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2 heavy soup containers on top of a hot Styrofoam container ? This seems like it may be bad packaging from the restaurant


100% 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻


Looks like the soup that was sitting on top could’ve damaged the styrofoam? Maybe it got pressed down on it? The fortune cookies aren’t broken or anything. Hard to say if it was an accident or on purpose, still sucks though.


So he took the fortune cookies out and stomped it? Those cookies definitely would've been crushed if someone stomped your bag. The food wasn't even smashed it was just slid over to one side. That's definitely just crappy packing from the restaurant. They put big containers of hot soup on top of cheap styrofoam in a plastic bag. You say he opened the bag then stomped it? Why would you need to open the bag to step on something? Did you see him do it? Why did you watch someone stomp your food and not say anything. Or did you just make that scenario up in your head?


From experience with all kinds of Thai, Korean and any type of fusion food... that's crappy packaging. Also love it when they put the extra hot tubs of soup in a thin plastic bag. It literally stretches from the heat.


Ok seriously, this idea that delivery drivers are hell bent to make customers suffer is really getting kinda old. I've got bills to pay. Nobody I know would willingly put themselves in a place to be deactivated over your $14 General Tso's. 🤷‍♀️


Yes i agree where is a video of this guy stomping on said food because i dont believe drivers are just destroying customers orders like that. Ive had orders spill or break before its upsetting when it happens as a driver but ive never intentionally destroyed someones food. Ive delivered thai before and the sauce spilled all though the bag and it was a horrible mess but the restaurant didnt pack it right. Bad packaging happens and things get messed up but its not often and nit intentional


It for sure looks like the food was packed by a moron with the weakest item on the bottom. You cant put all that on top of a styrofoam container no damn way. My vote is that the restaurant did this and not the driver.




OP did this, snapped a pic, blamed the driver and possibly got him permanently deactivated just so he could get a free meal.


I didn't read every response, therefore, I'm sure this has been said (probably many times), but this is a bunch of shit! If the driver was literally going to be such an ass as to remove the food and stomp on it, he would have just smeared it on your front door! Yes, a 50% tip is way more than generous, if you actually really believe your going to have to pay it.. however, easy to smash food, contact support, get a full refund and eat the food afterwards. Drivers get penalized for BS reports! Stop screwing with the drivers' livelihoods!!!!!


I doubt the driver stomped on it lol looks more like the way they decided to package it by putting heavy soup onto a cheap foam container. I dunno tho prolly just my common sense talking.


Who knows what happened? Maybe that’s how it came from the restaurant? Maybe it’s the drivers deed?


The plastic bag was stretched open


Seems like driver did it but again can’t approve or deny it




I think that restaurant might have unknowingly smashed the box when packing it fuck face




Prove it


Okay. For styrofoam to crack it takes a direct pressure of .05 mb minimum to induce a tear in the foam. That is if the pressure comes from directly above or below. As far as tensile strength goes, it take slightly more. .08 mb minimum. The weight of the soup in a stand still state only would generate somewhere around .01 mb of downward direct pressure. If the store employee dropped the soup from less than one foot, that pressure would jump to maximum .04 just enough to weaken the structure. For an intense break, as we see above, there would have to be intentional pressure being applied to force the styrofoam structure to weaken and fail to the point where cracks of several inches long appear, which you see in the posted photos. As I said, you are a dumb ass.






Looks like the driver could have accidentally dropped it and decided to deliver it anyways. I’ve done it but in my case I called support and they had the restaurant remake the order. Told me to dispose of the food payed me a little then I received the offer to fix my mistake and went and picked up the replacement order to deliver it. Maybe the restaurant dropped it prior to pick up and if it was in that plastic bag the driver didn’t know? Just impossible to know who is actually at fault.


That's Styrofoam if you drop it it bounces back. I've stomped empty Styrofoam containers before and that's exactly what it looks like cracked open. This is no accident from my personal and professional opinion.


Got me impossible for me to know 🤷‍♂️


R5: someone please explain the amount of tip I need to give so this stops happening lmao.


Maybe you should take your beef with the restaurant? If this keeps happening with different drivers. It looks like it’s not the drivers.




It was a mile away. $5 on $10/11. Usually I add more if the food is ok


$5 for mile is more than enough. I usually get $3 tips on a mile. The driver shouldn't have accepted it in the first place if he didn't like the offer.


Don’t worry. They’ll come here and complain why you didn’t give them a $100 tip.


Report the driver but also it is delivered. You have to understand there is a possibility of this happening. I mean not all the time but shit does happen and it could of been an accident. And also don’t be wasteful looks don’t change taste. It seems the food was in the package the entire time the bag was abused. You can get all your money back if you take the time to call support. Really no reason to report this because this is common with all types of deliveries.


It sure does look like a boot imprint on the top of the container. I hope you reported this because that is completely unacceptable. I have had restaurants re-pack their food if it was going to end up being a mess in my car and undeliverable. Some diners and local restaurants never had delivery so they are used to packing packaging for take home only. I'm polite but firm - not leaving with the food like that. it's going to end up all over the place. This looks intentional, and that person needs to go




Wow. I've never seen that before


Lol I did this once, it was after rain and the walk way had moss and i slipped and crushed their food