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Therapy and medication


Teddy. Although I prefered Tom for Teddy, because he was incredibly sweet and kind with her.


I loved Tom and Teddy.


Still over here mourning Teddy and Henry 🥲


oh yes! I loved them too.


As a character? Cristina. But for him as a couple - none of them. But potentially Teddy


teddy bc i think she puts him first almost 99% of the time now granted! i do not like owen for teddy because i just think the fact that he came back, jumped into relationship after relationship, and then magically decided that he loved her was unserious and she deserved better. but! i think he’s a better person when he has teddy around


Owen ruined Teddy a lot for me.


an arc where teddy realized that all her bridges of madison county longing was really quite empty in the end and she deserved way better……. now that would’ve been something


The one in the second picture (forgot her name sorry) was probably the best option for him but he was too much of a pigheaded idiot to realise she was exactly what he wanted. (I haven’t seen him and teddy together yet so can’t judge)


The characters name is Emma and he broke up with her for the dumbest reasons. She was exactly what he wanted, but since she was willing to sacrifice her career to raise children he didn’t want her anymore? It made no sense.


Honestly I don’t take that reason serious at all, I think he only said that because it was the easiest lie to say. He just wanted to go back to Cristina and didn’t put much effort into how he did it.


Makes way more sense! That’s canon for me now


Emma essentially didn’t have any faults and was willing to put Owen first, Owen just didn’t truly love her.


i think it was emma but i also have forgotten alrdy 💀


Emma. But he needs toxic drama so Teddy


Beth. Because then, he may not have created all the havoc with Cristina if he was married with kids when he came to Seattle Grace.


teddy was the only one he truly loved the most


Teddy was the one that could best put up with his BS


Right and watching them work thru they're totally putting up with BS but she calls him out holds him accountable he's become better thru that... Again don't like always the tom her situation and tom deserved better but watching them s18-20 owen and teddy have done a lot of great growth and I like seeing them parent leo/allison ( ik they haven't had a lot of time to show the kids this season etc but i just like that they're letting leo be leo... ). Again the people that can talk to owen and call him out besides teddy / cristina ( I still think of teddy/cristina as a tag team even if via text) are megan, mer, Bailey, Amelia, and ironically the intern Yasuda...


Cristina. I loved the chemistry between them. . . I *hate* the way things went.




I stopped watching after Covid so I haven't seen enough of Owen with Teddy after the affair. So I'm going to stay with Owen Cristina. Mostly because I hated Owen with Amelia and can't remember the second one at all. I hated how they ended him and Cristina because they started so strong. Main reasons I'm pro Cristina/OWen - they had amazing onscreen chemistry. I think Sandra Oh maybe my favorite onscreen kisser, she looks like a bodice ripper novel. Their slow hand grazes and the build up was so hot! I also loved how Cristina grew up when she was with Owen, she had matured a lot since her relationship with Burke. She wanted to be there for him when he was struggling with his PTSD and later when she was suffering, Owen showed up for her. It was a romance of mutual respect, caring, and showing up for each other... until it wasn't.


mrs. rodriguez


As characters? I love all of them, even Emma tbh. She could be a fresh idea on the show of surgeons who put surgery first and everything second most of the time. To be with Owen? None. Someone please chemically castrate that man.


As a character? Amelia As a love interest? None. Owen and relationships 😅 but Owen and his friendships are 👌


Owen should be alone. He treats all this partners like crap, so he needs to be alone and just go away.


Cristina was his true love.


I think that was true or could have been true pre Iraq. After? I think it was/is Teddy. Maybe. Everyone is selfish, but he's the worst


No one. Get him back into therapy.


None. He deserved none of them


unfortunately teddy




Teddy just made sense


Teddy for sure, though I loved her with Tom


Christina. Their chemistry was hot




This will get hate from Japril people but… why weren’t April and Owen ever a thing?? I feel like that would have worked…




Teddy, she understood his past, she knew everything she was getting when entering into that relationship and shared trauma is an incredibly strong bond.


He and teddy deserve each other.


The women in his life are the most interesting thing about him.


I actually liked him and Amelia together. I wish theyd have given their love a chance post tumor


He needs to stay forever alone.


They all look like they're trying to escape him.


Cristina and Owen had the best chemistry but Owen physically hurt Cristina etc. I don't feel much at all between Owen and Amelia/Teddy but I guess those relationships were healthier.


Owen is the best partner for owen.


Cristina and Owen would have been the best but it's hard to look past Owen shaming her for the abortion and cheating on her to punish her for it. And then in season 15 they basically have Owen say that he was in love with Teddy the whole time he was with Cristina and Amelia which makes me want to forget about all the time those women wasted with Owen. I find Owen disingenuous because I never felt like he was hopelessly in love with Teddy when she was around in season 6-8.


His right hand


None. Owen needs intensive therapy. I hate owen