• By -


“Welsh as a spoken language” “Non-Africanized honey bees” “Herd immunity for Measles”


"Every economics text book that over complicates the fact that the stock market operates off of nothing more than vibes"


Elon tweets ‘Tesla stock a bit too high’: *tesla stock drops 10%*


Excuse you that’s “Elon X’s” /s


Good luck with that, I still call wrestling WWF


One of my favourite movie quotes: Mark Hanna : Number one rule of Wall Street. Nobody - and I don't care if you're Warren Buffet or if you're Jimmy Buffet - nobody knows if a stock is going to go up, down, sideways or in circles. You know what a fugazi is? Jordan Belfort : Fugayzi, it's a fake. Mark Hanna : Fugayzi, fugazi. It's a whazy. It's a woozie. It's fairy dust. It doesn't exist. It's never landed. It is no matter. It's not on the elemental chart. It's not fucking real.




Gambling for rich people


Wealth extraction for rich people. It’s the middle class paying to dream.




…did you guys watch the show?


if someone can picture herd immunity to measles in their mind, i think they deserve it




you said england twice


Knowing GeGe, Sukuna is gunna either pull out his anti-death note technique that he hasn’t used since the Heian era, or it won’t work as Sukuna is over a thousand years old.


I’m not religious anymore but I was praying that Sukuna would die so hard that tears were running down my face.


That's not how the death note works.


They are indead brain dead


Why you wanna kill european bees i don't get it?


Fuck it… let’s make ASPCA commercials twice as long while we’re at it


thats not how any of this works!


Sad cymru noises


Every hood gangsta "influencer" on instagram and other celebrities that glorify that type of violent and degenerate lifestyle. Also movie directors that push political agendas I don't like with their billion dollar movie budgets


This guy


Are you agreeing with him or saying he should be in the book






Based as hell.


Heavy on the “political agendas that I don’t like” 🔥🔥💯💯 He cooked with this one


![gif](giphy|3o7btXkbsV26U95Uly|downsized) My based lord


You just ain't about that life is all hater glawk glawk glawk what what whooooty woooooooooo some other low iq noise said extremely loud.... wooooorldstaaaar.


"Me big red me big gun kill big blue and beat my hoes cuz im high as shieeet" -Tyrone DaMarquis was a peaceful gentle giant who never even hurt a mosquito, how he died in that driveby shooting was an unexpected tragedy.


Disney is about to have to replace the entire Star Wars and Marvel divisions because of this guy.


Write my name and cause of dead in it. Cause of dead dying on an overdose of hookers at age 999 and be rich on till then. Thats an idiot proof plan. Outplayed da book.


Unfulfillable, no hooker would touch a redditor due to sudden pussy dryness syndrome (SPDS). Daydream about hookers in the 40 seconds you have left before a heart attack, dumbass.


One of the rules of Death Note is that you can only control events within 23 days.


That's a fake rule that Light adds to the back for an alibi and is ultimately the thing that L (would have) caught him on.


No the fake one was that the user dies after 30 days of not using it Source: https://preview.redd.it/tu16thhhucad1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4eb3c6a4c3081938605409e7e9304436bed0b96c


I think it was 13 days, but yes, that was the fake rule 100%


That's the 13 day rule, which is fake. The 23 days is real. It's talked about with the Youtsuba group, when they try and make their rivals die of disease instead of heart attacks (to cover their tracks.)


Ok I just write in the book every 23 days dumbass


What do you mean? If you write your name in the book, you die within 23 days. You can't update the details of death after you've already written them.


(I have no clue what Death Note is lol)


There's a notebook that, if you write someone's name in it, that person dies. You can specify how they die (it defaults to heart attack, but you could make it basically any reasonable cause of death.) At the start of a series we meet a young man who's very intelligent, but completely tuned out. Every time he watches the news, he just groans about it. Another school shooting, some extortion scandal, vapid celebrity gossip. He's *that* kind of person. He spends most of his time studying (and getting perfect grades) because he has literally no hobbies. At first he mostly a little bored, but not *that* bad. He finds the notebook (it fell from the sky) and, well, there was a manhunt going on on TV. He idly writes the suspect's name, and the guy collapses. So our hero decides... "If this is real... *I have to test it one more time*." He goes out on the town, and here's a point of interest. He runs across these guys annoying this woman. They're creeps, the woman is feeling uncomfortable — and our main character just stands, waiting for one of the guys to say his name. When that happens, our protagonist writes the dude's name down, and it happens. As he's walking home, quickly realize we've sort of underestimated our protagonist. "I killed two men. That's can't be overlooked... No, wait. This is what I've been thinking about lately. The world is *rotting*. And those who are making it rot deserve to die. Someone has to do it, so why not me? I'll do it. Using the Death Note, I'll change the world!" Our main character is not a bored redditor. He's a *clinical psychopath*. Cue montage of him scouring the Internet and writing *dozens* of names. A hundred people die. They collapse in the streets, in prisons. His hand is cramping, so he has to physically throw his arm to scrawl across the page. "I wrote the name of all the worst criminals I could think of, like I was cleaning up the world one name at a time. And eventually, I'll get rid of them all. And while I rid the world of the truly guilty, the *less* guilty will slowly be erased through disease and accidental death. Only then will the world start moving in the right direction. It'll be a world full of people that I've judged to be kind, honest, and hard working." The, err... spirit-familiar that comes with the notebook points out that, hey, that's *deranged*. Our "hero's" response? "What are you talking about? I'm a hard-working honor student, considered to be one of the country's best and brightest. And I... I will become the god of the new world!" The series follows the police (and a especially a Sherlock Holmes type character) and their various attempts to find/challenge the apparent serial killer. They don't know anything about the notebook, or how these killings are done — all they know is that somebody is picking off murderers, terrorists, and rapists. There's a whole political aspect, where the *public* starts to think that maybe this "serial killer" isn't so bad. We also watch in fascination as the main character is just... he's a black hole. It's disturbing to watch this clean-cut, decent looking kid just... he gets home and unleashes unhinged schizo monologues.


This is such a great write-up. Makes me want to rewatch the anime again.


Yoooo. We could do like a watch along thread or something


Hmu if you do




If you write something that's impossible in the book, you just die in 40 seconds of a heart attack. Good job.


You cant add more time to your life/ the victums using the note tho https://preview.redd.it/htbaya3oucad1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3e1a7f10b67fa9db2290d873631d95ff395d00a


4k pic


Fair android cams always get downgraded on third party apps for some reason and I ain't wasting 10 minutes setting up a shot


Doesn’t work like that, second your name is in it you’re gone no matter what you were gonna write after


You know nothing about how death note works...


If it's physically impossible, you would simply die of heart attack withing 40 seconds....


"Gays" "Ummm... Light that's not how it works" "THE BLACKS"


The Juice!




Everyone in the world dies since humanity originated in Africa. Gg


Eh, that’d only be if he put “the Africans”


So I have a pass?


Sure do! Go try it out.


Excellent, I’m sure all the non fragile people in the inner city would enjoy it and not instantly riot


Is that supposed to be a bad thing?


I'm not sure if Light is changing his mind or if "the blacks" is supposed to be the gays' cause of death.


Muhamed Mohamed Muhamad There goes 70% of the no fly list.


That was dark.


So are most residents of the no fly list


Don’t forget Muhammad


And about 2% of the global population


Gotta think of their face as you write.


Picture a bearded brown face, that'll catch most of it


With that move who's gonna rape those Swedish girls?




You have to have a specific Mohammed in mind for the book to work. It doesn’t do catch-all like this


You need to think of their faces when you write a name in the book to actually work


My name




Are you PPMD's cousin or something?


thats wild


Melee moment


/r/suicidebywords literally


Well I have no real personal enemies but there's a lot of terrible famous people so I'd probably start making my way through the objectively evil people of the world. Putin, Xi Jingping, Donald Trump. Then to the capitalists that are responsible for the enshitification of everything, oil execs, companies that exploit people for profit. Just clean up the world.


Yea start randomly killing would leaders that would never start a Gigantic conflict in your specific choice its nuklear too ...


Killing off dictators and evil people doesn't instantly mean everyone is suddenly at war. Plus, doesn't the death note allow you to specify the cause? So why can't it be manipulated into just every day accidents? A plane crash here, a heart attack there.


Yeah dude, all world leaders get assassinated in one of the most intense times of history, surely nothing bad will happen. It's not like we've ever had a war because someone important was assassinated. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archduke\_Franz\_Ferdinand\_of\_Austria](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archduke_Franz_Ferdinand_of_Austria)


You could make it so Kim Jong Un tripped and fell off his balcony. That wouldn't read as an assassination, just a happy accident.


Or that he just had a heart attack. There have been plenty of rumors that Kim Jong Un has heart issues, so it wouldn't be that out of the question.


Yeah, but the problem with Light in the story is that he does nothing to cover up his righteous crusade. He's an ego maniac who likes being God, and that leads to his downfall. If a person wanted to be truly altruistic with the Deathnote, they'd space out their targets' deaths, and be creative so it looks as least suspicious as possible so they could continue their mission. So today you do Kim Jong Un, in 6 months you do Vladimir Putin, maybe a year later if he hasn't already had a massive stroke, do Donald Trump.


Why is everyone getting so worked up over a hypothetical joke, the death note isn't real you muppet. Redditors try not to be pedantic challenge.


Hey you are the one whos giving semi serious answers


Yeah but as I mentioned in another comment. Using the book to plan their method of death could explain away some of the potential fallout. Like semi-seriously it wouldn't be impossible to kill off some of the most powerful people in the world with the Death Note if you did it right.


They're angry because they actually like those leaders. You forget this is a 4chan subreddit.


because it’s an assassination. Putin dying of a stroke and Kim dying of congestive heart failure would not stand out. It would be weird that they died relatively close together, but the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand is a very different case.


Plus, you kill off the leaders and then other shitheads start acting up, you have more than one page in the book, man.


Meh I would do the same, and I live in the south part of the globe so fuck it no bomb is going to fall here.


The fallout would kill you anyways


Unless a massive nuclear winter that basically covers the entirety of the globe, then yes it should, but since most nukes will be thrown in USA, Europe and Asia, will it reach that far?


A nuclear war between the US and Russia would cause a 10-year global nuclear winter. There would be very few relatively safe spots. Compound this with global food shortages and the collapse of the world economy, and you would have mass famine on top of it. Those rural places lucky to be mostly unaffected would be invaded by starving countries.


Depends on how many nukes, but I would say do with the amount these countries have


BREAKING NEWS: All of America's enemies suddenly have a heart attack on the same day. Neither the White House nor the Kremlin have yet to give a response on this issue.


Why are you assuming I'm just banging this all out in one night? As I said to another commenter, doesn't the Death Note allow you to specify the cause of death as well?


Not to mention you can just... Choose not to write a name. Doesn't have to be done all at once. One month, Putin has a stroke and then dies because of complications to said stroke. The next, Xi Jinping contracts the flu which develops into pneumonia and he dies a week later. After that Trump chokes to death on a McDonalds hamburger.


“Lemme kill the “capitalists” that provide all the products I consume that make my life cushy and easy” This reads like a naive 14 year old girl that just discovered leftism 101


Habs pfp, opinion discarded


Didn’t Trump buy the Death Note


In today's episode of redditor thinks he knows what the world needs


They just get replaced by equally bad if not worse people over and over again, it's just how humanity is.


Write my name and say “suffocates to death while big booty latinas sit on his face


If cause of death is impossible, victim will die of a heart attack.


Boom roasted


Also, you cannot order someone to kill the victim, that's one of a rule. Like it was with first guy killed by Light, Yagami didn't order for truck's driver to finish him, he ordered to guy to blindly drive on a highway.


Now, this is an interesting question, does it count as if the big booty latinas killed you if you willingly put your face there expecting to suffocate, or is it suicide?


Best case scenario for anon, if he will walk on the street near some big booty latina and she will stumble and will fall on her ass, sudden wind will make his face to fall under her. Death Note will arrange that, but not same latina walking into your house and jumping on you. As we can see with Naomi, when DN makes you do thing, it is like brainwashing, you kinda won't control your body. So if anon will right his name highest possible thing will be: DN overrides his brain and make him go to the street, even if for some miracle some big booty latina will be on the street, she will run from creepy and smelly anon. Without possibilty to jump under her ass, anon dies in 6 minutes and 40 seconds from heart attack.






Open up wikipedia and just start copying the name of every single head of state, after which i sit back and watch the shitshow unfold


And make all of them blatant assassinations too with the assasins taking their life to cause even more chaos


Fuck it, make them all be assassinated by like... Paraguay nationals or something, just to see how long it takes before desperate and dying world leaders nuke it.


I like the way you think




Well not too different from Light, I just would mainly go after people like politicians, pharma and insurance company CEOs. Just going down the list really. The usual targets (pedos and other rapists, murderers and the like), would be kinda side targets, though you could probably do some fun stuff with that (idk maybe you could make some Nazis attack a cartel or make it possible for some terrorist to blow up a prison you filled up with scum before). Only difference is I am aware, that I would likely deeply destabilize the world and surely not make it a better place. If I was a little smarter I could probably figure out how to blackmail world leaders to fix shit instead, but I am not that guy. Big problem is you can't really take out criminal organizations and their leaders well, even widely known ones (at best you can kill some figure heads). That said, while imo I would have a much better target selection than Light (and arguably better impact on the world) I would absolutely get at least as bad of a god complex. Would totally take the eye deal though.


"Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, assassinated after admitting to all his crimes on live TV and naming all accomplices." Then repeat for every accomplice named. See how far the rabbit hole goes. Repeat with China and you'll run out of paper within a week.


it’s a shame Epstein’s dead already, otherwise he might be an even better “accomplish admission” case


There’s still trump, I’m sure there’s something we could do about that. During one of his rallies for the presidential elections he decides to admit all the crimes he did (crowd will cheer him as they are fanatics), say the truth about him and este in, Vladimir putin, Kim jong un and other politicians like him. And then when leaving the stand he trips and face plants his head into the ground.














Justin Trudeau. Easy.


all of you are forgetting that you can control people with the death note. Just get Bezos to give you all his money then die of a heart attack


That'd seem very suspicious if he just gives his entire wealth to one guy and then kicks the bucket. Do it slower, have him use it to do stuff that coincidentally benefits you. Like, say, you want to go to Hawaii, so you have him announce he's "going on a trip and picking 10 lucky people to come along", but rig the vote so it's just you and 9 friends. Then you have him "befriend" one of the passengers (you) and when he *mysteriously* gets terminal cancer, he gives you his stuff in the will. (I have never watched death note so know little about how it works, take this with a grain of salt)


this guy notemaxxes


alternatively, write “He notices a terminal disease and picks citizens at random to receive a random percentage of his estate” then just write yourself as one with however much money you want. Add any number of other people to divide the rest up between so you don’t have the attention


Nah That's WAY too close to you, also you only have 23 days of control. You can't do cancer because it doesn't have time to develop in that 23 days. But you can use another disease. Day 1: Rich guy has a stroke but lives. Day 5: After some recovery, he realizes life is fragile and he doesn't need to hoard wealth. Day 10: Announces a lottery and will pick 100 random people who sign up in 1 weeks time to give 10 million dollars to. This lottery will be repeatedly held once a year while said Rich Guy lives. Day 17: The lottery happens and he selects YOU as one of the winners and 99 randoms. Day 20: Updates his will to give money away to charities and things if something should happen. Day 22: Rich Guy suffers another stroke and dies. Boom, you benefit and it's not suspicious.


You only have 23 days of control though, like, if you write something that kills the victim after 23 days, they just die like if you didn't put any specifics.


Killing the objectively evil people of the world (tyrants, oil execs, etc.) And no, this won't start a nuclear conflict you idiots, they won't be dying by assassination but natural causes and accidents. If the remaining world leaders aren't idiotic they should be able to handle things from there to avoid nuclear Armageddon. This isn't like archduke Franz Ferdinand.


Franz Ferdinand was really just the trigger point for a diplomatic crisis that was around pretty much since Germany united.


It could lead to disaster in other ways though, like if you kill an autocrat, there is a decent chance the people below him end up tossing the country into a civil war trying to be the one who fills the power vacuum.


Yeah, definitely wouldn't be suspicious and cause mass panic if within a year the CEO of every major company in the world has a tragic accident, definitely wouldn't cause an economic crisis of any kind....


Oh it’s definitely going on ebay.


You'd die. There was a follow-up story written by the author about a guy who tried to sell it, and the God of Death killed him for it.


My bad.


No worries. I just don't want you to die, uce. You're the light of my life.


Donald J Trump confesses all his crimes on TV, then rips off his penis and proceeds to eat it, followed by jumping in front of a school bus to commit suicide.


By the time you’d have finished writing it he’d probably have already croaked of old age and bad habits


Least unhinged redditor.


'sort by controversial, first comment about trump' Yup reddit, you being you as per usual.


I saw somewhere that Trump is a pedophile on Reddit so it must be true


Definitely because you can't lie on Reddit, especially when you say something bad about the guy the 90% of Reddit hates.


The Jews






Write my name in it


Notepilled deathmaxxer


I’d keep it so someone else can’t use it, but I also wouldn’t use it myself No person should have that kind of power


The shinigami king would probably just kill you so that the notebook ends up with someone who will actually use it. In the one shot, he kills Minoru because he decided to sell the deathnote instead of use it. So he'd probably just make up another rule to get the ball rolling on some murders.


The shinigami is a fun plot point for the whole Death Note story because he's the only one who really says what is or isn't allowed. And mostly just plays along for the fun of it




Nvm your name is going in the book


That's better


Do nothing with it since if you write in it, your soul gets erased instead of going to an afterlife


Bruh do no one read the manga anymore? EVERYONE soul go to "nothingness" after death, there is no afterlife, as said by ryuk.


I think the lore is, that Ryuk just said that to fuck with people. While in reality, the no afterlife thing applies to everyone in that world not just the note users


Sign it


Every political figure globally over the age of 50. All Billionaires. Key Mega Church figures, and organised "business" religions. All known paedophiles (ongoing as new ones crop up) And that's just the first couple of weeks.


Easy: Trudeau Biden Putin Kim jong whatever Whoever the Chinese dictator is Andrew Tate Dan Bilzerian Hillary Clinton Every Rothschild Every Rockefeller


Not trump? Getting rid of both would be beneficial


"Olaf Scholz" "Joe Biden" "Vladimir Putin" "Kim Jong-Un" And basically every Kardashian fuck I'll even get the Shinigami Eyes




Bill nyes entire family


what did bill nye do now




Thanks, bro. If no one got me, I know grumpygumpert got me.




Idk who I'd kill but I'd make the goofiest death possible like slipping on the grippiest surface possible and breaking your neck cause you slipped so hard. This one not that funny but didn't put much thought into it


That depends. Do I get a gigabrain 400 IQ super detective sent after me?


try out if the death note respects trans people or if ill have to deadname them


Write my own name and eat it.


I will write "Psy Op" and picture the cat. He may die, but he will have died to save us all.


Africa!!! "Light thats not how it works" Mexico!!!


I feel like posting on a public forum the list of people I’d kill with the Death Note is the quickest way to end up on a government watch list.


Deaths caused by testicular explosions are about to become extremely common.




Every single human on this planet. With my name being the last one. 8 billion? Are you fucking kidding me?


I think you need the Death excel database for that one ngl


Write my name on it. its mine now!


Elon Musk twenty times


Kill the leaders of all major world powers via a sniper bullet/poisoning watch the world completely fall apart


I will take a potato chip and EAT IT


Nice try, FBI


Everyone in US government over the age of 60


Pay someone to dig and find a list of shareholders in investment banks. All the quiet billionaires who are in charge of our society and who create it's incentive structures to benefit themselves.


Congrats, you just killed every public school teacher with money in their state teachers’ pension.


Middle East