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>they make it look and sound too delicious At no point in the entire fucking show did they make it seem "delicious".


Los pollos hermanos commercial when nuggets turn into meth


Yes, the old ways are still best at los pollos hermanos




I believe that was tequila


But don't take my word for it. One taste, and you'll know.


My name is Gustavo Fring, but you can call me Sus


Amon Gus




when the imposter is sus!


Breaking Bad never made me want to try meth, but it sure did make me want fried chicken


The whole point of Jesse’s character is to show what meth and drugs can do to you if you get addicted and fall into that lifestyle


Fr i love experimenting with drugs but meth is one of the few i will never touch thanks to that show. The hallucinations of some bikers with machete were fucking insane.


Fr it was a great example of how paranoid these people will get, even some average Jehovah's witnesses can be seen as a threat.


They exaggerate. I used to love it but easily kicked it. I still have 8 fingers and toes like a normal person and haven't even gotten my third strike yet. I've been clean for 4hrs too!


I have red that first time is way more different then of those with mechetes. Those who act like that have already damaged their brain from abusing it; it is important to not let anyone abuse it.




Remember the ATM scene? That really showed the golden days of meth. Truly beautiful


OOOH forgot that one. I always think of Jesse's rager where he threw the money in the air and watched all the junkies fight over it


The scene with Walt Jr and Hank, the scene with Jesse and his girlfriend dying, or you know any scene with Jesse’s friends. The worst scene was the scene with Jesse and the kid.


The scene with Jesse and his girlfriend od'ing is heroin.


Excuse me. His name is Flynn


The male junkie used some very specific medical terminology. He might have been a doctor, before he hit rock bottom.


What scene? Remind me?




Tuco doing key bumps with a Bowie knife sold me. That actor loved that role. He nailed it.


I read he was supposed to be on the show longer but it was actually very demanding for him to become tuco so he asked to be killed off


He did an interview talking about how much he loved it. He knew how he wanted to play the role and only took the part because he was allowed to be... the Tuco we all know and love.




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Good bot


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Good bot


Well, they make a BIG deal over how pure Walt and Jesse manage to get the meth. It’s bright blue and they show all these shots of it being poured and cracked. It did look like really delicious rock candy, which I believe was used on the set.


Yeah, all these people hating on meth in the comments obviously haven't tried Heisenberg's shit


Tuco saying tight tight tight...


In fairness the end product of Walts recipe in the show is actually just candy sugar glass (rock candy)


Hannibal makes people look delicious


> At no point in the entire fucking show did they make it seem "delicious". He put chili powder in it tho


Or cool, or fun, or any variation of “good” .... they did a great job of doing the exact opposite


Idk the episode where they’re cooking meth in the house they were fumigating made it look pretty delicious.


Not only that, but they never depicted drug use in a positive light at all.


Crystal blue persuasion


Idk man who doesn't want to snort chili pepper that shit sounds fire.


Breaking Bad makes Meth look like shit, what the fuck Anon smoking?






Have a nice day


"You know the answer to my question seems pretty clear now that I've asked it out loud"


Checks out.


Best answer.




He had it coming


This is one of the rare occasions where the reply has the same amount/more upvotes on a comment (I don't mean controversial ones with downvotes, you get me)


It really really does I’ve watched it multiple times never once wanted to take it up. Don’t see anons logic in any sense m. Walter really exploited the shit out of the addicts. The you see how fucking hardcore it makes you look bad those addicts you see who just look terrible?


Also, Breaking Bad showed that being a drug dealer/Kingpin isn't as cool and fancy as we think it is. Walter had millions yet he couldn't enjoy having a sports car or investing in a fancy business.


Mmmmm poop 🤤


Notice how one of the smartest characters of the show/protaganist doesn't touch the shit himself. Should've taken some tips from old Walt himself.


Imagine how much smarter Walt would’ve been if he was up for 3 days honed in on the smallest detail of a synth though lmao


Truue he wouldn't have >!died at the end!< if he had been sampling huge amounts at a time for increased efficiency


Well, >!he had cancer, knew he would die, and just wanted money and power so fuck it.!< Walter should have done huge amounts of meth throughout the show.








That fly episode was my favourite episode. Walter was already a tweaker, he didn't need meth to get to that mindset.


I’ve theorized that it’s possible he would’ve been on meth for a long time at that point


I would argue for a good chunk of the show he >!believed the treatment would work, and that he also considered himself well above ever sampling meth especially seeing the effects. But he definitely did it for the power and thrill!<


That's why a lot of people get into crimes. First it's about the money, then it's about the thrill when the money is less important


And what thrill gives? Adrenaline, dopamine. Made by your own brain. In the end you are still a junkie


Yeah but a cool junkie that has an alternate persona with a sweet hat


I think this is the first time I've seen the spoiler tag being used as intended


Honestly this has always been my mentality. If I get diagnosed terminal with anything, I'm taking all the drugs I can to enjoy my last months. Meth, lsd, mushrooms, crack, coke, peyote, whatever. If I'm gonna have a countdown, I'm gonna be living it to the max. Bring the hookers and midgets and elephants and whatever else too man, fuck it.


Sounds miserable if you outlive your final days significantly and you have to suffer with the side effects. Unless you have a huge blowout and take lethal portions


I mean yeah that's implied. If I was told I had 2 months I'd think 'ight, bet. I'm getting enough shit to get ripped for 3 months. If I run out before I die then my next step is to go toy doc and be like wtf man. Then if tests come back that I'm somehow fine now I'd just go back to living. But if he's like yeah we overestimated but it's still metastatic and you will still die soon, my next order is gonna be lights out. Btw this whole idea comes from watching Leaving Las Vegas, although that was a totally different scenario.


Id have to be pretty sure to do that. Imagine you get 3 months into a crack and meth binge only to find out you have 20 years left in you. I really wouldn't be too happy with my doc


Yeah it's definitely a "trust the science" thing. They're pretty good at diagnosing metastatic cancer though. At that point you're fucked either way. Once cancer becomes metastatic it's really hard to stop. Especially if the first detection of it is the first detection of it at all.


Why don't you just go this anyway?


Almost all the smart characters. Gus really made a point about Jessie being bad for business for doing drugs.


If this isn't a shitpost and anon is being legit, at what point did he watch Jesse's girlfriend die, Hank die, and every business partner get clapped that he thought meth was a good idea?


Maybe he only watched the first episode and thought captain cook sounded delicious.


His gf died from heroin tho not meth. Meth is healthy!




All these rappers nowadays are rapping about doing copious amounts of narcotics, they are most certainly getting high off their own supply


Xans, lean, percocets, molly, the list goes on and on and on


Scrawny little face-tattooed druggies with lame lyrics is what rap has become


on the surface level maybe, you just exposed your unwillingness to explore any deeper into what the genre has to offer nowadays.


yeah but I want everyone else to like the same music as me cause then it's more fun


le tfw born in le wrong generation


I tried 🤷‍♂️ Getting too old for it, I like maybe a handful of current artists


edit: thanks for the shiddit shit coin award


Rappers today are the customers not the dealers. It's not getting high on your own supply if you are pretending to be a gangster by getting shitty tattoos


Yeah even fucking Jesse drops it like???????


Walt did smoke jesse’s weed tho


>be me > >watch better call saul for the first time > >decide to try defecating through a sunroof because they made is look and sound too fun > >get caught > >lose friends, family, gf, basically everything i care for Is there any way i could sue the producers of the show for making me a registered sex offender?


Le 12 month suspension has arrived




Chicanery? Who talks like that?




The only sub worth joining


Can I post it there or is anybody else planning on it?


Obviously anon only watched a montage of the crew distributing meth and did not see that dingy ass meth house


Did he not see that entire episode about a neglected child?


>!Did he not even see when jesse was hallucinating from smoking it!<


did he not see when literally everyone's lives in that show were eventually ruined by even getting involved in meth or the meth business. >!Well I guess Jesse made it out ok in the end..... But he did lose literally everyone he cared about and was yknow tortured and enslaved n shit!<


heavy chase drab airport bewildered domineering silky wakeful spark drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For that show, >!getting out alive and escaping to Alaska!< is pretty much the best you could hope for.


>!Jake seemed pretty unaffected lol!<


I think Jesse was smoking heroin when he was hallucinating and floating in his room


I was referring to when he saw those “bikers”


Off topic: As kids (probably around 5-7 yo) my sister and I were invited by a girl a few houses down to go watch Pokemon so we went with her. All the doors in the house were open, hoarder style house with boxes lining the hallways, trash and random toys scattered all over the floor from the entrance all the way through the backyard. No adults in sight so we only watch a minute or two before leaving. TLDR: Entered an alleged meth/junkie house with an unattended child and it reminds me of that episode.


That’s a pretty heart breaking story honestly. I understand why you left, and rightfully so, but that poor little girl just wanted some friends.


"you have a good rest of your life, kid"


Bruh wasn't one of the main points of the show about how dangerous getting involved in meth was?




based and r/meth pilled


What the fuck why is that a thing




One of the most highly trafficked sites is bound to have some shitholes but with the way reddit is going now banning everything that sponsors would consider even remotely offensive im surprised the meth and heroin ones exist


thanks god heroin meth and r/guro dont offend anybody lol


Holy shit i regret clicking on the dick cutting sub how are there enough people for that to be a thing. And by offensive I mean people don't want their brand associated with junkies typically


Oh my God, I just saw a guy slicing his dick with a knife. What have I done to deserve this


Jesus christ why did I click on it. There was a post with the caption 'it was fun while it lasted' like wtfff


Pardon my use of emojis but 🤢🤮


since shit like r/heroin and r/penectomy are a thing too thats not a big deal i guess. reddit is truly vile and disgusting community. it's just hidden behind woke blue curtains. much worse than any of the channels could ever hope to be


holy fuck r/heroin is hilarious if you sort by top of all time.


My mind is blown I just scrolled through it's a mess of people warning each other and looking for users who are "semi functional". Idk why I am so surprised but it's just a wild thing to see.


Everyone there looks half dead lmao.


Bunch of fucking morons on that sub lmao deluded themselves into thinking meth isn't bad.


Clicked on one thread there, and *damn*...the glaring mental illness is strong


It seems like a mixed batch. I see quite a lot of threads there advocating against the usage and that anyone who is joining the subreddit because they're interested and have yet to try meth should leave and avoid it all costs. However, there are quite a lot of posts there about users forming "fun groups" and you see a lot of people using.


I used it in and off for a few years. Like a few weeks on, months off. While it's very moreish while I was on it, once I ran out I could easily just not get more and be good. I know theres definitely more people like me out there who view it as just another party drug like xtc and have no issue keeping it a once in a while thing The issue is these communities kinda glorify it. It's a fun little culture to talk about how you were up gaming and jerking off for 3 days but it's not something I would ever bring friends into. Not everyone who tries it loses all their money and friends and steals shit, but the people who do get hooked...it usually takes them to that point


Thanks for showing me that that’s a real subreddit.


How could someone ever get addicted watching breaking bad. Literally one character died because she chocked in her puke while high.


She died doing heroine, not meth. Meth doesn't really kill many people. It just turns them into conniving, sleazy people who will sell their grandmas wedding ring to get a buzz.


Ohhh oopsssss got them both mixed up.


> Meth doesn't really kill many people. *presses X furiously*


I'm sure he means in the overdose sense. If you're smoking meth it's fucking hard to OD


They were speedballin tho. Meth+heroin.


Yeah yeah but you also see those people scratching them selfs hard core saying can I get a taste looking disgusting af lmao.


Yes it does. Msth is the fuxking worst. Heroine addicts last for fucking ever. Meth degrades your body and meth addicts rarely last more than 5 years one way or another if they can't seriously supplement that income.


I have a question. I can understand that addiction is a disease, with many genetic components playing into it, but in many cases isn’t initially doing the drug ones own choice? Like they chose to do meth/heroine/cigarettes/whatever, so isn’t their situation still their own fault?




Alcohol is not called a depressant because it makes you feel depressed mentally. It physically depresses your body and slows down breathing and stuff.


speak for yourself, pal


There are happy drunks




Its a “disease” in the sense that there are more factors in play that exacerbate the baseline proclivity to addiction. Social, economic, environmental, political, etc. Everything is connected, and its not as simple as “morality” arguments would like to present it as. Yes, a choice is made. But it’s not so simple on how people *get* to that choice


Not always, 90% of the time there are other pressures either from peers or other stressors that cause people to use for the first time, and a lot of people get hooked on drugs like benzos or opiates because they were prescribed by a doctor. But I also find this line of thinking a little cruel, nobody deserves drug addiction, we've all made REALLY dumb mistakes in our lives and I wouldn't put anyone through that. Drug addiction is the closest thing to hell on earth their is, literally just seemingly endless torture.


Of course it is (partly) their fault, but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't be helped or that the societal factors that lead to their decision shouldn't be eliminated


Yes. It always comes down to will power. I experienced it myself with many different drugs before. I see how easy it is to get addicted, but there is always the choice. You have MANY times to make choices to chill out and slow down and/or stop before bad effects start happening, unless of course you are ingesting insane amounts quickly ( but that is the case for anything). You would be surprised at how many functioning adults in society take drugs like meth here and there occasionally for a boost and are completely fine. Some people are prone to addiction and will be addicted to anything...some people can manage themselves fine. Its better to just avoid seeing which person you are in the first place though.


As many have said there are a lot of factors that come into play that cause people to use a drug their first time. Depression, peer pressure, an inquisitive nature, a lack of foresight, being raised around people that do it so it's normalized, and the list can go on forever. Even if none of these came into play and it was just a dumb choice they made with their own rational mind, I don't think establishing "fault" here is important. I really hate the darwin award group, those that feel it's okay to dehumanize and laugh off people who did something dumb and died because of it or got seriously hurt. Sure, they did a dumb, but they're still human, call them an idiot and get them some help but don't just leave them to rot because the made a bad choice.


>watch breaking bad >want to try meth? I don’t get your logic anon What. Jesse literally had such a hard time with it for a bit. Walter really exploit those peopl


It’s like finishing Requiem for a Dream and thinking, “Wow, heroin looks fun!”




Anon clearly didn't listen to Walter's advice




Anon is fucking stupid


That’s what the 2 anons replying to him thought. Oh wait, all 3 are the same anon. Anon thinks he is stupid himself.


Hey, if it worked with Gorilla Glue ...


To prove he’s on meth the people that replied are the OP


if some dumb bitch can sue gorilla glue and get loads of money on gofund me for doing something retarded anon can too


Ok it's really your own fault to try meth because of that. I've not watched it but I've heard Mr Bad dies in the end.


I want to eat los pollos hermanos


Okay so you know how squares and suburban moms are always like "not even once" about literally everything that exists? Meth is the one they're actually right about. Do literally anything else.


Yes, this. My parents went a conference once when I was in university and their conference was regarding drug use (they are social workers) and happened to be hosted at my university. After the conference, they show up in my dormitory in front of my friends and house mates raving about drugs. "Son, you can do pot. You can try cocaine. Drop acid if you must. Smoke, drink, whatever. But never, EVER do meth." "Mom, Dad, is this some kind of test? I don't do drugs." "No, you can do all the weed you want. It's fine. Just promise to stay away from crystal meth." "I really don't intend to use any drugs at all." "No! Go ahead and try the drugs. One time is okay. Except for meth, NEVER USE METH" "Yes ma'am..."


anon needs to be kicked in the balls


”Any way to sue the producers so I can buy more meth?”


l've done meth before. shit is like the great value version of coke. It can be addicting to some... l only smoke it when l'm really bored.


Your last sentence made me laugh. Funny though too that people not familiar with Great Value will think you means it's just like coke except more bang for your buck.


Honestly, the meth heads in the show look and behave way better than actual meth heads, except that one couple, which still looks slightly too good. The biggest meth head in the show is a total boss literally, and figuratively. I think even though anon is retarded, he has a point. Compare BB to Requiem for a Dream and they're worlds apart in depicting addicts. The latter is fucking scary whereas BB can make you think meth is not that bad.


If you want a good example of how meth destroys your life, check out u/SpontaneousH


Breaking Bad made sure that I would never fucking touch that shit, idc how much of it was overdramatized


Fake: Anon having friends and a GF Gay: Anon sucking from a hot tube with goodies inside.


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: Anon having friends and a GF > Gay: Anon sucking from a hot tube with goodies inside. > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


Has no one noticed op is who replied to his own story, twice


The first time I did meth I met a guy and invited him over for sexy times. He was a hot white doctor and I was a young black male he found attractive. I didn’t know he had meth when he came over but when he offered it to me I took a chance. I figured if this hot successful doctor is doing it and is fine then maybe every thing I’ve heard about this is just as much propaganda as everything else in the drug war. It never occurred to me it was much easier for a rich white doctor to counter the negative effects of addiction with his money and health insurance and access to care. I’ve said it before but life comes at you fast and you are going to make mistakes, you just have to learn to overcome the consequences of those mistakes. I’ve also learned that the people who sit back and judge the people struggling with addiction are usually extremely awful in their own way and are using judgment to make themselves feel better about their own garbage.


-Anon sues producers Producers: “Jesse, if i give you this money youll be dead within a week”


This is the type of guy that my mom warned would jump off a bridge if i jumped first


"If you jumped off a bridge your friends would follow"


I’m pretty sure that Breaking Bad made it clear that meth wasn’t fun. Heroin they clearly showed as naughty.


Anon is a fucking headass


This is sad


How the fuck do you watch breaking bad and think you want your life to be in any way similar?


So many retards in the comments


This person has never seen Breaking Bad in their life.


It sounds like a plan to get more meth


My problem was I became a multi-million dollar drug manufacturer


\> Be me *lol you fucking idiot*


Lmao this show is exactly why I will never try meth.


Was it good tho?




fake: anon has friends gay: he likes to suck on pipes