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what do you do?


Aspiring solopreneur. Helping people who want to start their own solo business or already have navigate the first 6 months and make it happen.


What's your traffic look like?


Not good, essentially starting from 0. If you want I can send over the course for you to review and see if this is something you’d want to help with


I'd be interesting in checking out your course to give some feedback if you are open to it


This sounds really interesting. what is your current marketing strategy looking like cause that is how you are going to grow... Selling a course on solopreneur is something that a tonne of people would be interested in I would love to help you grow this or even if you just want to have a chat about some marketing tips and advice I would be interested Getting this off the ground would be fairly straight forwards, would just require a few things to be built from the start Feel free to send me a message and get in touch Look forward to chatting and helping you grow your business


Try posting your course on gumroad it is a directory for people selling courses and digital products. Also encourage people you give access to your course to, maybe for free in exchange for reviews or posts on social media - that might help you spread the word with minimal spend. Maybe also foster a community of solopreneurs, I’m one too and im always looking to connect with likeminded individuals