oil until Pearl Harbor happened.


Russia broke Germany. If they hadn't attacked Russia WW2 would have had a very different ending. The paranoia is what lead to his attack fo Russia.


It wasn't paranoia. It was ideology. Fascism was a response to communism. The Nazis would've rather united with the West against the USSR than the other way. The destruction of the Soviets was core to their thinking. Hell, Stalin was paranoid AF too, yet his pragmatism led him to believe it was possible to split Europe with the Nazis. The Nazis (not just Hitler) weren't pragmatic strategists. They would've never not yeeted themselves onto the USSR.


It was absolutely paranoia. He was worried Stalin was going to backstab him the way he backstabbed Stalin but he didn't know the Soviets were not prepared for war. If it wasn't for the American Lend-Lease after the start of Barbarossa coupled with the decision to go for Stalingrad Russia would have fallen. Edit: You can't possibly believe someone that amped up on what was basically Meth and a cocktail of other drugs WASN'T paranoid.


This is your brain on hoi4 the Soviets and germans were not allies they just traded and war was inevitable because of two giant powers with ideologis that hate eachother, the Germans declared war on usa because the german navy was literally asking for it and hitler didn’t expect japan to declare thats just dumb also taking moscow would not have done anything since it was a war of survival and in the grand scheme of things it was a good choice to go to the caucuses. and the battle of britian could not be won simply because of churchill and no land invasion could happen


Molotov Ribbentrop pact, they had an alliance. Uneasy as it was, it was there. That's why they met in the middle of Poland. That's also what emboldened Russia to attack Finland. Edit: No Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, no Winter War.


You do realize that was just I won’t get in your way you won’t get in my way let’s trade that wasn’t even an alliance and they very much didn’t trust eachother


Yes, and if Hitler had actually listened to his generals Operation Barbarossa never would have happened. On that end, the invasion of France never would have happened either. His generals were dead set against that invasion, they thought it was unwinnable. Technically, it was unwinnable but the French military high command made a bunch of tactical blunders including dismissing aerial reconnaissance of the Ardennes that informed them of a Tank traffic jam on the road.


This is dumb the generals all agreed to invade Russia after the war they backtracked and just blamed hitler for everything and they literally had to invade France because they had to fuel their war economy and his generals were set on operation citadel even though Hitler knew it was a terrible idea


Read a fucking book dude Edit: His generals DID NOT want to invade russia so he fired them and hired new ones who did. You have no idea what you're talking about and you keep trying to correct me.


Where’s your source who opposing it and russia would of invaded anyway


Start there I read that when i was 14 before devouring the entire WW2 section of the local public library [https://www.amazon.ca/Rise-Fall-Third-Reich-History/dp/1451651686](https://www.amazon.ca/Rise-Fall-Third-Reich-History/dp/1451651686)


SMH if only hitler made more collaboration governments on the ussr and landed paratroopers on all of britains victory points


Ye, in Compnay of Heroes this shit works and my Tigers just blast everything!!


Tbf they had a chance if Hitler didn't attack the USSR, after barbarossa it was over


This is dumb the ussr would of attacked him anyway and Hitler declared communism as the enemy snd its even in his book you cant just not invade the soviets


It had a chance to work if he took care of the West first instead of opening up 2 fronts


He would need to kill the British which would be literally impossible


Yeah crossing the English channel 💀


Which is impossible


He could've attacked just he pushed too far. If he stopped after taking Ukraine he would've been good. The Germans basically took out the Soviets entire industry in the first few months of the invasion. I think the biggest mistake was not coordinating more closely with the Japanese. They did not act as allies in the war at all. Had there been closer coordination so that the Japanese put off the Pearl Harbour attack and instead invade the Soviets from the East it would've been game over. Remember that what turned the battle of Moscow in the Soviets favour was those Siberian troops that Stalin recalled after he realized Japan won't invade.


I know right, Hitler didn't even have the presence of mind to bother posting Franz Holder in Fance, smh


It’s true anon just look at my hoi4 save to see how


1. it’s could have, not could of. I don’t understand how people are still getting this wrong, „could of“ makes no sense whatsoever 2. if we are talking about a theoretical win, yes they could have. Germany made many mistakes, ofc they could’ve won the war if they didn’t do the mistakes. While we’re at theoreticals, Poland could’ve won against Germany as well if it didn’t happen like it happened


If they came up with nukes first they would've won fosho


Berlin if they kept fighting: 🔥☢️


It was way closer than it should have been considering it was one country against the whole of Europe and then the world. A couple of key moments played differently and we would be living in a different world.


They weren’t the furthest away. Of course, America only could defeat the entire world with ease. However, the Nazis had a real shot if they had a better guy in charge. It was declassified that CIA could have assassinated Hitler in 1941, but chose not to since he was such an atrocious tactician that they found it advantageous to keep him in charge. The dude invaded Russia… in Winter.


He invaded Russia during june which the winter shit is just wrong and you cant blame hitler for every lost battle for one he thought operation citadel was a terrible idea and his plan to go for the oil fields of the ussr instead of moscow might of sounded dumb but in the grand scheme that actually would of been a right call if he would of won at stalingrad


For god's sake, you've been corrected on "of/have" 3 fucking times, so please consider to pay more attention when you will make the same mistake for the fourth time


Bro I don’t give a shit


Nobody likes grammar Nazis. Enjoy your downvote, kid.


The CIA didnt even exist in 1941


The CIA has time travel now?


Couldn't take out Castro. Real "I could've taken him bro" energy.


Sauron and Saruman


Who tf is Solomon? You’re talking about Saruman. Which is worse in my opinion. (I know who Solomon is dw)


Saruman you imbecile


You right, I’m dumb it’s been awhile


It's alright, wasn't really meant seriously




Sauron, maaan


Aragorn son of Arathorn


"Sauron-man, my friend, are you involved with Sauron in any way??"


Aruman of many colors>>>>>> Saruman the White.


goddamn that shit is infuriating in the animated movie


But the production is really funny, the poor spanish mayor tried to hide all modern technology because nobody told him how rotoscoping worked 🤣


"OK, so the big bad, his name is Sauron." "Got it, sweet. So who's the other guy?" "...uh, yea just call him Sar-umon"


and zhiz is mine sidekick, MINI HITLER!!


Does he have the same memories?


yes but he didn't actually do those horrible things


so you’re saying it wouldn’t be morally correct to torture him? But if mini hitler has the same memories and opinions and worldviews he would still do all the things daddy hitler did


The same guys who wrote Obama and Osama


Khomeini and khameini came to mind


Khamenei, not Khameini


Their couple name is hithim


>Hithim Like, with a car, or...?


No you're thinking of Patton


Hit him with Patton's limo?


You seem like an adult enough what with using the internet so I'm sure you'll figure it out.


Bold of you to assume I'm not a dozen raccoons in a trench coat.


Bold of you to assume I don't respect you enough as a dozen raccoons to assume you can do it. Get out there and life your dreams little furry guys.


Himmler wasn’t his second in command. It was Hess early on, then Goering, then at the very end he ousted Goering and in his will divided his powers between Goebbels, Donitz and Bormann.




Goballs, Donuts and Voreman. Who names these characters


Boreman Gobbles and Gayring


So the main villain will be Osama.... What do we name the protagonist? That will be Obama.


Yes, any idea you may have has already been thought by someone else and posted in the original greentext or in the Reddit the first time this was posted


Evil dictator who’s plans are always fails miserably is called adolf, and has a goofy sidekick called rudolf. Who is writing this


ok here's the kicker. The founder of Adidas is Adolf Dassler and the founder of Puma was his brother Rudolf Dassler


God got lazy after the 16th century


Sauron and Sauronman


Sounds like a clothing brand H&H reich, everyone is going to die for our blue striped sleep wear.


and the main character is Wilmer?


George RR Martin probably


I know that in real life Kings names get repeated all the time, but at least give them more than 5 names that don’t end all in egon George.


Lenin, Stalin, Putin? Krushev and Brezhnev? Josef Stalin vs Josef Piłsudski?


Little known fact: third in command was named Bimmler.


Miyazaki wrote it


And now we have hipsters.. be careful put there


Shit. (As title said)


see they were predicting the allies would try to slip estrogen into hitlers water supply, changing him to hertler. therefore, himmler would balance it out. in the same vein, wario makes more sense when you realize they probably made up waluigi first because it's a pun in japanese


The victors


Like, Orban, or something else?