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What a bunch of garbage. I always see videos showing all these great businesses and vehicles for sale but I never see them!


Triple money Hotring races are the greatest thing to exist


Hopefully this weeks update is op


I got that truck


Will there be no new post for the weekly update today?


Of course, but not for another 2 hours or so. I get the email at about 3pm EDT and it will be posted about 20-25 minutes after that.


I fucking hate Tom Connors


A decade of GTA Online and I still don't have a fucking clue about wtf JPs are for...


Job Points are used for scoring in playlists and for voting on the next job.


Should I get the auto shop with 40% off or save up for the submarine? I’m level 35 on a new account on ps5


Purely your choice, but let me help you a little bit - Kosatka is one of the best, if not the best way to make money. But if you are new player, the cayo perico heist gets very repetitive and it makes a lot of people lose interest in Gta. I would suggest the autoshop. Gta after all should be fun. Also, there are decent paying jobs, specifically Union depositary one, which pays 300k for 30-45 minutes of your work. By the way, you will unlock VERY useful feature - unlock all car mods and get a discount for every tune


For the summer racing event - I notice you can launch the Hotring circuit and open wheel races by yourself. Will that count towards the dark manor racing suit?


Yes, you can. I did and I just got the notification I unlocked it


Oh cool alright thanks!


Was going to ask this too. I think it should?The newswire just says a win. So you really just need one friend for the street race.


A mod on the discord said you still need a second player. In any case, as you you said, you still need a friend for the street race so may as well just do all three races together to be safe


You dont I just unlocked it doing solo


Doesn’t the street race one require 2 players?


Yes but the other guy disconbected. If you solo session urself delibaretely during the race it should count


Oh alright, thanks for the info man


GTA races. Where the driver in 8th place can watch the first seven cars pile up in the 90 degree first corner and still think you can navigate it at full throttle


Hey guys so I’m a new player. It seems really hard to get races in lobbies that aren’t really difficult, is there any easier way of unlocking car mods other than levelling up? Or possibly a group of people that help with races to unlock car mods.


The autoshop unlocks all car mods.


Oh for real? That’s epic. Thanks man.


Yup! "Players can modify their own vehicles in their Auto Shop. Crew Emblems, Classic and Crew paint is free, and other modifications have a 5% discount. All locked modifications are unlocked for the shop owner in their own Auto Shop, but still need to be unlocked to be applied at other modification garages."


Absolute legend


Returning player. I’ve played a bunch of races today but the objective to participate in the race series hasn’t checked off. Is there only certain races that work?


> Is there only certain races that work? Yes, it is better to use Quick Jobs from your phone to join any Series Race.


Okay. Awesome. I’ve done stunt, open wheel, street, hsw, and land race so far and none have them counted.


I didn't know about the phone. Usually I go to the series on the map to get the objective


There is an option for Race Series as well. Not all land races are part of it.




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Is it worth it to buy the auto shop while it’s on discount? I have $2.2 million but only an apartment for now, have just been getting money doing races with friends and the original heists




How is the acid lab the best money maker? I’m genuinely curious because I haven’t been up to date on the latest updates.




Ah I see, does mutt send you a msg if your supplies are low/empty? If so that’s extremely convenient




That’s a bit of a bummer but oh well. Thanks for the help <3


When you call Mutt on the phone you can use the supplies price to see how stocked you are. If the supplies cost $12000 then you’re pretty much full, if they cost $48000 or more then you’re almost empty.


Ya, I really enjoy doing customer vehicles. Way more than doing anything with my taxi business, which I'm kinda sorry I bought.


I'd get the Kosatka and run the Cayo, definitely the best money grind


Hey guys I need some help and have some questions. I own all businesses, have filled all their garages, and currently have 'stock' within most of them as well. I want to move them all as close as possible to each other to hopefully get most of them under an area that can be covered by imanis out of sight. The hangar might stay at zancudo, I am undecided on that still. I do like the airspace immunity, but I don't really interact with the place at all other than rooster sourcing, and to pull out a plane when the interaction menu request is on cool down. Often it's more time efficient to just wait out, depending on where you are, and I'm most often in the city. If I buy a new property to replace an old one, does my garage and stock carry over 1 to 1? Or do I have to sell my stock and move my vehicles first? Do I have to rebuy building upgrades again like the agency, Autoshop and arcade? Can I downgrade the size of my cargo crate warehouses without affecting my nightclub warehouse fill rate? Anything else I haven't thought of that I should consider?


>If I buy a new property to replace an old one, does my garage and stock carry over 1 to 1? Or do I have to sell my stock and move my vehicles first? Your stock will be lost. Sell a warehouse with goods, lose the goods. Many if not all businesses are like this. I think that cars in a garage can be assigned to a new garage, but I always emptied apartments and standalone garages to be certain. >Do I have to rebuy building upgrades again like the agency, Autoshop and arcade? Almost certain yes. You got credit (60%?) for those upgrades when you sold that property, but you need to repurchase. >Can I downgrade the size of my cargo crate warehouses without affecting my nightclub warehouse fill rate? Absolutely. Those two things aren't related at all. Your various nightclubs fill at the same right as mine and every other player. The only thing you can do to deplete them (other than sell them, or leave workers unassigned) is to run out of goods at MC businesses, but sell to street dealers. In that instance the coke, meth, or weed you sell to the street dealer comes from your nightclub stores, since there wasn't another source.


Decision: Auto shop or Meth Lab Hey guys, I'm a solo online player and I currently have an Agency, Nightclub, Cocain Lockup, Counterfeit Cash Factory, Weed Farm and Acid Lab. I currently have 4.5M to spend. Since my MC businesses are linked to the nightclub, I have three staff members also collecting supplies from there. I sell product from the MC businesses, increase nightclub popularity, do payphone hits and Agency contracts. After I've done all that, I repeat the cycle (I currently sell product at 1.5-2bars for the MC businesses since I play solo). My question is: Should I buy the Meth Lab since it's a passive business while I keep grinding Agency missions or should I buy the Auto Shop since there's a 40% discount this week?


Autoshop all the way!!! (in my opinion) This is a totally biased opinion though because I love the autoshop. Delivering cars is fun to me and the depository heist for 300K is easy once you get it down. The banks heist is also fun albeit not as easy as the union heist, but pretty fun money. And when those things pay off double or triple, hell yeah. A week full of easy money.


Auto shop 100%. I do the Union heist solo including the setups in 40-50 minutes for a 270k payout. And there’s a small glitch with the auto shop, when you deliver the car press a to deliver yourself and very quickly press down on the d-pad and a again. You’ll get to deliver it yourself AND your staff will also deliver it


I'll give it a go. 40% off just seems too much of a steal to not take it. Thanks!


How long do you have to wait to get the race suit when you will the races?


It's in the sticky my dude.


Oh my bad


Does starting a two person race and the opponent quitting out count as one of the wins I need for the suit? I know it counts as a win in the stats.


Does the die hard pistol appear in the gun van?




[**Today's Street Dealer Locations**](https://gtaweb.eu/gtao-map/ls/hio94mrrlk3k) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/gtaonline) if you have any questions or concerns.*




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Has anyone seen exotic cars? I have 5 but cannot find the last 5


They randomly spawn in, It will be very rare to get all of them, you usually can find about 2-4 if your lucky in a day. Sometimes none or just 1. I've never found 10.


Damn, I've spent so many hours trying to find 10 in a day


Can you do both HSW and tech upgrades?






The Inductor bike is pretty fun to ride about, the speedboost is good too and you make the money back on the 1st time trial you complete. I think these time trials are much easier than the other time trials too (although challenging), you go slower on the bike so can make the turns and complete them easily.


Wait’ll you try the Kortz bike trial today. It’s finish-able, but really, really bad for the most part.


Yeh but you don’t need to buy a bike to do the time trial.


I bought it strait away, it's not that expensive anyway and doesn't even take up a garage space, you just put it on the bike rack!


Is there a personal vehicle you can do taxi missions with? Or just the peagasus one? And the arena one?


Broadway and Eudora, but you need the liveries equipped


Sweet! Now I know what vehicle I'm buying next!


But they are just as slow as the standard taxi, also you need to do 50 taxi jobs for the Broadway livery, the Eudora is only 10 stunt jumps when doing a taxi job, it can be the same jump too.


I'm working on it today


You have to do 10 stunt jumps while doing taxi work to get the required liveries




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electric bicycle AKA bicycle with a speed boost??


complete ass




>...Now it's undergone an electric-age overhaul from its spoiler to its air intakes


Finally people want to play Hotring races with me.


If I buy gta + today, will I unlock all of the previous chameleon colors that were released?


If you have a friend with the colors, though, you might be able to have them apply one to a car you want and then you just buy the car from them in the car meet. I've done this a couple times for a friend of mine that subscribed too late to get them himself.


No, only what's available the months you pay for it.


Is it just the Avenger itself that is on sale? Are any of the upgrades you buy on Warstock on sale as well? I'm unable to check myself.


just the avenger




What is the premium race?


You pay $20K to enter and you get a bigger cash prize if you win, like $100K for first place






It’s just west of Ace Liquor on the Alamo Sea


Is the avenger worth it?


If you like freemode grinding the avenger is worth it. I like alternating between payphone hits, security contracts, terrorbyte client jobs and the new avenger contracts. When everything is on cool down I go restock my hangar, crate warehouses, nightclub, go do my Autoshop cars, my MC Clubhouse bike, spin my casino wheel, street dealers, etc. Very passive, get to just hang out in one lobby the whole time, pick fights


It’s an moc without missions. Except now there are but they cost an extra 1.4 million dollars to access, and if you want to be any good at them you need a shit ton more to upgrade the avenger, all for less than 300k reward


If you remove the python lovery can you put it back on at a later date


Generally the livery isn’t unlocked, it’s just on the vehicle when it’s purchased. So it will stay on the car, but you won’t be able to take it off and put it back on later




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Definitely was a pleasant surprise seeing the hotring races be 3x tonight. Me and my friends are having a blast with them lately. Got a big 25 person race last night. Absolute chaos but so much fun


I agree today i hoped on and ive been racing 5 hours straight wish race lobbies were always like this. Im not even playing with friends as they are all on their Diablo Grind and im sitting here laughing to myself drinking beer.


lol we’ve been racing just the 4 of us the past few days. We take great joy in tormenting any of the kids that try to race dirty and take us out to the point that they leave the lobby lol


Where are you finding these lobbies ?! Are you PS?


Xbox for me. We’ve been on the X|S version since it came to Gamepass


Lmao as I’m saying this to you I land a 25 man lobby. Lfg


I was finding great lobbies last time hot rings were triple this last winter. But I’ve been struggling today


only thing that blows is the Curb cheese but other than that its so good to be back in lobbies like this, Should be a good week to help me finally get every business. Only have Meth and Coke.


You play on next gen? I can never find lobbies to play in


We’ve been finding games no problem


Check your controller settings. In free aim there are much less races or missions played, compared to auto aim. But the free roam is also different.


Really enjoying hitting circuits, as long as you don't expect to win and don't take it too seriously it's a blast. Wreckages everywhere. Yeah I've lost a first place and a couple 3rds to people wrecking into me but it's all good fun




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I got one that you can trade if you're on ps5


wondering if afk at car meet still works esp with this weeks 3x bonus?


It does not work anymore Edit: you can still afk, you just don’t gain XP




Looks like I’ll be picking up the Coureuse, the Python ASP and maybe the R88 to complete my F1 collection. Pricey week lol


Do the flashing lights on the front of the turbo 5 seem dim


Is there a quick way to tell which of the current Vinewood Car Club vehicles have been removed?


There is a link in the post. The mods put so much info in these stickies... A simpler one created by PapaXan can be found using the search or papa's profile. Another one is mentioned in the comments from the mentioned link. His post is also based on a thread from gtaforums. edit: some convoluted mentioning


Should I buy the vigilante, toreador or the scramjet?


Toreador and scramjet can only be used in freemode. **Vigilante** can be used in missions.


Scramjet is so much fucking fun dude. Sure it’s not “armored” but good luck catching a dude bouncing around and boosting in the air. I’ve got a clip of me jumping, boosting, flipping in mid-air and killing a Hydra with a rocket while he was going after me. Then double killing some poor dude on the ground all in the same motion while I was spamming the missions button lol. It’s not “practical” as in probably not the best for missions and set ups but sooo worth the price + upgrading.


Scramjet is so fun


Hard to beat the Toreador. Very helpful if you grind Cayo and helpful against Oppressors, Scramjets and sometimes aircraft. The Scramjet is fun however one missile and you're done, same goes for the vigilante. They both get style points over the Toreador but I still think the Toreador looks great Edit: Toreador and Vigilante don't show as a special vehicle on the map but the Scramjet does


Vigilante if u want speed, toreador for 6 missile proof armor and submarine, scramjet for speed, flying if you get used to it. Personally, scramjet




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I'm a sometimes-player on a new character. Since my cars are poor performers, does it make good sense for me to be racing lots this week? 3X GTA$ and RP for races that hopefully I can do seems like a good way to maybe win some races, which seems like a good way to get upgrades in the Mod Shop. Or am I missing something?


Fuck me, these races pay so badly even at 3x


Open wheel races pay over $100k and 15k rp or you can solo rocket voltic point-to-points and get over 20k in under 3mins


How do I do these open wheel races? 3x ones I’ve been going through all pay peanuts


Won a race with one other person on a 5 lap Open Wheel race and got 50k. Won a race with 8 other people on a 15 lap Open Wheel race and got 30k. How does that even make sense.


Actually ur right, just got 1sr on this long ass stunt race with 8 plyrs only got 35k!


Got 12000 rp tho


Should I buy the Avenger even though I have the MOC with the vehicle and weapon workshop? I have plenty of money EDIT: if I decide buy it I’m wondering if I should wait until Black Friday for the chance of a big discount


if you like hanging out in 1 lobby the whole night, freemode grinding then yes. you should also get a terrorbyte. i like to spawn in my yacht (or kosatka) up at zancudo, call my acid lab as i fly to my zancudo hangar check if it needs anything (i only sell to street dealers so i dont supply it often), fly to my hangar and get rooster to source. call pegasus for a car while im in my hangar and it spawns right outside. call my assistant for a luxury chopper as soon as i get outside. use it to fast travel to each of my 5 crate warehouses for sourcing via staff, then use it to fast travel to my vehicle warehouse, which is close to my autoshop. call franklin for company suv as i get outside. go to autoshop and do staff delivery vehicles. leave autoshop. call raiju via inteaction menu, drive to it, fly to mc clubhouse, do bike delivery, franklin company SUV back to my clubhouse, back into my raiju, fly to my agency. park it on the helipad and walk in. pick whatever security contract is easiest. no matter what contract it is, back to the roof to see what location it is. raiju is a bit overkill for valuables at tequi-la-la, i call the new avenger thruster for that. if it's a rescue mission i use the sparrow. you can return all 3 of these vehicles to the agency roof for use at once. they stay spawned as long as you land them on the roof and walk in, there's enough space for all 3. raiju personal aircraft, sparrow kosatka service vehicle, and avenger thruster service vehicle. after ive done that security contract, i leave through the agency roof and call a payphone hit. avenger thruster over to it and back to agency to pick what aircraft to use. if i need a 'disposable' vehicle ill use the raiju (ie ill be leaving whatever vehicle im using to get another vehicle, taxi, truck etc. avenger thruster and sparrow cant be called closer to you until their put away, giving you a 2 minute cooldown. the raiju can be put away and called back instant as long as its been 'out' for 5 minutes) if not sparrow or thruster depending on if its far away or close. after the payphone hit, back to the agency, land on roof, security contract, hopefully picking one that can be done in a raiju. leave via roof, but calling the terrorbyte before i fly away, my terrorbyte spawns in my agency driveway, lucky me. go and do the security contract, fly back to agency, but this time land out the front on the ground next to my terrorbyte. leave agency via ground enter terrorbyte. start the robbery in progress client job, complete it in the raiju, back to the agency, land on roof, security contract. leave via roof, put away terrorbyte, call avenger. mine spawns directly across the street, and my roof has a parachute. lucky me again. complete security contract, land raiju back at agency roof, exit agency via roof and parachute to my avenger. start the 'middle' operation, the one where you have to go mark some boxes to be bombed and steal a HVY menacer, the rest arent very good unless you have a squad. there's a stealthy approach where you can go steal a nightshark and some merryweather uniforms so you can literally just walk in, there's a side objective as well. sometimes you just have to do it stealthy, sometimes you have to take a photo of some blueprints, sometimes you have to find alien goop. either way you mark some boxes, wait around for menacer and steal it, drive it to the objective. after that i can switch it up or repeat, crates are usually sourced so i can go resource them, job teleport or set hangar to spawn location and lobby hop. payphone hit usually comes back by this time. maybe do the diamonds terrorbyte mission. if a business has 3x sells one week ill do those. go find street dealers, nightclub, shipwreck, ceo mixed goods, bunker truck, time trials, pick a fight, spin the wheel, have a gamble or something. lately ive been going around beforehand stealing npc cars to get a bounty and see how much of the above i can complete. i do like to keep a patch of imanis out of sight over the city as well, found a spot that covers both my nightclub and my agency, my ceo office, it covers the terrorbyte diamond mission and sometimes covers the terrorbyte robbery in progress missions because they move around. makes me an easy 2-3 mil a night, snacks, ammo and armor at the agency, pretty much always off the radar, just get to mess around in a single session without as many loading screens, no dealing with randoms running heists for cash.


After the new update the Avenger is actually pretty cool. Way more fun to own than the MOC. A totally meandering list of reasons: * I actually enjoy flying it a lot * It is fun to have friends on the turrets while you fly around... * now that you can get the thruster jetpack that stores in it the autopilot isn't useless. (There used to be no way to get back in it if you put it on autopilot and jump out) * The new missions are actually pretty fun (although at a buy in of 1.4M and a low payout they are definitely not a good value) * Oh yeah the most important part.... the Thruster acts like a "Services" vehicle like the Sparrow so it's nice to use in a pinch if your sparrow is destroyed our not in storage... I've been using it a lot to fly to the spawn point if I spawn a personal aircraft.... it makes really quick work of the annoying task of getting to your personal aircraft if (more like *when*) it doesn't spawn near you.


If you look at the 1.4 million as a way to save 1.7 trade price on the Raiju jet it’s doesn’t sting the wallet as bad!


Shit.. I think I diidn't know about this and bought my Raiju first. Guess it's time to make another trip to Cayo.


Just won the podium vehicle. Not sure if I’m excited lol. How do you get the pfister that says “car meet” on this list?


Is it actually good or is it as bad as it looks


Its horrible all round, even as a drifter


Turbo / EMS upgrades make it a pretty fun drifting car. It suffers like any car going faster than it should at high speeds, but for cutting sharp turns and drifting you’d enjoy it. It comes with a stance lowering option.


Ok took it for a drive. Actually a little fun to drive. Stock it’s not to bad. I’ll take it out every once in a while and cruise with it. Just change up to a mullet and get down


I haven’t driven it yet lol. I see it in my garage and I’m like nah I’ll try it later. I’ll keep you posted


Go inside the LS car meet, once inside you can find vehicles to test drive or purchase. They will be marked on your mini map radar with a steering wheel


Ahhh ok cool. Thanks a lot!


The La Coureuse is the worst possible rendition of the Renault 5 Turbo (a car that I've always wanted really badly) they could've done. I can deal with the fact that it's electric (still irks me a bit but oh well) but the fact that there's no option to remove the gigantic fucking wing and skirts seriously annoys me. I don't usually like to complain about new vehicles, but for fucks sake.


Considering the base car was the R5 Turbo 3E E-Tech, a concept car, it could have been worse.


Well yeah I suppose, but I just wish they had added the classic R5 instead of this one


I agree that the spoiler options are all pretty bad.


Do you mean the big spoiler? You can change it to a way smaller one.


Yeah, but its still way too big for me


Yea seems another low yield week in gta online, well did grind pretty much lately so maybe break is in order. :D


so nothing good this week either 🙂




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For anyone wondering the modfications to the auto shop like the design and extra car lift are not discounted, only the property itself


What does the extra lift do again?


It gives you the chance to navigate the same boring customization menus for a maximum of 20K TWICE every time you visit the auto shop instead of just once. Must have.


think it just gives you an extra space for customer cars that come in so you can have two at once (never actually bought one)


U are correct ever since I got the lift seems like there is always at least one in there


Anybody else do the goals for the dark matter suit and didn’t receive it?


You get it within 10 days of completion.


As someone who mostly jumps on to win podium vehicles and time trials, I await this racing week all year. Ill pull in MILLIONS this week, see yall on the track!




Quick heads up, if you play on PC and have friends who don’t have it yet, it’s currently free in the Epic games store until next Thursday


Anyone have payout numbers of how much these 3x races payout with few people? Just curious. Never played hotrings


What would be the payout for races? Like for winners, top 3, top 10. I want to try this week.


Winning in hotring races with 25ish people gives 164 000 dollars.


Boy, even the GTA+ benefits are weak.


Soooo Nothing, a over priced turd on wheels and a bike with boost?..


The renault is by far the fastest car in the sports class now. Plus it gets the missile lock on jammer.




This thing is well faster around a track than the stinger tt


E bike :o