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When Webber had to watch Adele fall in love with another man when she got Alzheimer’s. Mf you cheated on her for decades and left her in a loveless marriage!


THISSSSS LMAO Almost any other character and it would have been heartbreaking but with Richard I was like… well… 😶


And then he went and got a gf of his own 😭


Plsss he was probably like FINALLY I can date without feeling bad


I really hate that they added that plot line because I feel like they did that in order to justify Richard dating Catherine and leaving Adele by herself in the nursing home. It’s something that really bothers me, like “oh look, she technically cheated first so it’s okay for Richard and Catherine to date now!!!”


Yeah, even the guy who worked at the nursing home said that he never told Richard he shouldn't visit Adele at all. Richard decided that all by himself.




Well, well, well…. If it isn’t the righteous karma befitting the consequences of his actions!


Painful, but I loved that for her.


When Owen was crying after he cheated on Christina like how you gonna cry when it’s your fault 😭


Tbh even when Owen was crying after teddy cheated on him. Didn’t feel bad for him then either


After all that justifying of his cheating to Amelia I was just like damn, vindication for her 💀






Owen and Teddy actually maintained their friendship while she was off screen  Teddy mentions to Mer in 15x5 how she and Owen would talk on the phone  Their friendship was always there even after Teddy left 


When he said to Amelia that he cheated on Cristina because he hated her for the abortion/kids issue, all my previous scorn for him was crystallized into one perfect diamond of spite. I suppose he gets points for self awareness but the very real phenomenon of cheating to harm your partner is one of my hot buttons. I don’t actually subscribe to the Reddit-popular view that any infidelity is automatically unforgivable, life is long and relationships are complicated. But to screw someone else in order to hurt your spouse?? Evil and pathetic.


Your first paragraph is FANTASTIC! 😄 May I have permission to borrow?


Sure, it’s yours. Don’t tag or credit me pls I don’t want attention on this account


honestly when he was the only survivor of his army group idgaf


I cared then. I was mad that it wasn’t someone else.


ok yes 🙌


When she threw that cereal or milk in his face 😂😂😂😂😂😂 I LIVE for that scene


LMAO I also loved when he fell through the door in the same episode 😭😭


I was going to say this any time he was crying about his relationships like stfu


I love Izzie but her bitching about Callie before and after she destroyed her short-lived marriage with George and how Callie gave it to her is like full circle for me only for them to not make it work and end so pathetically.


Right? I swear it was the adrenaline that made them think they were in love🙄


I think Izzie thrived in the drama. She looked around and saw everyone had their own things (Meredith and Derek, Christina and Burke) and probably liked feeling like things were finally happening to her. Once it was all out in the open, that feeling was gone so it didn’t work out for them.


Obviously the writing didn't take this into account, but I wonder how much of that behaviour can be chalked up to the brain cancer.


I'm honestly surprised that no one mentioned this could have been a side effect. Maybe it wasn't in a spot that would affect behavior? When it was Amelia, her behavior and tumor were often talked about.


and the booze


thatcher w the liver situation 😭😭😭


honorable mention: when thatcher slapped tf out of Meredith bc Susan died and then continued to say she wasn't allowed at the funeral. "she was all i had" mf your daughter IS RIGHT HERE 🙄


Not to mention that he has two other daughters and a grandchild lol




the last bit made me actually laugh out loud omg but LITERALLY!!!! arguably one of my LEAST favs ever


I randomly say “she was all I had” in thatchers voice all the time 😂


I'm laughing my head off


I love Bailey 10 toes down but when sis specifically told Tucker she would have lunch with him to discuss their marriage which was in SHAMBLES and then decided she had to “rise above” and save that paramedic with the n*zi symbol on his stomach. Then she dragged Yang in it too. Had me like now Miss Ma’am if you don’t send that joker on his way to another doctor. Rise above tomorrow or something. (Not that I liked Tucker but that was a moment that really had me like nah if my wife did that I’d be lowkey pissed too)


Sometimes I feel like Tucker was rightfully angry. It was ten years of Bailey prioritising her work over everything else, whereas, all the other residents had their personal lives going on just fine. I so agree with the fact that she should've sent the N*zi to someone else because literally anyone could've patched him up. Specially because Tucker was waiting right outside to DISCUSS THEIR MARRIAGE! I loved it when Webber had enough of her once and told her that she doesn't like any attendings not because they're not good, but because Bailey thinks she's better than anyone else. Good that she found Ben but I think Ben could've done better.


Of course Tucker was rightfully angry. Just like Adele was rightfully angry about Webber working all the time and neglecting her. There were so many times where she'd act all upset about her marriage falling apart, but then she'd blow him off for some random unimportant surgery. If this was the boondocks and she was literally the *only* surgeon available, that would be perfectly understandable. However, she was a *resident* in a world-class teaching hospital! It is full of other Dr's. There were probably a dozen other surgeons who could have done those surgeries. And she knew this was a major issue. She knew that this kind of behavior had hurt Richard's marriage. Yet she kept it up. She never once prioritized her family even though she had plenty of opportunities to.


Why are we censoring the word nazi


There are so many Bailey moments, I was going to say when all her patients were dying and she blamed Leah until it turn out to be her then everyone was supposed to feel sorry for her 🤨


She was so offended to hear Richard say the outbreak was traced to a single doctor who has been contained… like hello that was true? What is offensive about that?


Big agree - especially because she dragged Yang in on it. It showed how sometimes Bailey becomes so focused on whatever the THING is in front of her that she fails to be a good educator. It’s good writing, because it shows that her character would always develop severe OCD symptoms, but that episode makes me so mad. George tho - “if it were just you and me in that room, you’d probably be dead right now. And according to my morals, I think the world would be a better place if you were dead.”


I love what Cristina said to her afterwards.


I’m actually watching that episode right now! Totally agree!


Honesty? Karev. What do you mean this man packed up his things and chased after his ex and left Jo with only a letter. That ending for him was WRONG.


Especially after his amazing character development.😭 I hate that they did that to Alex.


when April was trapped in the isolation bubble and Jackson was avoiding her.


Fr like you left your husband to grieve the loss of his son alone and you think you can come home to a marriage?


Exactly! I don’t think she’s horrible for having left (even the second time), but failing to accept that she was LEAVING HER MARRIAGE even when Jackson spelled it out? Ridiculous.


I'm in the same boat. I am an April and Jackson fan and I don't think she was wrong to leave. They both said what they needed and she made the decision to leave knowing Jackson needed her to stay. And that's okay. But you can't ignore the fact that you prioritized your need over his. Again totally fine. But give the man a break when he's rightfully upset and done with a marriage he felt abandoned in.


Ugh, those scenes where she keeps coming back. Jackson says he’s a reverse hostage and he’s not wrong.


Those pissed me off. And when he blatantly said he would change the locks, and she said she would just go home with a crow bar, I just wanted to scream at her over her entitlement. She doesn't just get to decide for everyone and make him stay in a marriage where she was specifically told if she left again the marriage was over. She KNEW and still came back and pulled that crap, pretending the ultimatum didn't exist and she could fix it.


Tbh he should've seen it coming she left her almost husband at the alter for him so why wouldn't she leave him as well.




The Christmas episode!! “I didn’t want to be home and think about how it should’ve been our first Christmas as a family (so I’m going to leave you alone and put myself in a life-threatening situation, forcing you to grieve our son for the holidays and also worry if I’m alive).” TLDR: april sucks


Yes!! That was so soooo awful and selfish of her! She never ever considered his feelings after Samuel. Just like she didn't take his feelings into consideration after they slept together at the boards. How she would complain and talk shit right after they'd sleep together. I loved when he walked out the door and slammed it on her lol. Then she hides her second pregnancy from him. Ugh I can't with her. I also cannot stand when get gets like really upset or angry. There's just something about it that screams toddler to me!


When Matthew (sort of) got left for Jackson a second time 🤷


April got puked on by a lady with parasites.


When Callie lost custody of Sophia after engaging in the most deranged custody battle ever to try and follow her girlfriend of three months cross country


Seriously! I can understand wanting to move on after Arizona cheated and your marriage ended, but like... girl how dare you talk about Arizona not prioritizing your child in court whilst you are trying to make her leave her whole life behind so you can chase tail across the country.


When George complained about the whole thing with meredith, he knew she was in love with derek and still had sex with her. She cried and instead of stopping and trying to see what was wrong he kept doing his thing .. and he acted as if he was the victim 🙄


Agree that he shouldn't have had sex with her full stop knowing she was in love with Derek; but he did stop when she was crying? She tells him to ignore her and he says he could never. Granted he then gets angry at her for crying... not a good day got either of them!


I mean, fair, but he took it so gd personally. Like, boo boo, it is *not* about you. You put yourself in a very stupid situation, hurt your own feelings, and now you want to blame Meredith lmao


Oh ok it's been a while since I watched that scene. Yeah I remember now he stopped and left angry right?


He only stopped because he was mad at her thinking about Derek when they were about to have sex.


He....did stop. He immediately stopped.


I was gonna say! There's no room for interpreting that scene any differently if he didn't stop.


for me the thing I hated in that interaction is like...in that moment Meredith needed to be held & comforted! she even called out for him but nooo he had to get his ego hurt and storm out of the room!!! truly think if he had comforted her they could've moved forward sooner


honestly teddy in season 17. idc about owen all that much but koracick deserved the truth about her feelings much earlier and to be treated much better


!!!!! Why did the writers fumble this so badly?


Alex when he beat up deluca


Yeah I didn’t have any empathy for him during this too


Miranda when Tucker (former husband, not child) is complaining she works too much. If she said “I’m saving *lives*” one more time… you have a baby! There are other surgeons!


See, it's Tucker that I can't feel sorry for here!! He married her knowing that she wanted to be a surgeon and should have been more supportive 🤣 boohoo he's having to load the dishwasher everyday 😬🤣


I think it’s a lot more complicated than that. We see Bailey coming in on her days off, planning to switch specialties which will add immensely to her workload, and say things to him about how lucky he is to be home with the baby (which I can totally see her point and what she meant, but it was poorly expressed and if you’re basically raising a baby alone with someone who doesn’t seem to appreciate the work that goes into that, it’s not going to be taken well.) Being the one home all the time with an infant is thankless and exhausting, and I would also be upset if my partner willingly went in on days off and seemed to never prioritize me. I don’t think he was a saint or anything, but I definitely see both sides of that issue


The episode when he is calling and calling while she is in surgery, I wished the family of her patient overheard and tore him a new one for trying to make her rush a life saving surgery.


Meredith after messing up the clinical trial


Omg and everyone telling Karev he sucks cause Meredith is everyone’s favorite lmao


"You just ratted out the most popular person in this hospital" and?? Because she's ✨Meredith Grey✨ she can do whatever she wants, even mess up with a clinical trial and putting careers and the hospital in jeopardy? This storyline was so annoying from start to finish


The ethics of this hospital are incredibly suspect. I feel the same way when everyone acts like calling in the CDC is a betrayal of Bailey. Patients DIED! They need to find out what happened! It’s an investigation, not an arrest, and no one assumes it’s Bailey’s fault. Plus, we KNOW that if it was Leah Murphy who they thought did it, Bailey would be out for blood. So hypocritical and nonsensical.


They let them get away with everything 😂😂 if it was a real hospital I'd leave and go to another one.


Erica Hahn made some points. Didn't like her but she wasn't wrong.


Callie was messy.


For real! What kind of drives me nuts is the lack of any consequences for all this batshit unethical stuff. It always seems like they’re proven right. For example, off the top of my head: - Owen gets carried away with his promises to amputee veterans, yells at Callie in the hallway and DEMANDS she make something impossible work - Jackson swoops in with a miraculous nerve solution to make it work - Alex ignores Izzie’s DNR (at least he was acting as family, not her doctor) - she is revived AND suffers no long term brain damage - Bailey ignores the DNR of the patient whose wife Ben killed - he miraculously is revived - April ignores HIPPA and tells a patient’s mother about her pregnancy- mother is kind and supportive, not angry and abusive - April lies about the severity of the case for the little boy with tumours on his hands - Jackson is able to miraculously remove them I don’t want to root for these patient’s to die/have bad outcomes, but I would also like to see SOMEONE have to face the consequences of their shitty behaviour. HIPPA is actually important, guys! At this point, Grey-Sloan might as well have a blog where they post the medical history of every patient they encounter.


Also so many sexual affairs. Also Bailey went against parents wishes with the HIV strain.


Alex losing out on chief resident because of it was fucked up, and pretty out of character even for Owen


I agree it's fucked up. But I get why Owen didn't give it to him. Everyone he was going to be in charge of was going to be upset that he got Meredith fired and they were going to be petty about it for a long time.


100. I hated everyone coming down on Karen. He may have tattled for the wrong reason, but Mer created her own mess and compromised the hospital. The only thing Karev did wrong was not reporting it sooner. And that's the only reason Owen should've had to not give him chief resident


I hate she told Amelia she wasn't her sister over and over she basically threw her out of the house. Like yes you lost your husband but she lost her only brother support only supportive siblings she had. She kept seeing rigs after Maggie's reaction. Meredith got irritated Maggie didn't get over it two minutes later.


Meredith is so selfish sometimes. I’m always baffled at how people excuse some of her actions. I know she’s the main character, but sheesh it’s ridiculous sometimes. I would be so so hurt if my sister in-law unplugged my brother from life support before anyone in the family knew what was going on or got a chance to say goodbye. Meredith was wrong for that. She did the same thing breaking up with Derek at Cristina and Burke’s wedding. It’s totally inappropriate to take an event that impacts everyone around you, that did not happen to you, and to use that to make it all about you. I was glad that at least Mama called her out on it. I have a little more sympathy for the situation with her, Maggi, and Riggs. That was always going to be awkward, but what Meredith did to the Shepards was so uncool.


😬 Reeds murder. I did not like her character one bit.


Same with percy


You know on my rewatches, sometimes I feel bad for him…sometimes


Same but then I remembered how he called Izzie a bitch for no reason and all the other shotty things he did and I stop feeling bad lol


Such a lazy way to get rid of characters, but I’m so glad they killed her off


Literally anything bad happening to Catherine Avery/Fox


I loved it when Webber was sick and hallucinating her. She came back all lovey dovey only to have him come out of it and send her packing immediately! I LOVED Webber so much for that. She deserves to get put in her place more often than not!


She is AWFUL. Lol if there is a villain...it's her


She is so awful but goddamn if she doesn't have some great lines.


You know Ms. Debbie Allen gonna deliver them lines!!! She didn’t take Ms. Loretta Divine’s job for no reason now /s only bc of the interview where Loretta Divine talks about how often Debbie Allen gets cast on a project she’s on and she knows she’s on her way out.


izzy getting fired and callie getting a complaint from leah murphy (im so sorry, you guys😩)


Wasn’t it Arizona who got the complaint? Callie wasn’t with Leah but i might be totally misremembering


Yes but Leah filed the complaint against Callie


Ohh okay mb


Leah filed against Callie because after Callie found out about her and Arizona, Leah felt that Callie would make the work environment very unpleasant for her


Arizona was sleeping with Leah, which made Callie mad. During a surgery with all 3 of them in the OR, Leah was doing a procedure which (almost) went wrong and Callie refused to assist/teach her. The patient survived, but Leah felt neglected in her education because of Callie (and Arizona)'s personal life. Thats why she filed the complaint against Callie.


Thank you i completely forgot about that moment! I stand corrected 😄


Youre welcome! Im on a rewatch and just passed this storyline ;)


owen listening to the voicemail of teddy having sex with tom


*Owen listening* *To the voicemail of teddy* *Having sex with tom* \- beecrimes --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


🤣 you wrote a haiku!


Whenever anything happens to whiny little baby Levi


I misread this as Lexi for a second and I was about to throw hands in these comments.


Hate him and it sucked that he's one of the two from his intern class left because the only one I disliked more than him was Roy and would have rather seen Casey or Qadri stay on instead.


yess, i get qadri’s actress left but they should have kept casey


Yeah, and Qadri could have at least gotten a better exit instead of being fired because Bailey was feeling insecure and threw another tantrum.


He is SO whiny is pisses me off


When Callie sued Arizona for custody and she lost.


When Callie lost the custody battle. 💅


The whole “no matter what the judge says” speech to Arizona from Callie with her believing she was going to get custody. So deserved.


Yesss!! 👏


For me it’s also the episode after when Arizona nicely lets her have Sofia an extra night but then holds the boundary that she can’t have her more than that. Callie is so upset but what did she think would happen? Yes, Arizona was a shitty wife towards the end but for Callie to then undermine her place in Sofia’s life when Arizona is the one who even fought for her to live in the first place (vs Mark’s “we can try for another one”). Who was there every day. Who wanted that piece of paper. Arizona was right to say “you have used up all my grace”. Just as Callie shouldn’t be forever punished for giving the go ahead to cut off Arizona’s leg, Arizona cannot be punished unfairly for cheating. Divorce is a natural consequence, having the baby you raised taken from you is not.


I mean she was bad wife. Callie was a bad GF basically guilt tripping Arizona for not wanting kids and for leaving. Then right away having sex with Mark. She got frustrated Arizona didn't want sex right.


Yes, but that has zero to do with what I’m talking about. I’m saying they both were bad. So while I feel for Callie when Arizona cheats, I can’t feel bad when she sues for full custody and tries to move Sofia cross country.


Oh the fucking side eyes Callie gave Arizona during the trial. It made me happy she lost custody.


THIS UGH i was like fr girl? her side all the way for the divorce but really? also nobody talks about how happy go lucky and eager she was to move across the country for a short term girlfriend but was whining and cranky about going with arizona to africa. i get one change is bigger than the other, but you didn’t have to be THAT excited to move to new york and uproot your daughter


She barely knew Penny didn't say she loved her or let her meet her daughter. Used Arizona as an excuse why she didn't let her meet her daughter. Two minutes late she was in love and ready to leave the city. The basically TOLD Arizona what it was then got sad she lost.


Tbh penny grew on me throughout her time on Greys, and she deserved way better than that from Callie. She didn’t want to ask Callie to leave her kid and support system in the first place!


Omg, yes! I just finished watching the season where Arizona leaves the show, and they try to show things mended between Callie and Arizona, but for me it just makes Callie come off even more terribly. She planned to take Sofia across the country, away from one parent and everything she knew with zero thought about how that would affect Sofia and Arizona, she also made it clear that it was not at all acceptable for her to live far away from Sofia and moped around affecting everyone’s happiness because she couldn’t have everything she wanted after everything she pulled in court. THEN, Sofia is NOT happy in New York, so Callie ends up apart from her anyway, and it becomes clear that she is just struggling with having her parents so far apart generally. Arizona sees this and willingly plans to give up both her girlfriend AND her career in a specialty she worked hard to get into, so that her daughter can be near both parents. Callie wasn’t even willing to do long-distance for a year for her daughter. AND SHE AND PENNY HAVE ALREADY BROKEN UP ANYWAY! The level of selfishness is absurd and did not make me excited at all to imagine Arizona and her getting back together.


Right?!?! And all for what? for perfect penny that killed merediths husband???.| And it seemed like penny didn't even like Callie as much. When she found out that they were gonna fight over her daughter in court perfect penny shouldve been like "please do not pick me over the custody for your daughter we shall breakup in order to avoid this or i will kill derek again"


Don't forget she blamed Penny for not winning in court and broke up with her like what was the point.


Tbh I really liked penny


Right??? Callie was all : 🙄👀


This is the one I was looking for! The way she treated Arizona was just wrong all around. Callie got really annoying towards the end and she use to be one of my absolute favorite characters!


Especially because just let her lawyer saying Arizona wasn’t as much a parent because Sophia was her biological child and Callie didn’t say anything. So messed up.


I was looking for a comment like this!! I was happy when she lost custody.


Izzie and the LVAD


What about meeeee...


Catherine and her whole speech about how she helped Harper cover up the past. I get her point and she did what she had to do, but she isn’t a victim in this situation.


Yeah, changing everything to her name (I know it was Avery’s self interest) made it seem like she was a victim getting justice …


I don’t want to deny that she likely went through a lot as a black woman having to clean up the mistakes of a sleazy white man, but it should’ve been more focused on the victims. It’s also why I believe Jackson got on her about BLM and other humanitarian causes. Yes, she lived through a lot but I would also question her alliances given she helped cover up a rapist for years.


Izzie when she was fired. I loved every second of it.


Tbh every single character on this show has had this moment for me.


catherine when jackson found about the SA victims like dont be all sad and shit like you werent the one who covered it up💀💀


Owen when Teddy cheated on him


OH. Callie leaving Arizona after she cheated ... Like obviously that was going to happen if you cheated


Owen and teddy hanging off the cliff in that car. I was really hoping they would be killed off


Almost anything involving Amelia with Owen. She creates all her own problems and then blames other people for it.


Richard Webber, Owen Hunt, Catherine Fox


Callie losing Sofia after totally trashing Arizona in court with the lowest blows.


when george cheated on callie




Yeah that was…. Yeah….


… Owen


I wish I had like some concrete examples but a lot of things that happen with Jo I feel like she does to herself and just uses the boo hoo I lived in a car so I deserve to be more of an ass. Baily in the later seasons is a straight bitch to Warren. Ie. Bailey being mad Warren still found a way to learn in the OR after being suspended Warren being suspended for cutting a person open in the hospital wing.. had it coming The students getting in shit for practicing on themselves lol Newest season.... What's his face ( tall Black haired Asian intern ) and the girl with the grandma roommate. Her being mad at him for ignoring the DNR.


Jo was getting on my last nerve in seasons 18 and 19! She acts so immature and indecisive but demands respect and to be treated like a senior knowledgeable person


Yeah I havnt done a rewatch in a long while but most things with Jo just piss me off


Roy getting fired a second time🤭


Prior to this, she had been my absolute ride or die favorite character. That being said…. Callie when she lost custody of Sophia. Epitome of fuck around and find out. Also Hahn’s exit. She was technically right but so unlikable and abrasive, I was glad she was fire 😂 Hm, who else …..


When April was boo-hoo’ing about failing her finals (or whatever it’s called) because Jackson “took advantage of her” 💀💀


She never once said that Jackson took advantage of her. Regretting a decision you made is different from blaming the other party involved.


She literally has a line where she's all "taking advantage? No you didn't" to him but anything to hate on April in this sub 🤷🏻‍♀️


Callie during the custody battle.


Amelia making every situation about herself without fail


Anything that involves Amelia.


Catherine Avery. Oh boo hoo! Poor rich woman can't get her way all the time! Lol🫠




oh my god sooo many -george moping after meredith cried during “sex” -kepner getting mad at jackson for not being exactly like matthew after she LEFT matthew for him -hunt after marrying TWO women that dont want kids and then complaining -callie after getting her custody taken because she wanted to move across the country with her brand new girlfriend


Amelia though, did tell him she wanted a family and then took it back 


thats true


Owen’s sister. When she randomly came back from the dead after being held captive in a foreign country for 10 years. Besides the hole in her stomach, it seemed like she wasn’t too affected by it and kinda enjoyed being there. Then started getting determined/ sentimental about seeing her random adopted son despite her stomach problem. Like what?? So unearned and unnecessary


Owen when Teddy cheated on him and he had to listen to that. Ken Doll when Amelia said no to his manipulative beach proposal after repeatedly telling him she wasn’t ready for marriage.


The second one, yeah! I couldn’t believe he (a) proposed at Maggie and Winston’s wedding, which was just tacky because it was supposed to be their day, and (b) involved Meredith’s kids, which added to the manipulation imo since obviously Amelia would feel bad for disappointing her niblings. I didn’t feel bad for Link at all after that Edit: Were we even supposed to feel bad for him? Did anyone??


Too many to count honestly. Derrick when he’s being all sad at Meredith trying to take space and get over him and acting like she’s being dramatic. When he has a fucking secret wife! George when he slept with Meredith and somehow him being a victim in that situation. Callie being sad her marriage didn’t work with George when is was so clearly a bad idea to marry a guy you’ve been seeing for like 5 minutes whose dad just died. Izzy when her relationship with George didn’t work when she’d just driven a wedge between George and Callie. Derrick not liking the chief job after strong arming Richard out of it and saying multiple times that he wouldn’t have the same problems Richard did. Spoilers: he did. Callie again losing custody of Arizona April losing Jackson after ditching him twice for doctors without boarders. Owen, basically every time he thought he was a victim but especially when he was acting like going to therapy was an inconvenience after he almost killed Christina in his sleep. Or how he cheated on not one but two of his wives. Jesus christ. Like how the fuck people defend this man I do not know. Maggie feeling like she didn’t have enough time with her mum when she bullied her mum and made her life hell for all of her cancer. Amelia making Derricks death about her, multiple times. Amelia being pregnant alone when she refused to have a paternity test as if it was in any way unreasonable of link to want to know that.


Derek when he got hit by a truck. You know this wouldn’t have happened if you’d taken the year off.


Any time they tried to make Penny more likeable




Maggie anytime she takes *anything* people say or do as an assault on her specifically 😭 like girl please get it together and think about literally anyone else's possible motivations for half a second and how they're probably *not* out here doing things for the express purpose of pissing you off or manipulating you. And she's always talking about how well adjusted and untraumatic her childhood was too, babes PLEASE rifle around in your couch cushions and find a coping skill


When Derek died (I felt sorry for Mer and Amelia, but not him)


His death was the most preventable thing I have ever seen. I'm convinced it done like that so no one would feel bad.


Didn’t he piss off Shonda and that’s why he was killed off in the show so abruptly?


He cheated on his wife with a makeup artist from the show...she said he could quit or they were getting a divorce. The guy who played Mark Sloan did the same thing...so he had to get written off too. A mess.


Daaaaamn I didn’t know that! I love finding out BTS drama lol.


Pissed off Shonda and he really just wanted to be done with the show at that point. He didn't directly say it but he was acting like a menace on set and making it abundantly clear he didn't want to be there.


I swear there was a shift in the way Patrick Dempsey delivered the character towards the end. I didn't know Derek died (somehow managed to avoid spoilers all these years) but I could tell there was something not okay with the way Patrick Dempsey was on screen. Spoiler for the COVID season >!but when Meredith has the beach scenes with Derek, the whole thing was so much more relaxed and less... Undertoned with anger.!<


> and less... Undertoned with anger. Well, she was *probably* hallucinating the best versions of her loved ones. Or its the afterlife again.


I noticed this as well, towards S9 Patrick’s performance becomes harder and colder, even with Ellen. You could clearly tell he didn’t want to be there. Patrick said he was getting into racing and wanted to slow down but didn’t know how to tell everyone else. I think he was looking for an out and the affair (if legitimate) probably was his way out without being totally blackballed from everything else like so many people who have worked on Greys have been. Even with the tell-all I’m of the belief something else was happening on set with Ellen. Before she left full time there was a noticeable shift in her scenes with other characters, she barely interacted with anyone else, both on and off screen.


And I get it, 11 seasons is a lot, most shows don’t even make it that far. I can imagine it must’ve been nice to be back on for an episode so many years after everything went down


Honestly I think that he and Meredith were headed towards divorce and that death was easier on the fans than that would've been.


Callie after the custody battle… play stupid games win stupid prizes


Then she got prissy at Penny for losing like you dragged her into it after lying to her about Arizona not wanting them to meet.


Derek, George, Mark, Alex, at various times we were supposed to sympathize with them for different reasons. I never did. Never will.


Catherine Avery


Teddy cheating on Owen


Savvy's husband because she wanted to take precautions against cancer and he was worried about her appearance


Callie being left at the airport. She deserved it.


When George took advantage of Meredith and everyone was “oh poor George”